Cumberland County New Jersey Marriage Records From New Jersey Archives
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Marriage Licenses From New Jersey Archives
- Acton, Benjamin, Salem Co., and Hannah Randolph, 11-24-1773.
- Allen, Charles, and Rebecca Dare, 4-8-1778.
- Anderson, James, and Theodosia Elmer, 8-1-1761.
- Ayar, Moses, and Sarah Pettet, 7-16-1777.
- Ayers, Caleb, and Amy Dunn, 7-30-1760.
- Bacon, Amos, and Elizabeth Mills, 11-22-1769.
- Bacon, David, and Sarah Barker, 3-7-1786.
- Bacon, Edmond, and Mary Eldredge, Cape May Co., 3-28-1766.
- Bacon, Isaac, and Mary Sayre, 2-29-1764.
- Bacon, Jeremiah, Jr., and Rachel Shepherd, 4-10-1757.
- Bacon, Philip, and Sarah Ward, 3-1-1768.
- Bacon, Richard, and Martha Devine, Salem Co., 2-24-1774.
- Bacon, Richard, and Sarah Marshall, 12-1-1779.
- Bacon, Samuel, and Mary Fitzgerald, 4-2-1767.
- Ballinger, Jonathan, and Rachel Conner, 12-26-1769.
- Barber, Isaac, and Phebe Tomlinson, 5-19-1778.
- Barber, John, and Abigail Scott, 2-20-1770.
- Barber, Richard, and Mary Scott, 1-30-1782.
- Barber, Wade, and Hannah Sayre, 8-18-1768.
- Barber, Wade, and Hannah Sears, Salem County, 2-23-1779.
- Barber, William, and Hannah Fithian, 4-10-1766.
- Barnes, Levi, and Sarah Cleves, 5-20-1780.
- Barns, John, and Rebecca Haynes, 1-25-1759.
- Barns, Jonathan, and Damaris Garrison, 3-24-1762.
- Bateman, Amos, and Jane McChesney, 10-15-1779
- Bateman, John, and Judith Hand, Cape May Co., 7-27-1771.
- Bateman, William, and Victorinia Saunders, 8-15-1780.
- Bennet, David, and Dillilah Thompson, 4-12-1780.
- Benson, James, and Abigail Whitecar, 5-13-1774.
- Bevan, William, and Alisa Moon, 3-27-1781.
- Bishop, Daniel, and Rhoda Platts, 2-9-1762.
- Bishop, Joseph, and Anna Harris, 3-3-1757.
- Bishop, Joseph, and Priscilla Loyd, Salem Co., 4-21-1761.
- Preston, and Ester Woodruff, 5-19-1761.
- Blizard, John, Jr., and Susannah Taylor, 6-4-1776.
- Bond, Levi, and Rebekah Burr, 1-7-1782.
- Bowen, Dan, and Sarah Stiles, 3-28-1766.
- Bowen, Dan, and Elizabeth Kelsay, 12-20-1780.
- Bowen, Dan, and Ruth Swinney, 4-6-1785.
- Bowen, David, and Lucy Shepherd, 9-15-1763.
- Bowen, David, and Zeruiah Hughes, Cape May Co., 11-11-1775.
- Bowen, David, Jr., and Jane Potter, 12-5-1788.
- Bowen, Elijah, and Rachel Harris, 2-18-1771.
- Bowen, Jeremiah, and Sarah Stathem, 12-20-1769.
- Bowen, Jonathan, and Rebecca Shepperd, 12-4-1758.
- Bowen, Jonathan, and Rachel Pennington, 11-8-1760.
- Bowen, Joseph, and Mary Bacon, 12-22-1761.
- Bowen, Samuel, and Ann Chester, 7-11-1768.
- Bowen, Samuel, and Rebecca Glaspey, 10-30-1771.
- Bowen, Smith, and Mary Hand, 1-24-1786.
- Bowen, Stephen, and Rhoda Stratton, 6-13-1786.
- Bowers, Michael, and Catherine Sleesman, 8-3-1779.
- Boys, Elias, Gloucester Co., and Sarah Shaw, 7-14-1760.
- Breaser, James, and Sarah Dare, 8-22-1754.
- Brewster, Daniel, and Prudence Reeves, 4-10-1780.
- Brewster, Francis, and Rebecca Peck, 1.6-1758.
