New Horizons Genealogy

Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley

MARRIAGES - 1865 State Census Records
Schoharie County, New York

New York Mortality Schedule Index

Marriages occurring during the year ending June 1, 1865.

Groom			Age	M.S.	Bride			Age	M.S.	Date	Place		Clergy or Civil	Census
ADAMS, David		24	S	HUMPHREY, Ellen C.	29	S	19 Mar	Conesville	M. E.		Conesville
ALGER, Charles		23	S	BARKMAN, Hannah		23	S	- May	Middleburgh	Luth.		Middleburgh 1ED
ALLEN, Chester		28	S	HADYSELL, Almira	18	S	15 June	Fulton		Bapt.		Fulton
ATCHINSON, George S.	25	S	WINEGAR, Eva		20	S	13 Apr	Middleburgh	P. M.		Middleburgh 1ED
BADGLEY, Jeremiah	18	S	GARDNER, Julia		20	S	23 Sep	Albany		Epis.		Schoharie
BADGLEY, Stephen H.	22	S	BISHOP, Catharine	20	S	6 Apr	Gilboa		Civil Mag.	Gilboa
BAGLEY, Alexander	25	S	RUSSELL, Jane		20	S	13 Dec	Preston Hollow	Bapt		Broome
BAILY, Asa		25	S	VANPATTIN, Ellen	20	S	16 Apr	Richmondville	Bapt.		Richmondville
BAKER, James A.		25	S	SCHOOLCROFT, Eve M.	23	S	9 Aug	Wright		Lutheran	Wright
BARBER, Ciscero		29	S	CROUNSE, Catherine	30	S	20 Dec	Knoxville	Lutheran	Wright
BARINGTON, Edwin	20	S	HELSINGER, Elizabeth	17	S	2 Jun	Fulton		Meth.		Fulton
BARRETT, Wm.		26	S	DRAKE, Cornelia		25	S	19 Oct	Hyndsville	Lutheran	Sharon
BECKER, Peter W.	50	W	STERNBERGH, Christina	35	S	1 Dec	Cobleskill	Luth.		Schoharie
BECKER, William		28	S	BRAYMAN, Eliza		22	S	30 Apr	Middleburgh	M. E.		Middleburgh 1ED
BILLINGS, John		21	S	GRASS, Matilda		20	S	10 Oct	Greenville	Christian	Broome
BLYTHE, Benjamin F.	24	S	FOLK, Manda		20	S	4 Jul	Seward		Methodist	Seward
BORST, David H.		32	S	SOMMERS, Gertrude	21	S	13 Dec	Sharon		Lutheran	Sharon
BORST, Luther		21	S	BECKER, Gertrude	18	S	7 Feb	Sharon		Lutheran	Sharon
BORST, Thomas		23	S	HILTSLEY, Kate		25	S	22 Dec	Berne		R. D.		Middleburgh 2ED
BRADFORD, William A.	-	S	SHINVILLE, Sophia	22	S	28 Apr	Schoharie	Meth.		Esperance
BRADLEY, William	47	W	SWAIN, Mary		47	S	16 Oct	Cherry Valley	M. E.		Sharon
BRAMARD, Jerome C.	22	S	HUBBARD, Hellen M.	18	S	13 Dec	Oak Hill	Prot. Epis.	Conesville
BREEZEE, Stanton	26	S	HERICK, Martha		20	S	1 June	Dewainsburgh	Christian	Broome
BRIGGS, George		23	S	CONOVER, Rachael	20	S	3 July	Schoharie	Meth.		Esperance
BROWN, Andrew		22	S	CASPER, Elizabeth	24	S	13 May	Schoharie	Lutheran	Esperance
