New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Benton County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Benton County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
132,940Adair, Samuel AVintonfather$8.00Aug 1869
155,751Alcorn, JeremiahVintong. s. w. left shoulder$2.00Oct 1878
108,927Amburso, WilliamMount Auburng. s. w. rt. side, dis. of lungs$10.00-
186,830Applegate, JaneBlairstownwidow$8.00Jan 1880
190,985Arbuckle, WilliamWatkinsfather$8.00Jan 1881
104,022Arlinghouse, BarnadinaShellsburghmother$8.00Dec 1876
59,906Ayers, AndrewGarrison.g. s. w. rt. leg & thigh$6.00-
219,347Baird, Chas. WShellsburghlung disease$4.00Oct. 1882
179,045Barker, Ruel NVintoninjury to abdomen$2.00Nov 1880
124,165Barr, John WVintong. s. w. right side$8.50-
118,790Barr, ThomasShellsburghg. s, w. thigh & leg$4.00-
153,119Bartschever, JohnVintong. s. w. left hip$4.00May 1878
22,152Benedick, BetseyWatkinswidow 1812$8.00Apr 1879
157,787Benson, ClaraVintonwidow & child$8.00Mar 1872
194,143Black, JamesUrbannachronic diarrhea$4.00Aug. 1881
141,360Black, Jonathan CUrbannachr. diarrhea$3.00-
32,128Black, SarahUrbannawidow 1812$8.00Jan 1882
197,933Bordwell, Lyman DVintonfather$8.00Dec 1882
119,257Bowen, William HVinton.g.s. w. right arm$4.00-
136,361Bower, Cornelius DVintonrheumatism$8.00-
175,524Bower, HannahWatkinsmother$8.00Nov 1876
69,126Boyden, John HVintonwd. left hand$3.00-
223,660Brewer, Ira EVintonchr. diar., dis. of lungs$2.00Dec 1882
26,321Buch, WilliamBlairstowng. s. w. l. shoulder$6.00-
29,852Burrrell DorathyVintonmother$8.00Sept 1864
87,947Byxbe, WilliamVintong. s. w. spine$4.00-
115,578Campbell, AmericusVinton.g.s. w. right arm$4.00-
75,483Campbell, Samuel MVintonwd right arm$4.00-
130,153Cantonwino, DavidVinton.scurvy$4.00-
20,184Caroer, Elizabeth AShellsburghwidow$8.00Jan 1868
-Chapel, Reuben HMount Auburndiarrhea & bronchitis$6.00-
98,294Chess, John.Belle Plainedisease of eyes$8.00-
173,124Chown, John JBelle Plainedisease of eyes$12.00Sept 1880
122,630Christie, Jacob RVintonchr diarrhea dis of abd vis & rheumatism$12.75-
193,998Clark, AlvinVintondis. lungs, chr. diar.$4.00Aug 1881
46,330Coder Phillip MVintonloss right leg$24.00-
141,332Colcord, Edward HVinton.inj. to abdomen$15.00-
142,341Cook, James WVintong.s.w. left hand$2.00-
159,096Cottrell, AnnaVintonmother$8.00Aug 1872
22,650Crandall, Augusta HVintonwidow 1812$8.00Apr 1879
165.221Crouch, Thomas AVintondis. of lungs.$6.00Mar 1880
189,385Daniels, SullivanVintong. s. w. left thigh.-May 1881
194,069Davis, George MNorway..injury to abdomen.$4.00Aug. 1881
180,128Davis, Henry SBelle Plainedisease of eyes.$2.00Jan. 1881
21,312Dearth, JeremiahMount Auburnloss of left eye$8.00-
7,784Delong, LauraShellsburghwidow.$8.00Mar 1868
138,953Dim, John CVintong. s. w. right leg$4.00-
169,382Dodge, Elijah SVintondis. of kidney, hepatitis, rheumatism, bronchitis$4.00June 1880
189,945Downs, JamesUrbannafather$8.00Oct 1880
172,343Drake, Daniel SBlairstownrheumatism &. dis. of heart$8.00Aug 1880
88,476Drilling, LarraUrbannawidow.$8.00May 1867
