New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Lee County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Lee County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
209079Ackleg, Wm.Keokukinjury to abdomen$4.00May, 1882
180937Alexander, James L.Fort Madisondis. of liver$12.00Jan., 1881
203572Allen, Daniel R.Vincennesg. s. w. rt. leg$3.75Feb., 1882
155433Alvis, Edward H.Montroseg. s. wd. lft. thigh$2.00Sept., 1878
158160Alvis, Hiram J.Montroseg. s. w. rt. side of head$2.00Mar., 1879
129220Anderson, IsraelKeokukg. s. w. lft. thigh$5.00-
179984Anderson, John H.Keokukdis. of abdominal viscera.$14.00Dec., 1880
183111Anderson, Salvador S.West Pointchr. diarr., l. leg., erysipelas$6.00Feb., 1881
2260Andrews, Wm. C.Montrosewd. in head$18.00-
20485Andrews, Wm. C.Montroseparalysis$18.00-
84532Anthony, RobertBelfastg. s. w. rt. arm$12.00-
189651Archer, BettieKeokukwidow$30.00Sept., 1880
193882Attley, Wm. T.Sanduskychr. diarrh.$4.00Aug., 1881
130152Ballinger, JosephBelfastg. s. w. lft. shoulder$6.00-
156268Ballou, Jasper N.Montroserheum. & partial deafness$3.00Nov., 1878
24263Bankson Mary A.Keokukwidow$8.00June, 1864
19347Barr, RozillaWest Pointwidow$8.00Sept., 1867
148419Becroft, Fenton E.Fort Madisong. s. w. lft. side of chest$6.00Sept., 1877
30126Bennet, JaneBig Moundwidow 1812-
92805Bentley, Joseph C.Keokukwd. lft. shoulder$8.00Aug., 1866
214168Berry, ThomasKeokukg. s. w. of lft. arm$4.00June, 1882
101319Berryhill, Lewis A.Keokukophthalmia both eyes$18.00-
207841Best, JohnVincenneschron. diarr.$4.00May, 1882
109299Bickford, AlonzoWest Pointinj. lft. knee$2.00-
202404Blair, Charles F.Mount Hamillchr. diarr., dis. of lungs from measles$8.00Feb., 1882
76687Blanchard, Charles D.Fort Madisonwd. hand$6.00-
150816Bowers, MyerKeokukg. s. w. rt. leg$4.00Jan., 1878
101390Boyd, SarahKeokukwidow$8.00Oct., 1867
87216Boyle, Charles W.Keokukinj. to spine and hip$8.00-
59584Brackelsberg, Fred'kKeokukchro. diarr., g. s. w. lft. leg, deafness$10.00-
210728Brackett, Gustavus B.Denmarksciatic rheum., dis. of heart$20.00June, 1882
117487Bradley, Helen E.Fort Madisondep. mother$8.00Aug., 1868
153311Bradley, Wm. N.Denmarkdebility from erysipelas$6.00May, 1878
208260Bricker, Stephen B.Fort Madisonspinal irritation, result, tenderness$6.00May, 1882
128230Brown, ElizabethKeokukwidow$8.00Apr., 1868
157863Brown, Marion T.Keokukg. s. w. rt. leg$4.00Mar., 1879
190678Buck, Arthur G.Keokukmal. pois'ng, diarr., rheum., dis. of heart$8.00June, 1881
69930Bunch, James A.Keokukwd. lft. foot$8.00-
131504Bunner, Albert S.Keokukg. s. w. lft. leg$14.00-
143892Burgess, JohnKeokukchro. diarr., dis. of abd. vis.$10.00-
212639Burt, Benjamin C.Keokukmal. pois'ng, dis. of heart$8.50June, 1882
208041Calhoun, Calvin A.Keokukg. s. w. rt. hand, left groin & rt. knee$6.00May, 1882
140752Cameron, HenryKeokukinj. to spine$18.00-
