New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Humboldt County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Humboldt County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
172127Anderson, BetseyThormother$8.00Feb., 1876
-Baker, Lewis R.Livermoreg. s. w. left leg, res. in amp.$24.00Apr., 1882
192306Barkley, Lillie F. & 1childHumboldtwidow$8.00May, 1881
30244Beam, William O.Dakotahwound of rt. hip$2.66-
14480Berry, JohnLivermoreg. s. w. left breast$8.00-
94689Bickford, SelannLivermorewidow$8.00May, 1867
144336Cass, George T.Dakotahdisease of lungs$6.00-
188989Clark, Calvin P.Humboldtg. s. w. left breast$2.00May., 1881
46038Clark, Mary E.Humboldtmother$8.00Apr., 1865
218927Collson, Andrew J.Humboldtdisease of spine$4.00Oct., 1882
123613Dailey, WilliamHumboldtchr. diarr. & dis, of abd. vis.$6.00Sept., 1880
163432Davenport, William HHumboldtchr. conjunctivitis$4.00Nov., 1879
212292De Groote, DanielRutlanddis. of abd. vis. & rheum.$6.00June, 1882
160021Dean, LorenzoRutlandpartial loss rt. little finger$1.00May, 1879
160327Eatherton, SamuelHumboldtrheumatism$4.00May, 1879
9921Eilithorp, MelindaDakotahmother$8.00Dec., 1863
92828Fancher, Elias B.Dakotahinjury to abdomen$4.00-
167213Fuhring, AntonLivermoremalarial poisoning$4.00Apr., 1880
47671Gamble, WilliamAddisong. s. w. of face$4.00-
184962Gilbert, Horace B.Dakotahfrac. left leg & inj. of nose$4.00Mar., 1881
92111Hewlett, Edward P.Humboldtg. s. w. right arm$4.00-
194547Hollar, William L.Humboldtchr. diarr, mumps, res. & injury to abdomen$4.00Aug., 1881
38307Huffman, Elias P.Uniqueg. s. w. right breast$4.00-
19816Jones, Sylvester W.Humboldtwound right hand$4.00-
166740Jones, WilliamBodeg. s. w. of right side$2.00Apr., 1880
106758Kimble, Elias A.Livermoreparalysis$15.00-
143826Klaesi, FridolinRenwickg. s. w. left breast$2.00-
183771Ledger, FrancesHumboldtmother$8.00Apr., 1879
149747McGee, TheodoreLivermoreg. s. w. left leg$4.00Dec., 1877
18070Montgomery, SusanHumboldtwidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
-Munson, Jonas H.Humboldtdislocation of ankle joint$5.33-
155537Nicholas, AlfredUniqueg. s. w. right leg$2.00Sept., 1878
-Parker, Harvey J.Humboldtdisease of heart$12.00-
85676Pier, Sidney J.Dakotahwound right lung$14.00-
82986Pike, John M.Humboldtwound right leg$11.25-
20139Poole, CatharineLivermorewidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
182981Preble, Henry J.Humboldtmal. pois., dis. of abd. vis. and dis. of lungs$12.00Feb., 1881
160942Rassing, ChristianHumboldtg. s. w. head$2.00June, 1879
122850Ratcha, FrederickHumboldtg. s. w. left knee$4.00Apr., 1873
202799Sample, Mathew I.Dakotahdis. of abd. vis., res. fr. diarr$4.00Feb., 1882
2609Smades, Maria AnnRenwickwidow$8.00Apr., 1880
13219Smith, Alonzo B.Livermoreloss right arm above elbow$24.00-
207384Stevenson, Abner G.Hardydis. of abdominal viscera$8.00Apr., 1882
135651Tellier, EliHumboldtg. s. w. left side & back$6.00-
188917Williams, Frank D.Renwickinj. to back & resulting disease urinary organs$2.00May., 1881

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