- Brick, Ephraim, and Ruth Gallasby, 3-14-1764.
- Brick, Joshua, and Ruth Rumsey, 7-254737.
- Brick, Joshua, and Lydia Peters, 8-5-1771.
- Brick, Joshua, and Mary Fithian, 3-28-1786.
- Brick, William, Salem Co., and Rachel Dare, 1-4-1768.
- Brooks, David, and Elizabeth Parker, 12-11-1778.
- Brooks, John, and Mary Jenkins, 12-15-1778.
- Brown, John, and Hannah Scott, 5-4-1774.
- Brown, Thomas, and Bathnithcoth Ogden (wid.), 4-17-1760.
- Brown, Thomas, and Martha Peck, 12-28-1762.
- Brown, Thomas, and Rebecca Fithian, 5-29-1780.
- Buck, Ephraim, and Abigail Ogden, 9-27-1769.
- Buck, John, and Lorainia Whitticar, 6-17-1761.
- Buck, Joseph and Ruth Dalen, 3-15-1779
- Burch, James, and Sidnea Scott, 2-3-1789.
- Burck, James, and Sarah Elmer, 5-9-1785.
- Burgin, John, and Elizabeth Abel. Salem Co., 3-2-1761.
- Burgin, Reuben, and Deborah Bowen, 11-28-1787.
- Burns, James, and Abigail Haze, 3-18-1745/6.
- Butcher, Aaron, and Mary Ireland, 7-23-1762.
- Butcher, Aaron, and Phebe Moor, 4-2-1778.
- Byram, Francis, and Christian Liester, 3-19-1773.
- Carll, Phineas, and Rachel Mills, 10-7-1760.
- Carll, William, and Sarah Ewing, 5-24-1773.
- Caruthers, James, Salem, and Lydia Roberts, Cohansie, 12-6-1733.
- Caruthers, Obadiah, and Elizabeth Venables, 1768.
- Caruthers, Richard, and Mary Ewing, 12-16-1780.
- Cheesman, Reuben, Glou. Co., and Sarah Ogden, 11-29-1759.
- Clark, Charles, and Ruth Scott, 11-21-1769.
- Clark, Daniel, and Anna Holmes, 8-11-1761.
- Clark, James, and Sarah Ogden, 6-29-1769.
- Clark, Joshua, and Eunice Devall, 10-24-1759.
- Clark, Stephen, and Tabitha Nixon, 10-28-1761.
- Clever, John, and Jemima Draper, 11-11-1780.
- Corn, Lawrence, and Mary Smith, 11-27-1781.
- Corson, John, Cape May Co., and Mary Goff, 12-19-1761.
- Craven, Richard Wheat, and Rhoda Shephard, 10-10-1766.
- Daniels, Eli, and Polly Woolson, Cape May Co., 3-20-1776.
- Daniels, John, and Lydia White, 8-22-1769.
- Daniels, John, and Mary Newcomb, 1-30-1770.
- Dare, Benjamin, and Mary Dare, 4-7-1773.
- Dare, Benone, and Clemens Withman, 6-9-1760.
- Dare, David, and Ruth Peck, 12-15-1778.
- Dare, Reuben, and Rhoda Stevens, 12-6-1760.
- Davis, Isaac, and Mary Anna David, Salem Co., 9-23-1767.
- Davis, Jonathan, and Ammi Davis, 1-8-1783.
- Dayton, Ephraim, and Ruhama Elmer, 12-29-1747.
- Dennis, Edward, and Jean Cook, 3-22-1786.
- Dickinson, Joseph, Salem, and Hannah Smith, 7-18-1765.
- Dixon, Francis, and Elizabeth Benton, 7-11-1763.
- Dixson, Daniel, and Ann Dayton, 10-30-1770.
- Dolles, Jonathan, and Susanna Clarke, 6-1-1787.
- Donelson, Joseph, and Temperance Fithian, 5-23-1774.
- Donnell, Nathaniel, Jr., and Sarah Forress, 6-25-1784.
- Dowdney, John, and Sarah Howell, 11-20-1773.
- Dowdney, Nicholas, and Sarah Worrel, 12-18-1771.
- Dowdney, Samuel, and Martha Reed, 10-27-1783.
- DuBois, Abraham, Salem Co., and Elizabeth Preston, 12-1-1761.
