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Lewis County New York Obituaries Extracted From The Journal And Republican, Lowville, NY, 1860-1869

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1860-1869 Obituaries from The Journal And Republican in Lowville, Lewis County New York.

ABBEY, A. A. Obituary

Dec. 31th, R. M. and Almira Abbey, were bereaved only daughter, 11 years and four months of age. She died suddenly of diphtheria. [The Journal And Republican, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, January 29, 1862]

ABBEY, Anna Obituary

At the residence of Dr. S. Goodelt, her brother, in this village, on the 24th day of April, of hemorrhage of the lungs, Mrs. Anna Abbey, wife of the late Deacon H. Abbey, of Greig, and mother of Rev. W. H. Abbey, in the 74th year of her age. Mrs. A. was born in Westminister, Vt. In 1826 the family moved into what was then known as the Brantingham Tract, now Greig, where most of the intervening time has been spent. Her death was sudden as it was peaceful. For many years her health had been feeble, and had been gradually declining, but there was nothing immediately alarming, till, upon the morning of her demise she was attacked with bleeding at the lungs, and in ten minutes she had ceased to breath. After the attack she was not able to utter a single word. It would have been a great satisfaction to her friends to have received her [?] blessing, and dying counsel; yet to them as is a mitigating thought that she suffered so little as she passed through the “valley of death.” And to her life rather than to her death, they look not the validity of her hope; that had been a [?] [?], known to read of all knew her – at the age of 16, she consecrated herself to God, and soon after united with the Presbyterian Church, of which she remained a worth member [?] [?] dissolved the relation. In a pre-emissent sense it may be said, she adorned her profession with a well-ordered life and Godly conversation. She had burst the incrustations of self and got out into the universal well-being – She [?] not for herself, but for Him who died for her and her humanity. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 7, 1862]

ADAMS, Edward Obituary

At Lowville, Monday evening, Dec. 9th ult. of diphtheria, Edward Mills, youngest son of Prof. Root Adams – aged 4 years and 4 months. [The Journal And Republican, Lowville, NY - December 25, 1861]

ADAMS, Ruth Obituary

In Bryon, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, 14 March, 1862, Mrs. Ruth Adams, relict of the late Levi Adams, and daughter of the late Rufus Stephens, of Lowville, aged 89 years. She removed with her husband from Westfield, Mass., to Martinsburgh in 1802. Resided about eleven years at Carthage, and since '59 in the family of her son, Dr. James Adams, on his farm near Fon Du Lac. She was a woman of great energy. Cradled in Revolutionary times, and a pensioner of the United States by reason of the Revolutionary service of her husband, she manifested great anxiety for the increase of the army, and expressed her gratification that she had a grandchild in active service, for the defense of the Government. With the rich experiences and marvelous teachings of nearly a past century, without suffering, and a gradual decline, she departed strong in the Christian faith – returning in a remarkable degree, her mental powers to the last, and composed by directing as to her affairs. [The Journal And Republican, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, April 9, 1862]

AGENS, Susan Obituary

In Denmark, May 13, of consumption, Susan Ann, wife of Robert Agens, in the 26th year of her age. [The Journal And Republican, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, May 21, 1862]

AGER, Eliphaz Obituary

November 19th, at the residence of his son J. W. Ager, in Lyonsdale, N.Y., Eliphaz Ager, the last surviving partner of the firm of Messrs. Peabody, Daniels & Ager, paper manufactures. Franklin, New Hampshire, in the 71st year of his age. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, December 14, 1870]

AGER, Lucreta Obituary

In Fitchburg, Mass., Sept. 8th, Lucreta T., wife of B. H. Ager, of Port Leyden, Lewis county, N.Y., aged 26 years 4 months ? days. [The Journal And Republican, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 23, 1863]

ALEXANDER, Effie Obituary

In Turin, July 6th, of diphtheria, Effie L., only child of Porter H. and Carrie Alexander, aged 2 years, 6 mos. and 16 days. [The Journal And Republican, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, July 15, 1863]

ALEXANDER, Gaius Obituary

In West Martinsburgh, Sept. 22d, 1863, Gaius Alexander, aged 79 years. He was born in Chester, Mass., and removed to Martinsburgh, in June 1805, and with his companion who survives him, encountered the toils and trials incident to the early settlers of Northern New York. He enjoyed the esteem of his fellow townsmen during his life, and was comforted in his last days with the Christians hope of an endless rest above. He reared a family of thirteen children, eight of whom still survive. [The Journal And Republican, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, October 21, 1863]

