New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

Stow Massachusetts Marriages

Transcribed by Lynn Tooley

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Stow Massachusetts Marriages From Early Massachusetts Marriages Prior to 1800 as Found in Ancient Court Records.

May 16, 1683. The plantation between Concord and Lancaster called Pomositticut estableshed as Stow.

Stephen GATES of S. & Jemima BENJAMIN of Plymouth Colony Nov. 8, 1686
Jonathan HEALD & Martha TAYLOR Oct. 27, 1719
Moses WHITING (WHITNEY) of S. & Sarah KNIGHT of Cambridge Sept. 30, 1686
Ephraim HILDRETH & Anna MOOR of Sudbury Oct. 8, 1686
John BUTTERICK & Mary BLOOD Apr. 8, 1679
Henry RAND & Mary CRANE Sept. 29, 1682
James WHEELER & Sarah RANDALL June 24, 1682
John WHITHERBY & Lidia MOORE Sept. 16, 1684
Ephraim HILDRETH & Dorothy BARNES June 11, 1685
Thomas Williams & Sarah FOSTER Sept. 22, 1686
Moses Whitney & Sarah KNIGHT Sept. 30, 1686
John WEDGE & Sarah HALL Sept. 30, 1693
Simon GATES & Hannah BENJAMIN May 4, 1688
Robert HUES & Mary CRANE Sept. 21, 1688

Source: Early Massachusetts Marriages Prior To 1800 As Found On Ancient Court Records of the Counties of Middlesex, Hampshire, Berkshire And Bristol, Third Book, Edited by the Rev. Frederic W. Bailey, B.D.

[ Middlesex Massachusetts Marriage Records ]