New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Iowa County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Iowa County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
124967Ahrens, John HHomesteadg.s.w.rt.hip $6.00 -
121035Allum, John BMarengog.s.w.rt.thigh $4.00 -
183072Ashbrook, Oscar AStellapolisg.s.w.rt.foot, &c $4.00 -
192186Baldwin, LukeMarengodep.father $17.00 May, 1881
34026Banserman, Amos SMarengog.s.w.lft.thigh $10.00 -
201643Bell, Charles WLadorag.s.w.rt.forearm $4.00 Jan., 1882
166704Berstlir, Joseph GMarengog.s.w.rt.side head $4.00 Apr., 1880
142000Betz, John BLadoradisease of eyes $12.00 -
197144Bolin, ThomasMillersburgdep.father $8.00 Sept., 1882
52177Bowman, MargarettaHomesteaddep.mother $8.00 July, 1865
148577Brantner, JamesLadorag.s.w.of head $4.00 Oct., 1877
115366Brown, John AMarengog.s.w.rt.leg $6.00 -
181726Brown, Laurinda RVictordep.mother $8.00 -
145211Burns, Wm. HCarterg.s.w.of head $4.00 -
223521Carder, PeterMillersburglung disease $6.00 Dec., 1882
145846Carmichael, John WSouth Amanag.s.w.lft.thigh $2.00 -
49283Carpenter, Henry MMarengowd.rt.thigh $4.00 -
88995Carr, ThomasFooteg.s.w.of head $18.00 -
167962Childress, ThomasMarengog.s.w.buttocks $2.00 May, 1880
22681Christy, ElizabethMarengowidow $8.00 May, 1867
187403Colson, Joseph HMarengochr.diarrhea $4.00 Apr., 1881
26336Craft, EllenKosztawidow $8.00 Feb., 1868
144759Crayne, JohnVictorg.s.w.rt.thigh $4.00 -
206141Crocker, OliverMarengofrozen feet $2.00 Apr., 1882
151056Cronk, HenryMarengog.s.w.lft.thigh, &c $8.00 Feb., 1878
165305Davis, RowlandStellapolisepilepsy $8.00 -
188191Dickerson, Ellen RMillersburgwidow & 3 children $8.00 May, 1880
183712Dougherty, YoungVictordisease of eyes $6.00 -
169829Downard, WmMarengoasthma $17.00 June, 1880
101364Dunn, James PLytle Cityg.s.w.lft.thigh $4.00 -
202423Edwards, Edward LStellapolisc.diarr. & lung dis $4.00 Feb., 1882
167940Fitzgerald, PeterMillersburgg.s.w.lft.hand $2.00 May, 1880
180082Foster, William SLadorascurvy, part'l paral., &c $18.00 Dec., 1880
29450Frank, ElizabethMarengowidow 1812 $8.00 May, 1880
95943Frink, Jacob SVictorg.s.w.rt.leg $4.00 -
132671Gallup, AndrewSouth Amanawd.rt.foot $8.00 -
17134Ganzler, MargaretVictorwidow $8.00 Aug., 1867
133383Gaumer, LeviVictorg.s.w.lft.leg $8.00 May, 1875
114054Graff, JosephLytle Cityblind lft.eye $4.00 -
174191Green, George WMarengodisease of eyes $6.00 Sept., 1880
133775Griffith, Abel PMillersburgepilepsy $12.00 -
168443Hakes, EllisMarengochr.diarrhea $4.00 May, 1880
184597Hamilton, RobertMarengodisease of liver $4.00 Mar., 1881
125103Harden, IsaacMarengoinjury to abdomen $6.00 -
206949Harten, AndrewMarengog.s.w.lft.shoulder $2.00 Apr., 1882
23883Higgins, LucyMarengowidow 1812 $8.00 May, 1879
192849Hoffman, RachelFootewidow $8.00 July, 1881
186305Hohenshell, SamuelNorth Englishchr.diarrhea $4.00 -
187253Holden, AbrahamMillersburgdisease of lungs $4.00 Apr., 1881
42992Holdridge, HenryMarengowd.rt.hand $18.00 -
188705Houghenberry, SarahMarengodep.mother $8.00 June, 1880
183690Howard, MalindaMarengodep.mother $8.00 Apr., -----
180002Hoyt, JacobMarengovar.veins lft.leg $8.00 Dec., 1880
163973Husted, George WSouth Amanachr.diarrhea $4.00 -
44699Jeffers, Francis MMarengog.s.w.of left knee $6.00 -
178750Jones, James EVictorchildren of $10.00 -
143162Kelpner, RobertMarengodisease of eyes $8.00 -
39712Lewis, RachelMarengowidow $8.00 June, 1867
30663Lyman, ElizabethLadorawidow 1812 $8.00 Oct., 1880
