Transcribed and submitted by Lynn Tooley
Franklin County, Vermont
Home | Military Records | 1818 Pension Roll: Vermont | Franklin County, VT
Soldier Alexander, Philip Andrus, John Atwood, Thomas Barnet, Benjamin Beals, Enoch Bears, Foard Billings, Isaac Billings, Silas Bowdish, Joseph Brace, Jeffrey (Alias J. Stiles) Brown, Jude Burlinson, John Butler, Isaac Carman, Abraham Catlin, Roswell Chaffer, Comfort Chamberlain, Ebenezer Chase, Aaron Craw, Reuben Danforth, Jonathan Delaway, John Farnsworth, Jonathan Foster, Simeon Garland, Jacob George, David, Serg't George, Michael Gibbs, David Gilbert, Obadiah Goodridge, Joshua Gragg, George Grant, Benoni, Lieut. Gregg, Isaac Griswold, Benjamin Heath, William Holdridge, Jehiel Hull, Jehiel Hurlbut, Wait Jeffords, William Joy, Benjamin, Serg't Joy, Micah Kelly, William, 2nd Keyes, Thomas Knapp, Eleazer Lackey, Isaac Laflin, Samuel Lamb, Joseph Larrabee, Thephius Lawrence, John, 2nd Leach, Benjamin McNamara, John McWithey, Silas Miller, James Mitchell, Samuel, Serg't Mitchell, Timothy Nash, Tho. (Alias Hunter) Niles, Samuel Nutting, Elijah Nutting, John Olds, Aaron Otis, John Patterson, Ansel Pease, Ebenezer Perham, Joel W. Perkins, Daniel Perkins, Daniel, 2nd Perrigo, David Phelps, Putnam Pierce, James Pratt, Elijah Prior, William Randall, Joseph Rummells, Robert Sanders, William Seagel, Jacob Shepard, George Sherwood, Jedediah Smith, Isaac, 2nd Smith, Ithamer Smith, Nathan Stebbins, Ebenezer Stewart, Francis Tillotson, Isaac Torrey, Nathaniel Trowbridge, Stephen, Serg't Welch, Benjamin Whitcomb, Ephraim White, David Wilcox, Jared Wilkins, Asa Witter, Josiah, Lieut. Wood, Gideon Wood, Robert Woodworth, Roger Wright, Jehiel
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