206,885Dulaney, WilliamWatkinsrheumtism dis of lungs$6.00Apr 1882
105,990Dunn, Silas SVintonwd. both thighs$6.00-
48,531Easterly, Jacob NBurkwd. right thigh$18.00-
196,809Eaton, Samuel.Urbannafather$8.00July 1882
155,051Edmund, Samuel MVintonchr. diarrhea$4.00Aug 1873
179,521Elliott, John ABelle Plainerheumatism$6.00Dec 1880
125,629Ellis, Dewitt CBelle Plainechronic diarrhea$6.00-
69,677Ellis, KateBelle Plainewidow$8.00July 1867
117,933Elson, James MShellsburghg. s. w. right thigh$8.00-
52,883Evans, Edward MVintonloss of right leg$24.00-
172,630Felker, Ezra BVintong. s. w. left hip$2.00Aug 1880
221,110Fiss, John GGarrisoninj to back$2.00Nov 1882
187,729Flickinger, Anna CGarrisonmother$8.00Apr 1880
170,389Frey, JohnGarrisonchr. diarr. and dis. of lungs$4.00June 1880
183,208Garretson, George RShellsburghchr. diar. &, g. s. w. rt. arm$6.00Feb 188l
189,212Gee, Herbert SUrbannaspinal disease$4.00May 1881
176,412Goodwin, ElliottVintonchr. diarrhea$2.00-
166,814Goon, EliasVintoninj. right hand$2.00Apr 1880
40,052Greer, NancyBlairstownmother$8.00Feb 1865
19,879Grott, Henry AVan Hornwd. left jaw$4.00-
116,953Hall, James AShellsburghpoison from poke root$4.00-
163,766Harrington, Clinton OVintong. s. w. left hand$4.00Dec 1879
124,626Hawley, WilliamUrbannag. s. w. left side$6.00-
220,696Hay, JohnBelle Plaineg. s. w. right wrist$2.00Nov 1882
220,696Hay, JohnBelle Plaineg. s. w, right wrist$2.00Nov 1882
41,568Hayhurst, AngelineVintonwidow$8.00Sept 1875
223,150Hazen, Franklin DBelle Plaineshell wd. light shoulder$2.00Dec 1882
162,754Heath, Merrit SShellsburghg. s. w. left shoulder$4.00Oct 1879
168,766Heller, JoelVintoninjury to abdomen$8.00May 1880
176,386Helms, JohnGarrisondis. of abdominal viscera$8.00Oct 1880
165,911Henry, James WVintonfacial paralysis$4.00Mar 1880
215,783Hertzberger, HenryKeystoneg. s. w. of head$4.00July 1882
166,175Hileman, IsaacBelle Plainechronic diarrhea$4.00Mar 1880
30,593Hite, BarbaraVintonmother$8.00Sept 1864
33,069Hite, JacobVintong. s. w. of left thigh$4.00-
189,534Hite, ValentineVintonfather$8.00Apr 1880
192,187Hoffe, ChristopherGarrisonchronic diarrhea$4.00June 1881
179,447Holden, Mary AVintonwidow$8.00Dec 1877
211,969Hopkins, SamuelNorwaydis. of eyes$4.00June 1882
159,610Horton, Gary FShellsburghmalarial poisoning$2.00May 1879
65,127Hovey, SophiaBelle Plainewidow$8.00Feb 1866
150,831Huston, Rachel WVintonwidow$8.00Apr 1874
215,392Jenks, JonathanVintonchr. diar. & dis. right foot$2.00July 1882
90,370Johnson, PeterVan Horng.s. w. chest$4.00-
147,994Joyce, JacobGarrisonshell wd. head$2.00Aug 1877
186,926Kearchyea, ElizabethBelle Plainemother$8.00Feb 1880
216,240Kelley, Alva WVintong.s.w. left thigh$4.00Aug 1882
178,165Kendall, Harriet CVintonmother$8.00July 1877
216,901Kerst, AugustusBlairstowng. s. w. left thigh$2.00Aug 1882
192,244Kimball, CarolineVintonmother$8.00May 1881
168,954Kimball, Cassius BVintondis. of lungs$4.00June 1880
187,835Knuth, WilliamVintonchro. diarrhea$4.00May 1881
196,694Kouns, Elizabeth SVintonmother$8.00June 1882
168,999La Rue, Chambers CVan Horng. s. w. left thigh, chr. diar$6.00June 1880
