New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and Allegheny Colonial American Ancestry"

Allegheny County Pennsylvania Genealogy and History

Founded: September 24, 1788

Named for: Allegheny River

County Seat: Pittsburgh

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Allegheny County, Pennsylvania genealogy and family history page is a place where you can come in and research your genealogy and family history. We also do our best to provide a history of the area, to provide you with an overview of the time in which your ancestors lived.

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Allegheny County was officially created on September 24, 1788, from parts of Washington and Westmoreland counties. It was formed to respond to pressure from the increase in settlers living in the area around Pittsburgh; this was designated as the county seat in 1791. The county originally extended north to the shores of Lake Erie; it was reduced to its current borders by 1800. As population increased in the territory, other counties were organized.

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Allegheny County Pennsylvania Military Records

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