1814 Owners of Land Census
Town of Remsen
Oneida County, New York
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Owner of Land Aldrich, David Allen, Asahel Allen, William Baker, Henry Ballow, Archibald Beecher, Marther Bonner, Jeremiah Bonner, John Bowles, George W. Bronson, Ebenezer Bronson, William Brown, Samuel Byington, Ahner Cole, Gilbert Conklin, Luther Cornel, Clarke Crosby, Olive Day, Benjamin Dayton, Daniel Dayton, Jonah Dayton, Salmon Davis, John Davis, William Denslow, James Emanuel, David Evans, John Fairchild, Ager Fairchild, Anna Fairchild, Ingerson Farr, Perez Ferry, Hemon Fisher, Harman Fowler, Silas Franklin, James Gershwen, Hinkley Green, Ezra Green, Leleck Griffith, John R. Griffith, John R. Hall, James Hinkley, Gershom Hollister, Ephraim Holmes, Elijah Holmes, Elijah Holsted, Joseph Holsted, Thomas Howe, Samuel Jr. Howe, William Hugh, Lemuel Hutchinson, Stephen Hutchinson, Eben James, Mary, Widow Jones, David Jones, David, R. Jones, Griffith J. Jones, John J. Jones, Moses Jones, Richard M. Jones, William J. Kent, Annis Kent, Ezekiel Kentfield, Palmon Loomis, Benjamin Loomis, Salmon Mappa,’ A.G. Martin, Asa Mitchel, Molly Mitchel, Wyler Morse, James Nichols, Caleb Nichols, Thomas Owen, John H. Phillips, Volkert Platt, John Remsen, Henry Rockwood, Nathan Root, Zalmon Phillips, Harry Sanderson, Joseph Sheldon, Henry R. Sheldon, James Sheldon, Thomas N. Slauson, Peter Smith, Boham Smith, Jacob Smith, Oliver Smith, Seth Stanford, Joshua Storms, John Stevens, Caleb Traffarn, Cromwell Vanslyke, Jacob Walker, John E. Walker, Joseph Walker, Walter Weeksag, Joseph H. Wetmore, Amos Wetmore, Asher White, Broughton White, Green Williams, Levis Warden, Edmund Worden, Isaac Warden, John