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Maryland Pensioners Of The United States, 1818

March 28, 1818

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LIST of Invalid Pensioners of the United States, belonging to the State of Maryland, and paid at Baltimore, with the annual allowance to each annexed, viz:

Alvey, Thomas Green Corporal 35.2
Anderson, John Private 64
Anderson, Richard Captain 240
Alexander, Robert Private 48
Brown, John Sergeant 96
Byrme, John Private 96
Burk, James Ditto 64
Blever, James Ditto 96
Barnet, Robert Ditto 64
Bennet, John Ditto 64
Baker, Thomas Ditto 67
Buckiup, Charles Ditto 64
Bishop, Thomas Ditto 64
Boyle, John Ditto 48
Benson, Perry Captain 240
Bruff, James Captain 240
Brintzal, John Private 48
Brown, Christian Ditto 32
Burk, James Ditto 48
Bannachman, William Ditto 96
Bain, Martin Ditto 48
Bean, John Ditto 48
Beanet, George Ditto 48
Baner, William Ditto 48
Bailey, Daniel Ditto 48
Burns, Thomas Ditto 96
Brooks, Joseph R. Second lieutenant 90
Bell, Ezekiel Private 48
Beatty, James Sergeant 32
Burk, Malchijah Private 48
Collember, Thomas Ditto 64
Casbury, Peter Private 64
Current, James Ditto 64
Cain, Edward Ditto 48
Corbett, John Ditto 96
Craig, John Ditto 96
Coddington, Benjamin Private 48
Cozens, George Ditto 48
Cannon, Dominick Ditto 72
Cope, Henry Ditto 96
Callaghan, Daniel Ditto 48
Catherel, Joseph Ditto 48
Collings, William Ditto 96
Chesney, Thomas E. Ditto 96
Cable, Henry Ditto 96
Chalmers, James Ditto 96
Cushwa, David Captain 180
Cator, John Private 48
Cole, George Ditto 32
Clark, William Ditto 48
Collins, George Corporal 32
Chalk, John Private 32
Dowd, Charles Corporal 96
Doughty, Barnabas Private 64
Davis, John Ditto 64
Davidson, James Ditto 96
Dalrymple, William Ditto 48
Duncan, John Private 96
Diffendaffer, Richard Sergeant 48
Duffy, Henry Private 48
Davis, Robert Ditto 48
Davidson, Nelson First Sergeant 48
Dailey, Elijah Private 64
Down, William Ditto 96
Danford, James Ditto 96
Everhart, Lawrence Sergeant 96
Evans, William Private 64
Elbert, John L. Lieutenant 112
Essender, John Private 48
Edmondson, Thomas Ditto 48
Euler, Conrad Ditto 48
Finleyson, George Ditto 64
Flannaghan, Dennis Ditto 64
Fisher, Phillip Ditto 64
Fogler, Simon Ditto 32
Ferguson, John Ditto 96
French, John Matross 96
Foy, Samuel Private 96
Flowers, Benjamin Private 48
Fagan, James Ditto 48
Fannon, William Ditto 48
Fleetwood, Benjamin Ditto 48
Fulton, James Ditto 48
Garth, James Ditto 64
Gambare, John Ditto 64
Green, William Ditto 64
Gamble, Abraham Ditto 96
Golden, Walter Ditto 48
Gray, William Ditto 96
Gossage, Jarred Ditto 96
Gidleman, John Ditto 48
Gibson, James Ditto 72
Gaddl, Thomas Ditto 48
Goddard, Charles Ditto 72
Guthrie, William Ditto 24
Harden, Richard Sergeant 96
Howard, John Private 64
Huggins, Samuel Ditto 64
Hurly, William Ditto 64
Hood, Edward Private 64
Hinnis, Samuel Ditto 32
Harris, Samuel Ditto 64
Hvatt, Jose Ditto 48
Happy, William Ditto 96
Hill, Thomas Ditto 96
Hays, Barney Ditto 64
Hutchinson, Francis Ditto 96
Howard, George W. Sergeant 96
Herron, James Private 96
Handlin, Patrick Gunner 40
Jones, Alexander Private 64
Jones, John Ditto 96
Isaacs, James Ditto 64
Johnson, Benedict Ditto 64
Johnson, John Ditto 67.2
Jenkins, Robert Matross 96
Johnson, Peter W. Private 96
Jones, Joshua Ditto 32
Jordan, Samuel Ditto 96
Joy, Edward Ditto 96
Kisby, Richard Private 76.8
Kearns, Robert Sergeant 96
Kirkpatrick, John Private 76.8
King, Thomas Ditto 57.6
Kean, Edward Ditto 96
Keough, William Ditto 96
Kearnes, John Ditto 96
Kelly, William Sergeant 96
