New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Adams County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Adams County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
61,665Adkins, Jesse LPrescottloss lft. arm above elbow$24.00-
29,918Albaugh, JohnCorningg. s. w. lft arm.$18.00-
97,131Ball, GrovenorNewinvilleg. s. w. rt. arm.$4.00-
109,022Batkin, John.Prescottloss lft. eye & dis. right$12.00-
138,406Beckwith, William LPrescottg. s. w. lft. leg & var. veins.$4.00Mar 1876
39,916Bell, ThomasCorningwd. lft. wrist & shoulder$2.00-
121,581Bixler, WilliamQuincyg. s. w. lft. arm & dis. eyes--
155,097Black, Francis MBrooksg. s. w. lft shoulder$1.00Sept 1878
138,839Brown, Benjamin LBrooksscurvy$4.00-
124,388Buddin, Solomon PBrooksg.s.w. lft forearm$4.00-
53,624Burt, Francis MBrooksamp. lft. forearm$18.00-
89,874Chapman, Ellen MCorningwidow.$30.00Feb 1867
43,590Christman, Sanford ACorningg. s. w. rt leg.$4.00-
196,824Clancy, Zachariah BEast Nodowaysh. wd. rt leg & thigh & g. s. w rt leg$12.00Oct 1881
148,433Clute, Marcia ACorningmother$8.00Mar 1871
162,909Coffey, JamesEast Nodowayfrac. rt. forearm.$4.00Oct 1879
206,337Coleman, AbsalomQuincyheart dis.$8.00Apr 1882
153,815Currier, RebeccaPrescottdep. mother$8.00Sept 1871
191,571Dennis, Benjamin FBrooksPartial deafness$4.00June 1881
76,265Dibble, JohnBrooksg. s. w. face$2.00-
17,994Dye, John WCorningg.s.w. left foot$18.00Oct 1863
60,002Eblen, JosephCorningdis. Eyes$24.00-
196,416Edwards, DavidNewinvilleg. s. w. rt. thigh.$4.00Oct 1881
53,315Fast, William AMount Etnawd. lft. side neck.$14.00-
10,665Foote, Charles AMount Etnag. s. w. rt arm$4.00Feb 1881
208,842Frees, Jacob WMount Etnadis. stomach & bowels$4.00May 1882
173,865Glines, JamesNewinvilleinj. to abdomen & dropsy$8.00Sept 1880
43,795Glougie, John RPrescottg. s. w. lft. shoulder.$14.00-
159,960Hall, Calvin NEast Nodowayg. s. w. shoulder.$4.00May 1879
55,077Harper, Hugh WCorningg. s. w. left hand$5.00-
205,041Hertzog, Charles WBriscoeinjury to abdomen$6.00Mar 1882
38,057Hold, James WMount Etnaloss lft. leg. &. dis. knee.$24.00-
176,484Hollingsworth, LeviMount Etnag. s. w. lft. foot & liver dis.$2.00Oct 1880
65,952Hubel, PeterCorningwd. rt hand$2.66June 1866
134,162Irwin, WesleyEast Nodowaydis. eyes.$4.00-
214,106Jones, Elem RPrescotterysipelas rt. leg.$2.00June 1882
183,776Keefe, DennisHayesg. s. w. lft. forefinger frozen feet$2.00Mar 1881
142,602Kenney, Mary JPrescottwidow$8.00Apr 1870
182,167Krebs, GotleibCorningdis eyes.$4.00Feb 1881
166,829Kridelbaugh, Joseph PPrescottpartial deafness$6.00Apr 1880
173,089Kynett, John ECarlsh. wd. rt arm.$2.00Sept 1880
187,716Lawrence, PerryCorninginjury to abdomen.$2.00Apr 1881
82,677Lee, Mary HEurekadep. mother.$8.00Sept 1866
68,787Lowther, SarahCarlwidow.$8.00Jan 1870
146,257Lucas, JohnCorningrheum.$4.00-
100,358Maring, Stephen WNewinvillewd. head & lft. arm.$2.66-
176,214Martin, JosephCorningdis. abd. viscera, scurvy, var. veins$4.00Oct 1880
111,447Mather, JamesCorningdis. eyes.$4.00-
44,559Maxwell, John CPrescottwd. lft. Side$14.00-
132,017McConnell, Thomas APrescottg. s. w.rt thigh$4.00-
168,376McDay, JamesNewinvilleinjury to abdomen.$8.00May 1880
72,858McKeen, AdamNewinvillechr. diarr.$4.00-
221,676Mercer, William G.DCorninginjury to abdomen.$4.00Dec 1882
203,013Miller, Jacob RQuincyg. s. w. hd, res'g. deaf, rt. ear$2.00Feb 1882
167,263Miller, WilliamPrescottdis. lft. leg & dis. Rt. leg from typ. Fever.$16.00Apr 1880
46,986Moore, Edwin SCorningwd left hip$4.00-
171,214Myers, DavidQuincylung dis$4.00July 1880
41,136Narjion. JosephBrooksg. s w. rt.arm$16.00-
153,271Osborn, DavidPrescottch. Diar$4.00May 1878
53,490Osborn, DavidCorningg. s. w. lft hand.$8.00-
126,645Peairs, Joseph FEast Nodowayg. s. w. lft. leg.$4.00-
154,781Peregrine, John SBrooksg. s. w. lft. leg$4.00Aug 1878
11,880Reynolds, William HCorningwd. lft. ankle.$8.00Apr. 1880
43,774Richards, Richard EHayesg. s. w. rt. heel.$10.00-
144,585Roberts, IsaacPrescottg. s. w. face$4.00-
73,112Roberts, William HHayesg. s w rt hand & amp. 3 fingers.$6.00-
130,870Ronig, JosephCarbonc s. w, rt hand.$4.00Nov 1874
74,299Rowland, John ANewinvilleg. s. w. lft. hand.$4.00-
158,990Scovel, MaryPrescottmother$8.00July 1872
108,568Segriff, Michael RBrooksg.s.w.lft. arm$5.00-
45,124Skidmore, ClarendaMount Etnawidow$8.00Feb 1869
197,240Stickel, Cinderella L. & ChildCorningwidow$8.00Sept 1882
72,528Stickel, EmanuelCorningdis eyes.$8.00-
21,759Tanner, SusanMount Etnamother$8.00May 1864
126,531Thomas, Philip DEurekag.s. w. it. thigh & inj. to abd.$8.00-
1,869Webb, AndrewCorningwd. l. thigh (Navy)$3.00Nov 1873
110,684Widner, JamesCorningparalysis lft. leg.$14.00-
125,022Young, AndersonCorningg.s.w. rt thigh & inj to abd$2.00-

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