New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Clarke County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Clarke County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
217596Adams, ThomasOsceolainjury to abdomen$2.00Aug., 1883
17927Aguen, Wallace G.Osceolaloss of right arm$24.00-
99378Allen, James J.Murrayloss of left thumb$2.00-
69951Anderson, Oliver P.Osceolag. s. w. left breast$18.00-
129293Armstrong, Charles S.Osceolag. s. w. right hand, dis. of knee$18.00-
105171Arnett, JacobOsceoladisease of eyes$15.00-
182578Ash, MatildaOsceoladep. mother$8.00Nov., 1878
88167Atkins, Wm. H.Hopevilleg. s. w. of head$12.00-
202051Ball, Daniel O.Hopevillechr. diarrhea$4.00Jan., 1882
147964Ballon, Joseph N.Osceolag. s. w. left shoulder$5.00Aug., 1877
54146Barber, ColemanWoodburnloss of left leg$24.00-
11927Barrows, FrederickOsceolasurv. 1812$8.00Feb., 1872
192376Bennum, WilliamPrairie Grovesunstroke, dis . heart & lungs$4.00July, 1881
212644Bingham, William P.Murraydis. of lungs$8.00June, 1882
223111Bradley, William M.Hopevilleg. s. w. left leg$6.00Dec., 1882
32886Calkins, CalvinOsceolawd. left hip$14.00-
122191Callahan, Asa N.Woodburng. s. w. left wrist & forearm$6.00-
164798Camblin, WilliamOsceolag. s. w. right hip$4.00Feb., 1880
191048Carr, Aaron S.Murraychr. diarrhea$8.00June, 1881
81141Clark, James A.Woodburng. s. w. right hand, mouth & c$12.00-
203244Cochran, MiltonMurraychr. diarrhea$6.00Feb., 1882
179256Coffey, GranvilleOsceolachronic rheumatism$6.00Dec., 1880
198149Coffey, PatrickOsceoladis. of heart & bronchitis$6.00Nov., 1881
216101Collier, Joel E.Osceoladis of abdominal viscera$8.00Aug., 1882
12775Crawford, CharlesLibertysuvr. 1812$8.00Feb., 1872
26294Crawford, SarahWoodburnwidow 1812$8.00Aug., 1879
39237Dana, LucettaMurraywidow$8.00-
209639Day, Thomas N.Murraydis. of eyes & c$6.00May, 1882
55000Dean, Dennis W.Osceolaloss of left thigh$24.00-
82745Deering, NathanielOsceoladiar. & rheu.$14.00-
153024Denham, Jacob A.Hopevilleg. s. w. right hip$4.00May, 1878
212293Dufur, AbelMurraydiar. & rheumatism$8.00June, 1882
175598Dunfee, MadisonHopevilleg. s. w. left forearm$14.00Oct., 1880
142709Erb, Esau A.Smyrnainjury to abdomen$10.00-
19303Evans, Francis H.Osceolarheu. & dis. of heart$18.00-
172506Fitch, Ur. C.Hopevilleg. s. w. left thigh$6.00Aug., 1880
223552Gates, StephenSmyrnadisease of eyes$6.00Dec., 1882
177775Gerthofler, CatharineOsceolawidow$8.00June, 1877
208390Gookehhis, GeorgeOsceolalumbago$2.00May., 1882
69869Gregg, IsaacGreen Bayg. s. w. right side$18.00-
68823Grigg, Robert C.Murrayg. s. w. left leg$8.00-
85285Gripp, Jacob L.Hopevilleg.s.w. left hand, diar. & dis eyes$6.00-
212322Hamilton, Wm J.Osceolag.s.w. of right arm, left leg & c-June, 1883
27855Harrison, NancyWoodburnwidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1879
127525Hastings, Lewis M.Osceolafrac, false rib l. side, inj. to spine$18.00-
152855Hewsonae, JohnWoodburng. s. w. right thigh$2.00Apr., 1878
101363Hilliard, Albert G.Osceolag. s. w. right eye$6.00-
-Holcomb, Thomas C.Murrayheart disease$12.00-
173363Holloway, Thomas W.Woodburninj. to nose, rt. groin & abd.$8.00Sept., 1880
192734Homerwood, LeonardHopevilledis. of lungs & diar.$4.00July, 1881
182475Horrig, Robert M.Murrayg. s. w. right thigh$6.00Feb., 1881
116410Horton, ChristenaOsceolawidow$8.00July, 1868
139012Hosier, MarshalOsceolag. s. w. right arm$2.00-
103787Ijams, Thomas A.Osceolag. s. w. right leg$15.00-
218598James, Simeon B.Hopevilleshell wd. left hip$2.00Sept., 1882
118885Jamison, John H.Osceolag. s. w. of left shoulder$4.00Oct., 1877
198484Jeffers, CalebOsceoladis. of eyes, ears & diar.$6.00Nov., 1881
