New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1812 - 1857 Confirmations
The Jerusalem Church
Town of Albany
Berks County, Pennsylvania

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Besides the early confirmations listed on pages 10 to 13 in this transcript, there are sixteen other lists of persons confirmed between 1812 and 1857. These are mixed up among the lists of communicants in the original church record, but are listed separately here for easier reference. These are all Lutheran lists. No Reformed confirmations are recorded.

May 3, 1812, 5th Sunday after Easter.
May 4, 1815, Ascension Day
Nov. 16, 1817, 24th Sunday after Trinity
Apr. 9, 1820
May 19, 1822, Sixth Sunday after Easter
Apr. 16, 1837
Mar. 28, 1839
Apr. 1847
Apr. 1851
Mar. 1853
Apr. 8, 1855