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January 1, 1883
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1883 Boone County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.
Cert. # | Name of Pensioner | Post Office | Add. Cause for pension | Rate | Date of Origional Allowance |
212260 | Alexander, Archibald | Angus | g. s. w. rt. shoulder & neck | $2.00 | June 1882 |
21730 | Anderson, John | Mineral Ridge | surv 1812 | $8.00 | Sept 1875 |
102386 | Andrews, Sam'l. | Boonesborough | ophthalmia & results | $4.00 | - |
203358 | Ballou, Saunderain | Boone | g. s. wd. lt, hand | $4.00 | Feb. 1882 |
15380 | Bardwell, David | Boonesborough | wd rt thigh | $4.00 | - |
63697 | Barkley, Alonzo J. | Boone | wd. rt shoulder | $18.00 | - |
30857 | Barnes, Susan | Moingona | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Dec 1880 |
205019 | Bass, David | Boone | g. s. wd. rt. elbow. | $6.00 | Mar., 1882 |
181192 | Bates, Phoebe A. | Madrid | widow | $8.00 | May 1878 |
165920 | Bauman, Christian | Boone | g. s. wd. rt. index finger | $3.00 | Mar. 1880 |
163730 | Beach, Mary | Boonesborough | mother | $8.00 | Jan. 1874 |
145900 | Bells, Benjamin F. | Angus | wd. lt. thumb & index finger | $7.00 | - |
84956 | Blunk, Moses | Zenorsville | wd. rt. hand | $10.00 | - |
36677 | Blunk, Sam'l. C. | Boonesborough | loss rt. Arm | $18.00 | - |
26880 | Boggs, Wm. F. | Boonesborough | wd. lft shoulder | $8.00 | - |
25233 | Boone, Squire | Boone | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Aug 1879 |
187605 | Bowers, Effingham T. | Madrid | chr diarr mal pois & dis brain | $12.00 | Apr 1881 |
145955 | Bowman, Josiah | Boonesborough | dis of eyes | $6.00 | - |
162940 | Brown, John | Prairie Hill | dis. of lung | $8.00 | Oct.1879 |
175595 | Brown, Wm. M. | Moingona | g.s.wd lft forearm | $1.00 | Oct 1880 |
66471 | Bugg, Thomas O. | Madrid | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | - |
187079 | Byrd, Lycurgus F | Moingona | shell wd of head | $2.00 | Apr 1881 |
163906 | Carr, Charles W. | Boone | loss 4th toe rt foot | $2.00 | Dec 1879 |
218809 | Case, Ira | Boone | rheum. & loss of sight | $8.00 | Oct 1882 |
16970 | Chambers, James H. | Boonesborough | wd. lft. hand | $14.00 | - |
173102 | Chambers, John D. | Boonesborough | synovitis rt. knee | $6.00 | Sept. 1880 |
26035 | Conway, Ann M. | Boonesborough | widow | $8.00 | May 1870 |
23480 | Coon, Hezekiah | Boonesborough | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | July 1878 |
191047 | Couch, Daniel B. | Boonesborough | g. s. w. of abdomen | $2.00 | June 1881 |
169836 | Cummings, Isaac B. | Boonesborough | dis. of eyes | $4.00 | June 1880 |
24125 | Cunningham, Agnes M. | Madrid | widow | $8.00 | July 1879 |
58285 | Da Tar, Theodore | Boone | loss rt. limb | $20.00 | - |
113318 | Davis, Louis N | Moingona | dis right eye | $3.00 | - |
103693 | Defore, Charlotte | Pilot Mound | mother | $8.00 | Nov. 1867 |
166868 | DeHaven, Alpheus | Ogden | chr. diarr | $6.00 | - |
199256 | Dixon, James B. | Boonesborough | chr. diarr & dis. of kidneys | $4.00 | Dec. 1881 |
197522 | Dorman, Jedediah S. | Boone | children | $18.00 | Oct 1882 |
151984 | Dow, Charles E. | Boone | g. s. wd. lft. thigh | $8.00 | Mar 1878 |
210546 | Dowming, Andrew | Boone | chr diarr | $17.00 | June 1882 |
61228 | Dutton, Edwin P. | Boone | g s. wd. lt ankle | $8.00 | - |
73282 | Ebersole, Cynis A. | Boonesborough | g.s.wd rt side | $8.00 | - |
217763 | Evans. Alfred | Boonesborough | lung dis | $4.00 | July 1882 |