198928Johnson, David B.Osceoladis of abdominal viscera & c$8.00Dec., 1881
112894Kerr, MathiasLibertyinj. to right foot$12.00-
64687Kirk, Daniel B.Murraywd. left elbow$8.00-
143956Kyte, Francis M.Osceolainj. to left knee & dis. of eyes$18.00-
101289Lamb, Thomas J.Hopevilleg. s. w. right knee$6.00-
147116Lantz, AdamOsceolag. s. w. left shoulder$6.00July, 1877
170229Lowery, John E.Osceoladis. of lungs & throat$12.00June, 1880
232184Mackey, JamesMurrayg. s. w. of right leg$2.00Dec., 1882
211440Melvin, Andrew J.Hopevillebronchitis & inj. to left leg$4.00June, 1882
33776Merryman, ElizabethOsceolawidow$8.00Nov., 1867
165790Miller, Joel E.Osceolachr. diar. & dis. of lungs$24.00Mar., 1880
180615Miller, JohnHopevilledisease of heart$4.00Jan., 1881
6730Mitchell, SusannahOsceolawidow$8.00Nov., 1867
209382Moore, William S.Osceolainjury to abdomen$4.00May 1882
155771Morgan, ScottHopevilledisease of lungs$12.00Oct., 1878
219566Myers, GeorgeHopevilleinj. to right shoulder$4.00Oct., 1882
90291Nance, Moseo V.Osceoladisease of eyes$8.00-
81163Nelson. BrazillaGreen Baywidow$8.00Dec., 1867
215192Oaks, LeviOsceolarheu. & dis. of heart$8.00July, 1882
91069Olinger, John C.Hopevilleinj. left hip$8.00-
107468Orr, William B.Osceolachro. rheumatism$18.00-
159068Padgett, WilliamOsceolag. s. w. right elbow$4.00Apr., 1879
61008Paris, MerrillOsceoladiar., dropsy & dis. of kidney$12.00-
223610Parker, Sherow W.Murrayscurvy & dis. of right leg$6.00Dec., 1882
217085Parmer, Joseph L. T.Green Bayg.s.w. left side head & deafness$2.00Aug., 1882
167944Paul, George M.Osceolascurvy$4.00May, 1880
159212Pedley, William H.Murrayg. s. w. left arm & both thighs$4.00Apr., 1879
114178Perdue, DanielWoodburng. s. w. left side$8.00-
23772Phillips, IchabodLibertypartial paralysis rt. side$18.00-
94202Pool, HenryHopevillewd. right leg$4.00-
19994Proctor, George H.Osceolawd. right lung$10.00-
168010Prole, Albert W.Osceolachor. diar. & heart dis.$24.00May, 1880
172785Rackley, General L.Osceolag. s. w. rt. hand$4.00Aug., 1880
206712Raiff, Benj. F.Osceolachro. diar. & dis. of eyes$8.00Apr., 1882
175596Reed, JohnLibertyg. s. w. left hand$3.00Oct., 1880
174128Reeves, James H.Osceolag. s. w. of hands & c.$8.00Sept., 1880
48597Russell, RachelOsceolawidow$8.00-
15330Scott, BetseyOsceolawidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
16346Severns, CatharineWoodburnwidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
141586Shaffstall, Solomom SHopevilleinj. to right leg$6.00-
142367Smith, George W.Libertyg. s. w. right breast$3.00-
193874Smith, HenryHopevilledep. father$8.00Dec., 1881
151452Starkey, ThomasWoodburng. s. w. left leg$4.00Mar., 1878
154247Surber, Augustus H.Hopevilleg. s. w. left hand$2.00July, 1878
199560Sutton, Addison P.Hopevilleg. s. w. left axilla$4.00Dec., 1881
83610Sutton, AsburyOsceolawd. left ankle$2.66-
6410Swift, DavidPrairie Grovesurv. 1812$8.00Oct., 1871
203382Tallman, John C.Green Baychr. diar. & dis. of abd. vis.$6.00Feb., 1882
152957Thomas, JamesMurrayg. s. w. of left leg$14.00May, 1878
22689Todd, William H.Lacelleg. s. w. right side of head$4.00-
168885Vanderley, JohnOsceolag. s. w. right leg$8.00June, 1880
112431Vaught, Geo. WGreen Bayg. s. w. left elbow$12.00-
87536Walker, PriscillaMurraywidow$8.00Dec., 1866
44370Walson, william C.Osceoladeafness$13.00-
144521Wells, Joshua B.Osceolag. s. w. right thigh$4.00-
151264Wilder, James W.Murrayg. s. w. left thigh$4.00Feb., 1878
187041Wilson, Martha J.Hopevillewidow$8.00Feb., 1880
29452Wright, IsabellaMurraywidow 1812$8.00May, 1880
196312Wright, JemimaOsceoladep. mother$8.00June, 1882
117330Wry, JosephOsceolag. s. w. left hip$8.00-

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