BROWN, Andrew		26	S	CASPER, Elizabeth	24	S	10 May	Schoharie	Luth.		Cobleskill
BURCHARD, Lorenzo D.	25	S	SHAFER, Mary E.		20	S	19 Mar	Cobleskill	Luth.		Richmondville
BURNETT, Wesley A.	23	S	GATES, Rosetta		23	S	20 May	Fulton		Lutheran	Fulton
BURNS, Henry		26	S	TEEPLE, Celisa		31	S	13 Apr	Charlestown	Christ.		Esperance
CAIN, George		20	S	PATTERSON, Augusta	18	S	17 Sep	Cobleskill	Christ.		Middleburgh 2ED
CAIN, George		20	S	PATTERSON, Augusta	18	S	25 Sept	Cobleskill	Christ.		Cobleskill
CALKINS, Henry B.	20	S	SCHEMEHORN, Margaret	17	S	1 Feb	Seward		Clergy		Seward
CALKINS, Selby		31	S	SKINNER, Alvira A.	25	S	19 May	Cobleskill	Meth.		Richmondville
CAMPBELL, Geo. C.	27	S	VAN NATTEN, Mary A.	21	S	12 Oct	Fulton		Meth.		Fulton
CAMPBELL, George	23	S	VANNATTIN, Mary A.	20	S	10 Oct	Richmondville	Meth.		Richmondville
CARPENTER, Charles	22	S	HOUCK, Evalina		19	S	28 May	Schoharie	Luth.		Schoharie
CHADDERDON, Elijah	26	S	WARNER, Elithabeth	21	S	4 Jul	Schoharie	Meth.		Schoharie
CHASE, C. B.		25	S	KNISKERN, Catherine M.	23	S	3 Jul	Seward		Methodist	Seward
CHURCHILL, Frank A.	26	S	SHAFFER, Mary M.	25	S	4 Oct	Schoharie	Luth.		Schoharie
COBURN, Peter Jr.	26	S	MILLER, Mary		21	S	14 Feb	Milford		Meth.		Cobleskill
COLE, Andrus		21	S	HELLICOSS, Catherine	19	S	21 Jan	Blenheim	CM		Blenheim
COLE, Herman		20	S	FULLOCK, Marilla	29	S	8 Apr	Esperance	Bapt.		Esperance
COOK, Thomas		46	W	TIPPITS, Jane		41	S	27 Feb	Middleburgh	Christ.		Middleburgh 1ED
CORNELL, John T.	28	S	HOAGLAND, Mary E.	21	S	18 Sep	Gilboa		Meth.		Gilboa
CORNWELL, Francis	27	S	DRIGGS, Lydia M.	19	S	14 Aug	Hobert		ME		Broome
CRANDALL, Edward	25	S	MALICK, Ellen		18	S	5 Mar	Charleston	Civil Mag.	Schoharie
DARLING, Solomon	-	S	PARSONS, Eliza D.	-	S	-	Gilboa		Presb.		Gilboa
DAVIS, John S.		31	S	MORRISON, Augusta	16	S	14 May	Schoharie	Meth.		Esperance
DE LAY, William		25	S	SMITH, Roana		22	S	1 Feb	Richmondville	Civil Mag.	Seward
DECKER, Levi		28	S	BERRY, Catherine	21	S	24 Jan	Blenheim	CM		Blenheim
DECKER, Simeon		47	W	WILLIAMS, Jenette	46	W	18 May	Delhi	Clergyman		Gilboa
DEITZ, Charles A.	22	S	SNYDER, Anna M. B.	17	S	26 July	Schoharie	Lutheran	Wright
DEMONEY, Lumon		23	W	TUTTLE, Mary		18	S	15 Aug	Conesville	Bapt.		Conesville
DEXTER, Headstrum	26	S	SMITH, Annie		23	S	- Mar	Middleburgh	Luth.		Middleburgh 2ED
DIBBLE, Menzo		20	S	SIMMONS, Alsena		18	S	- Jan	Decatur		Clergy		Seward