ALEXANDER, Iva Obituary

In West Martinsburgh, Nov. 1[7?], Iva Maria daughter of Henry and Martha M. Alexander, of diphtheria – aged 4? years and 4 months. [The Journal And Republican, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, December 10, 1862]

ALEXANDER, Leonard Obituary

In the town of Martinsburgh, Oct. 4th of fever, Leonard, son of Wesley and Irene Alexander, aged ? years and 4 months. [The Journal And Republican, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, November 19, 1862]

ALEXANDER, Ripley Obituary

Drowned – Ripley Alexander; for many years a resident of this town, was drowned in Detroit river, Canada, a few days since. [The Journal And Republican, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, June 15, 1864]

ALLEN, George Obituary

At Silver City, Nevada Territory, June 1862 of congestion of the lungs, Geo. H. Allen, formerly of Houseville, Lewis county, N.Y., aged 25? years. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 23, 1862]

ALLEN, John Obituary

On the 16th inst., Mr. John Allen, of Lowville, aged 36 years. He lived the life of a Christian, having been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church many years, and died a peaceful and triumphant death. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, March 21, 1860]

ALLEN, Marcellus Obituary

Marcellus H. Allen, a member of Capt. Treadwell's company of Artillery, died on Monday, Sept. 29th – aged 18 years. He was buried with military honors. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, September 30, 1863]

ALLEN, Martha Obituary

In West Martinsburgh on the 18th inst., Mrs. Martha Allen, widow of the late William R. Allen, formerly of Le Ray, Jefferson Co., aged 75 years. The deceased was very much respected in life and had “hope in her death.” She was born in Linesboro, Mass., and was one of 12 brothers and sisters of the Wood family well known in Lewis County, all of whom lived to be men and women. Just previous to her death eight were living, aged from 77 down to 58 years. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, August 1, 1860]

ANDERSON, Nichelson Obituary

In Denmark, Lewis county, Sept. 6th, 1863, Nichelson Anderson, aged 74 yrs. and 6 mos. He was among the earliest residence of the town and county, having lived near the place where he lived for upwards of fifty years. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, October 14, 1863]

ANDRUS, Hellen Obituary

At Utica, Feb. 11th, Hellen M., only daughter of J. E. and Harriet Andrus, of Leyden, Lewis county, aged 2 years 9 months. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, February 26, 1862]

ARCHER, John Obituary

In Martinsburgh, May 2d, John Archer, in the 88th year of his age.

The deceased was born in Johnstown, Fulton county, N.Y., on the 6th August, 1776. He was one of the earlier settlers of our county, having located on the West Road, in the town of Martinsburgh, some 47 years ago, at a time when the larger portion of the Black river country was an unbroken wilderness. In the war of 1812, with Great Britain, he was drafted into the United States service, and served for a time with the army at Plattsburgh. Honest and upright with the world, a kind father and affectionate husband, a firm and consistent Christian, having been a member of the M. E. Church for forty years, his loss is mourned by a large circle of afflicted relatives and friends. Leaving an honorable name behind him, he has been gathered to his fathers in the fullness of years, and in the joyful hope of a glorious immortality. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 18, 1864]

ARCHER, Naomi Obituary

In Martinsburgh, August 1, 1864, of cancer on the face, Mrs. Naomi Archer, relict of the late John Archer, aged 81 years. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, August 31, 1864]

ARTHUR, Betsey Obituary

At Martinsburgh, Saturday morning 19th inst., [Betsey ?]y Arthur, widow of Levi Arthur, aged [?] years. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, October 23, 1861]

ARTHUR, Elizabeth Obituary

In Martinsburgh Oct. 5th, Elizabeth, wife the late Russel Arthur, aged 73 years. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, October 24, 1860]

ARTHUR, Joel Obituary

Found Dead – Joel Arthur was found dead in Daniel Whitaker's barn last Wednesday night. He had lain there some days. Exposure and intoxication it is said did the business. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 22, 1861]

ARTHUR, Morris Obituary

At Fort Carroll Hospital, Washington, D.C., April 24th, 1863, Morris H. Arthur, son of Augustus Arthur, of Martinsburgh, and a soldier in Capt. H. S. Smith's Battalion. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 20, 1863]

