New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Hartford County, Connecticut

January 1, 1883

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Cert. #	Name of Pensioner	Post Office address   Cause for pension	Rate	Date of Origional Allowance
30,246	Dimmock, Thos.		Avon		loss l. leg		24.00	----------
14,784	Alford, Franklin M.	Avon		w. r. knee		4.00	----------
177,899	Woodford, Harrison	Avon		frost bite l. foot	2.00	Oct., 1880
19,435	Humphrey, Tryphena	Avon		widow 1812		8.00	Mar., 1879
191,416	Miller, Emily A.	Berlin		Widow			8.00	Mar., 1881
122,342	Deming, Francis B.	Berlin		w.l. thigh		4.00	----------
141,400	Bartram, Chauncey D.	Berlin		w. back			8.00	----------
11,560	Porter, Henry L.	Berlin		w.l. shr.		4.00	----------
11,481	Steele, Caroline E.	Berlin		widow			8.00	----------
12,794	Hubbard, Nancy		Berlin		widow 1812		8.00	Dec., 1878
152,728	Pollard, Mary A.	Berlin		dep. mother		8.00	Aug., 1871
66,604	Richardson, Mary A.	Berlin		dep. mother		8.00	Mar., 1866
97,531	Martin, Harriett S.	Bloomfield	widow			8.00	----------
62,759	Kitchen, Sarah J.	Bloomfield	widow			8.00	----------
24, 138	Case, John E.		Bloomfield	loss l. leg		24.00	----------
41,133	Tallmadge, Mary B.	Bloomfield	widow			8.00	----------
182,042	Latimer, Wm. R.		Bloomfield	w. r. thigh		2.00	Feb., 1881
1,846	Rowley, Bildad		Bloomfield	widow 1812		8.00	July, 1871
28,232	Lane, Susan C.		Bloomfield	widow 1812		8.00	Dec., 1879
27,980	Lane, Lency		Bristol		dep. mother		8.00	Aug., 1864
56,354	Moulthrop, Almira D.	Bristol		widow			8.00	----------
181,341	Hubbard, Julia C.	Bristol		dep. mother		8.00	June, 1878
193,391	Munson, Emeline S.	Bristol		widow			10.00	Sept., 1881
183,387	Mathews, Olevia		Bristol		dep. mother		8.00	Apr., 1879
83,561	Grant, Geo. H.		Bristol		w. r. ankle		2.00	Nov., 1868
145,477	Wright, Adaline E.,	Bristol		dep. mother		8.00	Oct., 1870
82,567	Adams, Wm. H.		Bristol		w.l. foot		6.00	----------
18,908	Bunnell, Chas. R.	Bristol		w.r. hand		10.00	----------
35,486	Bunnell, Sterling	Bristol		w.head			18.00	----------
128,535	Bond, Wm.		Bristol		inj. l. side		18.00	----------
140,914	Lee, Mortimer F.	Bristol		w.l. shr., & c.		4.00	----------
149,830	Dresser, Aaron C.	Bristol		w.r. thigh		6.00	Dec., 1877
26,100	Wright, Sally		Bristol		widow 1812		8.00	July, 1879
155,023	Muzzy, Clarence H.	Bristol		w.r. foot		6.00	----------
13,606	Merrills, Coradon R.	Bristol		inj. spine		6.00	----------
47,374	Weeks, Herman A.	Bristol		w.r. hand		8.00	----------
207,288	Nichols, Sereno F.	Bristol		diarr			4.00	Apr., 1882
72,877	Norton, Silas A.	Bristol		w.r. arm		18.00	----------
112,736	Reynolds, James S.	Bristol		w.r. leg		4.00	----------
207,480	Hillard, William C.	Bristol		w.r. shr.		4.00	Apr., 1882
128,941	Smedley, Mary		Bristol		widow			8.00	May, 1867
182,039	Strong, Cornelius A.	Bristol		widow			8.00	Sept., 1878
131,955	Smith, Friend H.	Bristol		w.jaw			8.00	----------
162,127	Stroazzi, James A.	Bristol		shell w. head		4.00	----------
167,674	Stone, Mark B.		Bristol		w.r. forearm		4.00	Apr., 1880
11,313	Shubert, Theodore	Bristol		dis. eyes		10.00	----------
113,872	Sanford, Theron A.	Bristol		w.r.hand		5.00	----------
20,405	Adams, Azubah		Bristol		widow 1812		8.00	Mar., 1877
87,874	Bacon, Adeline E.	Bristol		widow			8.00	----------
104,693	Bennett, Mary J.	Bristol		widow			8.00	----------
86,930	Bradley, Sarah		Bristol		widow			8.00	----------
157,809	Barnes, Sarah M.	Bristol		dep.mother		8.00	----------
183,598	Bailey, Annie E.	Bristol		widow			10.00	Apr., 1879
195,656	Blakeslee, Mary A.	Bristol		dep. mother		8.00	May, 1882
172,082	Coe, Robert W.		Bristol		minors of		10.00	Feb., 1876
79,747	Cuiver, H. Jane		Bristol		widow			8.00	----------
71,451	Dowling, Mary		Bristol		widow			8.00	Apr., 1866
187,537	Parlin, Emma M.		Bristol		widow			8.00	Mar., 1880
6,799	Rockwell, Martha J.	Bristol		widow			8.00	----------
48,104	Perkins, Merrim H.	Bristol		w.r. band		8.00	----------
220,122	Tolles, Henry		Bristol		w.r. side head		4.00	Nov., 1882
204,721	Hurlburt, George A.	Buckingham	dis. liver & abdominal	25.00	Mar., 1882
5,550	Williams, John		Buckland	widow 1812		8.00	Oct., 1871
138,381	Thorp, Loriston A.	Burlingame			4.00	----------
9,477	Bunnell, Fanny		Burlingame	widow 1812		8.00	Oct., 1878
100,491	Minchin, Julia		Burlingame	dep. mother		8.00	Oct., 1867
13,617	Bunnell, Sylvia E.	Burlingame	widow 1812		8.00	Dec., 1878
67,236	Goodwin, George H.	Burnside	inj. l. knee		18.00	----------
211,742	Goodrich, Loren H.	Burnside	diarr & dis. of abdominal 4.00	June, 1882
155,122	Hospodsky, Henry F.	Burnside	w.r. thigh		2.00	Sept., 1878
66,566	Vibert, Oscar B.	Burnside	w.r. thigh		2.00	Sept., 1878
210,136	Whitcomb, John F.	Burnside	w. back			4.00	May, 1882
4,169	Lincoln, Eliza		Burnside	widow 1812		8.00	Oct., 1872
133,980	Beach, Edward E.	Canton		w.r. hip & l. hand	8.00	----------
131,445	Hager, John D.		Canton		w. abdomen & r. thigh	6.00	----------
58,505	Bradley, Sarah C.	Canton		widow			8.00	----------
71,808	Messenger, Martha A.	Canton		widow			8.00	----------
18,706	Shepard, Azubah		Canton		widow 1812		8.00	Feb., 1879
187,647	Walter, Aretus		Centre Hill	w.r. shr.		4.00	Apr., 1881
81,954	Hibbard, Philena H.	Collinsville	widow			8.00	----------
183,463	Edwards, George P.	Collinsville	w.l.forearm		2.00	Mar., 1881
131,372	Cornwell, Howard E.	Collinsville	w.r. arm		4.00	----------
161,996	Hawley, Eugen F.	Collinsville	inj. finger		2.00	Aug., 1879
185,441	Rogers, Samuel		Collinsville	dep. father		8.00	Sept., 1879
175,729	Case, Lester		Collinsville	dep. father		8.00	Dec., 1876
125,943	Gavin, Eliza		Collinsville	dep. mother		8.00	----------
22,214	Garret, Wait		Collinsville	widow 1812		8.00	June, 1878
193,444	Baker, Fanny M.		Collinsville	dep. mother		8.00	Oct., 1881
192,324	Bailey, Harriet F.	Collinsville	widow			8.00	May, 1881
193,002	Preice, David D.	Copper Hill	w.r. thigh		8.00	----------
66,094	McCrum, Eliza		East Berlin	widow			8.00	----------
210,472	Adams, William H.	East Berlin	w.r. hand		4.00	----------
66,205	Wilcox, Marcus		East Berlin	w.r. hand		2.00	----------
195,714	Allen, Emma S.		East Berlin	widow			10.00	Sept., 1872
26,032	Strong, Caroline	East Glaston-	widow 1812		8.00	July, 1879
11,598	McLean, Pamela		East Glaston-	widow 1812		8.00	Nov., 1878
19,445	Goodale, Abigail	East Glaston-	widow 1812		8.00	Mar., 1879
187,985	Preice, Edward W.	East Granby	w.l. shr. & results	8.00	May, 1881
15,377	Comish, Fanny		East Granby	widow 1812		8.00	Jan., 1879
11,235	Gould, Cath. C.		East Granby	widow 1812		8.00	Nov., 1878
141,540	McCormick, Wm. L.	East Hartford	w. head			17.00	Sept., 1876
197,334	Case, Andrew A.		East Hartford	w.r. cheek, & c.	2.00	Nov., 1881
142,632	Fletcher, Jas. C.	East Hartford	injury to abdomen	8.00	----------
87,117	Ferry, Albert		East Hartford	w.r. hand		6.00	Nov., 1867
133,948	Collins, Michael	East Hartford	w.r. hand		6.00	----------
216,031	Abbey, Geo. F.		East Hartford	injury to abdomen	4.00	July, 1882
30,076	Banning, Almon C.	East Hartford	w.r. leg		17.00	----------
146,668	Babcock, Augustus W.	East Hartford	w.r. arm		6.00	----------
70,290	Barrows, Isaac C.	East Hartford	w.r. leg		8.00	----------
173,417	Burnham, Spencer H.	East Hartford	w.l. arm		6.00	Sept., 1880
191,912	Wright, Henry		East Hartford	w.l. arm		6.00	Sept., 1880
211,997	Olmstead, Elihu		East Hartford	w.l. knee		2,00	June, 1882
211,315	Pease, John F.		East Hartford	w.r. knee		2.00	June, 1882
20, 412	Wells, Martha		East Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Mar., 1879
186,956	Reid, Wm.		East Hartford	inj. r. knee, dis.	8.00	Apr., 1881
						heart, & c.