191543Campbell, Nicholas C.Montrosescurvy, varicose veins both legs, dis. of lungs$12.00June, 1881
187565Carpenter, ElizaKeokukdep. mother$8.00June, 1880
199407Carver, Luther R.Keokukg. s. w. rt. thigh, lft. hip & hd$10.00Dec., 1881
12675Case, LoviniaFort Madisonwidow$8.00Dec., 1878
125007Chambers, Thomas C.Fort Madisong. s. w. lft. arm, lft. breast$3.00-
195479Chance, Harvey M.Vincenneschro. diarr., dis. of abd. visc.$6.00Sept., 1881
149329Chandler, JonathanKeokukinj. to spine & ribs, rt. side$6.00Nov., 1877
85540Choumee, MartinFort Madisonchr. ophthalmia$31.25-
195717Clark, Isabella B.Montrosewidow$15.00May, 1882
139561Clark, NancyMontrosedep. mother$8.00Feb., 1870
71702Code, JamesMontroseg. s. w. rt. shoulder$18.00-
165066Coleman, Wm.Franklin Centreinj. lft. knee$4.00Feb., 1880
4448Collins, MargaretKeokukdep. mother$8.00Apr., 1865
170452Conlee, George B.Vieleinjury of back$4.00June, 1880
160434Conley, Joseph L.Belfastg. s. w. rt. leg$4.00May, 1879
182697Coulter, MariaMontrosewidow$8.00Dec., 1878
36905Cowdery, Edward N.Keokukg. s. w. r. ankle$6.00-
156733Cowels, Calvin B.Fort Madisong. s. w. lft. wrist$4.00Nov., 1878
203750Cox, James W.Keokukchro. diarr.$4.00Mar., 1882
17090Cox, MaryKeokukwidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
107077Crees, David L.Keokukdis. of eyes, chro. diarr., dis. of abdominal viscera$18.00Apr., 1880
83834Criswell, RobertKeokukwd. rt. arm$4.00-
195866Crocker, Melvina J.Keokukwidow$8.00May, 1882
61635Cross, Henson H.Charlestonwd. r. shoulder$10.00-
183655Crowl, Jane E.Keokukwidow$8.00Apr., 1879
125821Curtis, JohnKeokukchr. diar., inj. chest, heart dis.$24.00-
88754Daley, Charles D.Keokukchro. rheumatism$24.00-
208653Davis, Byron C.Fort Madisonchro. rheumatism$4.00May, 1882
198230Davis, ChaunceyMontroseg. s. w. lft. forearm & elbow$6.00June, 1865
75394Davis, George E.Fort Madisonwd. rt. arm$11.33Dec., 1868
12083Davis, MargaretFort Madisonwidow$17.00Feb., 1875
221738Davis, Wm. G.Keokukchro. diarr.$4.00Dec., 1882
221738Davis, Wm. G.Keokukchron. diarr.$4.00Dec., 1882
190171Day, RachelDenmarkwidow$10.00Oct., 1880
145567Dee Huff, John O. A.Keokukvaricose veins lft. leg$12.75-
192001Delano, SamanthaKeokukdep. mother$20.00Apr., 1881
217765Denge, Joseph L. J.Donnellsong. s. w. rt. leg$8.50Sept., 1882
168786Denmire, EdwardSanduskyinjury to abdomen$8.00May, 1881
155703Denney, JosephPilot Groveg. s. w. of face$4.00Oct., 1878
80300Dickey, BarbaraDoverwidow$8.00Jan., 1867
66884Distel, PeterKeokukdis. of lungs$5.33-
83198Dow, Wm. C.Keokukg. s. w. lft. arm$14.00-
1887Doyle, RosinaKeokukwidow$8.00May, 1867
47793Dugan, AnnMontrosewidow$8.00July, 1867
140588Dupree, AllenKeokukg. s. w. left hand$12.00-
51167Durfee, ChesterKeokukshell wd. lft. leg$16.00-
153892Eitzner, KonradVieleg. s. w. lft. thigh$8.00June, 1878
14564Espy, RebeccaFort Madisonwidow$20.00Jan., 1875
219550Evans, Mordecai M.Keokukchro. diarr., rheum., ht. dis.$8.00Oct., 1882