DIETZ, Albert		24	S	PANGBURN, Mary J.	25	S	- Jul	Esperance	Meth.		Schoharie
DIETZ, George N.	27	S	JONES, Amy		28	S	4 Mar	Schenectady	Luth.		Schoharie
DRIGGS, Lauzern		25	S	BAGLEY, Polly A.	21	S	14 Aug	Hobert		ME		Broome
DRUM, Henry		26	S	VAN ALSTYNE, Henriett	22	S	27 Dec	Seward		Lutheran	Sharon
EFNER, Thompson		32	W	TOUSAND, Elizabeth	19	S	20 Oct	Gallopville	R. D.		Middleburgh 2ED
ELDREDGE, James		22	S	ALGER, Louisa		17	S	27 Dec	Sharon		Baptist		Sharon
ELIOTT, Nathan S.	28	S	BISHOP, Dortha		19	S	29 Jan	Conesville	N. S. Bablis	Conesville
ELLIOTT, Peleg		26	S	ROE, Elizabeth		17	S	12 Feb	Summit		Clergy		Seward
ELLIS, Stephen T.	25	S	BROWN, Maggie		23	S	12 Jan	Middleburgh	Meth.		Cobleskill
EMPIE, George H.	21	S	ZEH, Anna M.		22	S	11 Oct	Seward		Lutheran	Seward
ENSMIRE, Christian	23	S	WILLIAMS, Augusta	21	S	25 Dec	Broome		Christian	Broome
ESMAY, Alonzo		23	S	OTTMAN, Josephine	23	S	1 Nov	Sharon		Lutheran	Sharon
FEEK, Peter		22	S	NETHAWAY, Mary		22	S	15 Sept	Cobleskill	Luth.		Cobleskill
FERRIS, Andrew P.	22	S	BRIGGS, Phebe M.	20	S	2 April	Broome		MP		Broome
FINIAN, Michael		46	S	DONLEY, Brigett		27	S	-	Catskill	R. C.		Jefferson
FRABER, James		20	S	BRAZEE, Eunice		31	W	- Oct	Richmondville	Clergy		Seward
FRAZER, Charles O.	29	S	CLARK, Phoeba		25	S	28 Jan	Gilboa		Presb.		Gilboa
FREDERICK, Jacob	24	S	KILTS, Lydia		21	S	10 Jan	Canajoharie	Not Known	Sharon
FREEMYRE, David		36	W	ZELIE, Lucina		30	S	9 Jun	Breakabeen ?	Luth.		Middleburgh 2ED
GALLOP, Ezekiel		24	S	ROWLEY, Jennie		22	S	26 Feb	Jefferson	Meth. Epis.	Jefferson
GALLUP, Charles		24	S	BECKER, Christina A.	25	S	16 Nov	Wright		Lutheran	Wright
GETHEN, Jesse		40	W	TURNER, Mary H.		29	S	13 May	Cohoes, Albany Co.DR		Broome
GIFFORD, William P.	24	S	TILLAPAUGH, Marcia J.	22	S	13 Apr	South Valley	P. S.		Middleburgh 1ED
GORDON, James B.	24	S	SOUTHWICK, Martha	20	S	2 Apr	Broome		Clergyman	Gilboa
HANER, Ozias M.		25	S	RICHTMYER, Gertrude	-	-	9 Jan	Gilboa		D. R. Presb.	Conesville
HEDDEN, Amos K.		36	S	WIETING, Anna M.	31	S	1 Jun	Seward		Lutheran	Seward
HERRING, Hiram W.	34	S	RIDER, Emma J.		18	S	1 Feb	Center lo [sic]	Presb.		Fulton
HESS, Daniel D.		45	W	STEDMAN, Martha		26	S	5 Oct	Coeymans	ME		Broome
HESSLER, Wm.		36	S	BANKER, Catharine	22	S	12 Jan	Cherry Valley	M. E.		Sharon
