New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Decatur County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Decatur County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
67297Abbott, William NDavis Cityg. s. w. right leg$4.00-
105042Allen, Edward LWestervillein. l. jaw & r. leg$6.00-
70546Allen, JacobDavis Citywound right leg$4.00-
221612Babbitt, CreedLeoninj. r. ankle$4.00Dec., 1882
221612Babbitt, CreedLeoninj. right ankle$4.00Dec., 1882
26417Baker, Sarah JLeonWidow$8.00Dec., 1867
7376Banton, ElizabethDavis CityWidow 1812$8.00July, 1878
208979Barritt, Gilbert LGarden Groveloss r. eye, imp. sight of l. eye$6.00May, 1882
179117Bedell, David ELamonidis. spine & chr. rheum-Nov., 1880
166066Beeblee, Reuben LLeonchr. diarrhea$4.00Mar., 1880
186624Bennett, Hiram MHigh Pointdisease eyes$6.00Apr., 1881
144037Blades, William JLeoninj. to right leg$2.00-
197498Blair, Thomas HLeonchr. diarrhea$4.00Nov., 1881
156971Boyer, Joseph CLeonloss small toe l. foot$2.00Dec., 1878
46870Bright, HenryLeong. s. w. l. arm & l. chest$16.00-
131083Briley, Stephen HGarden Grovechr. diar. & var. veins l. leg$6.00-
189182Brock, Floyd AGarden Groveg. s. w. left thigh$2.00May, 1881
160206Brown, BryantLeonin. l. leg$4.00May, 1879
121365Brown, John DLeong. s. w. r. hip$5.00-
-Brown, RuthLeonWidow 1812$8.00June, 1879
7935Brown, SusanWeldonMother$8.00Nov., 1863
129735Browning, John WDavis Cityg. s. w. left hand, loss finger$4.00-
151391Bryant, Hiram DDecaturchr. diarh$6.00Mar., 1877
175601Burinson, SamuelLeondis. lungs$4.00Oct., 1880
169743Carmean, JoshuaLeondisease of heart$8.00June, 1880
125656Casey, MarenaGarden GroveMother$8.00Mar., 1869
181749Chenonith, LemonGarden Grovechronic diarrhea$4.00Jan., 1881
133001Cherry, JohnVan Wertinjury to abdomen$6.00-
109636Cline, HarrietGarden GroveWidow$8.00Mar., 1868
17676Combs, Anna MLeonWidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
112623Cook JeffersonLeondis. spine and heart$4.00-
3339Crider, Jospeh CHigh Pointg. s. w. l. hand & chest$8.00-
107117Daniels, MosesTerre Hautechronic diarrhea$8.00-
98673Davis, AnnDavis CityWidow$8.00Sept., 1874
57757Davis, James HGrand Riverg. s. w. l. foot, head, & r. br'st$10.00-
46608Davis,MerrickWeldonwound left elbow$18.00-
61253Dilley, William SWestervillechronic diarrhea$6.00-
187235Dunn, AllenLeonvar. veins r. leg & ulceration$10.00Apr., 1881
46333Earnest, ElbertLeontotal blindness$72.00-
217124Ellis, MyronLe Royg. s. w. left leg$2.00Aug., 1882
135139Ennis, James DLamonidis. of abdominal viscera$4.00-
56651Ewan, Davis SWestervilleg. s. w. r. thumb & r. breast$8.00-
211396Felkey, Marion CLamonichronic diarrhea$2.00June, 1882
195568Fierce, William ADeKalbdisease of heart$8.00Sept., 1881
20487Finley, John P., jrLeonloss r. arm$18.00-
188702Fisher, John WDeKalbg. s.w. r. hand, loss 2nd finger$6.00May, 1881
133869Fisher, WilliamDecaturchr. diarrhea$4.00-
222554Franklin, SquireDavis Citychronic bronchitis$4.00Dec., 1882
14558Gabble, Rosanna R. JDavis CityWidow$8.00Apr., 1868
129337Gallagher, JamesDavis Citydisease of eyes$18.00-
176105Garrett, David JLeoninj. right side$4.00Oct., 1880
141642Garrett, David JLeonloss l. eye, imp. sight r. eye$18.00-
44487Garrett, Jesse BLeong. s. w. head & dis. lungs$12.75-