ARTHUR, Sybil Obituary

February 9th, Mrs. Sybil Shaler, wife of Mr. Joseph Arthur, of Martinsburgh, in the 77th year of her age, and about the 40th of her membership in the M.E. Church. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, February 20, 1861]

ARTHUR, Unknown Obituary

A Youthful Suicide – Last Wednesday, Mr. Alfred Arthur, of Glensdale, sent his son – a lad some fourteen years of age – with a team and cultivator to work a piece of ground. In the course of the day another boy joined him, and the two seated themselves upon the cultivator and drove the horses at an unusually rapid pace for the remainder of the day, consequently the team became over-heated, and while in this condition they were allowed by the boys to drink their fill of cold water while on the way home. The next morning the horses were found unfit for use, being stiffened and foundered, upon which Mr. Arthur severely reprimanded his son for his cruelty and heedlessness, and nothing further was thought of the matter. In the afternoon, the report of a gun drew attention to barn, whence the sound proceeded, and where a shocking spectacle was discovered. The son of Mr. Arthur was there found lying on his back, dead, with one foot denuded of its boot and stocking. A rifle lay across his breast with its muzzle against the temple of the unfortunate youth whose blood and brains were yet oozing from a frightful wound in the side of his head opposite where the charge from the gun had entered – the skull bones being shattered to fragments, were still held together in a shapeless mass by skin. He evidently drew the trigger with is large toe. No cause, except of chagrin and anger, can be as signed for this unfortunate act. A Coroner and jury were soon after convened, who rendered a verdict of “suicide by shooting,” in accordance with the above stated facts. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 21, 1862]

ATWOOD, Susan Obituary

In New York city, of typhoid fever, April 4th, 1863, Susan A. Atwood, second daughter of Thomas and Abigail W. Atwood. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, April 15, 1863]

AUSTIN, Cornelia Obituary

At White Pigeon, Mich., March the 14th, 1863, of diphtheria, Cornelia, only child of Loren L. and Sarah D. Austin, aged 8 years and 3 months. Formerly of Lowville. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, April 29, 1863]

AUSTIN, Hosea Obituary

In Harrisburgh, Oct. 30, Solon, son of Hosea and Eliza Austin, aged 9 years. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 21, 1860]

AUSTIN, Hosea Obituary

In Harrisburgh on the 16th inst., Hosea Austin, aged 67 years. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, January 23, 1861]

AUSTIN, Sarah Obituary

At White Pigeon, Mich., April 7th, 1863, Sarah D., wife of Loren L. Austin, of liver complaint, aged 40 years, formerly of Lowville. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, April 29, 1863]

AUSTIN, Sidney Obituary

In Harrisburgh, on the morning of Oct. 8th, Sidney S., only son of Nehemiah and Mirella Austin – aged 19 years 2 mos. And 18 days. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 6, 1861]

AUSTIN, William Obituary

In the Regimental Hospital, Portsmouth, Va., July 7th, of typhoid fever, Sergt. William S. Austin, of Co. [?], 2nd N. Y. Cav., aged 21 years, 8 months, formerly of Harrisburgh. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 27, 1864]

AUSTIN, Alonzo Obituary

In Auroville, Wis., Alonzo B. Ayers, after an illness of three weeks. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, April 27, 1864]

BABCOCK, Cornelius Obituary

At Washington, July 18th, from a wound received in battle, Cornelius D. Babcock, youngest son of Harvey and Maris Babcock, aged 18 years 3 months and 22 days. Funeral services will be attended next Sabbath at 2 p.m. at the M. E. Church, Martinsburgh. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, August 3, 1864]

BABCOCK, Emma Obituary

At the home of her father, on the West Road in Lowville, Thursday morning, August 19, Emma A., youngest daughter of Allen Babcock, aged 27 years 2 months and 11 days. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, August 24, 1870]

BABCOCK, Hannah Obituary

In Martinsburgh, Aug. 26th, 1861, Mrs. Hannah W. Babcock, aged 80 years and 4 mos. The deceased was born in the Town of Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass., in 1781, was married in [?] and in 1804 removed with her husband into [Lewis ?] County. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, September 18, 1861]

BABCOCK, Orlando Obituaty

In Copenhagen, May 28th, of apoplexy, Mr. Orlando Babcock, aged 62 years. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, June 1, 1864]