Kent, Emanuel Private 96
Klee, John Sergeant 32
Keller, Conrad Ditto 48
Keen, William, Jr. Private 96
Kirby, John Ensign 117
Lambert, Christopher Private 64
Lowry, John Ditto 64
Leary, Edward Ditto 96
Logan, Patrick Ditto 48
Lazarino, Jesse Ditto 48
Lawless, Philip Ditto 64
Lutz, Joseph Ditto 48
Le Mark, Thomas Ditto 72
Lowman, Emery Private 96
Levering, John Ditto 32
Lynch, William Ditto 48
Lamb, John Ditto 96
Loughgushi, Mathias Ditto 24
Larew, Abraham Ditto 48
Mudd, Jeremiah Sergeant 96
Mathews, John Corporal 70.4
M'Coy, John Private 96
M'Guire, Michael Ditto 64
M'Leod, Hugh Ditto 64
Meek, John Ditto 64
Mooney, William Ditto 96
M'Carty, Daniel Matross 96
Morris, Jonathan Captain 120
M'Gahee, James Private 48
M'Laughlin, James Ditto 72
M'Elvins, William Ditto 72
Malony, Jeremiah Corporal 48
M'Neal, James Private 96
M'Cullock, James W. Corporal 96
Murray, William H. Sergeant 96
Mosyer, John D. Private 48
Morrow, Isaac Ditto 64
Magauren, Henry Ditto 48
Marsh, Henry Ditto 32
Mason, Lewis Ditto 64
Needham, William A. Sergeant 96
Nye, John Private 96
Norton, Theophilus I. Sergeant 96
Newman, Stokely Private 48
Nowell, James Ditto 96
Norris, Luther A. Ditto 96
Nell, Jacob Ditto 76.8
Norris, Daniel W. Sergeant 60
Neal, John Private 48
O'Hara, James Ditto 64
O'Guire, Joseph Ditto 64
O'Hard, John Ditto 96
Owens, Joseph Sergeant 24
O'Neal, William Private 48
Oldham, Elisha Ditto 48
O'Donnell, Barney Ditto 96
Pope, James Ditto 64
Polhemus, Joseph Ditto 64
Pilach, Antone Ditto 96
Parker, Charles Ditto 48
Pigeon, John Ditto 48
Payne, Samuel L. Ditto 96
Perry, William Ditto 48
Parsons, Thomas Ditto 32
Riend, Christopher Ditto 64
Rogers, William Ditto 64
Robinson, Charles Ditto 64
Roe, Michael Ditto 64
Richardson, Joseph Ditto 48
Russel, Joseph Ditto 38.4
Reed, Christopher Ditto 64
Redenour, Jacob Ditto 96
Repp, John Rifle Corps 48
Roberts, Ichariah Private 24
Reese, John Lieutenant 68
Reintzel, George Private 72
Robinson, Thomas Ditto 96
Reed, John Ditto 48
Richards, David Ditto 48
Robinson, John Ditto 32
Remecke, Frederick Ditto 48
Reppart, George Ditto 48
Sherwood, Thomas Ditto 57.6
Scott, James Sergeant 39.16 4/5
Snider, John Corporal 70.4
Saunders, Thomas Private 64.83
Slye, William Ditto 64
Shandy, Jacob Ditto 64
Sullivan, Philip Ditto 64
Shovell, John Ditto 64
Shoebrook, Philip Ditto 64
Smith, James Ditto 64
Smith, Daniel Ditto 64
Smith, James Ditto 64
Smith, David Ditto 64
Smith, Joseph Private 64
Smith, Valentine Ditto 64
Smith, Valentine Ditto 32
Smith, James Ditto 76.8
Sewall, James Ditto 96
Scoone, George Corporal 48
Simpson, John Private 48
Shane, Daniel Ditto 96
Skivington, Thomas Ditto 96
Stockton, John Ditto 64
Stewart, John Driver 32
Stottlemyer, David of David Corporal 48
Stansbury, Joseph Private 48
Stewart, John N. Ditto 32
Tillard, James Ditto 64.85 1/5
Trisner, John Ditto 64
Tomm, Henry Ditto 48
Tyler, John Cocke Ditto 48
Tanner, Samuel Ditto 48
Tarr, Levi Ditto 48
Thomson, William Ditto 48
Tulley, Aquilla Private 48
Urie, Zachariah Ditto 96
Vaughn, George Lieutenant 181.33 1/5
Whaler, Nathaniel Private 96
Wills, John Ditto 64
Wilkerson, Richard Ditto 64
Walsh, Mark Ditto 64
White, James Ditto 96
White, Samuel B. Ditto 96
Waltman, Michael Ditto 64
Watts, James Corporal 96
Williams, William J. Sergeant 96
Willis, John Ditto 48
Weaver, John Ensign 52
Weedon, Horatio Private 32
Wisbaugh, Martin Ditto 48
Wells, James Sergeant 96
Williams, Amos A. Private 32
Williams, Nathaniel Ditto 64
Walker, Benjamin Ditto 32
Westlake, Josiah Private 96
Yoe, Stephen Sergeant 96
Yates, Thomas Private 64

