New Horizons Genealogy

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1875 Deaths from the Montgomery County New York State Census Mortality Schedule

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Deaths occurring during the year ending June 1, 1865, excepting those of persons in the service of the United States, or from wounds or disease acquired in said service, extracted from the 1875 Montgomery County, New York State census mortality schedules.

Amsterdam - First Election District

Name of person deceased
Date of DeathNative state or countryTrade or occupationDisease or Cause of Death
MengireSadie 5F - S July 18 Amsterdam - Diptheria
MengireCarie 9F - S July 21 Amsterdam - Diptheria
MengireCarrie27F - M July 19 Germany - Diptheria
SeruopIda B.14 F - S August 27 Montgomery-Typhoid Fever
LingenfellnJane A. 52 F - M August 13 Montgomery- Cancer
DowlingBridget59F- W Janurary 1 Montgomery - Dropsey
HolleyAbraham81M - S May 7 Montgomery - General Dibility
HongtJoseph2M- S October 5 Montgomery -Croup
AllenDavid62M- S Sept 2 Montgomery -Hemorage Bowels
WrightJohn _11/12M - S October 11 Montgomery-Consumption
LewisJohn E.1MB S March 3 New York -Whooping Cough & Croup
Hunt David15 M- S September 11 New York -Typhoid Fever
Boyd Jane C.5 5/12M- S March 22 New York- Poisoning Candy
MoreySilas Jr.6/12M- s September2 New York - Heart Disease
FrenchMargaret81 F- M April 12 Amsterdam-General Dibility
GreenwaldJohn _.2 8/12M-S May 10 Amsterdam -Brain Irritation
Transcribers notes:
_ Notes that a letter or letters were hard to read.