- Duffel, Jacob, and Ann Ireland, 12-16-1773.
- Dunn, Benjamin, Piscataway, and Edith Davis, 3-28-1758.
- Eastburn, Thomas, and Abigail Jones, 8-23-1799.
- Eddis, Thomas, and Ann Johnson, 6-12-1780.
- Eldredge, Daniel, and Dorcas Bacon, 1-30-1789.
- Elmer, Daniel, and Mary Shaw, 9-28-1761
- Elmer, Eli, and Jane Thompson, 2-13-1781.
- Elmer, Theophilus, and Abigail Lawrence, 9-3-1765.
- Ewing, George, and Rachel Harris, Hunterdon Co., 8-7-1778.
- Ewing, James, and Martha Boyd, 10-15-1778.
- Ewing, Remington, and Phebe Ewing, 1-30-1784.
- Ewing, Samuel, and Mary Miller, 2-19-1763.
- Filer, John, Jr., and Sarah Worton, 3-6-1759.
- Farrill, James, and Elizabeth Sheekels, 7-24-1780.
- Front, Morgan, and Dorcas Moore, 6-9-1762.
- Fox, Henry, and Barbary Ruff, 11-26-1767.
- Foster, Jeremiah, Jr., and Priscilla Preston, 12-15-1784.
- Foster, Jeremiah, and Sarah Smith. 10-19-1778.
- Flitcraft, Francis, and Jemima Leeds, 1-28-1784.
- Fithian, Ephraim, and Atteliah Gaston, 9-4-1780.
- Fithian, George, and Sarah Mulford, 2-9-1782.
- Fithian, Joel, and Elizabeth Fithian, 2-2-1780.
- Fithian, John, and Eunice Johnston, 12-10-1759.
- Fithian, John, and Mary Brown, 9-26-1765
- Fithian, Jonathan, and Rachel Eustace, 3-25-1780.
- Fithian, Samuel, and Abigail Moore, 10-25-1750.
- Fithian, William, and Mary Tomlinson, 11-17.1785.
- Galping, Thomas, and Ruth Gland, 1-15-1749.
- Gandy, David, and Phebe Blizard, 9-3-1761.
- Gandy, Thomas, and Naomi Blizard, 2-23-1779.
- Garrison, Gamaliel, Salem Co., and Christiana Keen, 10-2-1762.
- Garrison, William, Salem Co., and Elizabeth Powell, 1-28-1769.
- Gibbon, John, and Esther Seeley, 3-31-1761.
- Gorrell, James, and Sarah Jackson, 10-27-1768.
- Gould, Anthony, and Phebe Lummis, 3-6-1781.
- Grace, Philip, and Suria Morris, 10-12-1782.
- Hall, Abner, and Sarah Shepherd, 8-15-1774.
- Hall, George, and Ann Elkinton, Burl. Co., 6-20-1775.
- Halter, Peter, Salem Co., and Dorcas Irelan, 2-17-1770.
- Hancock, Joseph, and Elizabeth Butcher, 4-25-1785.
- Hand, Aaron, and Ann Lowring, 5-10-1777.
- Hand, William, Cape May Co., and Hannah Garrison, 11-17-1775.
- Hannah, Preston, and Bathsheba Moore, 9-6-1777.
- Hannah, Samuel, and Lydia Sayre, 1-19-1768.
- Harris, Daniel, and Martha Ogden, 2-28-1770.
- Harris, Isaac, Salem Co., and Anne Moon, 8-27-1772.
- Harris, Jacob, and Rachel Bacon, 2-29-1780.
- Harris, Moses, and Phebe Brooks, 11-26-1779.
- Harris, Noah, and Mary Aplen, Glou. Co., 7-23-1761.
- Harris, Noah, and Sarah Carll, 4-18-1781.
- Harris, Samuel, and Rachel Hood, 8-27-1761.
- Harris, William, Cape May Co., and Elizabeth Iszard, 10-27-1750.
- Hawthorn, Isaac, and Hannah Smith, 5-18-1786.
- Heaton, Levi, and Phebe Cook, 11-19-1777.
- Heaton, Samuel, and Rhoda Terry, 5-12-1783.
- Hildreth, Joseph, and Alice Shaw, 11-12-1777.
- Hines, Jeremiah, and Mary Hann, 4-26-1775.