203420Geeting, John ADecaturfrac. r. cheek bone$2.00Feb., 1882
189648Ghiler, DavidDavis CityFather$8.00Apr., 1880
192681Gillham, Charles ALeondisease lungs$10.00July, 1881
189381Gillman, MargaretDecaturWidow$8.00Aug., 1889
166009Gray, ElizabethDecaturMother$8.00Sept., 1874
18026Green, PermeliaWestervilleWidow$8.00Oct., 1867
75994Haggerty, JohnWestervilleg. s.w. l. forearm & l. hip$8.00-
112311Hall, Charles RGarden Groveinjury to abdomen$8.00-
7621Hanson, MaryLe RoyWidow$8.00Oct., 1863
197271Hart, LucindaGarden GroveMother$8.00Sept., 1882
103695Hatfield, SusanLeonWidow$8.00Apr., 1868
188713Helmick, Barbara ALe RoyWidow and 4 children$8.00June, 1880
195312Henderson, MalindaPleasantonWidow$8.00Apr., 1882
182717Hine, DanielLeonchronic diarrhea$4.00Feb., 1881
133635Hine, WillisGarden Groveg. s. w. both thighs$5.00-
44488Hounnald, James WLeong. s. w. r. thigh$8.00-
187698Howard, Joseph CDavis Citydis. lungs$4.00Apr., 1881
13266Hutchinson, John RPleasantong. s. w. left leg$8.00-
129079Imes, ThomasDavis Citywound left leg$4.00-
162005Jacobs, CyrusDavis Citywds. r. arm, chest, & should$6.00Aug., 1879
165307Jenkins, Wm. HenryLeondis. of abdominal viscera$4.00Mar., 1880
136385Jewell, Gilbert WLeoninj. back, lumbago, & inj. ab.$2.00-
192324Johnson, James MGrand Riverchr. diarr. & dis. lungs$8.00July, 1881
186214Johnson, Sarah EGarden GroveWidow$20.00Dec., 1879
170186Jordan, JohnGarden Groveinjury to abdomen$4.00June, 1880
31371Joseph, Elizabeth ADavis CityWidow$8.00July, 1867
221268Keller, Andrew JVan Wertchronic diarrhea$4.00Nov., 1882
168742Keller, CatharineLeonWidow & child$8.00Apr., 1875
53350Keller, William ELeoninjury to abdomen$6.00-
190946Knight, Perry CLeong. s. w. r. forearm & cont. r. hip$4.00June, 1881
26063Kyte, CatherineWeldonWidow 1812$8.00July, 1879
24788Layton, James MLeong. s. w. r. thi., r. forearm, l. elb.$12.00-
214335Lefollett, George WLeoninj. right knee$4.00June, 1882
201402Logan, WilliamTerre Hauteinjury to spine$2.00Jan., 1882
130115Martin, Isaac PLeong. s. w. left leg$7.50-
151974Mathena, Robert FWeldong. s. w. left knee$8.00Apr., 1878
180846Mather, George WGrand Riverinjury to left leg$4.00Jan., 1881
79823Maurose, RoxyGrand RiverWidow$8.00Aug., 1866
87177Maxwell, Daniel KWeldong. s. w. r. leg$4.00-
24107McCullough, Emily ASpring ValleyWidow$8.00Jan., 1871
50567McDowell,ElishaTerre Hautewound r. leg$18.00-
58138McGuire, JohnHigh Pointg. s. w. l. thi., atrophy, & par$18.00-
110638McKeen, JohnPleasantonasthma$14.00July, 1872
171510McMorris, JaneLeonMother$8.00Dec., 1875
211443McQuinsey, Jasper NVan Wertsaber wound head$2.00June, 1882
155004Melton, James CHigh Pointdis. of kidneys$6.00Aug., 1878
16693Metts, Margaret AGrand RiverWidow$8.00Apr., 1867
206779Miller, JeffersonPleasantong. s.w. r. arm$6.00Apr., 1882
15541Mitchell, George EWeldong. s. w. left foot$10.00-
154989Mitchell, JohnLeoninj. to back$8.00Aug., 1878
41651Moren, JoshuaGrand Riverwd. left foot$2.66-
127148Morris, JamesPleasantonFather$8.00-
113994Myers, William HWeldong. s. w. l. arm & head$18.00-
29618Newlin, PermeliaLeonWidow 1812$8.00May, 1880
155782Odell, MalindaTerre HauteWidow$8.00Feb., 1872
137563Paxton, James WGarden Groveg. s. w. left hip$6.00-