HILL, Henry		27	S	DOUGLAS, Mary		22	S	16 Jun	Seward		M. E.		Richmondville
HUBBARD, Thomas E.	21	S	WRIGHT, Erzilla		19	S	8 Nov	Conesville	Presb.		Conesville
HUNTING, Nelson		26	S	FOLE, Elizabeth		23	S	3 Aug	Wright		Methodist	Wright
JACKSON, Lewis H.	28	S	SHARPE, Jennie		19	S	29 Jun	Sharon Springs	Lutheran	Sharon
JACKSON, Samuel		26	S	MAKELEY, Sarah		21	S	30 Oct	Conesville	M. E.		Conesville
JOHNSON, Emery		22	S	CALKINS, Josephene A.	15	S	12 July	Middleburgh	J. P.		Cobleskill
JONES, Francis		22	S	MERSELES, Mary		18	S	28 Feb	Wright		R. D. C.	Wright
KEYSER, James M.	28	S	COOK, Elizabeth		27	S	2 Jan	Springfield	-		Fulton
KLING, Nicholas		23	S	CAMPBELL, Cornelia	20	S	8 Feb	Fulton		Meth.		Fulton
KNEISKERN, James	23	S	GORDON, Phebe Maria	21	S	29 Dec	Argusville	Luth		Carlisle
KNISKERN, Charles A.	30	S	BROWN, Sarah S.		21	S	3 Sep	Schoharie	Meth.		Schoharie
KROMER, David		21	S	BORST, Almira		19	S	30 May	-		-		Cobleskill
LAMPMAN, John P.	38	W	BORST, Sarah		32	W	14 May	Otsego Co.	Meth.		Middleburgh 2ED
LASEL, Clarence C.	32	S	THOMAS, Hellen E.	22	S	23 Feb	Schoharie	P. R. D.	Schoharie
LETTICE, Jefferson	23	S	LETTICE, Margaret	19	S	1 Jan	Roseboom	Clergy		Seward
LONG, William		23	S	PRESTON, Ada E.		20	S	14 Aug	Roxberry	Presb.		Gilboa
LORD, David W.		20	S	BREEZEE, Alida		19	S	2 Oct	Broome		ME		Broome
LOWDEN, George		24	S	SORNBERGER, Libbie	23	S	4 Sep	Middleburgh	Meth.		Middleburgh 2ED
MAHAM, Benjamin S.	40	W	WILSON, Susan		38	S	- Nov	Philadel [sic]	Civil Mag.	Gilboa
MARCLEY, Ervin		21	S	SHAFER, Celinda		18	S	18 Jan	Cobleskill	Clergy		Seward
MARDEY, Irving W.	21	S	SHAFER, Celinda		18	S	18 Jan	Cobleskill	Luth.		Cobleskill
MARENESS, Uriah		22	S	HAMS, Charlotte L.	23	S	19 Oct	Sharon		Lutheran	Seward
MARTIN, William M.	28	S	FLANSBURGH, Louise	26	S	16 Nov	Wright		Methodist	Wright
MC CARTY, James		28	S	COLE, Agnes		16	S	- Feb	Esperance	Meth.		Esperance
MC HENCH, Andrew	32	S	STANTON, Helen		25	S	25 Oct	Middleburgh	Luth.		Middleburgh 2ED
MC HINCH, Andrew	25	S	ELLARSON, Helen M.	23	S	21 Feb	Gilboa		Clergyman	Gilboa
MC HUGH, Hugh		25	S	LINSTER, Liza		20	S	26 Jan	Richmond Hill	Christ.		Cobleskill
MC MULLEN, Alexander	22	S	BRADT, Eveline		20	S	28 Dec	Cobleskill	Meth.		Cobleskill
MICKEY, Jeremiah	36	W	GRAY, Catherine		29	S	25 Jan	Blenheim	CM		Blenheim
MILLER, George H.	33	S	WINERIGHT, Almira	17	S	15 Aug	Wayne Co.	Meth.		Cobleskill