- Hogbin, Amariah, and Mercy Simpkin, 8-16-1757.
- Hollingshead, Jacob, and Sarah Rice, 4-17-1779.
- Hollingshead, Samuel, and Mary Eldredge, 9-13-1785.
- Hoshel, Adam, and Phebe Parvin, 10-6-1763.
- Hoshel, Michael, and Rachel Peck, 5-14-1773.
- Hudson, Obed, and Phebe Miller, 5-23-1786.
- Hunt, John, and Annie Brewster, 5-28-1779.
- Hunter, Andrew, and Ann Riddle, 10-2-1775.
- Irelan, Joseph, and Judith Johnson, 4-24-1776.
- Irelan, Micajah, and Prudence Bacon, 5-1-1776.
- Ireland, Joseph and Phebe Ireland, 11-9-1762.
- James, David, and Philathea Watson, 12-6-1784.
- James, Joseph, and Margaret Butler, 2-1-1748.
- Jenkins, Isaac, and Phebe Brooks, 4-4-1780.
- Johnson, Isaiah, and Lettitia Miller, 10-4-1781.
- Johnson, Jeremiah, and Rhoda Townsend, 6-2-1789.
- Johnston, James, and Elizabeth Hunt, 9-23-1778.
- Jones, John, and Sarah Hall, 10-28-1777.
- Keen, Jacob, and Sarah Mulford, 3-28-1779.
- Keen, Thomas, and Mary Mack, 12-11-1777.
- Kellogg, Reuben, and Mary Bray, 1-1-1781.
- Ketcham, Edward, and Rhoda Woodland, 4-3-1773.
- Kiging, Ebenezer, and Sarah Denton, 11-27-1759.
- Kimsey, Reuben, and Ruth Vanemon, 6-8-1779.
- Kirby, Stephen, and Mary Lore, 10-30-1773.
- Kirby, Stephen, and Margaret Whitaker, 12-26-1778.
- Lake, Abraham, and Abigail Heaton, 3-19-1781.
- Lake, Samuel, and Elizabeth McQueen, 2-14-1769.
- Laning, John, and Anna Ewing, 3-10-1785.
- Lanning, John, and Rhoda, Izard, 5-20-1773.
- Lawrence, Nathan, and Elizabeth Johnston, 8-18-1769.
- Leake, Samuel, and Elizabeth McQueen, 2-14-1769.
- Leawert, George, and Elizabeth Burrows, 10-27-1778.
- Leek, Nathan, and Hannah Fithian, 12-1-1761.
- Leek, Levi, and Mabel Reeves, 7-28-1783.
- Lester, Stephen, and Susannah Smith, 11-24-1773.
- Long, Ansell, and Margaret Finlaw, 12-10-1750.
- Long, Constant, and Unis Shepperd, 6-16-1778.
- Long, David, and Kerenhappuck Shepperd, 1-10-1757.
- Long, Joseph, and Elizabeth Vanhook, 8-27-1785.
- Long, Jonathan, and Martha Hand, Cape May Co., 9-5-1769.
- Lock, William, and Sarah Parent, 12-1-1778.
- Love, Nathaniel, and Rachel Cook, 9-28-1778.
- Love, Seth, and Abigail Whitecar, 5-8-1878.
- Love, William, and Ellener Forgison, 5-5-1763.
- Ludlam, Jacob and Rachel Worthington, 1-21-1784.
- Ludlam, Norton, and Phebe Bacon, 11-8-1779.
- Lummis, Edward, and Polly Elmer, 4-15-1786.
- Lummis, Manoah, and Mary Elmer, 8-5-1779.
- Lummis, Parsons, and Hannah Diament, 7-5-1779.
- Lupton, Benjamin, and Amy Garrison, 8-25-1761.
- Lupton, Stephen, and Rhoda Garrison, 10-21-1778.
- Marshall, James, and Ruth Brick, 11-21-1791.
- Maskell, Daniel, and Mary Vaughn, 1-15-1749.
- Maskell, Daniel, and Sarah Woodruff, 8-5-1775.
- Maskell, Thomas, and Ester Fithian, 3-27-1768.
- Massey, Thomas, and Jameson Lawrence, 3-8-1780.
- Matlack, Caleb, and Mary Wilie, 12-18-1777.
