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Indiana Pensioners Of The United States, 1818

March 28, 1818

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LIST of Invalid Pensioners of the United States, belonging to the State of Indiana, and payable at Vernon, Indiana with the annual allowance to each annexed, viz:

Antis, George Private 48
Almon, Thomas Ditto 48
Baird, Robert Lieutenant 136
Bartholomew, Joseph Lieutenant 270
Buskirk, John V. Private 96
Branham, Gaydon Ditto 72
Bateman, Henry Ditto 96
Briggs, Robert Ditto 48
Byrns, Mathew Ditto 48
Balding, Godfrey Hall Sergeant 96
Barns, Hugh Chaplain 240
Crist, William Private 48
Collins, William Ditto 48
Little, Samuel Second Lieutenant 180
Lindley, Zachariah Sergeant 48
M'Mickle, Peter Private 48
Minor, Daniel Ditto 96
Norris, John Captain 120
Potter, Samuel Private 96
Stropes, Adam Ditto 96
Stansbury, Silas Musician 96
Samuels, William Private 32
Wasson, Joseph Ditto 96
Webster, Humphry First Lieutenant 240
Welsh, William B. Sergeant 84

Making 25 Invalid Pensioners for Indiana

STATEMENT, showing the Widows and Orphans who are inscribed on the books of this office, as half-pay pensioners, for five years, conformably to the laws of the United States, especially the first section of the act of April the 16th, 1816. "the sum annually paid to each, and the states or territories in which the said pensioners are respectfully paid," made in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of the United States, passed under date of February the 22d, 1818.

Names of decedents, &c.Rank or gradeOriginal
of pension.
Asbury, James, widow Private 7th Nov. 1811 $3.33 $39.96 See act of April 10, 1812
Butner, Edward, widow and children Private 7th Nov. 1811 3.33 39.96 Widow intermarried, 26th Sept. 1813. (See also act of April 10, 1812)
Berry, Thomas, widow 1st lt. of riflemen 7th Nov. 1811 16.66 200 See act of Apr. 10, 1812
Clendenin, Thos. widow Private 7th Nov. 1811 3.33 39.96 See act of Apr. 10, 1812
Drummons, John, widow Sergeant 7th Nov. 1811 4 48 See act of Apr. 10, 1812
Fisher, Daniel, widow Private 12th Nov. 1811 3.33 39.96 See act of Apr. 10, 1812
Hanks, Porter, widow Private 7th Nov. 1811 3.33 39.96 See act of Apr. 10, 1812
Hickey, Henry, widow Private 7th Nov. 1811 3.33 39.96 See act of Apr. 10, 1812
Howell, Adin, widow Private 16th July, 1814 4 48 -
Kelly, William, widow Private 7th Nov. 1811 3.33 39.96 See act of Apr. 10, 1812
Lang, John, widow Private 22d Nov. 1812 4 48 See act of Mar. 3, 1817
Millholland, ---, widow Corporal 23d Jan. 1814 5 60 -
Music, Jesse, widow Private 7th Nov. 1811 3.33 39.96 See act of Apr. 10, 1812
M'Coy, John, widow Private 7th Nov. 1811 3.33 39.96 See act of Apr. 10, 1812
M'Mahon, Richard, widow 1st lieutenant 7th Nov. 1811 16.66 200 See act of Apr. 10, 1812 (widow intermarried, 7th June, 1813)
Spencer, Spier, widow Capt. of Riflemen 7th Nov. 1811 25 300 See act of Apr. 10, 1812
Warrick, Jacob, widow and children Captain 7th Nov. 1811 20 240 See act of Apr. 10, 1812 (widow intermarried 7th Feb. 1813)

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