New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Crawford County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Crawford County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
13425Amy, Cynthia GDecorahwidow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 1879
156442Anderson, OleRidgewayg.s.w. left forearm $2.00 Nov. 1878
10726Anderson, Ole ADecorahg.s.w. head $50.00 -
73106Baker, HenryBurr Oakophthalmia $18.00 -
208764Bandle, William WBurr Oakch. diarrhea $2.00 May 1882
-Barry, Rachel MDecorahwidow $8.00 -
-Brandt, Iver ADecorahg.s.w.rt. shoulder $8.00 -
207222Brant, Asabel MDecorahinj. of left foot $2.00 Apr. 1882
170053Brichner, Henry IDecorahneuralgia, catarrh & c $8.00 -
110022Burt, EliDecorahg.s.w. left leg $2.00 -
-Byrne, WilliamWoodsidesh. wd. of head $4.00 -
81821Cameron, James LDecorahinjury to abdomen $8.00 -
191287Carey, Archilbald ICastaliachr. diarrhea & c $10.00 June 1881
200719Case, WalterBurr Oakdis. of stomach & c $8.00 Jan. 1882
103694Cawkins, Elizabeth SDecorahwidow $8.00 Nov. 1867
168067Clark, ByronKendallvilleasthma $8.00 May 1880
126196Clark, MorellCastaliadislo. left hip joint $72.00 -
49987Cole, Seth CDecorahchr. diarrhea $4.00 -
201322Coleman, Wilford FDecorahmalarial fever, catarrh & c $8.50 Jan. 1882
62335Collaton, JaneDecorahwidow $8.00 Jan. 1866
207406Cooney, GeorgeFort Atkinsondis. of liver & c $12.00 Apr. 1882
155091Couse, Lewis LDecorahinj. of rt. shoulder $4.00 Sept. 1878
142521Coyne, AnthonyDecorahdis. of eyes $14.00 -
178130Culver, GeorgeFreeportg.s.w. right should $4.00 Oct. 1880
112891Cutler, EzekiahDecorahchr. diarrhea & c $25.00 -
178090Daily, JamesPlymouth Rockinjury of abdomen $8.00 Oct. 1880
168119Danberschmidt, Fred. LRidgewayg.s.w. rt. hand, deafness & c $6.00 May 1880
15853Daniels, John CKendallvilleinj. to spine & c $18.00 -
78119Daskam, James SKendallvilleg.s.w. left shoulder & c $12.00 -
178089Daskam, JohnKendallvillechr. diarrhea $8.00 Oct. 1880
222094Dawley, JesseBlufftonrheumatism & ht. dis. $18.00 Dec. 1882
-Duncan, John EDecorahg.s.w. lft. side & r. leg $10.00 -
191603Failey, JohnBurr Oakinj. to left ankle $8.00 June 1881
203708Farnsworth, Edwin MDecorahmalarial poisoning & c $4.00 Feb. 1882
26582Farnsworth, James BDecorahinfla. rt. knee-joint $3.00 -
186124Ferren, Aaron CDecorahchr. diarrhea & c $17.00 Apr. 1881
17425Frink, LauraFreeportwidow $8.00 July 1876
9278Furgeson, JaredBurr Oaksurv. 1812 $8.00 Dec. 1871
180474Gager, GriffinKendallvillechr. rheumatism $8.00 Jan. 1881
211664Gibbs, Cyrus PDecorahrheumatism & c $8.00 June 1882
200075Goddard, Amanzo LFort Atkinsondis. of lungs & c $6.00 Dec. 1881
7564Goddard, JosiahFort Atkinsonsurv. 1812 $8.00 Nov. 1871
168538Gripman, William HFrankvillechr. diarrhea $6.00 -
-Groff, JohnOssianwd. lft. hand & rt. hip $10.00 -
192785Growe, Barbro OlsonFreeportdepdt. mother $8.00 June 1881
182523Haas, JacobDecorahdis. of lungs & c $10.00 Feb. 1881
167546Halverson, AndrewDecorahdis. of stomach & c $8.00 May 1880
217877Hanson, AugustusDecorahg.s.w.rt. hand & c $8.00 Sept. 1882
194649Hard, Ira LDecorahminors of $12.00 Mar. 1882
56512Harper, HarrietDecorahwidow $8.00 Aug. 1867
199224Hauprichs, NicholausDecorahinjury to abdomen & c $14.00 Dec. 1881
168216Heath, Chancey BLocust Lanechr. diarrhea & c $12.00 May 1880
193089Hegg, Jenney EDecorahwidow $8.00 Aug. 1881
130010Hillborg, JohnRidgewaysh. wd. lft.shoulder & hand $12.00 -