120775 | Fargo, Wm. P. | Angus | wd. lt. thigh | $4.00 | - |
75587 | Foy, Shaddock | Boone | wd. rt shoulder | $4.00 | - |
22648 | Frinkhouser, Elizabeth | Ogden | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Apr. 1879 |
109834 | Gaskill, James | Boonesborough | dis. of eyes | $10.00 | - |
133888 | Gilda, Elizabeth | Boone | widow | $8.00 | Sept. 1869 |
187955 | Gildea, Sarah | Boone | mother. | $8.00 | Apr 1880 |
1430 | Gillett, Cartertte | Boone | widow | $8.00 | Jan. 1870 |
31563 | Goodniel, Williston, W. | Madrid | wd rt leg | $14.00 | - |
68906 | Gulick, John | Madrid | wd. of left lung | $8.00 | - |
153453 | Haddock, A. H. M. | Boone | g. s. w. rt. hip & lft. Foot | $6.00 | May, 1878 |
221125 | Hall, Gustav | Ogden | neuralgia & dis. of heart | $4.00 | Nov. 1882 |
221125 | Hall, Gustuf | Ogden | neuralgia | $4.00 | Nov. 1882 |
206365 | Harker, John | Prairie Hill | g. s. wd. of head. | $2.00 | Apr. 1882 |
179759 | Harris, Lewis | Mineral Ridge | scurvy & lameness lower ex. | $6.00 | Dec 1880 |
47715 | Howell, Wm. | Boone | g. s. wd. rt. foot | $2.00 | - |
102952 | Hughes, Allen | Boonesborough | g.s.w.r. thigh | $4.00 | - |
16097 | Hull, Hannah | Boonesborough | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Jan 1879 |
223323 | Hurlburt, Johiel B. | Boone | heart dis | $4.00 | Dec. 1882 |
192258 | James, Patrick | Boone | chr. diarr, resulting injof legs | $8.00 | June 1881 |
63878 | Johnson, Agustus | Madrid | loss rt. forearm | $24.00 | - |
174731 | Johnson, Peter | Mineral Ridge | dis. of lungs | $8.00 | Oct 1880 |
194415 | Jones, Levi | Ogden | ch. diar. & dis. of kidneys | $6.00 | Aug. 1881 |
221955 | Jordan, Cornelais | Boone | chr. diarr. & bronchitis | $4.00 | Dec 1882 |
221955 | Jordan, Cornelius. | Boone | chr. diarr. & bronchitis | $4.00 | Dec. 1882 |
180700 | Kelly, Wm. A. | Ogden | g. s. w.lft. thigh & leg | $6.00 | Jan. 1881 |
182264 | Lawhead, John | Boonesborough | inj. face, loss sgt. lft. eye | $4.00 | Feb. 1881 |
81113 | Mack, Robt. P. | Boone | g. s. wd. result. of dis of lungs | $10.00 | - |
16666 | McCall, Eliza | Boone | widow | $8.00 | Mar. 1868 |
26311 | McCaskey, Nancy | Ogden | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Aug. 1879 |
87347 | McDowell, Eliot. | Angus | g. s wd. rt. hip | $6.00 | - |
47759 | McGill, Augustis S. | Boone | g. s. wd. lft. thigh | $4.00 | - |
149265 | Miller, Frederick | Prairie Hill | g. s. wd. rt. forearm | $2.00 | Nov. 1877 |
30530 | Montgomery, Mary | Boonesborough | widow 1812 | $8.00 | Sept. 1880 |
131025 | Morehead, James | Ogden | wd. rt. forearm. | $4.00 | - |
186372 | Myers, Wm. R. | Beaver | loss part 1st & 2d fingers of rt hand | $6.00 | Apr 1881 |
190390 | Newman, John T. | Boone | dis. of kidneys | $2.00 | Mar. 1881 |
- | Nixon, Mary | Ogden | widow. | $8.00 | - |
214347 | Nixon, Richard A. | Ogden | deafness from ty. fever | $6.00 | June 1882 |
138663 | Noland, Nathaniel | Ogden | g. s. wd. lf. Arm | $4.00 | - |
156566 | Nutt, Edward O. | Ogden | lung dis | $8.00 | Nov. 1878 |
170597 | Olson, Andrew A. | Mineral Ridge | g.s.w. lft thigh | $4.00 | June 1880 |
24920 | Paine, Benjamin C. | Boone | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Apr 1879 |
203188 | Patterson, William. | Angus | g. s. w. of rt. leg | $2.00 | Feb 1882 |
184252 | Peterson, John P. | Pilot Mound | lung dis | $8.00 | Mar. 1881 |
30905 | Peterson, Lewis F | Mineral Ridge | inj to abd g.s.wd l. thigh | $4.00 | - |
213520 | Peterson, Lewis P | Pilot Mound | ch. rheum, dis. heart & kid's. | $8.00 | June 1882 |