218,610	Sweeney, Christopher	East Hartford	dis. retum, & c.	4.00	Oct., 1882
76,356	Snow, Jerome B.		East Hartford	w. hand & r. foot	3.00	----------
197,268	Turner, Ezra A.		East Hartford	w. face			11.25	Nov., 1881
16,300	Jones, Heppy		East Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Jan., 1879
25,637	Elmer, Dorcas		East Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	July, 1879
148,610	Waters, Wm. A.		East Windsor	w.r. arm & ankle	4.00	----------
67,268	Fitts, Chas. C.		East Windsor	w.r. arm		8.00	----------
150,935	Southergill, Thos.	East Windsor	w.r. arm		4.00	----------
86,615	McBrierty, Eliza	Enfield		dep. mother		8.00	Nov., 1868
133,971	Halstead, James W.	Farmington	epilepsy		8.00	----------
190,162	Blakesley, Franklin	Farmington	loss 2 fingers r. hand	6.00	June, 1881
36,787	Parsons, Edgar H.	Farmington	w.l. breast		8.00	----------
133,961	Kelly, Mary		Farmington	widow			8.00	Sept., 1869
27,085	Bulkley, Helen		Farmington	dep. mother		8.00	July, 1864
179,761	Brainard, Edward	Farmington	dep. father		8.00	Jan., 1878
150,580	Dwining, Rosa		Farmington	widow			10.00	----------
174,868	Dorman, Runnah E.	Farmington	widow			10.00	Aug., 1876
50,677	Roper, Julia		Farmington	widow			8.00	----------
87,576	Wilcox, Ruth		Farm's Village	widow			8.00	----------
152,066	Dorman, Eugen W.	Forestville	w. back			3.00	Mar., 1878
18, 716	Gray, John W.		Forestville	w.l. hand		8.00	----------
211,564	Lewis, Theron D.	Forestville	w.r.thigh		4.00	June, 1882
138,044	Roberts, Ralph R.	Forestville	w. chest		4.00	----------
163,878	Ingram, Chas. E.	Forestville	w.l. leg		4.00	----------
197,673	Rice, Sarah E.		Forestville	widow			12.00	Nov., 1882
90,469	Hough, Helen		Forestville	widow			8.00	----------
80,644	Davis, Albertine D.	Forestville	widow			8.00	----------
63,550	Bisley, Sophronia	Glastonbury	dep. mother		8.00	Jan., 1866
10,297	Bisley, Pamelia		Glastonbury	widow 1812		8.00	Oct., 1878
9,849	Brackett, Angelina	Glastonbury	widow			8.00	----------
17,846	Barber, Mercy W.	Glastonbury	widow			20.00	----------
17,748	Turner, Hopestill	Glastonbury	widow			8.00	Feb., 1879
8,958	Perkins, Harriet	Glastonbury	dep. mother		8.00	Aug., 1866
60,367	Porter, Geo. D.		Glastonbury	w.l. foot		4.00	----------
58,615	Newton, Francis G.	Granby		w.l. hip		10.00	----------
168,660	Smith, Wm. H.		Granby		w.r. leg		1.00	May, 1880
18,736	Chollar, Jennett	Granby		widow			8.00	----------
91,814	Holcomb, Harriet J.	Granby		widow			20.00	----------
7,718	Holcomb, Betsey		Granby		widow 1812		8.00	Aug., 1878
47,727	Post, Mary		Granby		widow			20.00	----------
175,408	Twining, Clarissa C.	Hartland Centre	dep. mother		8.00	Oct., 1876
218,765	Covigan, Jas. B.	Hartford	w.l. breast & pleurisy	2.00	Oct., 1882
12,603	Fuller, Eliza		Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Dec., 1878
15,498	Murdock, Walter C.	Hartford	w.r.shr.		4.00	----------
49,856	Lavell, Patrick		Hartford	w.r. hand		6.00	----------
203,352	Wheeler, Henry		Hartford	w.l.lower jaw		4.00	Feb., 1882
39,442	Lathrop, Philetus C.	Hartford	w.l. thign		15.00	----------
144,821	Diestel, Annie		Hartford	widow			12.00	Sept., 1870
98,893	Murphy, Mary		Hartford	widow			8.00	Aug., 1867
61,648	Gilbert, Harriet P.	Hartford	widow			8.00	Feb., 1867
78,110	Handley, Thos.		Hartford	w.l. arm		4.00	Mar., 1876
174,936	Aoh, Jacob J.		Hartford	loss r. thumb		4.00	Oct., 1889
159,791	Murphy, Michael		Hartford	w.r. thigh		6.00	May, 1879
156,142	McKelvie, Thos.		Hartford	w.l. thigh		4.00	Oct., 1878
186,896	Woodworth, Milton L.	Hartford	rheum			24.00	Apr., 1881
25, 242	Ringrase, Michael	Hartford	dis. heart		18.00	----------
83,125	Cosgrove, Jas.		Hartford	w.l. thigh		4.00	July, 1867
79,458	Carver, Theo.		Hartford	w.l. groin		4.00	Apr., 1867
26,335	Valentine, Alonzo	Hartford	loss r. arm		18.00	Apr., 1864
113,794	Myers, Henry C.		Hartford	w.r.shr.		8.00	Sept., 1871
182,069	Hommedien, Wm. H.L.	Hartford	w.r. hip		4.00	Feb., 1881
203,233	Burnham, John H.	Hartford	w.l. leg		15.00	Feb., 1882
13,827	Lombard, Margaret	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
65,650	Loyden, Mary M.		Hartford	widow			20.00	----------
188,663	Loomis, Henrietta W.	Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Jan., 1880
36,687	Murray, Adelphia	Hartford	widow			8.00	Dec., 1864
34,998	Minea, Eliza M.		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
37,909	Miner, Elizabeth	Hartford	widow			8.00	June, 1865
68,416	Mathewson, Julia	Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Mar., 1866
104,512	Murphy, Mary		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
60,022	Monroe, Mary H.		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
61,297	Cline, Jane K.		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
74,597	Knowles, Laura A.	Hartford	widow			8.00	May, 1866
121,095	Keen, Ruth W.		Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	----------
193,108	McNeil, Bridget		Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Aug., 1881
194,556	Marsh, Lamira M.	Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Feb., 1882
94,609	Gilbert, Smith S.	Hartford	w.r.leg			15.00	----------