- Matox, Luke, and Rebecca Wheeler, 4-27-1787.
- McCalla, Aulay, and Hannah Gibbon, 4-9-1787.
- McClintock, Samuel, and Rebecca Garrison, 1-12-1779.
- McKee, Hugh, and Polly Woodruff, 5-18-1789.
- Miller, Israel, and Abigail Miller, 11-16-1779.
- Miller, Joel, and Polly Newell, 4-10-1787.
- Miller, John, and Phebe Irelan, 7-31-1777.
- Miller, Noah, and Mary Mills, 11-16-1762.
- Mills, Benoni, and Lydia Hand, 4-10-1769.
- Mills, Isaac, and Rebecca Campbell, 3-1-1762.
- Mills, Samuel, and Mary Chessney, 4-27-1779.
- Montgomery, Anthony, and Elizabeth Powell, 10-21-1778.
- Moore, Enoch, and Mary Ware, 4-16-1752.
- Moore, Enoch, and Rachel Hutson, 11-22-1762.
- Moore, Hampton, and Mary Westcott, 4-17-1783.
- Morrow, John, and Jane Randolph, 3-28-1771.
- Mulford, Benjamin, and Mary Sheppard, 10-4-1760.
- Mulford, Benjamin, and Hepsebeth Wheaton, 12-20-1770.
- Mulford, Benjamin, and Hannah Barker, 12-19-1771.
- Mulford, Ephraim, and Rebeckah Weilding, 12-7-1778.
- Mulford, Furman, and Rhoda Johnson, 4-29-1780.
- Mulford, John, and Clemons Maskell, 4-2-1776.
- Mulford, John, and Levice Waithman, 4-3-1781.
- Mulford, Lewis, and Mary Barker, 10-4-1773.
- Mulford, Moses, and Rachel Moore, 4-25-1758.
- Mulford, William, and Prudence Maskell, 2-22-1762.
- Mulford, William, and Sarah Coningham, 4-11-1768.
- Munnion, Robert, and Anne Williams, 12-27-1748.
- Murphy, Robert, and Damaris Sayre, 3-1-1780.
- Nail, Uriah, and Emily Fowler, 10-18-1779.
- Nelda, John Potts, and Edith Furniss, 1-26-1790.
- Newcomb, Rebuen, and Edith Barratt, 6-9-1779.
- Newcomb, Silas. and Martha Savage, 10-22-1784.
- Newcomb, William, and Pleasant Long, 5-31-1759.
- Nissan, Jeremiah, and Mrs. Hannah Jones, 8-8-1763.
- Ogden, Daniel, and Rachel Moore, 7-5-1768.
- Ogden, David, and Mary Bateman, 9-13-1759.
- Ogden, Nathaniel, and Jane Hand, Cape May Co., 4-24-1761.
- Ogden, Thomas, and Violetta Harris, 8-5-1760.
- Ogden, Thomas, and Sarah Westcote, 3-1-1761.
- Oldaker, William, and Prudence Powell, 10-1-1784.
- Ord, James, and Hannah Genkens, Glou. Co., 10-30-1754.
- Orin, John, and Mary Hutchinson, 5-2-1742.
- Packer, Daniel, and Catharine Fight, 9-21-1771.
- Paday, William, and Abigail Bishop, 8-6-1754.
- Padgett, David, and Priscilla Reed, 1-16-1752.
- Padgett, Thomas, and Annie Lupton, 4-7-1761.
- Padgitt, Aaron, and Hope Smith, 3-15-1768
- Page, Ambrose, and Sarah Shaw, 1-20-1784.
- Page, David, and Mary Read, 7-30-1763.
- Page, Jonathan, and Bathier Nixon, 1-15-1773.
- Parvin, Clarence, and Amy Mayhew, Pittsgrove, 7-8-1775.
- Paulen, Whitlock, and Sarah Ireland, 12-4-1778.
- Payday, William, and Mary Tyler, 6-8-1785.
- Peck, Benjamin, and Martha Powell, 4-11-1775.
- Peck, Joseph, and Ruth Hannah, 12-24-1773.
- Perry, Dan, and Hannah Hand, 1-6-1780.
- Peterson, Aaron, and Martha Hollingshead, 3-25-1779.
- Peterson, Daniel, and Priscilla Iszard, 6-30-1760.
