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Aaron I. Putman and John Hollenbeck were executors of the estate. Michael appointed Oct. 25, 1830, p. 101</li> <li>ALMY - George Almy appeared before the Court and consented to be guardian to Richard Almy an infant under 14 years of age. A bond of $100 was required. George appointed May 31, 1831, p. 104</li> <li>BEEKMAN - Petition of Alida Beekman, minor over 14 years. Anna Beekman of Oppenheim appointed. Dec. 13, 1831, p. 123</li> <li>BROCKWAY - Charles C., a minor and son of Ephraim Brockway appeared before the court and requested that Charles Brockway of the Town of Broadalbin be his guardian. A bond of $600 was required. Charles appointed Jan. 29, 1830, p. 89</li> <li>BROOKINS - Lois, Newman, Alonzo, Lorenzo and Levi, children and heirs of Harry Brookins deceased, late of the Town of Johnstown have had Newman C. Griswold appointed as their guardian. Their mother, Martha Brookins, is one of the administrators of Harry Brookins estate. Newman appointed June 15, 1830, p. 99</li> <li>BURTON - Joshua, a minor under 21 years of age, appeared before the court and requested that his Grandfather Joshua Burton of the Town of Johnstown be appointed his guardian. A bond $100 was executed. Joshua appointed Dec. 25, 1829, p. 88</li> <li>CAREY - James Carey minor over 14 years. Elijah Davis appointed Nov. 5, 1831, p. 118</li> <li>CASEY - Martha Casey, minor over 14 years. George B. Judd of Frankfort, Herkimer County appointed June 28, 1831, p. 111</li> <li>CLARK - John and Richard Marvin Clark are minors over 14 years. William Chambers of Broadalbin appointed Nov. 15, 1831, p. 116</li> <li>COOK - Rudolph C. Cook executor of last will of Casper Cook late of Palatine, deceased. (Document refers to minors but no names of minors are given). James Piersons appointed. Aug. 13, 1831, p. 128</li> <li>COUNTRYMAN - John M. Countryman appeared before the Court as brother of Peggy, Caty, Jacob and Betsy Countryman, minors and children of Marcus Countryman, deceased, and requested that he be appointed guardian to the said minor children. Bonds were required but no sums were stated. John appointed July 2, 1830, p. 96</li> <li>COUNTRYMAN - Mary, Nancy and Peter Countryman, minors under 21 and over 14, have chosen Jacob G. Snyder to be their guardian. A bond of $200 each was executed. Jacob appointed July 2, 1830, p. 95</li> <li>DeGRAFF - Isaac DeGraff Jr. and Henrick Belden are executors of the last will of Jacob DeGraff, late of Florida, deceased. Isaac DeGraff, Chauncey and Maria Jane Updike are minors. Joseph Packard appointed. Dec. 26, 1831, p. 126</li> <li>DEGRAFF - It has satisfactorily appeared to the Court that the children of Nicholas Degraff deceased, namely Emanuel, Phebe Ann, Andrew, Elizabeth, Maria and John are his heirs at law. It was ordered that Emanuel E. Degraff of the Town of Amsterdam be appointed their guardian and to take care of their interests in the proving of the will of Nicholas E. Degraff. Emanuel appointed Feb. 15, 1830, p. 92</li> <li>DeGRAFF - Jacob DeGraff late of Florida, deceased. Isaac DeGraff is heir and minor. James W. Miller appointed. Sept. 27, 1831, p. 126</li> <li>DUSHIE, KING - Abraham Zoller executor of last will of Henry Zoller late of Minden, deceased. Nancy, Mary, Andrew, Henry, Elizabeth, Eve, Martin and Peggy Dushe and Alexander, Martin and Maria King are heirs and minors. Peter Ellwood Jr. appointed. Jan. 7, 1832, p. 139</li> <li>DYCKMAN - Peter H. Dyckman, a minor under 21, has chosen Jonathan Sherman of the Town of Fenner in the County of Madison as his guardian. A bond of $4000 was executed. Jonathan appointed Apr. 28, 1830, p. 95</li> <li>DYE - Kenyon and Ichabod Potter executors of last will of