142627Mahaunah, ClarkNorth Englishg.s.w.lft.foot $2.00 -
150288Mapes, Ezra LKosztag.s.w.rt.shoulder $2.00 Dec., 1877
215702Maynard, William WHedgechr.diar.& gen.debility $8.00 July, 1882
15067Mayne, Samuel WNorth Englishamp.rt.arm $24.00 -
162070McAdams, AlexanderVictorsh.wd.lft.forearm $4.00 -
13244McCallister, HughWest Troysurv. 1812 $8.00 Feb., 1872
151064McEachran, RobertWest Troyg.s.w.lft.hip $4.00 Feb., 1878
55210McKenna, PeterMarengog.s.w.rt.shoulder $4.00 -
137715McKinnie, TheophilusVictorg.s.w.thro' body $2.00 -
144073Miller, JohnMarengog.s.w.rt.shoulder $6.00 -
175861Montgomery, JamesMarengodisease of kidney $6.00 Oct., 1880
109846Moore, AlonzoMarengog.s.w.lft.hand $8.00 -
155800Mulkerin, JohnSouth Amanadisease of eyes $8.00 -
206903Mulvain, WilliamMarengochr.diarr.& dis.of eyes $8.00 Apr., 1882
25198Murdock, CharityVictorwidow 1812 $8.00 -
112584Nace, William KVictorg.s.w.lft.leg $4.00 -
191730Nash, JohnMarengochr.diarrhea $4.00 June, 1881
110247Norton, HenryMarengog.s.w.lft.hip $2.00 -
30762Ogden, Henry TWest Troywd.rt.shoulder $12.00 -
157938Olson, GeorgeMarengog.s.w.rt.thigh $6.00 Mar., 1879
121729Priest, BenjaminVictorg.s.w.lft.side $4.00 -
63310Redman, Howard NMarengoloss lft.arm $18.00 -
45274Reimenshneider, CathMillersburgwidow $20.00 Apr., 1865
147145Riley, MichaelMillersburgg.s.w.rt.leg $4.00 July, 1877
173243Roberts, Edward DMarengog.s.w.rt.hip, &c $6.00 Sept., 1880
144584Rosenberger, Rufus WLadorag.s.w.lft.thigh $4.00 -
160869Sanders, James EVictorg.s.w.lft.side $4.00 Apr., 1880
164848Shaw, GeorgeMillersburginjury to abdomen $8.00 Feb., 1880
33408Sheldon, Henry HVictorwd.rt.hand & wrist $18.00 -
210775Shelly, Richard TMarengopartial deafness $4.00 June, 1882
141650Sheperson, Napoleon BKosztainjury to abdomen $6.00 -
25370Slocum, Margaret AMarengowidow $8.00 -
184796Stanard, RhodaMillersburgdep.mother $8.00 July, 1879
31169Stover, Mathias WMarengoloss rt.arm above elbow $24.00 -
114484Tanner, Alice AMarengowidow $30.00 Nov., 1873
203345Tanner, Joseph LKosztachr.diarrhea $4.00 Feb., 1882
125627Taylor, ThomasLadorag.s.w.lft.thigh $6.00 -
192909Thomas, Moses BNorth Englishinjury to abdomen $4.00 July, 1881
20143Thomas, SusanNorth Englishwidow 1812 $8.00 -
118443Thompson, Charles EMarengog.s.w.lft.shoulder & spine $12.00 -
46835Thornton, ElizabethMarengowidow $8.00 May, 1867
2215Till, LibbyMarengowidow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1872
171229Tinkle, ChristopherMillersburgchr.diarrhea $4.00 July, 1880
166292Trimble, AndrewLadorarheum. & heart disease $18.00 Apr., 1880
166583Vashall, Wm. PMarengodis.of lungs $6.00 Apr., 1880
103899Vosburgh, James HLadorag.s.w.rt.heel $12.00 -
68924Wagner, DinahMillersburgwidow $8.00 Mar., 1868
182155Wagner, Martin VWest Troysunstroke & results $6.00 Feb., 1881
181233Wannamaugher, ElizMarengowidow $8.00 June, 1878
209613West, James TMarengochr.diarrhea $4.00 May, 1882
18336Wherry, Catherine PVictorwidow 1812 $8.00 -
166137Whitmore, WilliamNorth Englishlung disease $4.00 -
158299Wickerd, MargaretMillersburgwidow $8.00 -
167567Wilkins, HenryMillersburgchr.rheumatism $8.00 May, 1880
55848Wilkins, MariaMillersburgwidow $8.00 Sept., 1867
175662Williams, William WStellapolischildren of $10.00 -
202212Zahrt, John HMarengog.s.w.rt.heel $2.00 Jan., 1882
215347Zurber, FrederickSouth Amanag.s.w.head $2.00 July, 1882

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