BACON, John Obituaty

In Welmot, Penn., March 27th, 1863, Mr. John Bacon, aged 30 years. Mr. Bacon was formerly of Leyden, Lewis County, N.Y. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, April 22, 1863]

BACON, Jonathan Obituaty

In Leyden, Oct. 31st, of two years patient suffering from a cancer, Mr. Jonathan Bacon – aged 72 years 5 mos. And 24 days. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 13, 1861]

BAGG, Henry Obituaty

Jan'y [?]th, a [?] [?] in Waukegan, Ill, Dr. Henry Bagg, [rest of image too faded, sorry.] [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, March 16, 1864]


BAILEY, Edwin Obituaty

In Grinnell, Powesheik county, Iowa, March 2[3?], 1864, Edwin Bailey, aged [??] years, formerly of this county. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 11, 1864]

BAILEY, G. D. Obituaty

Death of Col. Bailey, 1st N.Y. Artillery – It is with sorrow we announce the death of this gallant and accomplished officer. He fell early in the fight near Richmond, last Saturday, shot through the head. In his death, the army has lost one of its best officers, and his family a kind and affectionate husband and father. He leaves a wife and two children. Col. Bailey was a native of this county, and spent his youth in it until he entered the military Academy at West Point. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, June 4, 1862]

BAILEY, Isaiah Obituary, Sept. 24, 1862

Died, In Antwerp, Jeff. Co., N.Y., Sept. 3d, suddenly Isaiah Bailey, in the 77 year of his age. The deceased was born in Lebanon Conn., 1785, and when a youth removed to Lowville, Lewis County, N.Y., where in middle age he professed faith in Christ, and was baptized into the fellowship of the Baptist Church. He afterwards removed to the town of LeRay, Jeff. Co. and from thence some 15 years since to the place of his decease. In his death the community lost an esteemed citizen, his companion, an affectionate husband,his children a kind and generous father and the church, one of its pillars, a "father in Israel."

Father Bailey was an earnest and faithful Christian, a constant and delighted worshiper of the Sabbath, and at the social gathering for prayer. Those who were accustomed to his prayers and exhortations will never forget them. On the eve of his departure, at the prayer meeting, with wonted fervency he held communion with God. Hardly more than an hour had passed, when, having returned to his residence, while [?], was heard to fall, friends came in immediately to his presence, but the spirit had passed without astruggle, to the communion of God, and the Saints in Heaven. The afflicted family and friends possess the consolation, that their loss is his gain, for to him it was gain to die. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, September 24, 1862.]

BENEDICT, J. Spencer Obituary, Wednesday, June 1, 1864

Died, In Utica, Monday May [?] of congestion of the lungs, J. Spencer, son of Hon. John Benedict, aged about 21 years.

BENJAMIN, Thomas Obituary, Oct. 14, 1863

Died, In Clayton, Jeff. County, N.Y., Sept. 29th, 1863, Thomas Benjamin, aged 75 years 8 mos. 4 days. He was born in Preston, Ct., in 1788, in 1791, he removed to Canajonarie, and in 1803, came to Martinsburgh, Lewis county. He was married in 1814, to Lamenia Finch of Lowville, and in 1838, removed to Clayton, where he has since resided. Mr. Benjamin was widely known and was ever regarded a valuable citizen, a kind father and an affectionate husband. He leaves an aged widow and others to mournhis loss. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, October 14, 1863.]

BICKFORD, Reuben Obituary, Aug. 15, 1860

Died, In Clinton, Jefferson county, N.Y., July 31st, 1860, Reuben Bickford, father of the editor of the Carthage Republican, and of Lucus Bickford of Lowville. The deceased was born in Northfield, N.H., June 27, 1779. He was one of the pioneers of the settlement of Lowville, Lewis county, to which he removed more than 60 years ago. His death was unexpected, and his disease supposed to be dropsy on the heart. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, August 15, 1860]

BROWN, Helen S. Obituary, Oct. 29, 1862

Died, In Carthage, on the 19th inst., of congestive fever, Helen S. Brown, wife of Jerome R. Brown, Esq., and daughter of the late Rev. T. L. C[onk?]ling, formerly of Martinsburgh, Lewis county. Her age was 23 years. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, October 29, 1862.]