John Kenyon late of Broadalbin, deceased. Pamelia Melissa, Amasa A., Random and Angelina Mary Dye are heirs and minors. Andrew Dye appointed. Dec. 29, 1832, p. 140</li> <li>DYE - Petition of Amasa A. and Ranson K. Dye minors over 14 years. Andrew Dye appointed. Mar. 6, 1832, p. 137</li> <li>EACKER/EACKES - Mitchell Eacker (Eackes?) a minor has had appointed as his guardian Donald McIntyre for the duration of his minority. A bond of $600 was executed as approved security. Donald appointed Feb. 23, 1831, p. 102</li> <li>ELLWOOD - Peter Ellwood Jr. executor of last will of Peter Ellwood late of Minden, deceased. Caty, Cornelius, Gasha and Peggy Ellwood are heirs and minors. Abraham Zoller appointed. Jan. 7, 1832, p. 138</li> <li>FLINT - John A. Flint of Canajoharie, deceased. John and Catharin Flint are minors. Russell Prentice appointed June 25, 1831, p. 115</li> <li>FOUNTAIN - At the request of John L. Francis and Stephen Fountain, executors of the estate of Benjamin Fountain, the Court appointed Rupel Prentice, a disinterested freeholder to be the guardian to the aforesaid minor children. Rupel appointed July 25, 1831, p. 107</li> <li>FOUNTAIN - Charles Easton of the Town of Johnstown was appointed guardian to Charity, Mary, Levi, Ezra, Abraham, Martin and Joseph Fountain heirs of Benjamin Fountain deceased, late of the Town of Wells. Charles appointed Feb. 15, 1831, p. 106</li> <li>FOX - Caroline, Elizabeth, Strate and Catherine. It was ordered that Feb. 22 at one o'clock in the afternoon be assigned for the reading of the petition. It was further ordered that within six days a copy of the order be served on the relatives of the said minor residing in the County of Montgomery, p. 90</li> <li>FOX - John J. Myers executor of last will of Jacob Myers, deceased. Abraham, Jacob, Betsey and Levi Fox are heirs and minors. John Fox appointed Oct. 3, 1831, p. 127</li> <li>FRICK - George Eacker late of Palatine, deceased. George, Catharine, Henry and Eliza Frick are grandchildren and minors. Leorenus P. Dygert of Palatine appointed June 27, 1831, p. 107</li> <li>FULLER - Thomas Easton executor of will of Peter H. Wahath requests to have will proved and recorded. Mary Ann, Alva and Peter Fuller are heirs of said deceased and minors. David W. Fuller, the father, appointed June 6, 1831, p. 113</li> <li>GETMAN - Archibald Allen, administrator of estate of Joseph C. Getman deceased requests authority to mortgage real estate. Hiram, Catharine Ann, Eliza and Samuel Getman are heirs and minors. Charles Easton of Johnstown appointed guardian May 23, 1831, p. 112</li> <li>GETMAN - Charlotte and William Clark Getman, heirs of William Getman deceased are infants under 14 years of age, and have had John L. Allen of the Town of Ephratah appointed as their guardian. Caty Getman, an executrix of the last will and testament of William Getman, late of the Town of Minden, requested this appointment. John appointed June 4, 1830, p. 100</li> <li>GORTON - David Mead executor of last will of Nehemiah Mead late of Mayfield, deceased. Silas, Philip and Abigail Gorton are heirs and minors. John Akuly appointed. Nov. 19, 1831, p. 131</li> <li>GREENFIELD, CHEADEL - Rufus Cheadeal executor of will of Ezra Cheadel, deceased, requests authority to mortgage real estate of deceased. Lucinda, Louisa and Ezra Greenfield and Sarah Gates Cheadel and Cornelia Elizabeth Cheadel are minors. Heathcot Johnson of Johnstown appointed Oct. 3, 1831, p. 114</li> <li>GUSTIN - Eliphalet Whitman Gustin a minor nominated Francis Rupert to be appointed as his guardian. A bond of $100 was required. Francis Rupert of the Town of Johnstown was appointed Mar. 21, 1831, p. 103</li> <li>HANOR - John Putt-os late of Charlestown, deceased. Getty