170105Hitchocock, Arthur CDecorahchr. diarrhea $8.00 June 1880
193598Holcomb, ElizabethDecorahdepdt. mother $15.00 Nov. 1881
147561Holverson, Peter VWoodvilleg.s.w. rt. thigh $6.00 Aug. 1877
14560Hughes, AdalizaDecorahwidow $30.00 Oct. 1873
218091Hullman, EmanuelFreeportchr. diarrhea $4.00 Sept. 1882
189864Jacobson Christian MRidgewaydepdt. mother $8.00 Sept. 1880
57950Johnson, MarthaSpringwaterwidow $8.00 May 1868
180948Johnson, Richard MDecorahpartial deafness both ears $6.00 Jan. 1881
173453Jones, JohnFort Atkinsonchr. diarrhea & c $4.00 Sept. 1880
180537Jones, William HFort Atkinsonfract. of rt. wrist $8.00 Jan. 1881
181441Knight, SarahCastaliadepdt. mother $8.00 June 1878
95016Knudson, OleHighlandvilleg.s.w. left chest $18.00 -
-Kunzelman, JohnFrankvillewd. left arm & chest & c $12.00 -
169878Lange, MoritzBlufftonvar. veins both legs $8.00 June 1880
189010Lawrence, JohnNavanrheumatism $12.00 May 1881
209671Leavitt, William WDecorahdis. of abdominal viscera $6.00 May 1882
183846Long, RobertKendallvilledis. of eyes $8.00 Mar. 1881
24108Loomis, AlmansonBurr Oaksurv. 1812 $8.00 Sept. 1878
39915McClaskey, AlexanderDecorahloss lft. arm above elbow $24.00 -
90603McKee, Arthur WFreeportpar. paralysis $24.00 -
120538McMartin, Daniel ACastaliainj. rt. Hand $4.00 -
22587McMurtre, Violetta HDecorahwidow $17.00 May 1864
157783Meader, Chas. EDecorahdis. of eyes & c $10.00 Mar. 1879
134188Miller, JohnCalmardis. of eyes $8.00 -
9702Miller, LeonardOssiansurv. 1812 $8.00 Dec. 1871
180119Morrill, Ira NDecorahg.s.w. of head & ch. diarrh $16.00 Dec. 1880
223185Obriham, Franklin WDecorahchr. diarrhea & lung dis $8.00 Dec. 1882
17675Obriham, LovinaFreeportwidow 1812 $8.00 Feb. 1879
69300Olsin, MarthaCalmarwidow $8.00 Feb. 1868
-Ousley, Micajah BDecorahinj. to r. hip & groin $18.00 -
110455Perry, Alvin MBurr Oakg.s.w. left side $8.00 -
178375Perry, OscarNew Albachr. rheumatism & c $8.00 Nov. 1880
189935Peterson, OneDecorahdependent mother $8.00 Oct. 1880
181882Potter, Eliza VCalmarwidow $8.00 Aug. 1878
26517Richards, Mary A MargaretDecorahwidow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 1879
189928Roney, SarahDecorahwidow $8.00 Oct. 1880
10882Ruffridge, AndrewDecorahg.s.w. face & c $8.00 -
7951Self, NancyDecorahwidow 1812 $8.00 Aug. 1878
216003Sharp, AllenCastaliainj. of rt. shoulder & c $4.00 July 1882
126186Shurtliff, WilliamKendallvilleg.s.w. rt. foot $4.00 -
172427Sickles, NancyCalmardepdt. mother $8.00 Feb. 1876
29848Simmons, JanetteFrankvillewidow $8.00 June 1867
68766Smead, Seth RFrankvilleg.s.w. rt. leg $12.00 -
15607Smith, ElizabethFreeportwidow $8.00 Nov. 1867
66622Sperlin, SamuelFort Atkinsonloss of rt. eye & c $8.00 -
180453Steen, Carrie MDecorahwidow $8.00 Mar., 1878
182189Stockdale, CatherineBlufftondepdt. mother $8.00 Oct. 1878
67586Tekippe, JohnFestinag.s.w. rt. arm & c $8.00 -
197420Thayer, Margaret CDecorahwidow $8.00 Oct. 1882
215605Tillotson, Charles SDecorahsciatic rheumatism $4.00 June 1882
168213Todd, JohnFrankvilleg.s.w. rt. chest $8.00 May 1880
179412Tucker, JamesDecorahdis. of eyes $6.00 Dec. 1880
165533Vance, AdamCastaliadis. of liver, eyes & c $8.00 Mar. 1880
196155Waxler, Sarah ACastaliawidow $8.00 June 1882
61986Weiser, Emilius IDecorahwd. rt. leg $20.00 -
91068Welden, Ezra DBurr Oakwd. left leg $12.00 -
41080Whitethorn, JuliaBurr Oakdepdt. mother $8.00 Feb. 1865
32563Wingaard, Ole VDecorah2 wds. rt. Leg $4.00 -

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