MILLER, Luther		20	S	HAVERLY, Harriet E.	20	S	29 Sept	Bernville	Lutheran	Wright
MOAK, James P.		21	S	GALLUP, Mary J.		19	S	12 Oct	Wright		Methodist	Wright
MONEY, Michael		33	S	SMITH, Maryan		24	S	1 Jan	Jefferson	R. C.		Jefferson
MORE, John E.		54	W	DRAPER, Mariah		33	S	27 Jan	Richmondville	Luth.		Richmondville
MYERS, Millard		20	S	WELLER, Delila		18	S	3 Jul	Oneonta		Clergy		Seward
NACON, Jeremiah		28	S	WHITE, Mary		23	S	2 Mar	Fulton		Lutheran	Fulton
NACON, Soloman		26	S	WHITE, Rosanna		25	S	15 Feb	Fulton		Meth.		Fulton
NASHOLDS, Jeremiah	23	W	WEIDMAN, Harriet	21	S	4 Jul	Cobleskill	-		Middleburgh 1ED
NEVILL, Grantier	20	S	TAYLOR, Isabelle	20	S	3 Aug	Sharon		Lutheran	Sharon
NORWOOD, J. O.		24	S	STEVENS, Fannie		21	S	- Apr	Middleburgh	Luth.		Middleburgh 2ED
NORWOOD, Jacob E.	25	S	STEVENS, Fanny		22	S	15 AprilMiddleburgh	ME		Broome
OBRINE, Thomas		24	S	Gardner, Ann E.		17	S	11 Nov	Rensselaerville	Civil Mag.	Gilboa
OBRINES, Thomas		23	S	GARDNER, Ann E.		15	S	1 Jan	Rensselaerville	Civil Mag.	Conesville
OSTRUM, John		31	S	VANPATTIN, Amandy	22	S	1 Jan	Worcester	Bapt.		Richmondville
OTTMAN, Joseph		-	W	PULVER, Maria		21	S	23 Feb	Janesville	Lutheran	Seward
PAYNE, Austin		23	S	JOHNSON, Almyran	22	S	23 Mar	Summit		Baptist		Summit
PLACE, Stevin		35	W	HELDRETH, Martha	35	S	20 Nov	Gilboa		Presb.		Gilboa
PLANK, James		31	S	CRIPPEN, Martha		22	S	15 Feb	Sharon		Lutheran	Sharon
PORTER, Henry		22	S	CHICHESTER, Caroline	19	S	25 Aug	Rensselaerville	Bapt		Broome
RICHARD, William	50	W	BECKER, Margret		36	S	14 May	Fulton		D. R. Church	Middleburgh 1ED
RICHTMYER, Charles	23	S	TUTTLE, Dotha		22	S	5 Sept	Prattsville	Presb.		Conesville
RICKARD, William	38	W	BECKER, Margaret	36	S	15 May	Fulton		Reformed	Fulton
RICKERT, Jeremiah	20	S	LOUCKS, Maria C.	21	S	19 Nov	Schoharie	Luth.		Middleburgh 2ED
RIGHTER, Jonas		30	S	HAYS, Elizabeth		30	S	14 Dec	Schoharie	R. P.		Schoharie
ROBINSON, Orville	24	S	BEST, Mary		19	S	25 Dec	Sloansville	M. E.		Sharon
ROBINSON, Orville T.	25	S	BEST, Mary		20	S	25 Dec	Esperance	Methodist	Sharon
ROSE, Charles		27	S	RYCHMYRE, Emma		19	S	13 Apr	Richmondville	Presb.		Richmondville
SAFFORD, Albert		21	S	BROWN, Catharine A.	23	S	9 Mar	Cobleskill	Luth.		Cobleskill
SCUTT, Henry		29	W	BARBER, Mary E.		18	S	26 Dec	Schoharie	Luth.		Middleburgh 1ED