- Peterson, Frederick, and Ellener Lore, 11-3-1775.
- Peterson, Hance, and Rachel Simmons, Cape May Co., 9-19-1750.
- Peterson, John, and --- Shropshire, 9-24-1760.
- Peterson, William, and Elizabeth McGlaughlin, 5-18-1782.
- Pierce, Andrew, and Mary Jay, 3-16-1793.
- Pierson, Azel, and Mary Siden, Salem Co., 12-4-1762.
- Pierson, John, and Elizabeth Mulford, 11-17-1783.
- Platts, David, and Letitia Gillman, 1-4-1763.
- Potts, John, and Hannah Tyler, 10-19-1782.
- Randolph, David, and Darkis Ayars, 11-8-1775.
- Ramsey, William, and Sarah Seeley, 2-20-1759.
- Rasure, George Adam, and Catharine Ward, 3-6-1760.
- Read, Charles, and Esther Eldridge, 1-14-1788.
- Read, Israel, and Sarah Reeves, 1-29-1787.
- Reed, Henry, and Phebe Ludlam, Cape May, 10-31-1765.
- Reeves, Abraham, and Christina Shykels, 9-20-1787.
- Reeves, John, and Marthew Austin, 11-19-1777.
- Reeves, Johnson, and Sevia Bereman, 12-28-1777.
- Rementon, Moses, and Sarah Walling, 2-5-1768.
- Remington, Moses, Theodocia Sayre, 7-30-1778.
- Richards, John, and Susannah Hewit, Glou. Co., 3-7-1770.
- Richardson, Joseph, and Arabella Seagrave, 12-30-1751.
- Riley Joseph, and Rachel Ware, 8-28-1773.
- Robins, Obadiah, and Rachel Shepherd, 2-28-1754.
- Robinson, James, and Elizabeth Dare, 5-29-1759.
- Robinson, William, and Sarah Woodruff, 7-9-1789.
- Robinson, William, Jr., and Mary Youngs, 6-20-1772.
- Rudolph, Bartholomew, and Sarah Ewing, 9-20-1779.
- Rulon, John and Sarah Burt, 12-10-1782.
- Ryley, Joseph, and Judith Moore, 5-26-1774.
- Samson, Jacob, and Mary Harding, 9-24-1778.
- Sayers, William, and Mary Fithian, Jr., 5-25-1762.
- Sayre, Abraham, and Rachel Meake, 1-15-1779.
- Scudder, Samuel, Alloways Creek, and Leah Sockwell, 1-8-1761.
- Scullard, John, and Hannah Mulford, 1-4-1762.
- Seeley, David, and Mary Merscillier, 8-20-1781.
- Seeley, Ebenezer, and Mary Clark, 3-30-1783.
- Seeley, Henery, and Hannah Dare, 10-6-1762.
- Sharp, Isaac, and Rachel Mulford, 4-9-1764.
- Shaw, Abiah, and Abigail Bucke, 6-23-1778.
- Shaw, John, and Judith Payday, 10-8-1786.
- Shaw, Nathan, and Abigail Fithian, 7-17-1754,
- Shaw, Nathan, and Mary VanMeter, 3-15-1760.
- Shaw, Nathan, and Mary Jones, 1-16-1769.
- Shaw, Richard, and Abigail Westcoat, 2-18-1755.
- Shyherd (Shepherd?), Furman, and Hannah Maskell, 12-20-1780.
- Simpkins, Ephraim, and Hannah Stathem, 5-4-1784.
- Sink, William, and Esther Bishop, 11-18-1784.
- Smith, Asbury, and Lydia Hand, 3-8-1757.
- Smith, Ebenezer, and Sarah Finlaw, 11-17-1772.
- Smith, Elisha, and Rebekah Bowen, 5-2-1778.
- Smith, Elisha, and Laetitia Johnson, 3-13-1787.
- Smith, Isaac, and Sarah Mulford, 11-2-1768.
- Smith, Isaac, and Cynthus Walling, 1-28-1772.
- Smith, John, and Sarah Gruff, Salem Co., 7-23-1767.
- Smith, Lewis, and Ruth Watson, 1-5-1769.
- Smith, Samuel, and Sarah Carll, 9-29-1760.
- Sneathen, David, and Sarah McPeters, 2-2-1763.