14,918	Gassett, Wm. H.		Hartford	w.r.shr.		18.00	----------
16,244	Howe, Albert S.		Hartford	w.r.wrist		4.00	----------
53,945	Hull, Andrews J.	Hartford	w. face			8.00	----------
213,588	Booth, Wm. H.		Hartford	dis. eyes		4.00	June, 1882
12,589	Carter, Calvin H.	Hartford	w.r. leg		2.66 2/3 ---------
150,748	Coverse, Danforth J.	Hartford	w.r.thigh & dis. lungs	8.00	----------
194,459	Cummings, Dennis B.	Hartford	w. head & r. foot	2.00	----------
67,372	Diamond, Joseph		Hartford	w.l.arm			4.00	July, 1866
172,020	Gelston, Edward		Hartford	w. head			2.00	Aug., 1880
101,200	Gouge, Geo. S.		Hartford	w.l.shr.		8.50	Dec., 1869
15,886	Goodell, Henry O.	Hartford	w.l. arm		8.50	----------
173,341	Gabriel, John		Hartford	w.r.shr., debility, & c.10.00	Sept., 1880
180,905	Glynn, John		Hartford	dis. lungs		12.00	Jan., 1881
62,709	Goodale, John		Hartford	w.l. hip	`	18.00	----------
66,420	Gray, John		Hartford	w.r. humerus		18.00	----------
192,119	French, Ethelbert	Hartford	w. side & dis. heart	6.00	June, 1881
214,418	Fox, Horace T.		Hartford	diarr			4.00	June, 1882
206,159	Fliut, John H.		Hartford	w.l.thigh		4.00	Apr., 1882
131,501	Foute, Richard		Hartford	dis. of abdominal viscera 12.00	----------
202,543	Flynn, Thos.		Hartford	w.r.side face		2.00	Feb., 1882
88,209	Dwyer, Thos.		Hartford	w.r.hand		6.00	----------
202,085	Edwards, Hiram		Hartford	w. face			4.00	Jan., 1882
60,780	Eldridge, Horace A.	Hartford	w. breast & r arm	18.00	----------
134,847	Ehret, John		Hartford	injury to abdomen	8.00	----------
140,967	Elton, Wm. L.		Hartford	dis. heart		8.00	Aug. 1876
145,779	Fox, Albert H.		Hartford	w. l. leg		4.00	June, 1877
55,900	Forbes, Asahel P.	Hartford	w. l. leg		6.00	----------
9,467	Bugbey, Geo. H.		Hartford	w. head & c.		18.00	----------
130,923	Cronert, Frederick	Hartford	w.r. hip		14.00	----------
80, 794	Chapin, Geo.		Hartford	w.r. head		10.00	----------
142,988	Casc., Geo. A.		Hartford	w.r. leg		4.00	----------
183,708	Camp, Howard A.		Hartford	w.r.wrist		4.00	Mar., 1881
215,438	Cummings, Jas.		Hartford	w.r. forearm		2.00	July, 1882
140,119	Hitzel, Geo.		Hartford	w.r. arm & l. Leg.	10.00	----------
210,820	Cahill, John M.		Hartford	rheum			24.00	June, 1882
120,367	Crane, John W.		Hartford	w.r.thigh		12.00	----------
11,224	Clark, Samuel		Hartford	w. both legs		18.00	----------
17,489	Thomas, Emily J.	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
93,243	Thomas, Lovina		Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Apr., 1847
76,484	Teihune, Sarah		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
185,200	Taylor, Jane		Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Aug., 1879
68,946	Vorrey, Harriet S.	Hartford	widow			20.00	aPR., 1865
13,685	Woods, Abigail		Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Feb., 1864
13,488	Wheeler, Adaline H.	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
79,090	Wright, Bridget		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
56,664	Warner, Clarissa	Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Sept., 1863
66,389	Westland, Deha		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
149,286	Wells, Eliza H.		Hartford	widow			8.00	Apr., 1871
97,372	Williams, Louisa M.	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
106,285	Witherby, Malvina A.	Hartford	widow			8.00	Jan., 1868
63,399	Wells, Mary		Hartford	widow			8.00	Jan. 1868
100,548	Warner, Mary J.		Hartford	widow			8.00	June, 1872
16,761	Wadsworth, Mary R.	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
48,610	Young, Eliza		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
1,696	Smith, Eliza R.		Hartford	widow			17.00	----------
151,753	Anderson, John		Hartford	w.r. & l. leg		5.00	Mar., 1878
89,251	Ault, John T.		Hartford	w.r. lung		12.00	----------
27,087	Boynton, Alonzo P.	Hartford	diarr, & c.		8.00	----------
77,874	Baker, Benj. B.		Hartford	w. shr.			6.00	----------
144,280	Babcock, Chas.		Hartford	w.l. shr.		10.00	----------
12,757	Barry, Chas. W.		Hartford	w.r. leg & wrist	4.00	----------
83,463	Benton, Dwight F.	Hartford	w. breast		6.00	----------
51,161	Bullock, Edmund L.	Hartford	w. back			8.00	----------
194,351	Bowers, Geo. A.		Hartford	rheum			4.25	Aug., 1881
193,648	Bartholomew, John B.	Hartford	dis. Lungs		14.00	July, 1881
55,903	Bowen, Jos.		Hartford	w.r. foot		10.00	----------
138,881	Burke, Thos. F.		Hartford	w.r. shr.		10.00	----------
41,866	Berry, Wm.		Hartford	w.r. foot		17.00	----------
141,445	Lester, Chas. H.	Hartford	w.r. thigh		4.00	----------
34,763	Leonard, Chester A.	Hartford	w.l. arm		18.00	----------
140,115	Larkin, Dennis		Hartford	w.r. shr. & forehead	12.00	----------
174,510	Lynde, Duane M.		Hartford	inj. face & c.		3.00	Oct., 1880
93,645	Langdon, Geo. P.	Hartford	insanity		50.00	----------
28,956	Lacy, Patrick		Hartford	dis. heart		8.00	----------
184,011	Loomis, Sam'l K.	Hartford	w.l. knee 7 var. veins	4.00	Mar., 1861
144,861	Loper, Thos. H.		Hartford	w.r. thigh		4.00	----------
73,710	Le Large, Victor	Hartford	w.l. ulna		12.00	----------
61,625	McClunie, Thos.		Hartford	w.l. cheek		2.00	----------
200,847	Merriman, Walter H.	Hartford	w. head scurvy, var.