409Lane, Abigail AnnBelle Plainemother$8.00Nov 1864
145,008Leonard, HenryBlairstowng. s. w. right leg$4.00-
49,711Locke, Parmenas AVintonwd. left foot$2.66-
60,252Loden, JamesShellsburghg. s. w. face$14.00-
167,457Lonthers, IsaacBelle Plainechronic rheumatism$12.00May 1880
31,817Louther, AzariahShellsburghophthalmia$4.00-
185,491Magill, JohnVintondisease of lungs$4.00Mar 1881
216,265Maholm, CyrusBelle Plaineg. s. w. index linger & left arm$4.00Aug 1882
63,396Manler, JasperBlairstowng.s.w. lft. thigh$6.00-
65,766Marine, Stephen AVintonloss right leg$24.00-
126,934Massman, Alvin SShellsburghg. s. w. left breast$2.00-
143,690Matthews, John PVintong. s. w. right leg$6.00-
30,560Maynard, WilliamVintong. s. w. left thigh$2.00-
48,473McDuff, WilliamVintonwd. right hip$5.33-
175,317Miner, HiramBlairstowng.s.w. lft thigh$4.00Oct 1880
214,632Moeller, HenryLuzerneblindness left eye$4.00June 1882
92,342Morris, Wilber FVintonwd. of breast$12.00Feb 1869
139,730Morrison, John WVintondisease of eyes.$8.00-
117,102Muller, LouisaNewhallwidow.$8.00Aug 1868
13,978Murphy, ElizabethVintonwidow$8.00Feb 1867
147,811Mutchler, LucindaVintonwidow$8.00Feb 1871
27,088Neumuyer, Henry CBlairstownwd. left, leg$4.00-
41,927Newton, IsaacShellsburghg. s. w. rt. foot$10.00-
150,155Oppelt, Sylvanus CVintoninj. left eye$4.00Dec 1877
212,127Painter, LewisBelle Plaineg. s. w. of right thigh$2.00June 1882
167,187Palmer, Henry AVintong. s. w. left arm$4.00May 1879
190,145Parmater, William PVintong. s. w. of right thigh$4.00June 1881
55,681Pemberton, Hettie MVintonwidow$8.00Feb 1867
86,590Pitts, William HShellsburghkick left leg$6.00-
9,989Porter, William YShellsburghloss thumb & finger$6.00-
81,767Pratt, DianthaGarrisonwidow$8.00May 1869
180,392Preston, ChandlerVintonchr. diarrhea, dis. of abd. vis., disease of rectum.$8.00Dec 1880
204,127Pruitt, WilliamGarrison.inj. left arm$2.00Mar. 1882
176,744Raymomd, John NGarrisonchronic diarrhea$4.00Oct 1880
167,090Redfield, Stephen DVintondis. of eyes, sunstroke$7.50Apr 1880
223,701Reeves, Alvin BNorwayg. s. w. left thigh$2.00Dec. 1882
44,411Reisser, CharlesBlairstowng. s. w. both thighs$6.00-
27,029Reynolds, Peter MVintong. s, w. jaw &. right thigh$12.00-
187,667Richardson, Silas JBelle Plaineminor of$16.00Apr. 1880
18,362Riley, AlexanderNorwasurv. 1812$8.00Aug. 1872
29,002Roberson, MaryBelle Plainewidow 1812$8.00Apr 1880
23,291Roberts, BetseyBelle Plainewidow 1812$8.00Apr 1879
187,594Robinson, SusannahUrbannamother$8.00Mar. 1880
710Rose, AbrahamVintonsurv. 1812$8.00Oct 1871
140,801Rose, AbrahamVintonchr. diarrhea$4.00-
36,407Roster, John CBurkg. s. w. right leg$8.00-
180,363Rowan, John WVintong. s. w. rt. thumb$1.00Dec 1880
180,097Sawyer, Spencer AUrbannag. s. w. right thigh$1.00Dec. 1880
21,010Schoonover, JosephGarrisonwd. rt. Leg$2.00-
198,930Seibsch, JohnUrbannachr. diarr., lumbago, & dis. of liver$4.00Dec. 1881
212,946Shields, John CVintong.s.w. left thigh$4.00June 1882
219,539Shields, John HVintonscorbutus, dis feet$10.00Oct. 1882
82,222Shiffer, MaryVintonmother$8.00Aug 1866