26614Fitzgerald, ThomasFort Madisong. s. w. rt. hand$2.66-
166936Fleming, JohnKeokukrheu., ids. of ht. & ch. diarr.$12.00Apr., 1880
202541Foster, John M.Charlestonchron. diarr.$4.00Feb., 1882
31008Foster, MargaretFort Madisonmother$8.00Sept., 1864
24908Fruh, BarbaraFranklin Centrewidow$8.00Apr., 1867
212305Fuller, Euclid E.Keokukchro. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis.$6.00June, 1882
136014Furtney, Isaac C.Keokukg. s. w. lft. foot, thigh$2.00-
69949Games, John M.Keokukdiarr., rheum., sunstroke, dis. of eyes$18.00-
189468Games, LorinderKeokukwidow$8.00Aug., 1880
183126Gates, Enoch R.Keokukdis. of throat & lungs$8.00Feb., 1881
71189Gibson, DanielKeokukwd. rt. groin$4.00-
72530Gilliam, Oliver M.Keokukwd. rt. knee$8.00-
72914Goebel, HenryWest Pointloss lft. eye$6.00-
83456Goll, Malchor S.Montroselft. ankle dislocated$6.00-
191660Gore, Joshua D.Montrosedep. father$8.00Mar., 1881
187248Gray, Walter F.Keokuknecrosis lft. jaw, chro. diarr., dis. of abdominal viscera$10.00Apr., 1881
32873Gray, Wm.Keokukg. s. w. of face$8.00-
55538Grayley, MaryKeokukdep. mother$8.00Sept., 1865
108601Griffith, John P.Keokukinj. chest, g. s. w. head, lft. foot, groin, sabre w. head$24.00-
33842Grin, Annie E.Keokukwidow$17.00Aug., 1873
164701Hamerly, FrankDenmarkg. s. w. lft. leg$4.00Feb., 1880
202968Hampton, Lewis C.Montrosedis. of heart, liver, & lungs$6.00Feb., 1882
182912Haney, JamesSanduskyg. s. w. lft. side$4.00Feb., 1881
192404Harmon, JohnKeokukrheum., dis. of abd. vis., dis. liver & stomach$8.00July, 1881
176645Harmon, Lucy J.Montrosewidow$8.00Mar., 1877
137985Harmon, NancyKeokukdep. mother$8.00Dec., 1869
206175Harmon, Wm.Keokukchro. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis.$6.00Apr., 1882
148744Harris, JosephKeokukg. s. w. rt. foot$2.00Oct., 1877
182512Harris, Robert R.Belfastminor of$12.00Nov., 1878
89341Hart, ClaytonKeokukwd. rt. hip$8.00-
99764Hart, Wm.Fort Madisong. s. w. rt. side$6.00Sept., 1869
188804Hayden, Francis M.Keokukminor of$16.00June, 1882
84624Haywood, Thomas J.Fort Madisonwd. rt. hip$8.00-
165646Hebr, GeorgeKeokukeffects of vaccination$4.00Mar., 1880
222349Heram, John P.New Bostonrheu., dis. of eyes, sunstroke$8.00Dec., 1882
34546Hesse, LewisKeokukg. s. w. rt. knee$6.00-
131681Hicks, ElizabethKeokukwidow$8.00July, 1869
196168Higham, AnnaKeokukdep. mother$8.00June, 1882
179755Hinson, JohnKeokukchr. diar.$4.00Dec., 1880
184969Hirt, CharlesKeokukg. s. w. lft. wrist$4.00Mar., 1881
65603Hobbs, James H.Denmarkwd. rt. elbow jt.$6.00-
160111Hoffman, EnochFort Madisondep. father$8.00Nov., 1872
210268Hoffmeister, A. W.Fort Madisondis. of abdominal viscera$8.50June, 1882
175711Horn, Adeline E.Montrosedep. mother$8.00Dec., 1876
14625Hornish, HannahKeokukwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
184600Horsey, Samuel H.Keokukchro. diarr. & heart dis.$12.00Mar., 1881