SHAFER, Charles		21	S	WARNER, Mary		20	S	24 Aug	Berne		P. D. R.	Schoharie
SHAFER, John H.		18	S	BUTON, Sephrona		17	S	19 Feb	Cobleskill	Meth.		Cobleskill
SHAVER, George A.	21	S	SIMMONS, Abigail	21	S	25 Jan	Schoharie	R. D. P.	Schoharie
SHAW, John T.		23	W	VAN DUSEN, Debby	20	S	14 Aug	Summit		Meth.		Gilboa
SHOEMAKER, Wideman F.	25	S	DECKER, Augusta		25	S	8 Mar	Conesville	M. E.		Conesville
SHULTIS, John H.	28	S	DUMOND, Mary Ann	42	S	27 May	Middleburgh	Christ.		Cobleskill
SIMMONS, Emmet		29	S	HONE, Ann		30	W	23 Nov	Ames		Methodist	Sharon
SIMMONS, Marvin		31	W	WOODBECK, Mary M.	25	S	5 Apr	Summit		Clergy		Seward
SITZER, Jeremiah	51	W	BREEZEE, Angeline	23	S	- Oct	Broome		ME		Broome
SITZER, Seth		22	S	MC NAENNY, Sarah	19	S	14 May	South Port	Meth.		Fulton
SLATER, Thomas R.	57	S	MASIER, Delila A.	22	S	17 Oct	Gilboa		ME		Broome
SMITH, Francis		21	S	HOOS, Margaret		17	S	25 Dec	Cobleskill	Luth.		Cobleskill
SMITH, John J.		27	S	ROCKWELL, Emma		20	S	20 Jan	Esperance	Meth.		Esperance
SMITH, Thomas		27	S	GIFFORD, Mary		18	S	31 Dec	Schoharie	Luth.		Cobleskill
SORNBERGER, Martin	22	S	TYRON, Almeda		21	S	29 Sep	Schoharie 	Bapt		Broome
SOUTHWORTJ, Nathaniel	50	W	CLAUS, Caroline		44	W	17 Sept	Oswego		Clergy		Seward
SPATHOLTZ, David I.	24	S	FIECK, Christina	21	S	29 Mar	Wright		R. D. C.	Wright
SPAWN, Zorna		25	S	MALICK, Nancy E.	20	S	20 Oct	Schoharie	Luth.		Schoharie
SPRINGSTEAD, William	20	S	HAM, Louisa		17	S	25 Feb	Gallupville	Bapt.		Fulton
STAYTON, Aretus S.	52	S	CROW, Jane		24	S	21 Feb	Fulton		Meth.		Fulton
STENDLEY, Joseph	30	S	STEVENS, Kate		29	S	26 Apr	Jefferson	Meth. Epis.	Jefferson
STEPHENS, Edward	28	S	ALGER, Almira		20	S	30 Dec	Fort Plain	M. E.		Sharon
STERNBURGH, Abel	34	S	MERENESS, Martha	21	S	19 Dec	Sharon		Baptist		Sharon
STEVENS, Charlie B.	27	S	MANN, Ida		19	S	19 Oct	Schoharie	Meth.		Schoharie
STEVENS, George A.	35	W	BROWNELL, Louisa A.	18	S	11 Oct	Samford ?	Meth.		Gilboa
STEVER, Orlando		25	S	SKINNER, Mary J.	22	S	16 Aug	Worcester	M. E.		Richmondville
STINER, David		23	S	Hanover ?, Elmira	20	S	13 Aug	Bernville	R. D. C.	Wright
STINER, David M.	22	S	HAWVER, Almina		20	S	15 Aug	Bern,		D. R. Church	Middleburgh 1ED
STONHART, Philip	22	S	BEECRAFT, Nancy		22	S	15 Oct	Cobleskill	Meth.		Cobleskill
STROBECK, Paul		23	S	PATRIE, Elen J.		22	S	28 Dec	Carlisle	Luth		Carlisle