Ann and Sarah Jane Hanor are heirs and minors. Alexander Sheldon appointed. Aug. 22, 1831, p. 125</li> <li>HARDEN - Peter T. Coughnet, executor of last will of John L. Coughnet late of Johnstown, deceased. John, Margaret and Elizabeth Harden are heirs and minors. Elias Prindle appointed. May 13, 1831, p. 130</li> <li>HOVEY, MEEKER - Sally M. and Polly P. Hovey, Caroline, Susan, Eliza, Alonzo, Caroline, Jame Meeker and other children of Moses and Silas Meeker are minors. Edmund Slattery appointed. Jan. 30, 1832, p. 134</li> <li>INGERSOLL - William McClumpha executor of will of Thomas McClumpha late of Town of Florida, deceased. Sally Ingersoll, heir of Thomas McClumpha is a minor. George Ingersoll appointed May 3, 1831, p. 113</li> <li>KITTS - It satisfactorily appeared to the Court that Larry, Mira, Melinda, Nancy, Lysander and Alonso are the heirs at law of Peter P. Kitts deceased, late of the Town of Palatine and are all minors. It was ordered that Peter N. Kitts be appointed their guardian and to care for the interests of the children in the matter of any real property left by Peter P. Kitts. Ordered Jan. 12, 1830, p. 91</li> <li>KRETZER - Application made by Nicholas Schmith on behalf of Nicholas, Benjamin and Mary Kretzer minors under 14 years. Nicholas Schmith appointed. Feb. 6, 1832, p. 132</li> <li>LANSING - James Lansing executor of last will of Garret A. Lansing late of Canajoharie, deceased. Sarah Lansing is heir and minor. Abraham Mosell appointed. Aug. 27, 1831, p. 140</li> <li>LINTNER - Abraham Lintner, who is the brother of Maria Lintner, a minor and daughter of John Lintner deceased, late of the Town of Minden, appeared before the Court and prayed that Jacob G. Snyder be appointed her guardian. A bond was executed but no amount was stated. Jacob appointed Mar. 11, 1830, p. 93</li> <li>MACKELL - Elizabeth, Jacob, Peter Keller and Henry Mackell are heirs and minors of Henry Mackell, deceased. John Nellis of Oppenheim appointed Sept. 20, 1831, p. 119</li> <li>MATHEWS, STEVENS - Darius Clark executor of will of Ira Stevens late of Mayfield, deceased. Sarah Mathews, Ira H. Stevens, Lucy Maria and Hannah Elizabeth Stevens are heirs and minors. Garret Winne appointed. Oct. 13, 1831, p. 127</li> <li>MCKAN - John McKan of Canajoharie, deceased. Edward, Peter and Janes McKan are minors. Duncan McKan of Johnstown appointed Aug. 15, 1831, p. 115</li> <li>MOON - Bildad Mills and David Tilley, two of the executors named in the last will and testament of David Moon deceased, late of the Town of Johnstown, have requested that Joseph Farmer be made guardian to David Moon's heirs; namely Elizabeth, Washington and John Moon, all minors. Joseph appointed Sept. 1, 1831, p. 102</li> <li>MOORE - David Moore minor under 14 years. David Zilley appointed July 11, 1831, p. 108</li> <li>MOORE - Elizabeth Moore, minor over 14 years. Bildad Mills appointed July 11, 1831, p. 109-110</li> <li>MOORE - Washington Moore minor under 14 years. Bildad Mills appointed July 11, 1831, p. 109</li> <li>NELLIS - Jacob S. Keller executor of last will of Jacob A. Keller late of Minden, deceased. Laney, Mary Ann, Catharine Elizabeth, Christianna and Anna Maria Nellis are heirs and minors. Jacob C. Nellis appointed. Dec. 13, 1831, p. 132</li> <li>NEWKIRK - Cornelius H. Putnam of Glen presents petition. Albert Newkirk executor of will of David Murray, deceased, requests authority to mortgage real estate of deceased. David Newkirk, devisee is a minor and resides in Schoharie County. Cornelius H. Putnam of Glen appointed guardian Mar. 19, 1831, p. 113</li> <li>PETTEY - Noadiah Potter of the Town of Charleston was appointed guardian to Valentine Pettey and George Pettey to care for their interests in the execution