						veins			8.00	Jan., 1882
161,894	Murdock, Wm.		Hartford	w.r.leg			3.75	----------
29,210	Morgan, Wm. E.		Hartford	w.l. forearm		8.00	----------
177,426	Mayer, Nathan		Hartford	dis. nervous system	18.75	Oct., 1880
196,870	Munroe, Hugh		Hartford	w.l.shr.		4.00	Oct., 1881
203,306	Morton, Frank		Hartford	w.r. foot		4.00	Feb., 1882
156,766	Utzig, Phillipp		Hartford	injury to abdomen	6.00	Nov., 1878
37,277	Wilcox, Benj. F.	Hartford	w.l. shr.		4.00	----------
202,900	Wordein, Chas. W.	Hartford	rheum			30.00	Feb., 1882
46,619	Wettburg, Edward F.	Hartford	w.l. leg		8.00	----------
169,944	Whitney, Geo. Q.	Hartford	loss finger l. hand	2.00	June, 1889
189,756	Waterman, Ira		Hartford	w.r.leg			4.00	June, 1881
94,549	Wheeler, John E.	Hartford	w.l. side		4.25	----------
75,070	Wilbur, Mortimer A.	Hartford	w.r. arm		6.00	----------
163,042	Warner, Robert		Hartford	w.r. shr. & thigh	6.00	Oct., 1869
134,639	Wetmore, Sam'l		Hartford	w.l. thigh		3.00	----------
84,142	Wait, Wm.		Hartford	w.r. forearm		4.00	----------
168,164	Whipple, Wm. H.		Hartford	inj. r. leg		4.00	May, 1880
44,184	Whitelan, Wm. H.	Hartford	w. heart & l. thigh	8.00	----------
215,629	Newschafer, Geo.	Hartford	frostbitten feet	2.00	July, 1882
21,720	Noble, James H.		Hartford	w.l. ankle		16.00	----------
30, 512	Owen, Chas. H.		Hartford	w. l. elbow		17.00	----------
11,523	O'Brien, John J.	Hartford	varicose veins l. leg	2.00	----------
14,443	O'Brien, Wm.		Hartford	injury to abdomen	8.00	----------
15,153	Parkess, Albert		Hartford	W.L. arm		12.00	----------
117,698	Pepper, Bennett H.	Hartford	dis. eyes pt. deaf	6.00	Oct., 1880
123,981	Parsons, David N.	Hartford	w.r. foot, dis. eyes	24.00	----------
86,149	Palmer, Josiah C.	Hartford	w.r.lung		18.00	----------
145,068	Pfeiffer, Ostman	Hartford	w.r.nates		4.00	----------
160,997	Rounsavell, Lewis	Hartford`	w.r. thigh		2.00	June, 1879
185,597	Reynolds, Oscar		Hartford	rheum			4.00	Mar., 1881
131,094	Rose, Richard E.	Hartford	w.r.shr.		4.00	----------
200,396	Rowland, Jos. S.C.	Hartford	impure vaccine virus	17.00	Jan., 1882
186,453	Roberts, Geo. W.	Hartford	paralysis		72.00	----------
186,327	Robins, Gurdon		Hartford	injury to abdomen	17.00	Apr., 1881
151,535	Riley, Edward		Hartford	w.r. leg		2.00	----------
84,091	Rix, Albert S.		Hartfprd	w.r.shr.		4.00	----------
209,858	Routh, Arthur Q.	Hartford	inj. l. hip & c.	12.00	----------
212,360	Prior, Robert E.	Hartford	w.r. breast & l. leg	4.00	June 1882
84,617	Hayes, Wm. B.		Hartford	w.r. hand		4.00	----------
76,946	Ingraham, Asahel	Hartford	w.l. thigh		8.00	----------
21,979	Jackson, Chas.		Hartford	loss hand		18.00	----------
17,334	Simons, Anna		Hartford	widow			8.00	Mar., 1864
10,478	Sexton, Eliza N.	Hartford	widow			8.00	Dec., 1863
47,422	Steele, Emily		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
34,664	Smith, Jane		Hartford	widow			8.00	Nov., 1864
92,086	Scott, Cath.		Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Apr., 1867
1,115	Andrew, Harriet M.	Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Dec., 1867
2,983	Deming, Jemima		Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Aug., 1882
2,283	Fox, Eliza J.		Hartford	widow			10.00	----------
1,052	Nason, Maurice		Hartford	w.l. leg		4.00	----------
3,105	Pierce, Willis H.	Hartford	dis. lungs		24.00	----------
  765	Riley, Ann		Hartford	dep. moth		8.00	----------
1,559	Sceevy, Margaret	Hartford	dep. moth		8.00	----------
2,560	Taylor, Mary F.		Hartford	dep. moth		8.00	Feb., 1880
17,922	Spencer, Polly M.	Hartford	dep. moth		8.00	Apr., 1864
94,033	Cowles, Lester W.	Hartford	disability		8.00	----------
180,488	Stoddard, James S.	Hartford	minors of		10.00	Mar., 1878
119,369	Root, Stephen B.	Hartford	w.l. scapula		6.00	----------
30,290	Strunz, Adolph		Hartford	paralysis		6.00	----------
67,374	Sothergill, Francis	Hartford	w.l. arm		6.00	----------
194,516	Stevens, David		Hartford	asthma			6.00	----------
203,460	Smith, Frank W.		Hartford	inj. spine		12.00	Feb., 1882
47,113	Spindler, Geo.		Hartford	w.l. arm		18.00	----------
134,673	Sparks, James		Hartford	w. head			4.00	----------
12,009	Simmons, Leonard	Hartford	w.r. shr. & chest	4.00	----------
161,7_7	Smith, Lewis W.		Hartford	w. throat & c.		6.00	July, 1879
211,147	Shepard, Theron		Hartford	loss sight l. eye	4.00	----------
26,976	Smart, Thomas		Hartford	w.r.arm			12.00	----------
23,417	Sanford, Wm.		Hartford	dis. lungs & diarr	8.00	----------
88,571	Schmidt, Wm.		Hartford	w.r.arm			6.00	----------
141,783	Shaffer, Wm. H.		Hartford	w.r.leg			4.00	----------
20,075	Hitchcock, John L.	Hartford	l. hem_plegia		4.00	----------
44,800	Hanerwas, Ludwig	Hartford	loss l. leg		24.00	----------
75,474	Hitchcock, Lyman A.	Hartford	w. both arms		6.00	----------
123,092	Horner, Richard C.	Hartford	w. neck			2.00	----------
182,116	Jepson, Theodore	Hartford	w. head & c.		8.50	Feb., 1881
207,120	Johnson, Wm. H., jr.	Hartford	w.r. forearm & l. side	8.00	Apr., 1882
47,350	Kitchen, Andrew J.	Hartford	w. lower jaw		18.00	----------
198,687	Kelley, Geo. R.		Hartford	rheum & dis. eyes	10.00	Dec., 1881
160,466	Kelsey, Jerome		Hartford	w.r.thigh, & c.		4.00	June, 1879
186,975	Hough, Jas. H.		Hartford	minors of		10.00	June, 1880
162,113	Harrigan, John		Hartford	inj. neck and l. side	4.00	Aug., 1879
117,579	Hill, Chas. E.		Hartford	w.r. lung		8.00	----------
29,211	Higgins, Chas.		Hartford	w.l. hand		4.00	----------
191,860	Trumbull, Jas. P.	Hartford	diarr., dis. lungs, &	4.00	June, 1881
						dis. of abdominal viscera
170,126	Robinson, Mary A.	Hartford	widow			19.00	July, 1875
42,726	Cunningham, Jane	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
65,075	Clark, Jane A.		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
53,691	Cassidy, Julia A.	Hartford	widow			8.00	Aug., 1865
23,977	Cruise, Margaret	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
15,805	Cornell, Mary J.	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
108,340	Cowles, Ruth P.		Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	----------
50,880	Cowles, Sarah		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
178,283	Colby, Cynthia		Hartford	widow			8.00	Aug., 1877
39,716	Converse, Helen E.F.	Hartford	widow			25.00	Jan., 1865
171,596	Hardie, Wm. K.		Hartford	minors			10.00	----------
87,143	Hyde, Clarissa T.	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
95,794	Horton, Jane		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
34,038	Hacketyt, Mary		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
6,869	Holcomb, Mary A.	Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Oct., 1863
47,342	Hills, Sarah		Hartford	widow			8.00	May, 1865
119,513	Carson, Henry S.	Hartford	dis. lungs & bronchitis	4.25	Oct., 1872
189,871	Hyatt, Almiry J.	Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Sept., 1880
193,928	Frink, Agnes C.		Hartford	widow			16.00	Dec., 1881
128,534	GReen, Agnes		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
149,904	Gavin, Catharine	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
31,867	Griswold, Julia E.	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
21,993	Miller, Cyrus		Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	----------
11,568	Babcock, Almira		Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Nov., 1878
4,221	Risley, Truman		Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Sept., 1871
19,658	Chapman, Anna		Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Mar., 1879
15,524	Glenson, Sarah Pelden	Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Jan., 1879
23,413	Hollister, Louisa	Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Apr., 1879
15,380	Hosmer, Marilda		Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Jan., 1879
30,440	Judd, Abigail		Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Sept., 1880
12,794	Johnson, Sarah B.	Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Dec., 1878
32,579	Keeney, Caroline W.	Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Aug., 1882
28,080	Miner, Harriet		Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Dec., 1879
