New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Boone County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Boone County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
212260Alexander, ArchibaldAngusg. s. w. rt. shoulder & neck$2.00June 1882
21730Anderson, JohnMineral Ridgesurv 1812$8.00Sept 1875
102386Andrews, Sam'l.Boonesboroughophthalmia & results$4.00-
203358Ballou, SaunderainBooneg. s. wd. lt, hand$4.00Feb. 1882
15380Bardwell, DavidBoonesboroughwd rt thigh$4.00-
63697Barkley, Alonzo J.Boonewd. rt shoulder$18.00-
30857Barnes, SusanMoingonawidow 1812$8.00Dec 1880
205019Bass, DavidBooneg. s. wd. rt. elbow.$6.00Mar., 1882
181192Bates, Phoebe A.Madridwidow$8.00May 1878
165920Bauman, ChristianBooneg. s. wd. rt. index finger$3.00Mar. 1880
163730Beach, MaryBoonesboroughmother$8.00Jan. 1874
145900Bells, Benjamin F.Anguswd. lt. thumb & index finger$7.00-
84956Blunk, MosesZenorsvillewd. rt. hand$10.00-
36677Blunk, Sam'l. C.Boonesboroughloss rt. Arm$18.00-
26880Boggs, Wm. F.Boonesboroughwd. lft shoulder$8.00-
25233Boone, SquireBoonesurv. 1812$8.00Aug 1879
187605Bowers, Effingham T.Madridchr diarr mal pois & dis brain$12.00Apr 1881
145955Bowman, JosiahBoonesboroughdis of eyes$6.00-
162940Brown, JohnPrairie Hilldis. of lung$8.00Oct.1879
175595Brown, Wm. M.Moingonag.s.wd lft forearm$1.00Oct 1880
66471Bugg, Thomas O.Madridinjury to abdomen$4.00-
187079Byrd, Lycurgus FMoingonashell wd of head$2.00Apr 1881
163906Carr, Charles W.Booneloss 4th toe rt foot$2.00Dec 1879
218809Case, IraBoonerheum. & loss of sight$8.00Oct 1882
16970Chambers, James H.Boonesboroughwd. lft. hand$14.00-
173102Chambers, John D.Boonesboroughsynovitis rt. knee$6.00Sept. 1880
26035Conway, Ann M.Boonesboroughwidow$8.00May 1870
23480Coon, HezekiahBoonesboroughsurv. 1812$8.00July 1878
191047Couch, Daniel B.Boonesboroughg. s. w. of abdomen$2.00June 1881
169836Cummings, Isaac B.Boonesboroughdis. of eyes$4.00June 1880
24125Cunningham, Agnes M.Madridwidow$8.00July 1879
58285Da Tar, TheodoreBooneloss rt. limb$20.00-
113318Davis, Louis NMoingonadis right eye$3.00-
103693Defore, CharlottePilot Moundmother$8.00Nov. 1867
166868DeHaven, AlpheusOgdenchr. diarr$6.00-
199256Dixon, James B.Boonesboroughchr. diarr & dis. of kidneys$4.00Dec. 1881
197522Dorman, Jedediah S.Boonechildren$18.00Oct 1882
151984Dow, Charles E.Booneg. s. wd. lft. thigh$8.00Mar 1878
210546Dowming, AndrewBoonechr diarr$17.00June 1882
61228Dutton, Edwin P.Booneg s. wd. lt ankle$8.00-
73282Ebersole, Cynis A.Boonesboroughg.s.wd rt side$8.00-
217763Evans. AlfredBoonesboroughlung dis$4.00July 1882
120775Fargo, Wm. P.Anguswd. lt. thigh$4.00-
75587Foy, ShaddockBoonewd. rt shoulder$4.00-
22648Frinkhouser, ElizabethOgdenwidow 1812$8.00Apr. 1879
109834Gaskill, JamesBoonesboroughdis. of eyes$10.00-
133888Gilda, ElizabethBoonewidow$8.00Sept. 1869
187955Gildea, SarahBoonemother.$8.00Apr 1880
1430Gillett, CartertteBoonewidow$8.00Jan. 1870
31563Goodniel, Williston, W.Madridwd rt leg$14.00-
68906Gulick, JohnMadridwd. of left lung$8.00-
153453Haddock, A. H. M.Booneg. s. w. rt. hip & lft. Foot$6.00May, 1878
221125Hall, GustavOgdenneuralgia & dis. of heart$4.00Nov. 1882
221125Hall, GustufOgdenneuralgia$4.00Nov. 1882
206365Harker, JohnPrairie Hillg. s. wd. of head.$2.00Apr. 1882
179759Harris, LewisMineral Ridgescurvy & lameness lower ex.$6.00Dec 1880
47715Howell, Wm.Booneg. s. wd. rt. foot$2.00-
102952Hughes, AllenBoonesboroughg.s.w.r. thigh$4.00-
16097Hull, HannahBoonesboroughwidow 1812$8.00Jan 1879
223323Hurlburt, Johiel B.Booneheart dis$4.00Dec. 1882
192258James, PatrickBoonechr. diarr, resulting injof legs$8.00June 1881
63878Johnson, AgustusMadridloss rt. forearm$24.00-
174731Johnson, PeterMineral Ridgedis. of lungs$8.00Oct 1880
194415Jones, LeviOgdench. diar. & dis. of kidneys$6.00Aug. 1881
221955Jordan, CornelaisBoonechr. diarr. & bronchitis$4.00Dec 1882
221955Jordan, Cornelius.Boonechr. diarr. & bronchitis$4.00Dec. 1882
180700Kelly, Wm. A.Ogdeng. s. w.lft. thigh & leg$6.00Jan. 1881