of the will of Peleg Pettey deceased. This was done at the request of Martha Pettey and James Pettey executrix and executor of the last will and testament of Peleg Pettey who was the father of the minor children. Noadiah appointed June 24, 1830, p. 97</li> <li>QUACKENBUSH - David Quackenbush appeared before the Court and requested that he be appointed guardian to Eve Quackenbush, an infant under the age of 14. A bond of $600 was executed. David appointed May 10, 1830, p. 94</li> <li>QUACKENBUSH - Eve is an infant daughter of Isaac H. Quackenbush, late of the Town of Oppenheim. It is petitioned that Jacob Wihou be appointed her guardian. Jacob furnished bond of $600. Jacob was appointed Sept. 15, 1829, p. 87</li> <li>QUACKENBUSH - Polly, a minor daughter of Isaac H. Quackenbush deceased, late of the Town of Oppenheim, has chosen Frederick N. Snell of the Town of Oppenheim as her guardian. A bond of $600 was requested. Frederick was appointed Sept. 15, 1829, p. 86</li> <li>QUITHOS - Stephen, Catharine, Susannah, John Henry, James, Margaret and Mary Elizabeth Quithos, heirs of John Quithos deceased, having neglected to appear in Court according to notice sent on Oct. 29, 1829 the Court proceeded to appoint Joseph Packard of the Town of Johnstown as guardian to the aforesaid minor children. This appointment was made so that the rights of the minor children could be cared for when the real estate owned by the deceased was sold by the administrator for the estate, Daniel Edwards and Joseph Quithos. Joseph appointed Nov. 5, 1830, p. 99</li> <li>ROSS - Hugh, James M. and four younger children of Elizabeth Ross, deceased, heirs of James Mitchell. Elias Prindle appointed Jan. 4, 1831, p. 110</li> <li>SAUNDERS - Jacob A. Keller late of Minden, deceased. Henry Chauncey, Jacob Jr., Polly and Catharine Saunders are heirs and minors. Jacob Saunders appointed. Dec. 13, 1831, p. 133</li> <li>SERVOSS, MASON - Avery Belden executor of last will of Bartholomew Belden late of Florida, deceased. Mary Servoss, Freelove Mason, Lydia Ann Mason, Nancy and Almira Mason, and Charles W. Servoss are heirs and minors. Sheldon Cady appointed. Nov. 5, 1831, p. 134</li> <li>SHOEMAKER - Jacob A. Shoemaker, a minor under 21, chose Henry Wohlgemuth of the Town of Minden to be his guardian. A bond of $1100 was required. Henry was appointed May 18, 1830, p. 95</li> <li>STEVENS - Clark, Lewis, Braden and Deborah Jane Stevens are infant children of Sally Stevens who petitioned the court that John Braden, the uncle of said infants, be appointed their guardian. A bond of $100 was executed. John appointed Aug. 20, 1829, p. 85</li> <li>THAYER - Benjamin Cummings Thayer and Lorenzo Thayer are minors under 14 years. David Mallary appointed Oct. 4, 1831, p. 119</li> <li>THAYER - Eliza Thayer and Sally Thayer are minors over 14 years. Samuel R. Griffith appointed. Oct. 24, 1831, p. 120</li> <li>THAYER - Ezra Thayer late of Florida, deceased. Eliza Jane, Sally, Benjamin Cummins and Lorenao Thayer are the children of Joanna daughter of the said deceased are minors. Mathias J. Bovee appointed. Aug. 23, 1831, p. 122</li> <li>VAN DOREN - Terhune Van Doren, who is under 14 years of age, is the subject of a petition from Nuel Van Doren to appoint a guardian for the said child. Benjamin Van Duren was appointed Nov. 23, 1830, p. 100</li> <li>VAN HORNE - Levi Van Horne is heir of Cornelius Van Horne late of Florida, deceased and a minor. John Cady of Johnstown appointed. Aug. 3, 1831, p. 124</li> <li>VOORHEES - Peter Voorhees executor of last will of Garret Voorhees late of Florida, deceased. Janet and James Voorhees, grandchildren, are heirs and minors. Joseph Packard appointed. Aug. 6, 1831, p. 129</li> <li>WELLES, McWILLIAMS - Stephen