14,235	Phillips, Mary L.	Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Jan., 1879
31,951	Phelps, Sarah S.	Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Aug., 1881
5,378	Allen, Rhoda L.		Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Apr., 1868
114,188	Brown, Anna F.		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
110,940	Brewer, Adelaide F.	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
70,363	Bartholomew, Caroline	Hartford	dep. mother		17.00	Apr. 1866
26,361	Black, Cynthia		Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	July, 1864
169,212	Bowen, Hannah C.	Hartford	widow			20.00	----------
178,033	Blakeslee, Helen E.	Hartford	widow			23.00	June, 1877
84,279	Balentine, Jane		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
19,513	Barrett, Jane C.	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
11,164	Brooks, Lucy D.		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
25,175	Britton, Mary A.	Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	----------
118,303	Butler, Sophronia	Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	----------
34,640	Burpee, Susan J.	Hartford	widow			20.00	----------
100,790	Cady, Emeline A.	Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	----------
    405	Cross, Harriet		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
7,104	Downer, Emily E.	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
47,377	Donovan, Margaret	Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	May, 1865
78,922	Dean, Nancy		Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	----------
27,837	Duff, Rose A.		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
198,202	Darling, Susan T.	Hartford	widow			15.00	Dec., 1882
126,684	Eaton, Eliza M.		Hartford	dep. mother		20.00	----------
1,099	Crane, Ephigenia E.	Hartford	widow			8.00	Mar., 1863
20,415	Sharp, Syrena R.	Hartford	widow			8.00	Mar., 1879
28,644	Willard, Harriet	Hartford	widow			8.00	Feb., 1880
5,051	Noble, Lucinda M.	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
44,393	Pike, Eliza T.		Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	----------
36,290	Hallam, John M.		Hartford	w.r. arm		4.00	Jan., 1865
135,420	Patz, Margaret		Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Oct., 1869
18,118	Fuller, Clarissa	Hartford	widow			8.00	Feb., 1879
4,648	Phelps, Maria		Hartford	dep. mother		8.00	Aug., 1863
84,100	Reisel, Dorothy M.	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
47,724	Reathen, Louisa		Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
125,427	Rogers, Margaret	Hartford	widow			8.00	Mar., 1869
66,091	Russell, Margaret	Hartford	widow			8.00	----------
123,854	Gordon, Andrew		Hazardville	w.l.shr.		4.00	----------
186,114	Slater, Margaret	Hazardville	dep. mother		8.00	Nov., 1879
18,040	Maynard, Alonzo		Hazardville	w. back			31.25	----------
9,078	Davis, Florinda		Hazardville	widow			8.00	Sept., 1878
40,056	Thomas, Marcellus	Hockanum	w.l. forearm		18.00	----------
11,061	Bliss, Gordon		Hockanum	widow			8.00	Jan., 1872
194,953	Fagan, John		Kensington	inj. r. ankle		8.00	Jan., 1872
152,428	Fitz-Harris, Barney	Kensington	w.r. ankle		4.00	Apr., 1878
34,835	Anthon, Chas.		Kensington	w.l. arm		12.00	Dec., 1864
135,143	Connell, John C.	Kensington	w.r. knee		5.00	----------
103,386	Bunnell, Alvin W.	Kensington	w.l. arm		4.00	----------
159,395	Wagner, Baltas		Kensington	shell w.l. hand		6.00	----------
162,395	Warner, Elihu S.	Kensington	dis. kidneys		4.00	Sept., 1879
103,741	Ritchie, Wm. J.		Kensington	injury to abdomen	4.00	----------
19,112	North, Marinda		Kensington	widow			8.00	Feb., 1879
38,656	Bingham, Theodotia W.	Kensington	widow			17.00	Jan., 1865
76,250	Bradley, Frances	Linville	widow			8.00	June, 1866
152,046	Annis, Henry B.		Manchester	shell w.r. chest	12.00	----------
90,007	Lee, Asa		Manchester	w.r. leg		6.00	----------
213,084	Quinn, Isaac M.		Manchester	part deaf		6.00	----------
185,159	Popple, Millard P.	Manchester	var. veins, paralysis
						l. side			12.00	May, 1881
3,175	Merrill, Oliver H.	Manchester	scald face, neck, & c.	6.00	June, 1881
11,646	Fleming, Louisa E.	Manchester	widow			8.00	----------
193,794	Peters, Leverett	Manchester	dep. father		8.00	Dec., 1881
142,623	Lansou, Levi, Jr.	Marion		w.r.hip			4.00	----------
142,623	Lanson, Levi, Jr.	Marion		widow			8.00	Oct., 1879
143,100	Bramble, Lanson W.	Marlborough	w.r.arm			6.00	----------
12,779	Carter, Chas.		Marlborough	widow			8.00	Feb., 1872
25,419	Warner, Warren		Marlborough	widow			8.00	Feb., 1872
18,480	Clark, Sarah		Milldale	widow			8.00	Feb., 1879
23,969	McInro, Bridget		New Britain	dep. mother		8.00	June, 1864
64,095	Castle, John D.		New Britain	w.l. wrist and abdomen	6.00	----------
16,196	Forsyth, Richard	New Britain	w.r.leg			6.00	Sept., 1863
18,809	Cronin, James		New Britain	inj. back		4.00	Oct., 1863
144,584	Jaeger, Eliza		New Britain	dep. mother		8.00	Aug., 1870
1,738	Kent, Matilda		New Britain	widow			8.00	----------
143,542	Gilbert, Moses, Jr.	New Britain	dis. of abdominal	12.00	----------
31,593	Ford, Wm. E.		New Britain	w.l. foot		4.00	----------
23,185	Fitzpatrick, Edward	New Britain	w. shr. & back		12.00	----------
66,872	Dufly, Michael		New Britain	w.r. shr.		8.00	----------
211,167	Davidson, Wm.		New Britain	rheum			6.00	June, 1882
190,753	Dickinson, Wm.		New Britain	w.l.hand		4.00	Dec., 1881
198,741	Eddy, Monroe		New Britain	inj. to r. toe		2.00	----------
137,166	Curtis, Francis E.	New Britain	w.r. forearm		6.00	----------
155,469	Cooley, Sherman P.	New Britain	w.l. shr.		4.25	Sept., 1878
186,837	Tone, Mary J.		New Britain	widow			8.00	Feb., 1880
53,362	Westover, Mary E.	New Britain	widow			8.00	Feb., 1880
193,941	Wilcox, Adeline S.	New Britain	widow			12.00	Dec., 1881
184,574	Whaples, Hannah		New Britain	dep. mother		8.00	June, 1879
157,410	Beaton, Chas. H.	New Britain	w.l. knee		6.00	Jan., 1879
191,034	Butler, Edwin H.	New Britain	w.r. thigh		4.00	June, 1881
164,638	Baker, Geo. M.		New Britain	dis. heart & var. veins	12.00	----------
152,059	Beach, Henry		New Britain	w.r. hand		3.00	Mar., 1878
20,209	Baker, Sam'l		New Britain	w.l. leg		6.00	----------
51,164	Burke, Wm.		New Britain	w.l. breast		18.00	----------
150,546	Ludington, Linus	New Britain	injury to abdomen	8.00	----------
211,020	McElrath, Sam'l		New Britain	sh. w. r. wrist		2.00	June, 1882
107,848	Moore, Sam'l A.		New Britain	w. both legs		30.00	----------
37,058	McCartney, John		New Britain	w. r. arm		2.00	----------
218,451	McBrayne, Hugh		New Britain	w. both thighs		6.00	Sept., 1882
187,482	Matlin, Jacob		New Britain	sh. w. hip & rheum	4.00	Apr., 1881
146,226	Miller, Chas.		New Britain	sh. w. l. shr.		2.00	----------
187,136	Wood, Spencer H.	New Britain	rheum			6.00	----------
132,008	Norton, Chas. W.	New Britain	inj. r. Han. and face	4.00	----------
157,029	Packard, Eliphalet S.	New Britain	w.r.leg			10.00	----------
88,635	Porter, Israel		New Britain	loss l. arm		24.00	----------
65,452	Purcell, John		New Britain	loss l. leg		24.00	----------
199,954	Remington, Napoleon B.	New Britain	w.r.foot		6.00	Dec., 1881
38,708	Root, Geo. C.		New Britain	w.r.arm			10.00	----------
135,786	Rayston, Jas.		New Britain	w.r.leg			2.00	----------
43,972	Ricker, Edward		New Britain	loss r. arm		24.00	----------
191,781	Quigley, Patrick	New Britain	scurvy, var. veins l.
						leg & c.		6.00	Mar., 1882
207,180	Ives, Wm. B.		New Britain	dis. of abdominal
						viscera			8.00	----------
190,831	Reynolds, Eliza		New Britain	dep. mother		8.00	Jan., 1881
193,594	Recor, Mary D.		New Britain	dep. mother		8.00	Nov., 1881
2,806	Barrows, Horatio N.	New Britain	w.l. thigh		4.00	Feb., 1880
1,568	Fields, Kate		New Britain	dep. mother		8.00	----------
43,027	Sullivan, Margaret	New Britain	widow			8.00	----------
152,121	Stone, Edward I.	New Britain	w. head			2.00	Apr. 1878
82,961	Seymour, Frederick S.	New Britain	w.l. leg		12.75	----------
126,719	Sheldon, Geo. S.	New Britain	dis. r eye		8.00	----------
106,236	Speers, John		New Britain	injury to abdomen	4.00	----------
46,041	Searing, Peter		New Britain	w.r.foot		4.00	----------
172,910	Sperry, Wells B.	New Britain	inj. l. side and dis.