182264Lawhead, JohnBoonesboroughinj. face, loss sgt. lft. eye$4.00Feb. 1881
81113Mack, Robt. P.Booneg. s. wd. result. of dis of lungs$10.00-
16666McCall, ElizaBoonewidow$8.00Mar. 1868
26311McCaskey, NancyOgdenwidow 1812$8.00Aug. 1879
87347McDowell, Eliot.Angusg. s wd. rt. hip$6.00-
47759McGill, Augustis S.Booneg. s. wd. lft. thigh$4.00-
149265Miller, FrederickPrairie Hillg. s. wd. rt. forearm$2.00Nov. 1877
30530Montgomery, MaryBoonesboroughwidow 1812$8.00Sept. 1880
131025Morehead, JamesOgdenwd. rt. forearm.$4.00-
186372Myers, Wm. R.Beaverloss part 1st & 2d fingers of rt hand$6.00Apr 1881
190390Newman, John T.Boonedis. of kidneys$2.00Mar. 1881
-Nixon, MaryOgdenwidow.$8.00-
214347Nixon, Richard A.Ogdendeafness from ty. fever$6.00June 1882
138663Noland, NathanielOgdeng. s. wd. lf. Arm$4.00-
156566Nutt, Edward O.Ogdenlung dis$8.00Nov. 1878
170597Olson, Andrew A.Mineral Ridgeg.s.w. lft thigh$4.00June 1880
24920Paine, Benjamin C.Boonesurv. 1812$8.00Apr 1879
203188Patterson, William.Angusg. s. w. of rt. leg$2.00Feb 1882
184252Peterson, John P.Pilot Moundlung dis$8.00Mar. 1881
30905Peterson, Lewis FMineral Ridgeinj to abd g.s.wd l. thigh$4.00-
213520Peterson, Lewis PPilot Moundch. rheum, dis. heart & kid's.$8.00June 1882
124245Phipps, DavidBooneg. s. wd. rt. leg$12.00-
106340Pinney, Nelson A.Angusg. s. wd. left shoulder & side.$4.00Nov 1870
166581Pitman, John S.Ogdeng. s. wd. rt. thigh$4.00Apr. 1880
31421Potter, Robt. KBoonewd. lft. arm$8.00-
202261Reichenbach, Fred'kBooneg. s. wd l. knee & vari. veins.$4.00Jan. 1882
214258Rhoades, Gidney S.Boonepar. loss lft. index finger$2.00June 1882
154784Rice, IsaacOgdenInj, to back.$4.00Aug 1878
211033Richardson, HenryPilot Moundinjury to abdomen.$4.00June 1882
24772Roberts, MatildaMoingonawidow 1812$8.00June 1879
182215Robertson, RobertBoonesboroughdis of kidney$4.00Oct. 1881
2703Schuneman, ClarissaBoonesboroughwidow 1812$8.00May 1872
188596Schwab, LesterBoonesboroughwidow$8.00June 1880
147826Scott, Albert W.Boonesboroughdis of legs$12.00-
173685Segrin, JohnPrairie Hilldis. of back and kidneys$4.00Sept. 1880
186169Shannon, Robt J.Boonevaricose veins rt. leg$11.25Apr. 1881
125683Simpson, Walter A.Booneparalysis arms & legs$72.00-
77792Smith, James W.Boonesboroughwd. rt. thigh.$24.00-
122052Snyder, Jacob M.Ogdeng. s. wd. rt. foot$4.00-
42460Sprague, Wm. H.Zenorsvilleg. s. wd. Lft. forearm$10.00-
40839Spurrier, Francis M.Ogdenwd. lft foot$4.00-
177389Starr, EdgarMackey Groveg.s.wd rt thigh$2.00Oct. 1880
203051Steffy, GeorgeBoonesboroughchr diarr$4.00Feb. 1882
152047Stephens, Samuel M.Booneg. s. wd. lt heel$2.00Mar, 1878
46746Stephenson, Evan GBooneloss sight both eyes$18.00-
181529Sumstine, Wm.Boonechr. rheum. & dis. of heart.$8.00Jan. 1881
98466Thomas, RobertBoone-$8.00-
146397Thompson, David.Boonewd. rt. side$4.00-
49325Timplin, Wm. D.Boonesboroughloss left leg.$24.00-
222130Vaughan, DenisOgdeng. s. wd. lft. arm$2.00Dec. 1882
222130Vaughn, DenisOgdeng. s. w. lf. arm.$2.00Dec. 1882
184349Vestal, Soloman A.Madriddis of eyes rest total blindn's$72.00Mar 1881
160831Viers, Madison B.Booneg. s. wd. rt. chest$6.00June 1879
146422Wagoner, HenryBoonesboroughg. s. wd. lft. arm$4.00-
115577Waldron, MartinBooneg. s. wd. lft. thigh$6.00-
45860Walker, ElizabethBoonesboroughwidow$8.00Nov. 1867
10769Ware, GeorgeSwede Pointsurv. 1812$8.00Jan. 1872
208817Washburne, Abisha W.Boonedis. of kidneys$4.00May, 1882
143251Weaver, Wm. B.Booneg. s. w. rt. shoulder$4.00-
192047Webster, RuthBoonesboroughmother.$8.00Apr. 1881
181770Wheeler, Julia J.Boonesboroughwidow$8.00Aug. 1878
166107Wheeler, ThomasSwede Pointdis. of eyes$24.00Mar.1880
182740White, Jasper N.Boonesboroughg. s. wd. back & left hand$6.25Feb. 1881
201627Wien, PeterBooneg. s. w. rt. thigh$6.00Jan. 1882
47004Williams, MargaretBoonemother$8.00May, 1865
42940Woods, DavidMadridg.s.w. rt knee$6.00-
-Young, HulbertOgdenrheum. & gaugrene lft. ankle$10.00-

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