Jackson executor of last will of Jacob Jackson late of Mayfield, deceased. Catharine Welles and Jackson McWilliams are minors. Samuel A. Gilbert appointed. Mar. 16, 1831, p. 129</li> <li>WELLS - John B. Wells and Richard Wells, minor sons of William Wells deceased have been placed under the guardianship of Samuel A. Gilbert of the Town of Mayfield. Samuel appointed Dec. 11, 1831, p. 104</li> <li>WILLIAMS - Maria and Ann Eliza Williams minors under 14 years. Jemina Williams of Canajoharie appointed. Jan. 24, 1832, p. 136</li> <li>WILLIAMS - Petition of Joshua S., Olive L. and Edwin Williams minors over 14 years. Jeremiah R. Stack appointed. Jan. 24, 1832, p. 135</li> <li>WILSON - At the request of Charles Rose, executor, Alexander J. Cowrie was named guardian to Willard, Charles and Rhoda Wilson. Alexander appointed Feb. 25, 1831, p. 106</li> <li>WINNE - At Surrogates Court in the Village of Johnstown Jan. 8, 1830 in the matter of the proxy of the will of William C. Winne deceased. It appeared to the Court that John, James, Harvey, William, Jane, Matilda, Alida, Catherine and Sarah are heirs at law of the said William C. Winne of the Town of Amsterdam, deceased. It was ordered that Fisher Putman be appointed their guardian and to take care of their interests in this matter. Fisher appointed Jan. 8, 1830, p. 90</li> <li>YANNEY - Henry Yanney deceased, late of the Town of Johnstown, in his last will and testament named several children as his heirs; they were Henry Yanney, George Yanney, Hiram Yanney, Catharine wife of --- Meade (?), Susannah Quillos, Anna Margaret Stevens, Elizabeth Stevens, Clarissa Stevens, Cristian Stevens and Henry Stevens. Nathan P. Walls was appointed guardian to look after the interests of the children at the request of Philip Yanney and James Yanney executors. Nathan appointed June 22, 1830, p. 101</li> <li>ZIMMERMAN - Andrew Zimmerman was appointed guardian to Catharine Zimmerman a minor. A bond of $300 was executed. Andrew was appointed May 9, 1831, p. 105</li> <li>ZIMMERMAN - The court appointed Jonas Snell as guardian to Catharine Zimmerman, heir at law to Henry I. Zimmerman, deceased, late of the Town of Oppenheim, for the sole purpose of appearing for and taking care of the interests in the proceedings in this matter. Jonas appointed May 31, 1830, p. 98</li> </ul> <br /> <p class="center"> <script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script> <!-- NHGS Responsive --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9762023530508097" data-ad-slot="2993738318" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> </p> <br /> </div> <div class="breadCrumb"> <a href="../../index.html">Home</a> > <a href="../../wills_probate_records.htm">Wills and Probate Records</a> > <a href="../new_york_wills_probate_records.htm">New York Wills and Probate Records</a> > <a href="montgomery_county_new_york_wills_probate_records.htm">Montgomery County New York Wills/Probate Records</a> > Letters of Guardianship Abstracts, 1825-1838 <br /><a href="../../new-york-genealogy.htm">New York Genealogy</a> > <a href="../montgomery-county-ny-genealogy.htm">Montgomery County New York Genealogy</a> </div> <div id="footer"> New Horizons Genealogy<br />Copyright &copy; 2023 All rights reserved<br /> <a href="../../privacy.htm">Privacy Policy</a> <font size="+0.25"><strong>|</strong></font> <a href="../../disclaimer.htm">Disclaimer</a> <font size="+0.25"><strong>|</strong></font> <a href="mailto:nhgenealogy@yahoo.com">Contact us</a> </div> </div> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-1571365-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-P89YLE7J8V"></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-P89YLE7J8V'); </script> </body> </html>