						heart			4.00	Aug., 1880
76,431	Sullivan, Wm.		New Britain	w.l.heel		10.00	----------
148,268	Horsfall, Wm.		New Britain	w.r.arm			6.00	----------
198,105	Higby, Chas. C.		New Britain	sh. w. head		2.00	Nov., 1881
177,236	Ryan, Mary F.		New Britain	dep. mother		8.00	Apr., 1877
27,878	Cogan, John		New Britain	widow			8.00	----------
28,971	Coleman, Julia		New Britain	dep. mother		8.00	June, 1864
26,932	Connelly, Margaret	New Britain	dep. mother		8.00	July, 1864
124,806	Cahill, Mary		New Britain	widow			8.00	----------
44,302	Hasson, Hannah		New Britain	widow			8.00	----------
164,017	Haffey, Mary		New Britain	widow			12.00	Feb., 1874
164,274	Gilbert, Catharine	New Britain	dep. mother		8.00	----------
186,009	Gangloff, Eliza		New Britain	widow			10.00	Nov., 1879
28,402	Robbins, Sally		New Britain	widow			8.00	Jan., 1880
19,581	Alverson, caroline	New Britain	widow			8.00	----------
1,718	Clark, Eliza B.		New Britain	widow			8.00	Apr., 1863
196,383	Campbell, Pauline D.	New Britain	widow			8.00	June, 1882
26,452	Daley, Bridget		New Britain	widow			8.00	----------
6,160	Erickson, Maria		New Britain	dep. mother		8.00	Dec., 1877
16,532	Dewey, Rebecca		New Britain	widow			8.00	Jan., 1879
166,986	Woodruff, Henriotta A.	New Britain	dep. mother		17.00	Jan., 1875
113,890	Gillett, Cornelia A.	New Hartford	widow			8.00	June, 1873
12,973	Giddings, Desdemonia	New Hartford	widow			8.00	Dec., 1878
84,203	Bacon, Maria A.		Newington	widow			8.00	----------
15,930	Evans, Mary A.		Newington	widow			8.00	----------
74,987	Malona, Darius E.	Newington June	w.r. side		4.00	----------
172,412	Thomas, Geo. H.		Newington June	inj. l. side		2.00	----------
21,480	Holcomb, Sarah F.	Newington June	widow			8.00	Mar., 1879
179,129	-----------------	North Granby	dep. mother		8.00	Nov., 1877
187,240	Eastman, Roswell D.	No. Manchester	w.r.leg			4.00	Apr., 1881
108,323	Copping, Geo.		No. Manchester	w.r.side		18.00	----------
10,857	Curtis, Marvin N.	No. Manchester	w.l.lung		14.00	----------
219,753	Bradley, Sam'l C.	No. Manchester	dis. heart		4.00	Oct., 1882
174,117	McNail, Geo.		No. Manchester	w.r. thigh		4.00	Sept., 1880
145,899	Millard, Geo. A.	No. Manchester	w.l.leg			6.00	----------
42,439	Perkins, Russell W.	No. Manchester	w.r.shr.		2.00	----------
11,938	Spencer, Isadore	No. Manchester	widow			8.00	----------
212,941	Snow, Azel G.		No. Manchester	dis. liver, & C.	4.00	June, 1882
68,305	Stewart, John		No. Manchester	w. great toe l. foot	2.00	----------
45,326	Keeney, Almon N.	No. Manchester	w.r. hand and var. veins 10.00	----------
73,696	Keeney, Valetta C.	No. Manchester	w.l. leg		4.00	----------
162,198	Cushman, Louisa		No. Manchester	dep. mother		8.00	May, 1873
19,986	Chapman, Electa		No. Manchester	widow			8.00	Mar., 1879
106,183	Dynes, Eliza		No. Manchester	widow			8.00	----------
28,605	Williams, Amy		No. Manchester	widow			8.00	----------
147,074	Markey, Margaret	Plainsville	widow			8.00	----------
47,960	Graham, Thos.		Plainsville	loss both eyes		72.00	----------
192,072	Gramer, Henry C.	Plainsville	w.l. leg and var. veins	4.00	June, 1887
108,216	Hartson, Isaac Y.	Plainsville	w.l. leg		6.00	----------
76,947	Barmby, Geo. H.		Plainsville	w.l. hand		2.00	----------
135,343	Loomis, Geo. M.		Plainsville	w.r. thigh		4.00	----------
14,130	Washburn, Geo. A.	Plainsville	w.l. thigh		25.00	----------
14,238	Spelman, Eliza		Plainsville	widow			8.00	Jan., 1879
32,438	Darrow, Delia		Plainsville	widow			8.00	June, 1882
196,900	Hitchcock, Lewis	Plainsville	loss pt. index finger	2.00	Oct., 1881
70,294	Tuttle, Orrin		Plainsville	w.l. side		2.00	----------
106,911	Hine, Harriet		Plainsville	dep. mother		8.00	----------
37,910	Buchner, Martha E.	Plainvillle	widow			20.00	----------
20,970	Beach, Mary E.		Plainsville	widow			8.00	----------
183,635	Brand, Emma		Plainsville	widow			10.00	Apr., 1879
166,210	Dealing, Isabella H.	Plainsville	widow			12.00	----------
145,780	Katzing, Henry		Plantsville	w.l. foot		6.00	June, 1877
53,564	Bagley, Charles R.	Plantsville	loss l. arm		24.00	----------
205,294	Doolittle, Joseph R.	Plantsville	injury to abdomen	4.00	Mar., 1882
83,442	Gorman, Jos.		Plantsville	w. thigh		4.00	----------
201,811	Cowles, Fred A.		Plantsville	diarr			2.00	Jan., 1883
196,256	Clark, Henry		Plantsville	dis. heart		12.00	----------
203,491	Clark, Henry A.		Plantsville	w.l. side		2.00	Feb., 1882
191,562	Cook, William		Plantsville	w. face			4.00	June, 1881
183,813	Hough, Emma A.		plantsville	---------		----	----------
189,959	Hull, Jennette		Plantsville	widow			8.00	Oct., 1880
199,206	Ames, William L.	Plantsville	w. mouth		4.00	Dec., 1881
208,365	Barnes, Luther		Plantsville	dis. heart		6.00	May, 1882
84,115	Mathews, Luther R.	Plantsville	w.r. leg		4.00	----------
193,337	Newell, Elisha R.	Plantsville	diarr			8.00	July, 1881
176,719	Spinner, Mary		Plantsville	widow			8.00	Mar., 1877
202,587	Swift, John H.		Plantsville	sh. w. l. shr.		4.00	Feb., 1882
132,751	Hannock, Thomas C.	Plantsville	w. r. arm		2.00	----------
87,637	Hickox, Charles		Plantsville	w. r. hand		8.00	----------
89,908	Grannis, Cornelia	Plantsville	widow			8.00	----------
11,526	Shepard, Statira	Plantsville	widow			8.00	Jan., 1879
20,299	Howe, Cyrus		Poquonock	widow			8.00	Feb., 1873
182,629	Collins, Charlotte A.	Poquonock	dep. mother		8.00	Dec., 1878
110,273	Richardson, Mary M.	Poquonock	widow			8.00	Mar., 1868
12,859	Parsons, Adaline	Poguonock	dep. mother		8.00	Jan., 1864
174,878	Strong, Harrison	Rainbow		inj. r. knee		6.00	----------
190,781	Levanughn, Abigail	Rocky Hill	dep. mother		8.00	Jan., 1881
212,202	Hale, Allen W.		Rocky Hill	w. l. side chest	4.00	June, 1882
186,428	Griswold, Daniel C.	Rocky Hill	diarr			18.00	----------
58,258	Evans, Jerome		Rocky Hill	w.r.shr.		4.00	----------
126,269	Martin, William		Rocky Hill	w.r. thigh		6.00	----------
11,167	Smith, Laura		Rocky Hill	widow			8.00	----------
197,742	Sanford, Jane		Rocky Hill	widow			8.00	Nov., 1882
191,477	Stevens, Henry D.	Rocky Hill	w.r. elbow		4.00	June, 1881
10,100	Geer, Martha A.		Rocky Hill	widow			8.00	----------
19,438	Wilder, Laura		Rocky Hill	widow			8.00	Mar., 1879
40,502	McCann, Norton O.	Scitico		w. both feet		12.00	-
18,974	Henry, hannah		Scitico		widow			8.00	Feb., 1879