BROWN, Joseph Obituary, June 8, 1864

Drowned – We learn that a man named Joseph Brown, a boatman on the canal boat N. Johnson, was drowned near Carter's Landing, about six miles this side of Lyon's Falls, about 10 o'clock on the evening of the 2d inst. He fell overboard from the boat, and being unable to swim, and no one seeing him, he was drowned. The boat laid over some eighteen hours to recover his body, but it was not found until a day or so since. Brown has been a resident of Carthage about six months, having previously comefrom Canada. He has a wife now residing at Carthage. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, June 8, 1864]

BUCK, Charles Obituary, July 30, 1862

Died in Boonville - Charles Buck, late Adjutant of the Ninety-Seventh Regiment, di ed in Boonville, Sunday evening, after an illness of two or three weeks. He was a nephew of Col. Wheelock, twenty-seven years of age, and esteemed as a young man of great moral worth and promise. He was formerly a Student of Lowville, and brother of Hon. Daniel Buck of South Bend, Minnesota.

BUDD, WM. C. Obituary, Oct. 29, 1862

We extract the following from the Carthage Republican of last week: Wm. C. Budd, son of Dr. B. S. Budd of Constableville, Lewis county, and formerly of this place, was killed in Mississippi on the 31st of August, 1862. the circumstances relating to his death are as follows:

Company H, of the 11th Iowa Infantry were detailed to guard a wagon train from Bolivar to Jackson. They arrested with the train safe and sound at Jackson, and on their return to Bolivar, fell into an ambuscade of the enemy. The first intimation they had of the proximity of the enemy, was a volley of musketry from a thicket they were passing, poured into their midst, but luckily, not killing a man. Sergeant Budd gave the command to charge, when the Rebels poured another volley of bullets into them, and he felt,encouraging on his men, pierced by four balls. The first striking him over the left eye, the second striking him in the side and going through the lungs, and the other two striking him, one in the arm and the other in the leg. The enemy then sallied forth from the thicket, and the company fell back some two miles, where they received reinforcements – So hasty was their retreat that they had no time to recover his body. They again advanced, and finding nothing of the body, made inquires in the neighborhood, andfound that he had been decently interred in a Churchyard near by. The Iowa papers, in speaking of the engagement, remark as follows:

“It was in this engagement that Sergeant Wm. C. Budd fell. He was a high souled man, a brave man, and esteemed by all who knew him, as an honest man. He was promoted for his gallantry at Pittsburgh Landing, from a private to a Sergeant. In his death the country has lost a true patriot and a man, although a common officer, long to be remembered as one who died for his country's flag, whose blessings he had enjoyed for thirty-four years.”

He has a brother – Lieut. Geo. W. Budd, in the 2d Iowa Cavalry, and had another brother, Chas. B. Budd, who was a member of the 57th N.Y., but was discharged last spring, for disability resulting from a fall, and is now stopping in this village. He has so far recovered as to be able to be about again. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, October 29, 1862]

CLARKE, Charles E. Obituary, Dec. 16, 1863

Hon. Charles E. Clarke, of Jefferson county, died at his residence, in Champion, on the night of the 8th inst., aged 74 years. He has been Assemblyman, Congressman, and was eminent in his profession. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, December 16, 1863.]

CLARK, Pauline Obituary, Apr. 9, 1862

Sudden Death – We learn that a telegraph dispatch was yesterday received at Watertown, from Washington, announcing the death of the wife of Hon. A. W. Clark. Her loss will be deeply felt by a large circle of friends and acquaintances in this and adjoining counties. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, April 9, 1862.]

CROSS, Nancy Obituary, Wednesday, March 21, 1860

Died, In Boonville, N.Y., on the Sabbath morning, 11th March, of inflammation of the lungs, Mrs. Nancy Cross, wife of John Cross, in the 56th years of her age.

DAVIS, Samuel J. Obituary, Feb. 20, 1861

Died, At Carthage, on the 18th inst., Samuel J. Davis, Esq., aged 52 years. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, February 20, 1861.]

DENCE, Margaret Obituary, Wednesday, May 4, 1864

Died, In Boonville, April 20, of paralysis, Mrs. Margaret Dence, aged 55 years. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 4, 1861.]

