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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Wood County, West Virginia

January 1, 1883

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1883 Wood County, West Virginia List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
159,439Heath, Benj. F.Bellevillew. r. foot$2.00Apr., 1869
65,229Luckey, Jessedoloss sight l. eye$4.00June, 1866
175,573Leslie, Lewis E.dow. r. thigh$2.00Oct., 1880
208,059King, Dixon R.dodis. Of abdominal viscera$10.00May, 1882
84,186Philips, Andydoloss 3 fingers r. hand$8.00Aug., 1867
147,678Price, Wm. L.dow. lower jaw$4.00Aug., 1877
98,381Owens, Lewis L.doinj. R. knee$12.00June, 1869
196,403Williamson, Henry C.dodis. Of heart$20.00Oct., 1881
27,513Scott, Andrew J.dofrac. R. thigh$7.50Apr., 1864
220,017Satow, Fred'kdow. r. ankle$4.00Oct., 1882
154,058Smith, Cummingsdow. r. hand and injury to abd.$6.00June, 1878
118,276Hostatler, Sarahdowidow$8.00Sept., 1868
19,166Pigott, Edwarddowidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1872
153,342Boss, Sylvester G.dow. r. hand$4.00May, 1878
31,105Balden, Malindadowidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1881
193,474Allen, Sarah R.dowidow and 4 chil.$16.00Oct., 1881
118,751Spencer, Elijahdoloss 2 fingers r. hand$8.00Sept., 1872
133,647Beck, Sarahdomother$8.00Aug., 1869
213,341Barton, Bennettdos. w. head, neuralgia, and loss of hearing left ear.$4.00June, 1882
91,326Bailey, Jas. E.Boremanw. r. arm$10.00June, 1868
152,439Beorn, Geo.dow. nose and mouth$4.00Apr., 1878
44,547Reed, Wm. A.dow. hip$18.00-
170,387Johnson, ElzaBull Creekdeafness both ears$6.00June, 1880
109,368Hoy, Jas.docontraction hamstr'g l. leg$6.00Apr., 1871
159,003Higgins, Wm.dodis. Of lungs and throat$6.00Apr., 1879
223,407Hoy, Resondodis. Of abdominal viscera$4.00Dec., 1882
12,743McGorge, Corneliusdosurv. 1812$8.00Feb., 1872
180,019Stephens, Jas.dorheum.$4.00Dec., 1880
166,630Hoblitzell, Katedowidow$21.00Dec., 1874
13,271Shaw, Evedomother$8.00Feb., 1864
5,423Rolston, Nathandosurv. 1812$8.00Oct., 1871
3,874Sharp, Johndodo$8.00Sept., 1871
198,823Everly, Adamdoch. Diarr.$4.00Dec., 1881
127,007Cronin, Wm.doinjury to abdomen$4.00Feb., 1874
193,141Garrison, Rodney S.doch. Diarr.$2.00July, 1881
361Longfitt, CauzadaClaysvillewidow 1812$8.00Aug., 1871
1,095Harper, NancyDavisvilledo$8.00Nov., 1871
181,274Philps, Melissadowidow$8.00June, 1878
7,587Wiseman, Dorcasdodo$8.00Apr., 1868
219,089Kincheloe, Jos. W.doch. Rheum.$6.00Oct., 1882
162,428Gabbert, JacobDeer Walkdep. Father$8.00June, 1873
87,011Dalman, John W.dow. r. arm, shuld., and lungs$14.00Nov., 1867
99,416Whitlatch, Jesse B.dow. in breast$4.00Aug., 1869
21,498Graham, ElizabethFountain Springwidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
8,707Sams, Barbaradodo$8.00Sept., 1878
431Ruble, Annadodo$8.00Sept., 1871
9,116Kinkard, Marydodo$8.00Sept., 1878
120,969Moore, Jos.doinj. R. sholdr.$2.00Jan., 1873
162,967Hill, Jos. G.Harris' Ferryinjury to abdomen$4.00Oct., 1879
66,077Pierce, CalebJerry's Rundis. Of eyes$6.00June, 1866
58,607Smith, Henderson M.doinj. Head, loss little fing. R. hand$6.00Feb., 1866
152,914Hicks, Jeremiahdorheum.$4.00May, 1878
16,496Hughes, Sereptadowidow$8.00Sept., 1867
21,986Byrd, LaviniaKanawha Stationwidow 1812$8.00Apr., 1879
154,661Newhart, Geo. J.dorheum.$6.00Aug., 1878
65,254Grin, Jno. D.Leachtownw. of forearm$4.00June, 1866
178,238Price, Mosesdow. l. leg$2.00Oct., 1880
219,413Bishop, Andrew J.dodis. Liver, inj. To abdomen, erysipelas, deafness r. ear$4.00Oct., 1882
53,637Hill, CatharineLimestone Hillwidow$8.00Nov., 1867
119,673Barnes, Benj.dow. r. arm near elbow$4.00Nov., 1872