47,110Shoemaker, NancyVintonwidow$8.00Mar 1867
109,152Shultz, Simon LBelle Plaineinj. right foot, loss of great toe$8.00-
217,002Shutts, Lewis EVan Horng. s. w. left hip$4.00Aug. 1882
168,116Smith, FrederickShellsburghinj. to left shoulder$6.00May 1880
26,292Smith, JerushaUrbannawidow 1812$8.00Aug. 1879
50,268Smith, PhillipNewhallwd. left arm$18.00-
72,267Smock, John WVintonloss left leg$24.00-
87,713Smock, Phebe JVintonwidow$8.00Jan 1867
195,750Smocks, William SVintondis. of lungs$4.00Sept. 1881
116,916Snell, Angelina GBelle Plainemother$8.00Aug 1868
28,005St. Clair, WilliamVintong. s. w. of left leg$4.00-
218,484Starks, Lyman HVintonsunstroke and results$4.00Sept 1882
203,682Stedman, Dudley EVintondis of feet & inj to abdomen$8.00Feb. 1882
186,594Stedman, Elbert PVintondis. of lungs$10.00Apr. 1881
204,246Stedman, Elihu HVintondisease of kidney$12.75Mar. 1882
46,985Stewart, Margaret JVintonwidow$8.00July 1867
181,191Stickney, Wallace NVintonsh. wd. shoulder & breast$4.00Jan. 1881
154,813Summers, Charles SShellsburghinjury to abdomen$7.50Aug. 1878
151,232Summers, John CShellsburghg. s. w. lt.shoulder$4.50Feb. 1878
151,933Swafford, Benj. PBelle Plaineinjury to abdomen$8.00Mar 1878
19,063Swallorn, PhebeShellsburghwidow 1812$8.00Feb. 1879
191,876Taggart, SamuelVintong. s. w. left arm$4.00June 1881
78,826Taylor, JamesUrbannamother$8.00July 1866
70,306Thompson, ArodVintonchr. Diarrhea$4.00-
199,578Thompson, Joseph SVintong. s. w. left arm$1.00Dec 1881
52,147Thompson, MarthaShellsburghmother$8.00July 1865
173,211Thompson, SophiaNorwaywidow & child$8.00May 1876
155,671Thrasher, Notley HBlairstowng. s. w. 1st finger left hand$6.00Oct 1878
191,864Tinkham, Jacob LVintonchr. diarrhea$4.00June 1881
186,915Todd, Jonathan VUrbanna2d toe right foot$2.00Apr 1881
183,898Tracy, LydiaShellsburghmother$8.00Apr 1879
197.02Turner, Mary E.Vintonwidow$8.00Aug 1882
186,783Van Meter, JosinaBlairstownmother$20.00Jan 1880
211,489Vaughar, SamuelGarrisong. s. w. left hand$2.00June 1882
157,055Vorheis, Sarah OVintonwidow$8.00Apr 1872
145,436Vosburgh, AbramBelle Plaineg. s. w. left thigh, var. veins$8.00May 1877
80,672Voss, HenryBlairstowng. s. w. right shoulder$6.00-
171,068Waitman, SarahUrbannamother$8.00Nov 1875
20,123Walley, Thomas BVintong. s. w. left leg$4.00-
181,375Warner, Henry FGarrisonchr diarr. & dis. of abd. vis$2.00Jan 1881
42,937Warner, Horace EVintonloss left arm$24.00-
180,109Webb, John R.Vintonfather$8.00Feb 1878
-Wells, William HWatkinsdis of ears$2.00June 1882
158,488Westcratt, Marsh PMount Auburng. s. w. of face$4.00Mar 1879
31,763Whipple, Emily BVintonwidow$8.00Oct 1864
76,283White, MargaretLuzernemother$8.00June 1866
192,778Wier, Braytonette MShellsburghwidow & 2 children.$8.00June 1881
154,490Wilson, Henry MVintondisease of eyes$12.75July 1878
152,693Winslow, Noah SBelle Plainechronic diarrhea$6.00Apr 1878
170,777Wolf, JamesMount Auburnchronic diarrhea$4.00June 1880
139,946Wood, ElizaVintonmother$8.00Feb 1870
179,441Wood, NancyVintonmother$8.00Dec 1877

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