- Snethen, James, and Margaret Gillingham, Alloways Creek, 9-29- 1766.
- Sockwell, Jonadab, and Anne Bowen, 6-5-1762.
- Souter, John, and Margaret Miller, Alloways Creek, 3-9-1771.
- Southward, Benjamin, and Abigail Hewitt, 4-21-1773.
- Sparks, Henry, and Catherine Stratton, 3-23-1762.
- Stackhouse, Caleb, and Eleanor Long, 8-22-1767.
- Statham, Aaron, and Priscilla Pooler, 10-13-1760.
- Statham, Aaron, and Susannah Leach, 2-2-1786.
- Statham, Isaac, and Mary Watson, 10-11-1760.
- Stathem, Isaac, and Lydya Anderson, Newcastle, Del., 11-27-1769.
- Stephenson, James, and Marcy Hosea, 5-10-1778.
- Stephenson, Richard, Sr., and Isabel Sharp, 1-5-1778.
- Stid ham, John, and Elizabeth Powell, 5-19-1779.
- Stratton, James, and Anne Harris, 7-15-1779.
- Stiles, Joseph, and Elizabeth Channel, 5-2-1785.
- Swinney, Elisha, and Eunice Jenkins, 2-12-1771.
- SWeatman, James, and Mary Price, 8-24-1787.
- Thompson, Benjamin, and Elizabeth Cleaver, 12-4-1778.
- Tarry, Ephraim, and Judith Platt, 9-9-1761.
- Tarry, Butler, and Hannah Foster, 1-26-1779.
- Tomlinson, George, and. Anne Ware, 5 6-1778.
- Towser, Jeremiah, and Elizabeth Kimme, 4-20-17--.
- Trenc hard, John, and Theodosia Ogden, 6-25-1770.
- Tyler, Job, and Rachel Sayre, 10-21-1782.
- Venaman, Jonas, and Christiana Souder, 8-8-1785.
- Vanderford, John, and Catharine Shull, 1-29-1778.
- Vanhook, Henry, and Mary Furnis, 5-3-1784.
- Waithman, William, and Mary Moore, 5-22-1763.
- Waithman, William, and Sarah Bacon, 10-11-1775.
- Walling, Ladis, and Ruth Brewster, 9-25-1775.
- Walling, John, and Anna Tullis, 3-25-1761.
- Walling, Jonathan, and Rachel Bacon, 3-2-1774.
- Walters, Philip, and Mary Brown, 10-18-1777.
- Ward, Samuel, and Deborah Brewster, 17--.
- Ware, Elnathan, and Marcy Moore, 4-30-1760.
- Ware, John, and Margaret Newton, Cape May Co., 5-22-1783.
- Ware, Latin, and Ann Fithian, 2-15-1768.
- Ware, Latin, and Elizabeth Barker, 7-30-1782.
- Watson, Isaac, and Elizabeth Powell, 10-2-1760.
- Watson, William, and Mary Mulford, 11-11-1754.
- Westcote, Foster, and Abigail Fraser, 5-31-1748.
- Wheaton, Jonathan, and Hannah Woodhouse, 8-23-1764.
- Wheaton, Robert, and Sarah Whittal, Salem Co., 10-2-1765.
- Wheeler, Jehiel, and Elizabeth Preston, 12-9-1751.
- White, George, and Martha Borden, Penns Neck, 11-7-1772.
- Whitacar, Ambrose, and Rachel Leak, Salem Co., 10-3-1772.
- Whiteoar, Joseph, and Tabitha Davis, 3-4-1780.
- Whiteoar, Richard, and Elisabeth Husted, 12-7-1756.
- Whiteoar, Thomas, and Bertha Brown, 11-12-1761.
- Whiteoar, Thomas, and Rachel Daniels, 2-16-1780.
- Wood, David, Salem Co., and Prudence Roberts, 7-9-1777.
- Wood, John, Upper Alloways Creek, and Martha Sayce (Sayre?), 3-20-1776.
- Wood, John, and Lucia Mulford, 1-18-1785.
- Wood, Samuel, Alloways Creek, and Sarah Dare, 10-27-1767.
- Woodruff, Amos, and Mary Walling, 4-19-1775.
- Wothman, Constant, and Lediah Robins, 1-10-1754.
- Wright, Nathan, and Ann Wright, Glou. Co., 1-31-1764.