79,092	Welden, Alphonzo	shaker Station	w. r. shr.		6.00	----------
112,628	Cook, Alex		Simsbury	dis. lungs		12.00	----------
203,402	Case, Alonzo		Simsbury	malarial		8.50	Feb., 1882
63,551	Wicks, Ann		Simsbury	widow			8.00	Jan., 1866
19,992	Andrews, Orestus C.	Simsbury	w.l.hip			4.00	----------
13,992	Wilcox, Maria H.	Simsbury	widow			8.00	Jan., 1879
85,779	Shepard, Philura	Simsbury	dep. mother		8.00	Oct., 1866
29,541	Holland, John		Simsbury	w.l. leg		4.00	----------
88,665	Brown, Sarah		Simsbury	dep. mother		8.00	Jan., 1867
216,883	Cammons, Parley B.	South Glastonbury dep. mother		8.00	Jan., 1867
195,730	Abbey, William W.	South Glastonbury dis. stomach		10.00	Sept., 1881
163,345	Bennett, Nelson J.	South Glastonbury w.l. leg		4.00	----------
187,633	Stearns, Isaac		South Glastonbury injury to abdomen	8.00	Apr., 1881
10,551	Chapman, Alfred		South Glastonbury widow			8.00	Jan., 1873
12,887	Holliste., Chester	South Glastonbury widow			8.00	Feb., 1872
101,395	Barry, Margaret		South Glastonbury widow			8.00	----------
18,136	Southworth, Mary	South Glastonbury widow			8.00	Feb., 1879
212,099	Johnson, Jas. V.	Southington	w.r. thigh		2.00	June, 1882
78,943	O'Connell, Julia W,	Southington	widow			8.00	May, 1867
47,118	Bradley, Joel N.	Southington	w.l. ankle		6.00	Aug., 1865
12,676	Ives, Ellen E.		Southington	widow			8.00	----------
112,783	Gleason, Henry B.	Southington	w.l. arm		3.00	----------
147,340	Dunham, Lewis W.	Southington	injury to abdomen	8.00	----------
70,430	Camp, Leonidas		Southington	w. neck & shr.		8.00	----------
31,518	Cook, Walton D.		Southington	loss l. arm		24.00	----------
38,934	Upson, Eliza L.		Southington	widow			20.00	----------
53,944	Atwood, Elnathan	Southington	w. face			18.00	----------
199,101	Arnold, Wm. G.		Southington	w.r. arm		4.00	Dec., 1881
125,383	Beebe, Benj. H.		Southington	w.r. arm		8.00	----------
106,665	Barnes, Chas. D.	Southington	w.r. hand		2.00	Apr. 1880
109,277	Barnes, Frederick W.	Southington	rupture, both side	12.00	----------
134,394	Barton, Henry B.	Southington	w.l. thigh		3.00	----------
88,716	Bronson, Jos. J.	Southington	w.l. lung		8.00	----------
88,615	Black, Wm.		Southington	w.l. thigh		4.00	----------
184,218	Lewis, John C.		Southington	w.r. nates		4.00	Mar. 1881
201,552	Lindley, Wm.		Southington	dis. heart		4.00	----------
18,781	Rachor, Frank		Southington	w.l. leg		8.00	----------
183,409	Wightman, Wm. E.	Southington	diarr			4.00	Feb., 1881
132,879	Smith, Esther		Southington	dep. mother		8.00	Aug., 1869
65,703	Stannard, Harriet A.	Southington	widow			8.00	Nov., 1866
-------	Spooner, Samuel		Southington	injury to abdomen	8.00	----------
146,185	Ryan, Wm.		Southington	w.r.leg			1.00	----------
53,578	Trask. Whipple O.	Southington	w.l.leg			18.00	----------
135,727	Sutcliff, Lucas		Southington	w.l. arm		8.00	----------
8,613	Woodruff, Sheldon	Southington	widow			8.00	Nov., 1871
16,353	Clark, Laura		Southington	widow			8.00	Jan., 1879
13,014	Crittenden, Melissa F.	Southington	widow			8.00	Dec., 1878
17,855	Lee, Emeline B.		Southington	widow			8.00	Feb., 1879
73,719	Mahoney, Julia		So. Manchester	dep. mother		8.00	May, 1865
71,611	McCann, Mary		So. Manchester	dep. mother		8.00	Apr., 1866
12,944	Keeney, Mary A.		So. Manchester	dep. mother		8.00	May, 1869
200,267	Crane, Curtis L.	So. Manchester	dis. lungs & heart	6.00	Jan., 1882
179,473	Beebe, Corodon M.	So. Manchester	w.l. arm		8.00	----------
43,157	Loveland, Wm.		So. Manchester	loss r. arm		18.00	----------
29,270	Miner, Oliver		So. Manchester	w. thigh & var. veins	14.00	----------
187,378	Piney, Henry B.		So. Manchester	w.r. hand		2.00	Apr., 1881
11,746	Rich, Geo. F.		So. Manchester	w.l. hip & arm		6.00	----------
141,693	Risley, Chas. H.	So. Manchester	w. face			6.00	----------
73,923	Shaw, Margaret		So. Manchester	dep. mother		8.00	May, 1866
69,133	Schildge, Geo.		So. Manchester	w.r. shr.		18.00	----------
189,600	Gleason, Mary S.	So. Manchester	widow			8.00	Aug., 1880
222,986	Stebbins, Wm. M.	So. Manchester	w. chin			4.00	Dec., 1882
14,406	Keeney, Maranthan H.	So. Manchester	w.r. arm		4.00	----------
143,773	Kennedy, John		So. Manchester	loss 2 fing. r hand	2.00	Feb. 1877
24,760	Atwood, Eliza		So. Manchester	widow			8.00	June, 1879
19,314	Bogue, Mary I.		So. manchester	widow			8.00	----------
150,095	Donohue, Bridget	So. manchester	dep. mother		8.00	----------
194,637	Dunn, Alice		So. Manchester	dep. mother		8.00	Mar., 1882
110,991	Reed, Clarissa W.	So. Manchester	widow			8.00	Apr., 1868
89,629	Risley, Electa		So. Manchester	dep. mother		8.00	----------
11,532	Jones, John P.		South Windham	Surv. 1812		8.00	Jan., 1872
184,626	Parsons, Aaron		South Windham	w.r. side		6.00	----------
150,857	Kurwin, Mary		Suffield	widow			8.00	----------
161,134	Chapman, John		Suffield	scurvy. neuralgia, & c.	8.00	June, 1879
7,174	Rising, Allen		Suffield	surv. 1812		8.00	Oct., 1871
64,369	Rice, Wallace E.	Suffield	dis. heart		18.00	----------
59,267	Bemis, Edson		Suffield	w.l. arm & c.		12.00	----------
151,920	Middlebrook, Jas. R.	Suffield	injury to abdomen	4.00	Mar., 1878
143,678	Walter, Ira		Suffield	var. veins r. leg	8.00	----------
163,179	Rhaum, Normal S.	Suffield	w.r. thigh l. hip, & c.	8.00	Oct., 1879
35,146	Jobes, Richard		Suffield	loss l. arm		18.00	----------
201,917	Symington, Jas.		Suffield	rheum			4.00	Jan., 1882
105,671	Smith, Wm. H.		Suffield	w.r. lung		12.00	----------
119,912	Hayes, Michael		Suffield	w.r. forearm		12.00	----------
185,973	Lawler, Mary		Thompsonville	widow			10.00	Nov., 1879
139,587	Hill, Geo. W.		Thompsonville	loss toe l. foot	4.00	June, 1876
99,442	Ramsch, Christian F.	Thompsonville	widow			8.00	Sept., 1867
31,596	Mann, Ann		Thompsonville	widow			8.00	----------
50,981	McCardle, Mary		Thompsonville	widow			8.00	----------
148,049	Gordon, Thos.		Thompsonville	w. thigh		2.00	Sept., 1877
181,926	Darby, Wm.		Thompsonville	w.r. arm		2.00	Feb., 1881
43,978	Wright, Abigail		Thompsonville	widow			8.00	Mar., 1885
134,121	Beelhor, Alex		Thompsonville	var. veins		6.00	----------
20,207	McDonald, Patrick	Thompsonville	w. back			18.00	----------
18,220	Martin, Henry K.	Thompsonville	w.r. arm		18.00	----------