169699Houghton, David J. M.Montroseinj. 3 fingers rt. hand$4.00June, 1880
167681Houser, David L.Primroseinjury to abdomen$8.00Apr., 1880
104176Hunter, JosephKeokukg. s. w. rt. side$6.00-
58988Huston, Littleton W.Keokukg. s. w. lft. arm$20.00-
79433Inden, OttoKeokukwd. lft. leg$6.00-
74296Ischaepe, MoritzDenmarkg. s. w. lft. leg$4.00-
5066Jackson, Rachel J.West Pointwidow$8.00July, 1867
90428Jarter, Frederick W.Montroseg. s. w. rt. ankle$8.00-
142356Johnson, AngelineMontrosedep. mother$8.00Apr., 1870
186073Johnson, LavinaPrimrosewidow$8.00Nov., 1879
44835Johnson, PerryKeokukg. s. w. lft. side, dis. of lungs, and hemiplegia$50.00-
219789Johnston, Stephen H.Keokukchro. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis.$4.00Oct., 1882
96333Jones, Frank H.Keokukinjury to abdomen$12.00-
194988Jones, Margaret D.Keokukdep. mother$8.00Mar., 1882
81350Jones, SylvesterFort Madisonloss lft. leg & half of rt. foot$31.25-
54390Jones, Willis P.Charlestonloss lft. leg$18.00-
181936Karhoff, JohnHoughtoninj. to rt. shoulder$12.00Feb., 1881
46016Kelley, ThomasKeokukg. s. w. lft. leg$6.00-
205840Kellmer, AugustKeokukinj. of lft. knee$4.00Mar., 1882
85351Kemppis, ThomasCharlestonwd. rt. leg$6.00-
27158Kerr, David A.Keokukg. s. w. rt. arm$18.00-
779740Kerr, JamesKeokukmala. pois., dis. of liver & ht$12.00Dec., 1880
113610Kerr, MaryKeokukwidow$8.00May, 1868
150342Kerrigan, Emeline J.Keokukwidow$20.00May, 1871
13421Kirkpatrick, SarahFort Madisondep. mother$8.00Feb., 1864
158227Knight, JohnKeokukg. s. w. rt. side$2.00Mar., 1879
96312Knuffman, BarneyFort Madisoninjury to abdomen$6.00-
139564Krampeter, CarolineKeokukwidow$8.00Feb., 1870
150447Landler, Elcania C.Keokukg. s. w. both thighs, rt. knee, varicose veins.$10.00Jan., 1878
108266Lang, RuthFort Madisonwidow$8.00Feb., 1868
186575Lasswell, Thomas R.Keokukdis. of heart$8.00Apr., 1881
19668Lebrick, JosephKeokukg. s. w. rt. side$6.00-
212906Leiser, MichaelKeokukwd. rt. side of chest, dis. of lungs$6.00June, 1882
187595Leonhardt, ReginaKeokukwidow$8.00Mar., 1880
50136Lockwood, Allen D.Fort Madisonwd. lft. thigh & lft. arm$16.00-
80776Lockwood, JamesKeokukg. s. w. rt. hand$10.00-
167650Logan, AmosWest Pointdis. of eyes$4.00Apr., 1880
127993Lohniar, HenryWest Pointheart dis., rheumatism$24.00-
133249Lowry, Wm.Keokukg. s. w. of head$12.00-
188820Lyons, JamesKeokukdis. of eyes$6.00May, 1881
82823Malcolm, JohnFort Madisong. s. w. lft. shoulder, inj. to lft. lung.$8.00-
23626Malcom, SarahFort Madisonwidow 1812$8.00May, 1879
22823Mallett, John G.Vincennessur. 1812$8.00July, 1878
14404Mann, MalindaKeokukwidow$8.00-
58875Maquilken, Henry H.Keokukg. s. w. lft. arm$5.00-
172071Marsell, PhebeFort Madisondep. mother$8.00Feb., 1876
12546Martin, ElizabethKeokukwidow 1812$8.00Dec., 1878
79403Mason, EmelineFort Madisondep. mother$8.00July, 1827
61862Mason, Jasper K.Keokukshell wd. of jaw$18.00-