124245 | Phipps, David | Boone | g. s. wd. rt. leg | $12.00 | - |
106340 | Pinney, Nelson A. | Angus | g. s. wd. left shoulder & side. | $4.00 | Nov 1870 |
166581 | Pitman, John S. | Ogden | g. s. wd. rt. thigh | $4.00 | Apr. 1880 |
31421 | Potter, Robt. K | Boone | wd. lft. arm | $8.00 | - |
202261 | Reichenbach, Fred'k | Boone | g. s. wd l. knee & vari. veins. | $4.00 | Jan. 1882 |
214258 | Rhoades, Gidney S. | Boone | par. loss lft. index finger | $2.00 | June 1882 |
154784 | Rice, Isaac | Ogden | Inj, to back. | $4.00 | Aug 1878 |
211033 | Richardson, Henry | Pilot Mound | injury to abdomen. | $4.00 | June 1882 |
24772 | Roberts, Matilda | Moingona | widow 1812 | $8.00 | June 1879 |
182215 | Robertson, Robert | Boonesborough | dis of kidney | $4.00 | Oct. 1881 |
2703 | Schuneman, Clarissa | Boonesborough | widow 1812 | $8.00 | May 1872 |
188596 | Schwab, Lester | Boonesborough | widow | $8.00 | June 1880 |
147826 | Scott, Albert W. | Boonesborough | dis of legs | $12.00 | - |
173685 | Segrin, John | Prairie Hill | dis. of back and kidneys | $4.00 | Sept. 1880 |
186169 | Shannon, Robt J. | Boone | varicose veins rt. leg | $11.25 | Apr. 1881 |
125683 | Simpson, Walter A. | Boone | paralysis arms & legs | $72.00 | - |
77792 | Smith, James W. | Boonesborough | wd. rt. thigh. | $24.00 | - |
122052 | Snyder, Jacob M. | Ogden | g. s. wd. rt. foot | $4.00 | - |
42460 | Sprague, Wm. H. | Zenorsville | g. s. wd. Lft. forearm | $10.00 | - |
40839 | Spurrier, Francis M. | Ogden | wd. lft foot | $4.00 | - |
177389 | Starr, Edgar | Mackey Grove | g.s.wd rt thigh | $2.00 | Oct. 1880 |
203051 | Steffy, George | Boonesborough | chr diarr | $4.00 | Feb. 1882 |
152047 | Stephens, Samuel M. | Boone | g. s. wd. lt heel | $2.00 | Mar, 1878 |
46746 | Stephenson, Evan G | Boone | loss sight both eyes | $18.00 | - |
181529 | Sumstine, Wm. | Boone | chr. rheum. & dis. of heart. | $8.00 | Jan. 1881 |
98466 | Thomas, Robert | Boone | - | $8.00 | - |
146397 | Thompson, David. | Boone | wd. rt. side | $4.00 | - |
49325 | Timplin, Wm. D. | Boonesborough | loss left leg. | $24.00 | - |
222130 | Vaughan, Denis | Ogden | g. s. wd. lft. arm | $2.00 | Dec. 1882 |
222130 | Vaughn, Denis | Ogden | g. s. w. lf. arm. | $2.00 | Dec. 1882 |
184349 | Vestal, Soloman A. | Madrid | dis of eyes rest total blindn's | $72.00 | Mar 1881 |
160831 | Viers, Madison B. | Boone | g. s. wd. rt. chest | $6.00 | June 1879 |
146422 | Wagoner, Henry | Boonesborough | g. s. wd. lft. arm | $4.00 | - |
115577 | Waldron, Martin | Boone | g. s. wd. lft. thigh | $6.00 | - |
45860 | Walker, Elizabeth | Boonesborough | widow | $8.00 | Nov. 1867 |
10769 | Ware, George | Swede Point | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | Jan. 1872 |
208817 | Washburne, Abisha W. | Boone | dis. of kidneys | $4.00 | May, 1882 |
143251 | Weaver, Wm. B. | Boone | g. s. w. rt. shoulder | $4.00 | - |
192047 | Webster, Ruth | Boonesborough | mother. | $8.00 | Apr. 1881 |
181770 | Wheeler, Julia J. | Boonesborough | widow | $8.00 | Aug. 1878 |
166107 | Wheeler, Thomas | Swede Point | dis. of eyes | $24.00 | Mar.1880 |
182740 | White, Jasper N. | Boonesborough | g. s. wd. back & left hand | $6.25 | Feb. 1881 |
201627 | Wien, Peter | Boone | g. s. w. rt. thigh | $6.00 | Jan. 1882 |
47004 | Williams, Margaret | Boone | mother | $8.00 | May, 1865 |
42940 | Woods, David | Madrid | g.s.w. rt knee | $6.00 | - |
- | Young, Hulbert | Ogden | rheum. & gaugrene lft. ankle | $10.00 | - |
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