DEWEY, Joshua Obituary, Mar. 9, 1864

Death of Joshua Dewey – The [?]erable Joshua Dewey died in Watertown on the 24th ult., at the advanced aged of 93. He will be remembered by many of our citizens as having been present at the semi-centennial celebration of Lowville Academy a few years ago, as one of the oldest students of that favored institution. For some time previous to his death he was sole graduate of the class of 1787 of Yale College. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, March 9, 1864]

DOUGLASS, Eugene Obituary, Wednesday, March 18, 1863

Sad Accident - We learn that Dr. Douglass of Port Leyden, passed through here yesterday, with the remains of his son, who was accidentally drowned while attempting to cross a river on the ice, somewhere in Michigan. It seems he was teaching school near the river, and had repeatedly warned his scholars not to cross the river. One evening after school, he threw his coat over his arm, took a little girl by the hand and ventured upon the ice. It proved too weak, and when he saw it giving way, he pushed the child as far as he could from him, threw his coat, and after a fruitless struggle, sunk to rise no more. The afflicted family are entitled to our warmest sympathies in this sore bereavement. - Boonville Herald.

FORD, John Obituary, Wednesday, June 10, 1863

Man Killed on the Black River Rail Road - John Ford, a hand on the gravel train, fell from one of the cars one day last week, and was instantly killed, nearly the whole train passing over his body. Coroner Van Ness, of Oneida County, held an inquest at Trenton, and the jury returned a verdict of accidental death. - The deceased was unmarried, about 27 years old, and had relatives in Oswego county.

FOX, Alexander R. Obituary, Wednesday , June 13, 1860

Died suddenly of inflammation in the bowels, in the town of Rome, on the 2d inst., Alexander R. Fox, 2d son of the late Silas A. Fox, of Osceola, Lewis Co., N.Y., aged 16 years and 12 days.

GOODALE, Levi Obituary, May 30, 1860

Died - In Wilna? May 10th, Levi Goodale, aged 68 years. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, May 30, 1860]

Died - At Carthage on the 1st inst., Theodore S. Hammond, Esq. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, April 4, 1860]

HOUSE, Anson, Obituary

HOUSE - Died, At his residence in Rochester, August 19(5?), of chronic nearalgia, Anson House, Esq., formerly of Lewis county, aged 75 years. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, August 24, 1864]

HUNT, Roxanna Obituary, July 16, 1862

In Watertown, at the residence of her daughter Mrs. Joseph Davis, on the morning of the 5th inst., Mrs. Roxanna Hunt, of this village, wife of Levi Hunt, deceased, in the seventy-third year of her age. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 16, 1862.]

IVES, Marcellus H. Obituary, Wednesday, April 11, 1860

Died, In Rome, on Sunday, April 8th, Marcellus H. Ives, son of Selden Ives, of Turin, in the 21st years of his age. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, April 11, 1860.]

JOHNSON, Jerusha Obituary, May 29, 1861

Died, AT the residence of A. W. Clark, in Watertown on the 22d inst., after an illness of 8 days, Mrs. Jerusha Johnson, mother of Mrs. Clark, aged 80 years. She was a lady of uncommon mind, and up to the day of her death retained all her faculties unimpaired. She was a devout member, and ever attendant upon the services of the Episcopal Church. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 29, 1861.]

JOHNSON, Stephen Obituary, Jan. 25, 1860

Died - At Depauville, Jefferson County, on the 16th inst., Stephen Johnson, Esq., aged 72 years. Mrs. S. (s/b Mr. J.?) was a Student of Lowville Academy 51 years ago. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, January 25, 1860.]

KIRBY, General Obituary, June 3, 1863

Death of Gen. Kirby
This gallant officer died at Washington on Thursday last, of wounds received in the battle of Chancellorville. He was an old army officer belonging to the 1st U.S. Artillery. He was assigned to Rickett's Battery as 2d Lieutenant, and in the first battle of Bull Run assumed command of the battery, General Ricketts having been taken prisoner, and the 1st Lieutenant killed, and he continued in command of the battery until his death. For gallantry and bravery exhibited on the battle field, the Presidentcommissioned him a Brigadier just before he died. His remains were taken to Brownville, Jefferson County, his place of residence, for interment. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, June 3, 1863.]

LEWIS, ___ Obituary, Wednesday, July 25, 1860

Suicide at Boonville - We learn that a man by the name of Lewis, committed suicide at Boonville, on the morning of Monday, the 23d inst. As he stepped from the car s at the depot, he was observed to pass from the crowd and draw an open razor across his throat twice, causing death instantly. The cause assigned for the act is the loss of property.. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 25, 1860.]

MARTIN, Joel L. Obituary, Wednesday, February 18, 1863

Died, At the State Lunatic Asylum, in Utica, Jan. 28, Joel L. Martin, of Denmark - aged [5?]9 years. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, February 18, 1863.]