107173Mayer, GeorgeKeokukg. s. w. lft. arm$6.00-
189849McColgan, IreneFort Madisonwidow$8.00Sept., 1880
190960McFerson, Orion H.Belfastchr. rheum., dis. of heart$8.00June, 1881
159901McGugin, EleanorKeokukwidow$25.00Oct., 1872
191218McGuire, Cornelius R.Summitvilledept. father$8.00Feb., 1881
194324McKean, JamesKeokukchr. diarr. & rheumatism$8.00Sept., 1881
186504Mershon, Sue A.Keokukwidow$8.00Jan., 1880
164297Metts, EdwardKeokukchro. diarr.$4.00Jan., 1880
143329Meyers, Andrew J.West Pointg. s. w. lft. thigh$8.00-
173364Milliken, RobertKeokukchro. diarr.$6.00Sept., 1880
183074Mitchell, Michael W.Warrenchr. rheum., heart dis., & dis. of abd. visc.$8.00Feb., 1881
204239Mitchell, Wm., alias TerorFort Madisong. s. w. rt. leg$4.00Mar., 1882
217558Montgomery, HenryMontrosechr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis.$8.00Aug., 1882
190475Moore, ThomasVincenneschr. diarr. & mal. poisoning$12.75June, 1881
169935Mortimer, HinsonBelfastmalarial poison, dis. liver, lungs, & heart$8.00June, 1880
54389Murphy, ThomasKeokukloss rt. leg$18.00-
173837Muzzy, Lines B.Keokukchro. rheum.$18.00Sept., 1880
126401Neumeister, GottliefCharlestonchr. diarr.$12.00-
215457Newell, David C.Fort Madisonlung dis.$4.00July, 1882
173814Nickolaus, PeirisFort Madisondis. of eyes$8.00Sept., 1880
171506Nunn, George R.Keokuklung dis.$15.00July, 1880
147146Nuse, Henry D.Keokukchro. diarr. & bronchitis$17.00July, 1877
170391O'Blenis, Thomas J.Keokukchro. dysentery$6.00June, 1880
10279O'Blennis, MathiasKeokukg. s. w. lft. forearm & back$6.00-
8106Oilar, CharlotteKeokukwidow 1812$8.00Aug., 1878
159833Oilar, Eli R.Keokukpartial deafness$2.00May, 1879
167544Parker, Wm. A.Keokukloss sight rt. eye, dis. of left.$8.00May, 1880
124784Parks, LucyMontrosedep. mother$8.00Feb., 1868
166584Parrott, James C.Keokukg. s. w. rt. shr., neck, & back$25.00Apr., 1880
10316Pennington, JosiahKeokukchr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis.$12.00-
5100Penrod, SarahFort Madisonwidow$8.00Oct., 1867
121283Perrigo, William H.Keokukchr. diarr.$6.00-
75586Phillip, CharlesKeokukchro. diarr., heart dis.$12.00-
155024Phillips, AlbertKeokukloss of portion fing. r. hand$1.00Aug., 1878
171311Phillips, Granvil C.Keokukg. s. w. rt. leg$4.00July, 1880
196774Pickering, ThomasCharlestondep. father$8.00July, 1882
91064Polk, TibbettsFort Madisonwd. rt. hip$5.33-
142904Polser, HenryKeokukdep. father$8.00May, 1870
133821Putman, SimonKeokukinjury to abdomen$8.00-
96122Quicksell, James W.Keokukwd. rt. shoulder$2.66-
140861Raneday, ElizabethKeokukwidow$8.00Mar., 1870
4445Rankin, Wm. C.Fort Madisonsurv. 1812$8.00Sept., 1871
183391Ray, JosephMontrosechr. rheum, sunstroke, epilepsy$18.00Feb., 1881
148965Rees, William H.Keokukg. s. w. left arm$4.00-
12584Reeves, JamesMontroseg. s. w. rt. thigh$6.00-
206212Reffley, Charles F.Keokukg. s. w. lft. leg$8.50Apr., 1882