STRYKER, Madison	25	S	RICHTMYER, Mary A.	21	S	1 May	Conesville	D. R. Presb.	Conesville
SWATZWELDER, Wm.	33	W	STRYKER, Bina		21	S	6 Mar	Conesville	D. R. Presb.	Conesville
TALON, Henry		20	S	BECKER, Charlotte	19	S	18 June	Duanesburgh	Christ.		Esperance
TATTER, Hiram		19	S	MOWERS, Malinda		17	S	8 Oct	Catskill	Luth.		Cobleskill
TAYLOR, Spencer		63	W	SHAVER, Alvira		39	W	8 Apr	Sharon		Lutheran	Sharon
TEEPLE, Jack H.		23	S	ELY, Harriet H.		21	S	22 Feb	Springfield	Bapt.		Esperance
THOMPSON, Darias D.	35	S	FRAYER, Susan		28	S	20 May	Conesville	M. E.		Conesville
TIER, Levi		23	S	BOVIN, Martha		22	S	24 Jan	Schenevus	Clergy		Seward
TINGUE, John		28	S	MANN, Nancy		17	S	14 Feb	Richmondville	Luth.		Richmondville
TINGUE, William		34	S	RADLIFF, Emma E.	16	S	14 Jun	Albany		Bapt.		Richmondville
TOMPKINS, Sidney B.	34	W	TAYLOR, Mary H.		30	W	9 Oct	Westchester Co.	Bapt		Broome
TRAVERS, James		31	S	POMPKINS, Martha C.	23	S	2 Jan	Middleburgh	M. E.		Middleburgh 1ED
TURNER, Luther		23	S	COOK, Sarah J.		24	S	14 Feb	Middleburgh	M. E.		Middleburgh 1ED
TWITCHEKK, Ezra		20	S	MINER, Abbey		17	S	5 Feb	Devenport	Meth. Epis.	Jefferson
VAN ALSTINE, Ephraim	22	S	HAGAR, Libbie		21	S	10 Aug	Sharon Springs	Lutheran	Sharon
VROOMAN, Daniel		22	S	VAN ALSTYNE, Margaret	22	S	2 Jan	Sharon		Lutheran	Sharon
VROOMAN, J. William	24	S	TURNER, Elizabeth	29	W	4 May	Fonda		Methodist	Sharon
WAGER, Francis		31	S	HILTSLEY, Ester		36	S	- Jan	Middleburgh	Meth.		Middleburgh 1ED
WALKER, Elsy C.		19	S	GURNSEY, Catherine	17	S	15 Jan	Cobleskill	Luth.		Richmondville
WHITE, Edwin		35	S	BEST, Eliza J.		35	S	8 Feb	Fulton		Lutheran	Fulton
WILLIAMS, Andrew	26	S	ROWE, Sarah		20	S	17 Jul	Broome		Bapt.		Middleburgh 1ED
WILLIAMS, Andrew P.	26	S	ROWE, Sarah		21	S	12 July	Preston Hollow	Bapt		Broome
WILLIAMS, Wm. H. H.	26	S	HERRON, Melissa		18	S	15 Dec	Cobleskill	Meth.		Cobleskill
WILSON, John C.		34	W	MOORE, Louisa M.	15	S	7 Sept	Albany		Presb.		Esperance
WINNES ?, Walter	35	S	MERSELES, Nancy A.	21	S	7 Feb	Wright		Methodist	Wright
WOLLFORD, Martin L.	22	S	WEST, Christina		17	S	30 Jun	Schoharie	Luth.		Middleburgh 1ED
WOOLFORD, Jacob		22	S	MILLER, Eliza A.	21	S	14 jul	Bern,		D. R. Church	Middleburgh 1ED
ZEH, Peter H.		26	S	DEFOREST, Marion	28	S	26 Aug	Lockport	Clergy		Seward

New York Mortality Schedule Schedules

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