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New Jersey Pensioners Of The United States, 1818

March 28, 1818

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LIST of Invalid Pensioners of the United States, belonging to the State of New Jersey, and paid at Trenton, with the annual allowance to each annexed, viz:

Bennett, Isaac Sergeant 64
Bunn, Barnes Private 38.4
Bishop, Benjamin Ditto 38.4
Boden, James Ditto 48
Brant, John Ditto 48
Carbart, Thomas Corporal 96
Coddington, Robert Private 96
Compton, George Corporal 48
Clarkson, Randolph Private 48
Crill, Joseph Ditto 64
Decamp, Morris Sergeant 76.8
Dodd, Daniel Private 48
Dollas, Jacob Ditto 48
Fergus, John Ditto 38.4
Ford, Mahlon Captain 240
Fenton, John Private 48
Guard, Daniel Ditto 48
Garhart, Godfrey Ditto 64
Hampton, John Ensign 93.6
Hathaway, Theophilus Private 96
Hall, Jacob Ditto 64
Howell, William Ditto 51.2
Hathaway, Benoni Captain 120
Hoff, Nicholas Private 96
Heard, James Lieutenant 102
Jerolman, James Ditto 27.2
Jeffers, Francis Private 33.4
Johnson, William Ditto 48
Kirkendake, Samuel Captain 120
Khunn, Christian Private 96
King, Aaron Ditto 64
Lindsley, Samuel Ditto 72
Leonard, Samuel Ditto 48
Lashels, John Corporal 96
M'Clure, John Private 96
Moffett, Daniel Ditto 48
Neifes, Peter Sergeant 76.8
Pembleton, Jabez Private 48
Parrot, Silas Lieutenant 81.6
Phillips, Thomas Private 48
Putney, Caleb Sergeant 72
Pack, Zachariah Ditto 96
Quinby, John Private 56.2
Ross, Andrew Ditto 25.6
Rider, Jacob Ditto 96
Snowden, Jonathan Lieutenant 204
Snalbaker, Daniel Private 96
Swift, James Ditto 96
Stout, Samuel Ditto 32
Stiles, Aaron Ditto 96
Scott, John Ditto 96
Smith, James W. Corporal 96
Seely, Elias Private 48
Tuttle, Josiah Ditto 51.2
Toland, John Ditto 24
Van Horne, Thomas Ditto 64
Wighter, Jacob Ditto 360

Making 57 for New Jersey

List of half-pay pensioners for the United states, arising from relinquishments of bounty land, belonging to the state of New Jersey with the annual allowance annexed to each, viz.

Brevoot, Henry Guardian
of the heirs of
John Brevoort Private 48
Kirkpatrick, Alexander Ditto Moses Roff Ditto 48
Jacob, Terheus Ditto Albert Terheun Ditto 48
Powell, Arthur Ditto Joseph Powell Ditto 48
Brinnesholtz, Hannah and Woodruff, Joseph Ditto Henry Brinnesholtz Ditto 48
Mattson, Hannah Ditto John Mattson Ditto 48
Robinson, Nancy Ditto William Robinson Ditto 48
Ireland, Sasannah Ditto Ezekiel Ireland Ditto 48
Price, Levi Ditto Robert Nelson Ditto 48
Brown, Betsy Ditto Aaron Brown Ditto 48
Bowne, William J. Ditto Cornelius Larney Ditto 48

Making 11 for New Jersey

STATEMENT, showing the Widows and Orphans who are inscribed on the books of this office, as half-pay pensioners, for five years, conformably to the laws of the United States, especially the first section of the act of April the 16th, 1816. "the sum annually paid to each, and the states or territories in which the said pensioners are respectfully paid," made in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the United States, passed under date of February the 22d, 1818.

Names of decedents, &c.Rank or gradeOriginal
of pension.
Henry, Camman, widow Private 28th Feb. 1814 $4.00 $48.00 -
Simon, Cozier, widow Private 16th June, 1813 4 48 -
John, Crammer, widow and children Private 1st March, 1813 4 48 Widow intermarried, Oct. 16, 1813
Davis, Mahlon, widow Major 17th Nov. 1814 25 300 -
Dunham, Benjamin, widow Private 1st Dec. 1814 4 48 -
Homan, or Howman, William, widow & children Private 13th July, 1813 4 48 Widow intermarried, 14th Feb. 1816
Ledew, Stephen, widow and children Private 13th June, 1813 4 48 Widow died October 2d, 1813
Nestor, John, Jr. widow Private 28th Nov. 1814 4 48 -
Ogdin, Israel, children Corporal 6th Oct. 1814 5 60 -
Sprogell, Thomas Y. widow Captain 1st Dec. 1813 20 240 -
Shepherd, Job, widow Private 30th Oct. 1814 4 48 -
Turner, John, widow Private 19th Oct. 1814 4 48 -
Thomas, Thomas, widow Private 7th Dec. 1813 4 48 -

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[ 1813 Pension List ]

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