98013Reid, James M.Keokukg. s. w. lft. side neck, deaf's$19.25-
183075Reimeis, BendixKeokukmala. pois'ing, neuralgia, and heart disease$10.00Feb., 1881
83119Rix, JohnFort Madisonfract. rt. arm$11.25-
22635Robb, Lewis C.Vincennesg. s. w. rt. hip$8.00June, 1876
218316Roberts, BerrymanFort Madisondis. of eyes$6.00Sept., 1882
17468Roberts, Mary B.Primrosewidow$8.00Oct., 1867
141039Rollins, Serlina J.Keokukdep. mother$8.00Mar., 1870
92533Rooney, JamesVincennesblindness$72.00-
220205Roseberry, James M.Belfastg. s. w. rt. hand, dislocation rt. ankle$6.00Nov., 1882
204667Ross, Francis M.Montrosepleurisy$6.00Mar., 1882
183282Ryan, MaryKeokukdep. mother$8.00Mar., 1879
23525Sample, Jane B.Fort Madisonwidow 1812$8.00May, 1879
205558Sawyer, Iram A.Keokukg. s. w. rt. thigh$4.00Mar., 1882
166684Sawyer, Silas N.Montroseg. s. w. lft. index finger$3.00Apr., 1880
184649Schever, RudolphKeokukchro. diarr.$6.00Mar., 1881
167952Schevers, AnnaKeokukwidow$15.00Mar., 1875
194384Schiller, Charles E.Vielechronic rheumatism$4.00Aug.,1 881
165562Schima, JosephKeokukch. diarr., dis. of ht. & liver$8.00Mar., 1880
172170Seitz, Anna M.Keokukwidow$8.00Feb., 1876
197084Shaw, Elizabeth N.Keokukwidow$8.00Aug., 1862
49564Shaw, HannahKeokukwidow$8.00Oct., 1867
110322Simon, MariaWest Pointdep. mother$8.00Mar., 1868
191042Sloanaker, Amelia H.Montrosewidow$25.00Feb., 1881
165800Smalley, Abner S.Denmarkdis. of eyes$6.00Mar., 1880
192344Smith, CharlesFranklin Centrechro. diarrh., dis. of heart$10.00July, 1881
168456Smith, Charles W.Donnellsonminor of$10.00Apr., 1875
89327Smith, EdwinFort Madisonwd. lft. hand$4.00-
84857Smith, WilliamWeverwd. rt. shoulder$7.00-
110355Snyder, NicholasWest Pointdis. of eyes$12.00-
178807Soechtig, AugustFort Madisonsunstroke res. dis. of heart$6.00Nov., 1880
129597Sommerholder, B.Keokukdis. of spine, paral. agitans$18.00-
20184Spain, Wm.Montroseg. s. w. rt. shoulder$6.00-
149416Spohnheimer, JacobDonnellsong. s. w. lft. side of neck$4.00Nov., 1877
179346Sprague, George D.Fort Madisondis. of lungs$4.00Dec., 1880
105307Stauffer, ChristianWest Pointg. s. w. rt. ankle$12.00-
-Staysa, Stephen G.Montrosewd. lft. foot$6.00-
165742Steel, ElizabethKeokukwidow$8.00July, 1874
133820Stephens, John P.Keokukinjury to abdomen$8.00-
114404Stephenson, BenjaminKeokukg. s. w. rt. hand, wd. in head$5.00-
79555Stephenson, LewisSanduskyg. s. w. rt. thigh, dis. of eyes$12.00-
169029Stewart, AbrahamVincennesminor of$10.00May, 1875
25693Stoker, George W.Keokukfract. rt. thigh$14.00-
185550Stopper, EmelyFort Madisonwidow$8.00Sept., 1879
167941Strackman, Wm.Fort Madisong. s. w. rt. leg$8.50May, 1880
108775Stults, George F.Keokukg. s. w. both thighs$4.00-
144106Sutherland, RobertKeokukg. s. w. lft. arm & rt. hip$7.00-
178717Swartz, David W.Keokukg. s. w. lft. shoulder$4.00Nov., 1880
182979Talbott, RobertKeokukloss index finger, g. s. w. rt. hand and 2 fingers$4.00-