Making 269 Invalid Pensioners for Maryland

List of half-pay pensioners for the United states, arising from relinquishments of bounty land, belonging to the state of
with the annual allowance annexed to each, viz.

Boran, Elizabeth Guardian
of the heirs of
John Boran Private 48
Cornelius, Ann Ditto John Cornelius Ditto 48
Crandell, George Ditto Benjamin Reed Ditto 48
Byrnes, Bridget Ditto John Burns or Byrnes Ditto 48
Ross, Mary Ditto David Ross Ditto 48
Livers, Susanna Guardian
of the heirs of
John Lives Private 48
Fish, Mary Ditto Levin Fish Ditto 48
Grapevine, Mary Ditto Frederick Grapevine Ditto 48
Yohn, Mary Ditto John Yohn Ditto 48
Rictor, Elizabeth Ditto Christian Rictor Ditto 48
Norris, Daniel W. Ditto Michael Kelly Ditto 48

Making 12 for Maryland

STATEMENT, showing the Widows and Orphans who are inscribed on the books of this office, as half-pay pensioners, for five years, conformably to the laws of the United States, especially the first section of the act of April the 16th, 1816. "the sum annually paid to each, and the states or territories in which the said pensioners are respectfully paid," made in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the United States, passed under date of February the 22d, 1818.

Names of decedents, &c.Rank or gradeOriginal
of pension.
Atwell, James, widow Private 30th March, 1814 $4.00 $48.00 -
Addison, William H., widow Captain 18th Dec. 1814 20 240 -
Andre, Gregorius, widow and children 1st lieutenant 12th Sept. 1814 15 180 Widow intermarried, 8th Feb. 1817
Bond, Benjamin, widow Private 12th Sept. 1814 4 48 -
Bowers, Jacob, widow Private 28th Nov. 1812 2.5 30 -
Crea, Hugh, widow Private 13th Sept. 1814 4 48 -
Davis, David, widow Private 10th Oct. 1814 4 48 -
Dillon, James, widow Captain 2d Oct. 1814 20 240 -
Desk, Michael, widow Private 12th Sept. 1814 4 48 -
Donaldson, James L. Lieut. and adj't 12th Sept. 1814 20 240 -
Evans, John, widow Private 12th Sept. 1814 4 48 -
Earnest, Charles, widow and children Private 31st Aug. 1816 4 48 Died of wounds. widow intermarried, 20th January, 1817
English, Marshall, widow 2d lieutenant 21st April, 1818 12.5 150 -
Garrett, Thomas, widow Private 13th Sept. 1814 4 48 -
Green, John, widow Private 23d Oct. 1814 4 48 -
Grant, John, widow Private 28th April, 1813 4 48 -
Hull, Edward, widow Private 24th Aug. 1814 4 48 -
Haney, Thomas, widow Private 16th Aug. 1813 4 48 -
Kithcart, Robert, widow Private 24th Sept. 1814 4 48 -
Latham, Edward, widow Private 1st May, 1814 4 48 -
Lee, James, widow Private 9th Nov. 1813 4 48 -
Marriott, Elisha, widow Sergeant 24th Aug. 1814 5.5 66 -
Morgan, Loderwick, child Major 12th Aug. 1814 25 300 -
Mathews, Edward widow Private 6th Sept. 1814 4 48 -
M'Lean, Roger or Rhody, widow Private 8th April, 1813 4 48 -
Mills, George, widow Private 26th June, 1813 4 48 -
Martin, Anthony, widow Private 21st Oct. 1814 4 48 -
M'Kenny, Philip, widow and Children Private 1st Oct. 1814 4 48 Widow intermarried, Dec. 14, 1815
Prosser, Uriah, widow Private 12th Sept. 1814 4 48 -
Prince, John, widow Private 2d Dec. 1813 4 48 -
Routzong, John, widow Private 31st Jan. 1815 4 48 -

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[ 1813 Pension List ]

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