140962Perigo, MaryGarden GroveMother$8.00Mar.,, 1870
26288Piercy, ElizabethLeonWidow 1812$8.00Aug., 1879
116165Pitman, Edward KLeonerysipelas l. arm$18.00-
188961Pollock, Israel HDecaturrheum. & dis. kidneys$4.00May, 1881
192590Pray, LucindeyWestervilleWidow & two children$8.00June, 1881
135174Ray, JustinianLeondropsy, result dis. kidney$15.00-
16143Ray, RachelLeonWidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
14332Riadell, AnnaHigh PointWidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
155444Roby, Francis AVan Wertlung disease$12.00Sept., 1878
185545Rodgers, AlexanderLeondisease eyes$10.00Mar., 1881
190723Ross, JacobGrand Riverdis. lungs & throat$6.00June, 1881
217098Sales, Lorenzo HLeoninjury to abdomen$7.50Aug., 1882
174012Sanford, Clara ALeonWidow$17.00June, 1876
46611Sankey, Ezekiel JLeonwound left leg$18.00-
147935Sawyer, Lucia MDecaturMother$8.00Aug., 1871
149468Scott, StephenGarden Grovechr. diar. & dis. r. lung$6.00Dec., 1877
88049Seale, FredDecaturg. s. w. left leg$10.00-
144985Seale, GeorgeLamonig. s. w. r. leg$4.00-
211034Sheeley, Adna LVan Wertdis. lungs$4.00June, 1882
181058Shelton, Levi HDecaturdis of eyes$18.00Jan., 1881
34303Showers,LymanWeldong. s. w. r. arm$10.00-
42521Shults, Elija JWeldonWidow$8.00Feb., 1868
142165Simpson, JamesLeoninjury to abdomen$10.00-
158610Simpson, LenniusLeonchronic diarrhea$4.00Apr., 1879
52445Smith, ElizabethLeonWidow$8.00Sept., 1867
60634Standafer, Huldy EDavis CityWidow$8.00Jan., 1868
128705Sterett, Albert PHigh Pointg. s. w. left shoulder$3.00-
189983Stokes, Milton JTerre Hautetyphoid fever and epilepsy$8.00June, 1881
36894Sullivan, William JLeonloss l. arm above elbow$24.00-
212952Switzer, JacobWestervilleg. s. w. r. leg$2.00June, 1882
35388Sylvester, JohnDavis Cityinj. to spine and l. knee$4.00-
21135Teale, ThomasLamoniwound r. hip$6.00-
178943Terry, HenryDavis Cityg. s. w. left hip$4.00Nov., 1880
157030Thomas, Roswell GLamoniinj. to r. foot$4.00Dec., 1878
174719Thompson, Francis MVan Wertlung disease$2.00Oct., 1880
172583Thompson, James ALe Roydisease of eyes$8.00Aug., 1880
171846Thurman, DanielLeong. s. w. l. shoulder$2.00July, 1880
109839Toney, William RDavis Cityinj. to right hip$4.00-
137382Tullis, John SDecaturchr. diar. & dis. liver$10.00-
162828Tullis, Thomas SDecaturshell wd. right hand$4.00Oct., 1879
188577Vinsom, Thomas GVan Wertg. s. w. right hand$4.00May, 1881
64056Walker, Francis MPleasantong. s. w. l. arm, anchylosis l. kn$6.00-
141306Warhurst, WilliamLeong. s. w. l. shoulder$6.00-
160529Warwick, MarthaWestervilleWidow$8.00Dec., 1872
208630Washburn, SamuelPleasantondropsy$2.00May, 1882
-Weaver, John IPleasantoninjury to abdomen$8.00-
127873Whisler, JosephLeonchro. diarr.$18.00-
75542Wilson, JohnLeoninj. to ribs & side$4.00-
108993Wion, Martha ADecaturWidow$8.00Jan., 1873
100598Wolverton, PerryHigh Pointdisease of lungs$4.00-
51793Woodmansee, Dan'l BLeonpar. loss 2 fingers r. hand$6.00-
167472Woodminssee, JohnDecaturchronic bronchitis$4.00May, 1880
132810Wright, AnnieVan WertWidow$8.00Aug., 1869
137740Wyatt, SackerLe Royasthma$8.00-
120369Wycoff, CranmoreGrand Riverg. s. w. rt. hand$12.00-
32574Young, JudahGrand RiverWidow 1812$8.00Aug., 1882

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