110415Tarr, James F.Keokukdis. of eyes$8.00-
183108Thomas, GeorgeKeokukfrozen feet, ulceration$4.00Feb., 1881
180023Thompson, WilliamLa Crewlung dis. & chr. diarr.$4.00Dec., 1880
180794Thompson, Wm. L.Keokuksunstroke$8.00Jan., 1881
32634Timberlake, Ann M.Keokukwidow$8.00Jan., 1868
112589Tompkins, Samuel J.Montroseg. s. w. forearm$4.00July, 1878
186599Trimble, Benjamin F.Montrosechr. diarr., rheum., heart dis.$8.00Apr., 1881
125148Trimble, Henry H.Keokukg. s. w. rt. malar. & sup. maxillary bone$15.00-
67428Tuckaberry, SarahKeokukdep. mother$8.00Mar., 1866
165152Turner, James P.Keokukch. diarr. & inj. to abdomen$12.00Mar., 1880
151307Turner, Wm. H.Keokukmala. poising, chro. diarr.$17.00Mar., 1878
179911Underwood, Eliza A.Vincennesdep. mother$8.00Feb., 1878
181209Van Steinwyk, Wm.Keokukchro. rheum., chro. diarr.$6.00Jan., 1881
134367Vanoleet, Willard B.Montroseg. s. w. lft. arm$4.00-
8425Vanridal, Emily J.Montrosewidow$8.00Oct., 1867
185736Vansant, Wm. H.Keokukchro. diarr., dis. of heart, inj. rt. leg$8.00Mar., 1881
42706Vaughan, Erasmus G.Keokukg. s. w. rt. side$8.00-
95913Wagner, ConradMontroseg. s. w. rt. thigh$6.00-
209069Wagner, FrankFranklin Centretumor rt. side$4.00May, 1882
181136Wagner, JosephFranklin Centremala. poisoning, disability$4.00Jan., 1881
181360Walker, Fletcher D.Montroseepilepsy, chr. diar., & dis. of abdominal viscera$12.00Jan., 1881
105512Wall, Wm. K.Fort Madisong. s. w. lft. hand$3.00-
176112Wallace, JohnKeokukchro. diarr.$6.00Oct., 1880
127772Walters, MariaKeokukwidow$8.00Apr., 1869
208336Warson, Martin V.Warrenchr. diarr., heart dis., & lungs$12.00May, 1882
216390Waste, Francis H.Belfastincised wd. rt. foot$2.00Aug., 1882
152781Waterhouse, ThomasMount Hamillinjury to abdomen$8.50Apr., 1876
101839Watkin, HannahKeokukwidow$8.00Oct., 1867
18604Watts, ElihuCrotonwd. r. shoulder$20.00-
200889Welch, JohnKeokuklung dis.$4.00Jan., 1882
27576Wheatley, MargaretVincenneswidow 1812$8.00Oct., 1879
161290Whetstone, Jasper N.Montrosechro. diar., dis. heart & lungs$8.00July, 1879
939Whitaker, JohnFort Madisonsurv. 1812$8.00July, 1871
113001White, JohnKeokukinjury to abdomen$4.00-
64256Whitmarsh, Eliz'beth A.Denmarkwidow$8.00June, 1868
21273Whitney, Ann JennettKeokukwidow$20.00-
18960Wilkinson, Sophia M.Fort Madisonwidow$8.00Feb., 1879
129160Williford, AugustusMontroseinj. to chest$4.00-
191957Wilsey, Ephraim B.Charlestonchr. diarr. & rheum.$6.00June, 1881
143738Witherill, Arvin D.Keokukwd. rt. hand$2.00-
10117Wolgemuth, JohnFort Madisonanchylosis lft. elbow jt.$12.00-
166333Woods, AnnieKeokukwidow$8.00Oct., 1874
67048Wright, JohnKeokukg. s. w. lft. leg$10.00-
141767Wright, John N.Montroseg. s. w. lft. arm$7.50-
170551Wyatt, Wm. H.Keokukchro. diarr., dis. of abd. vis., malarial pois'ng.$10.00June, 1880
72867Yeardley, MargaretKeokukdep. mother$8.00May, 1866

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