Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley
Orange County, Vermont
Home | Military Records | 1818 Pension Roll: Vermont | Orange County, VT
Soldier Abbott, Timothy Adams, Samuel Allen, Amos Andrews, James Archer, Michael Barnes, John Bass, Edward Bates, Moses Beedy, Rosiah Blackmore, John Bingham, Thomas, Lieut. Bishop, James Boardman, William Bogle, Thomas Bohonon, Ananiah Borres, John Proctor Bowen, Enoch Bowles, Charles Bragg, Moses Brigham, Abraham Brigham, Paul, Capt. Brown, Eleazer Burgess, Benjamin Burk, John Cadwell, Jonathan Carlton, Richard, Serg't Chadwick, John Chamberlain, Joseph Church, Isaac, Lieut. Churchill, Jonathan Cilley, Daniel Clement, Reuben Colbey, Salem Cowdery, Edward Corless, Samuel Corless, Timothy Cross, Nero Cummings, John Curtis, Simeon Davis, Obadiah Dickinson, Gideon Downing, Jonathan Drake, Ebenezer Dyer, Ichabod Eastman, Josiah Edson, Samuel, Qm. Serg't Fellows, John Flanders, Jacob Flint, Nathaniel Findly, John Freeman, Samuel Geary, Joshua George, Moses S. Gillet, Simon Green, Irijah Grover, Amasa Haines, Nathan Havens, James Hixon, Joseph Houghton, Samuel Hoyt, Enoch Hunt, Daniel Hunton, Charles Hutchinson, Elisha Jenkins, Stephen Keyes, John, Serg't Kincade, William Kimball, Richard Kinney, Thomas Knox, George Lancaster, Thomas Lawrence, Levi Leeds, Nathaniel Leslie, Alexander Lines, John Linsey, Samuel Lufkin, Levi Mack, Benjamin Martin, John May, Thomas McKellups, Samuel McKirth, Thomas Morey, Benoni Orn, Joseph Page, Nathan Parker, Thomas Pearson, Moses Peck, Samuel Serg't Philbrick, Daniel Pratt, Mathew Preston, Benjamin Putnam, John Rand, John Randall, Samuel Raymond, Joseph Lieut. Read, Jonathan Rice, John Rice, Merrick Rindge, Richard Rollf, Ephraim Rowell, James Rowell, Moses Russell, Cornelius, Lieut. Sawyer, Conant Skinner, Isaac Smith, Benjamin Smith, John Smith, Jedediah Smith, Zachariah Southworth, Lemuel Stacey, Ebenezer Stacey, John, Serg't Stewart, John Thompson, Francis Townsend, George Underwood, John Wales, Joseph, Lieut. Weed, Charles Welch, John Wentworth, Daniel Wight, Jabez Williamson, George Wills, Jonathan Wood, Ebenezer Woods, Daniel Youngman, Peter Youngman, Thomas
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