New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Calhoun County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Calhoun County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
126155Baldwin, WilliamLohrvilleg. s. w. rt. hip$6.00-
184121Balton, Levi H.Mansonchr rheum$8.00Mar 1881
36253Bangs, Lester G.Lake Cityloss. rt. thigh$24.00-
49201Beaumont, ThomasLake Cityexsect of elbow joint & ulna$18.00-
130854Berry, LewisLake Cityg. s. w. rt.thigh$6.00-
55913Blain, CatherineMansonmother$8.00Sept 1865
165445Canfield, Wm. H. alias CooperLake Cityg. s. w. both thighs$8.00Mar 1880
194146Carrier, Alonzo E.Rockwell Cityg.s.w,. lt hand$2.00Aug 1881
145948Carskaddon, DavidLake Cityrheum.$15.00-
97163Cochran, Josiah M.Mansonchr diarr$4.25-
5012Coiner, Mary E.Rockwell Citywidow$17.00Jan 1874
121097Dellinger, George W.Lake Cityg. s. w. both thighs$6.00-
36524Demo, MarcellusRockwell Cityg.s.w. lt arm$18.00-
172405Dickinson, William B.Mansondis of kidney$4.00Aug 1880
150773Durrell, George. O.Rockwell Cityloss 2nd finger rt hand$4.00Jan 1878
87441Elliott, UriahMansonwd rt breast$8.00-
39352Embree, Elizabeth F.Pomeroymother$8.00Nov 1865
148616Feeck, NicholasMansonchr pleurisy$8.00Oct 1877
212441Fredrick, John C.Mansoninj rt shoulder$4.00June 1882
120044Gregg, Daniel H.Mansong.s.w. lt hip$4.00-
87399Gregg, Thomas C.Mansong.s.w. rt arm$5.33-
194452Hinz, JohnMansonminor$12.00Feb 1882
159100Hoag, HannahMansonmother$8.00Aug 1872
42023Hobbs, Isaac F.Lake Cityg. s. w. rt ankle$20.00-
-Houghtaling, Nancy A.Mansonmother$8.00-
62578Hutchison, Samuel T.Lake Citywd. of chest$17.00-
96615Iuman, MaryFarnhamvillewidow.$8.00June 1864
86114Jack, Alexander N.Rockwell Citywd left leg$4.00-
20403Kindred, RebeccaLake Citywidow$8.00-
188231Knox, Lydia R.Mansonwidow$8.00May 1880
96239Lowry, Gad C.Pomeroyepilepsy$24.00-
175745MeVay, Jacob C.Farnhamvilledis. eyes$14.00Oct 1880
47804Miller, AlbaPomeroywd rt arm$6.00-
166078Moore, AlbertLohrvilledis lungs$4.00Mar 1880
164754Moore, Elias A.Lohrvillechr diarr$8.00Feb 1880
189112Morris, Charles F.Pomeroyinj to back$2.00May 1881
-Moyer, HenryPomeroyg.s.w. lower part of chest$14.00-
65867Mulliken, Charles H.Mansonwd Lt forearm$18.00-
26605Parrish, Felix W.Pomeroyg.s.w. lt leg$4.00-
141823Pilloud, TheodoreMansong. s. w. lt forearm$4.00-
121657Richmond, JohnMansonchr nephrites & dis of kidneys$6.00-
113528Ruttolph, Alfred M.Lohrvilleasphonia$8.00-
184077Scott, James B.Lake Citychr. diarrh$4.00Mar 1881
87887Seidler, FerdinandPomeroyg.s.w. lt hand$2.00-
190056Shearer, James M.Farnhamvilleg. s. w. rt. chest$2.00June 1881
35087Smith, Jasper N.Pomeroyg.s.w. rt arm$18.00-
79920Stevenson, Francis E.Lake Cityg. s. w. rt. side$4.00-
150346Teach, JacobsMansonwd 3rd & 4th finger rt hand$1.00Dec 1877
169548Todd, Wyril B.Lake Cityg.s.w. lt thigh$4.00June 1880
-Tracy, Hiram T.Pomeroydis heart$6.00June 1879
132728Vaughan, JohnRockwell Cityinjury to abdomen$8.00-
146405Watson, WilliamLohrvilleg.s.w. rt. thigh$2.00-
114594Weaver, MargaretMansonmother$8.00June 1868
195469Weaver, SamuelMansonrheum.$24.00Sept 1881
63232Wendell, PeterMansong.s.w. lt breast and lung$8.00-
182158Whitbeck, JamesPomeroyg.s.w. lt thigh$2.00Feb 1881

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