31,860	Manning, Dan'l		Thompsonville	w.r. elbow		14.00	----------
135,802	McCoy, Alex		Thompsonville	w.l. arm		4.00	----------
112,028	Wouldhave, John		Thompsonville	w.r. foot		2.00	----------
162,696	Patrick, William	Thompsonville	w.l. groin		2.00	Oct., 1879
    892	Connor, Catharine	Thompsonville	dep. mother		8.00	Dec., 1885
27,412	Sydenham, John		Thompsonville	loss fing. l. hand	18.00	----------
160,600	Smithson, Walter	Thompsonville	w.l. side		2.00	June, 1879
65,934	Knight, Geo.		Thompsonville	w.r. hip		4.00	----------
190,188	King, Henry K.		Thompsonville	injury to abdomen	8.00	----------
20,963	Kennedy, Thomas		Thompsonville	w.r. thigh		2.00	----------
179,930	Caldwell, Catharine	Thompsonville	widow			8.00	Feb., 1878
69,207	Gallagher, Bridget	Thompsonville	widow			8.00	Apr., 1866
120,886	Grugan, Mary		Thompsonville	widow			8.00	----------
11,434	Newcomb, Nellie		Thompsonville	widow 1812		8.00	Nov., 1878
2,538	Simons, Tabitha		Thompsonville	widow			8.00	Apr., 1872
74,524	Bodley, Rachel E.	Thompsonville	dep. mother		8.00	May, 1866
35,560	Benton, Ann		Thompsonville	widow			8.00	----------
67,770	Devine, Mary		Thompsonville	dep. mother		8.00	----------
100,175	McKinney, Catharine	Tariffville	widow			8.00	----------
214,838	Cook, Wells R.		Tariffville	w.r.knee		4.00	June, 1882
188,712	Scales, Susan		Tariffville	dep. mother		8.00	June, 1880
56,116	Danks, Moses		Tariffville	w.l. shr.		6.00	----------
24,119	Hall, Wm. R.		Tariffville	sh. w. r. foot		4.00	----------
48,789	Talbot, Geo. W.		Tariffville	w. l. shr.		4.00	----------
18,758	Chappell, Hannah	Tariffville	widow 1812		8.00	Dec., 1878
17,239	Mitchell, Abigail	Tariffville	widow 1812		8.00	Feb., 1879
30,160	Fuller, Abigail		Tariffville	widow 1812		8.00	Aug., 1880
146,940	McKew, Geo.		Tariffville	inj. r. leg		15.00	----------
124,261	David, John H.		Unionville	dys. & dis. heart	3.00	July, 1873
90,865	Fuller, Jas. B.		Unionville	dis. lung & loss finger	10.00	----------
195,627	Hart, Julia A.		Unionville	widow			8.00	May, 1882
157,929	Fitzgerald, Thos.	Unionville	w.r. thigh		2.00	Mar., 1879
203,271	Hill, Geo. L.		Unionville	w.r. foot		2.00	Feb., 1882
183,526	Stone, Severns		Unionville	dep. father		8.00	Mar., 1879
180,099	McCarthy, Timothy	Unionville	rheum & malarial pois	24.00	Dec., 1880
88,554	Vosburg, Herman K.	Unionville	w.r. arm		10.00	----------
20,120	Hayden, Nathaniel	Unionville	w.l. arm		10.00	----------
149,004	Stedman, Simeon		Unionville	w.r. thigh		6.00	----------
64,680	Hart, Philip Z.		Unionville	w. head & thumb		8.00	----------
2,285	Calkins, Jane M.	Unionville	widow			8.00	----------
25,445	Gladding, Maria		Unionville	widow 1812		8.00	July, 1879
35,306	Ryder, Mary		Unionville	widow			8.00	----------
182,556	Grant, Sheldon		Wapping		w. head			20.00	Feb., 1881
24,147	Green, Asahel		Wapping		widow 1812		8.00	Sept., 1878
23,559	Moffitt, Luna A.	Warehouse Point	widow			8.00	June, 1861
207,444	Paco, Julius N.		Warehouse Point	w.r. thumb		2.00	Apr., 1882
24,954	Phelps, Noah		Warehouse Point	surv. 1812		8.00	Mar., 1879
3,548	Prior, Emily J.		Warehouse Point	widow			8.00	----------
53,525	Pease, Lovicy		Warehouse Point	widow			8.00	Aug. 1863
133,308	Murphy, Edward		Wethersfield	w.r. thigh		2.00	May, 1875
126,438	Willard, Damaris	West Avon	dep. mother		8.00	Mar., 1869
124,645	Hurd, Caltha		West Avon	dep. mother		8.00	----------
10,166	Woodruff, Zerah		West Avon	surv. 1812		8.00	Dec., 1871
74,478	Parmlee, Fred		West Granby	w.l. buttock		6.00	----------
148,488	Case, Andrew G.		West Hartford	w. r. hand		4.00	----------
149,811	English, Wm. P.		West Hartford	w. r. forearm		2.00	----------
7,819	Wells, Lucy M.		West Hartford	widow 1812		8.00	Aug., 1878
15,174	Case, Nancy A.		West Suffield	widow 1812		8.00	Jan., 1879
104,378	Pratt, Lucy W.		West Suffield	dep. mother		8.00	Dec., 1867
130,868	Robinson, Francis	Wethersfield	w. Face			6.00	----------
184,304	White, Henry A.		Wethersfield	diarr., scurvy, & c.	2.00	Mar.. 1881
178,880	Norton, Wm. W.		Wethersfield	w.r. hip		6.00	Nov., 1880
13,187	James, Leonard T.	Wethersfield	dis. heart		8.00	----------
161,422	Francis, Emily		Wethersfield	dep. mother		8.00	----------
56,350	Damery, Eliza		Wethersfield	widow			8.00	Nov., 1880
74,479	Hills, Ralph F.		Wethersfield	w.r.arm			8.00	----------
12,977	Green, Maria		windsor		widow 1812		6.00	Nov., 1866
189,296	Holt, Mary A.		windsor		dep. mother		8.00	Dec., 1878
53,647	Kellogg, Polly		windsor		widow			30.00	----------
41,865	Collins, Chas. T.	Windsor		w.r. leg		18.00	----------
216,756	Blake, Geo. W.		Windsor		inj. feet		4.00	Aug., 1882
185,065	Warner, Jas. M.		Windsor		inj. l. elbow		4.00	Mar., 1881
192,521	Marks, Wm. T.		Windsor		inj. spine		4.00	July, 1881
23,188	Stoughton, Fanny E.	Windsor		widow 1812		8.00	Apr., 1879
53,480	Swan, Geo. P.		Windsor		loss r. leg		24.00	----------
122,648	Spelman, Nelson		Windsor		w.r. tibia		4.00	----------
137,350	Cook, Lucina		Windsor		dep. mother		8.00	----------
115,143	Gillett, Sarah A.	Windsor		dep. mother		17.00	----------
12,783	Cook, Harriet		Windsor		widow 1812		8.00	Dec., 1878
146,176	Easton, Charlotte	Windsor		widow			8.00	Dec., 1878
99,838	Elky, Lucinda		Windsor		widow			8.00	----------
113,254	Krah, Christina		Windsor		widow			8.00	----------
144,507	Bates, Edwin		windsor		w. l. knee		4.00	----------
157,488	Weaver, Howard H.	Windsor		w.r. arm		4.00	Feb., 1879
33,704	Bicket, Francis		Windsor		w.l. shr.		18.00	----------
199,667	Rumrill, Frank L.	Windsor		dis. l. ankle		6.00	----------
45,276	Porter, Chas. A.	Windsor		W. lung			12.00	----------
59,449	Smith, Eliza F.		Windsor		widow			8.00	----------
83,737	Schaefer, Leonard	Windsor		injury to abdomen	4.00	----------
38,304	Haley, Martin		Windsor		w. l. ankle		6.00	----------
78,275	Hoxie, Martin B.	Windsor		w. head			6.00	----------
195,232	Riley, Chas.		Windsor		dep. father		8.00	Apr., 1882
26,551	Chapman, Amanda		Windsor		widow 1812		8.00	Aug., 1879
179,163	Davenport, Ann		Windsor		dep. mother		8.00	Nov., 1877
82,964	Ellsworth, John M.	Windsorville	w.l. thigh		4.00	----------
130,638	House, Jas. H.		Windsorville	w. r. arm		6.00	----------
101,679	Cotter, Ann		Windsorville	widow			8.00	----------

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