119,955Yoho, Jacobdow. l. hip$10.00Nov., 1872
63,288Gant, Margaretdomother$8.00Jan., 1866
92,757Gilmore, Charlesdodis. Of eyes$10.00Aug., 1868
149,711Barnes, Vacheldodis. Of lungs$8.00Dec., 1877
59,617Handlon, Mary Anndowidow$8.00Nov., 1865
85,342Hupp, Daviddoanchylosis r. ankle$8.00Sept., 1867
205,236Graham, Jas. A.Lockhart's Runinj. Spine, paralysis r. leg$6.00Mar., 1882
195,186Jaco, Clarkdodis. Head results of fevers$4.00Aug., 1881
162,752Hopkins, Thos. B.dow. l. knee$4.00Oct., 1879
183,492Hinckley, Harrydominor of$17.00Mar., 1879
11,588Loyd, Nancydowidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1878
17,692Nilson, Bazzeldosurv. 1812$8.00June, 1872
126,580Berry, Madison H.dow. r. thigh$8.50Jan., 1874
103,306Riddle, Geo. M.dow. l. sholdr.$4.00June, 1870
31,449Wilson, Sarahdowidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1881
8,551Dawkins, Susannahdodo$8.00Sept., 1878
144,732Wolf, IsaacLone Cedarw. r. hand$3.00Apr., 1877
150,009Swain, Jas.dow. of right foot$4.00Dec., 1877
154,409Buckley, Jno. M.dodis. Lungs and heart$16.00July, 1878
23,207Collins, RobertLubecksurv. 1812$8.00June, 1878
2,383Kesterson, Catharinedowidow 1812$8.00Apr., 1872
244Woodyard, Sallydodo$8.00Aug., 1871
29,686Armstrong, Sarahdodo$8.00June, 1880
162,807Tichnell, SamuelMineral Wellsch. Dyspepsia, and c.$10.00Oct., 1879
25,421Montgomery, EamillaMurphy's Millwidow 1812$8.00July, 1879
142,031Nowery, Johndoinjury to abdomen$4.00Oct., 1876
54,827Frazier, Wm.doloss r. leg$18.00-
17,333Wynans, Margaretdowidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
141,708Foster, Albertdow. r. leg$6.00Oct., 1876
207,768McIlvaine, JohnNew Englanddis. Of lungs$18.00Apr., 1882
161,984Spear, Sam'lParkersburghw. r. forearm$2.00Aug., 1879
192,252Mazer, Sarah A.dowidow and child$10.00May, 1881
25,106Ingram, Susandowidow$8.00June, 1864
44,340Craft, Wm.$18.00Jan., 1867
176,836Robbins, Lewisdoinjury to abdomen$8.00Oct., 1880
79,453Curren, Marydowidow$8.00July, 1866
16,827Timms, Hannahdowidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1879
175,213Jackson, Laviniadowidow and child$10.00Oct., 1876
138,268Jennings, Bridgetdowidow$8.00Jan., 1870
11,680Fitzer, Nancydowidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1878
98,671Ball, Rhodadowidow$8.00Aug., 1867
37,498Barnes, Eliza Janedodo$8.00Jan., 1865
184,879Eliston, Nancydomother$8.00July, 1879
182,040Dills, Belinda J.dowidow$8.00Sept., 1878
174,406Drake, Lucy E.dodo$19.00July, 1876
1,377Rader, Catharinedowidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1872
30,504Stephens, Chloe Anndodo$8.00Sept., 1880
205,867Newbanks, Levidoch. Rheum.$6.00Mar., 1882
118,285Larmy, Turfielddow. r. leg$2.00Aug., 1872
213,530Ramsay, John E.dodis. Of abdominal viscera$6.00June, 1882
91,322Rose, Fred'k R.dow. r. sholdr.$2.00Mar., 1863
155,016Ebert, Chas. W.doch. Rheum.$4.00Aug., 1878
188,681Turner, Zachariah W.doch. Diarr.$4.00May, 1881
111,390Trough, Martin V.doscurvy, dis. Heart and bowels$4.00Nov., 1874
165,218Raitt, Thos. J.doinsanity and dis. Of eyes$12.00Mar., 1880
157,490Dickson, Johndos. w. of back$8.00Feb., 1879
93,270Dawson, Giles K.doloss r. arm$18.00-
40,727Drennen, Geo. A.dow. abdomen$12.00Apr., 1865
163,273Fulton, Jas. J.doinjury to abdomen$17.00Oct., 1879
99,764Betsall, Fred'kdow. l. hand$3.00Sept., 1869
11,556Briant, Sarahdowidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1878
13,155Shanklin, Josiahdosurv. 1812$8.00Feb., 1872
5,492Payne, Abramdodo$8.00Oct., 1871
17,691Clouse, Theodore G.doinjury to abdomen$4.00Oct., 1863
92,732Tyler, Benj. F.dow. chest$8.00Aug., 1868
150,999Taylor, IsraelParkersburghw. l. foot$6.00Feb., 1878