MONROE, Burton Obituary, Apr. 25, 1860

A man named Burton Monroe was found dead in his bed on the 12th inst., at the house of Mr. Perez Maine, about one mile south of Adams. He had recently come from Mexico, Oswego Co., and being in straitened circumstances, was working a few days for his board. He was 72 years of age, and is supposed to have relatives now living in Pennsylvania and Ohio, who should this come come under their notice, can obtain any information they may desire of Mr. Perez Maine, Adams, N.Y. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, April 25, 1860.]

MULLEN, Son Obituary, Jan. 21, 1863

A son of Judge Mullen, of Watertown, was killed on board the Revenue cutter, Harriet Lane, off Galveston, at the late horrible catastrophe. He was one of the assistant Engineers. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, January 21, 1863.]

NORTHROP, Samuel Obituary, Nov. 21, 1860

Died, At Bellville, N.Y., Samuel Northrop aged about 68 years, formerly a resident of this place. He went down to the grave like a shock of corn fully ripe. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.” [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 21, 1860.]

PERRY, Dr. David Obituary, Sept. 3, 1862

Died, at Rutland, Jeff. Co., August 31st, 1862, Doct. David Perry, aged 87 years. Another of Lowville oldest citizens and first settlers. Doct. Perry's reputation as a Physician was extensive for a great many years. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, September 3, 1862.]

PERRY, DR. David Obituary, Sept. 10, 1862

Died, In Rutland, Jefferson county, at the house of his daughter, Mrs. E. B. Dutton, Aug. 31st, 1862 Dr. David Perry, formerly of Lowville – aged 87 years.

From Hough's History of Lewis County, we obtain some facts in regard to his long and useful life. He was born in Princeton, Mass. Sept. 13th, 1775, studied medicine with Dr. Westel Willoughby of Newport, N.Y., and settled in Denmark, Aug. 1806. In 1808, he married Miss Nancy Hulburt of Holland Patent, who died Nov. 1812. In April 1809, he settled in Lowville (the first two years in company with Dr. Samuel Allen) continued in the practice of medicine until Nov. 1858, when in censequence of aparalytic attack, he was deprived of further means of usefulness in the profession in which he had been emineatly successful. He removed to Rutland about our years since, where he remained until his death. His funeral services were held in Lowville, where he rests with many who were his friends and associates for many years. Dr. Perry was a man of sound judgment, and enjoyed an extended reputation as a safe and intelligent Physician, and when compelled by failing health to relinquish his profession,this community in which he had been so actively engaged for a half century, felt that his loss was indeed a painful one, and there are many here who now mourn the death of one who was their firm and ardent friend. He leaves but on daughter, Mrs. Dutton, to whose quiet home he retired when no longer able to engage in active life, and in whose family, affectionate hearts ministered to all his wants, and made his latter years so quiet and peaceful. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday,September 10, 1862.]

PULTON, Caleb Obituary, Oct. 21, 1863

Died, In Jefferson county, Oct. 8th, Caleb Pulton, aged 86 years. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, October 21, 1863.]

SEARL, Jennie C. Obituary

In the town of Byron, Aug. 25th, of dysentery, Jennie C. adopted daughter of Apollus and Philinda C. Searl, aged 1 year, 8 months and 24 days. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), September 10, 1862]

SNYDER, Rev. P. Obituary, Dec. 16, 1863

Deaths – The community in this section will be startled and pained at the announcement of the death of Rev. P. Snyder, of the Second Presbyterian Church, Watertown. He died last Saturday. Rev. Mr. Snyder has long been held in high estimation for his superior talents and moral attainments. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, December 16, 1863.]

TYLER, James L. Obituary

Died - At Buffalo, March 31, James L. Tyler, formerly of Lowville, aged 34 years. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, April 17, 1861]

WOODARD, Alfred Obituary, Sept. 10, 1862

A Soldier Drowned at Sackets Harbor – Early Sunday morning, Aug. 31st, Alfred Woodard, a member of Capt. Hubbard's company of this County, was drowned while bathing in the bay by the barracks. His body was recovered and sent to his friends on Sunday, to whom this calamity must come with crushing force. His father, mother and sisters, having just made him a visit the previous day, little anticipating how soon and in how unexpected a manner their son and brother would be called forever away. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, September 10, 1862.]