59,838Taggart, Geo. W.dow. r. hip$25.00-
219,059Amos, Daviddow. both thighs$4.00Oct., 1882
194,507Hallam, Hannahdowidow$8.00Feb., 1882
10,031Utt, Levara M.dodo$20.00May, 1873
89,198Piersoll, Mary A.dodo$8.00July, 1869
11,258Williams, Susannah B.dodo$8.00Sept., 1867
33,041Wetzel, Alina A.dodo$20.00Feb., 1874
130,797Mullen, Marydodo$8.00June, 1869
29,582Moss, Margaret A.dodo$25.00Sept., 1873
113,177Manning, Eleanordodo$8.00May, 1868
65,266Helem, Lucretiadodo$8.00July, 1868
73,239Henderson, Melissadodo$8.00Jan., 1867
113,962Hallbritter, Sarah J.domother$8.00May, 1868
53,997Harris, Sarah A.dowidow$8.00July, 1867
113,381Satow, Wm.dow. left side$8.00Sept., 1871
171,649Stroud, Wesleydow. l. forearm$6.00July, 1880
64,233Starkey, Minordow. l. leg$4.00May, 1866
158,845Stealey, Kemerdow. l. thigh$4.00Apr., 1879
218,889Simpson, Jas. L.doch. Diarr.$12.50Oct., 1882
81,490Sayres, Geo.dow. r. ankle$6.00May, 1867
168,348Stone, Chas. W.dodis. Of spine$50.00May, 1880
58,933Clark, Lucydowidow$8.00July, 1867
215,475Wells, Austin B.dow. r. leg, dis. Kidneys, and dis. Of abdominal viscera$6.00July, 1882
91,834Paul, Jos.dow. in left hip$4.00July, 1868
66,997Birch, John D.dow. r. thigh and leg$6.00June, 1866
17,772Hewitt, Jos.dosurv. 1812$8.00July, 1872
117,397Hazen, Stowell S.dow. l. leg$6.00Apr., 1878
168,967Henry, Patrickdow. r. ankle$8.00June, 1880
197,072Horr, Josiah T.dow. l. hand$2.00Oct., 1878
116,715Hogan, Jno.dow. l. leg$6.00Apr., 1872
81,696Henderson, Isaac M.dow. l. thigh$8.00Aug., 1867
62,020Houser, Geo. B.dow. r. thigh$18.00-
46,431Johnston, Rob't W.doloss l. arm$24.00-
186,744Cale, Isaacdodis. Of eyes$4.00Apr., 1881
201,114Caldwell, Chas. T.doinj. L. hand$6.00Jan., 1882
81,229Caplinger, Daviddoloss of l. arm$24.00-
149,261Martin, Presleydow. l. sholdr.$6.00Nov., 1877
201,732McDonald, John S.doinjury to abdomen$15.00Jan., 1882
193,459Montgomery, John H.dow. r. leg$8.50July, 1881
107,168Merrick, Johndow. r. foot$6.00Dec., 1875
130,659Mardens, Johndoinj. Spine, chest, and paralysis of lower limbs$24.00-
189,319Mallet, Johndow. r. thigh, l. ankle, and v. v.$12.00May, 1881
85,882McCoy, James R.dow. r. arm$6.00Oct., 1867
159,174Meeks, Benj. F.doinjury to abdomen$4.00Apr., 1879
84,145Murphy, Benj. R.dow. r. side, g. r. toe, and inj. L. shr.$16.00Aug., 1867
118,627Guin, Thos. N.dodis. Of lungs$8.00Sept., 1872
92,608Griffin, Lemueldoinjury to abdomen$6.00Aug., 1868
49,865Guinn, Johndow. l. leg$8.00Sept., 1865
198,245Heaton, Dewitt C.doch. Diarr.$8.00Nov., 1881
35,772Hollingshead, Aarondoloss l. leg$24.00-
183,414Conrad, Elizabethdomother$8.00Mar., 1879
46,543Clegg, LouisaRockportwidow$8.00Aug., 1867
31,881Amos, Susannahdowidow 1812$8.00June, 1881
153,395Roberts, Jno. B.dodis. Of liver and debility$6.00May, 1878
205,757Battin, Sam'ldow. l. arm$4.00Mar., 1882
92,858Reed, Solomondow. l. hip$4.00Sept., 1868
61,492Davis, Joseph A.doloss l. arm$24.00-
206,470Drum, Jas. K.dos. w. l. knee$2.00Apr., 1882
71,119Deem, Derastusdow. l. chest$8.00Oct., 1866
61,720Davis, Chas. W.dorheum.$24.00-
10,553Fisher, Jno. W.dow. l. thigh, both hips, r. hand$10.00Mar., 1863
25,256Ambler, Sam'l M.doinj. R. thigh and knee joint$12.00Mar., 1864
96,656Roberts, Manerviadowidow$20.00Dec., 1873
3,578Deem, Jacobdosurv. 1812$8.00Aug., 1871
223,330Justes, Elijahdoinjury to abdomen$4.00Dec., 1882
196,137Caruthers, Jas. J.dow. of right side of head$4.00Sept., 1881
19,140Mosena, Francisdow. l. leg$4.00Nov., 1863
134,439Graham, Thos.dodis. Of eyes$18.00-
151,199Gates, Solomondow. r. sholdr. And arm$6.00Feb., 1878
60,592Henthorn, Ephraimdoloss l. leg$18.00-
108,577Flinn, Nelson A.Tynerw. r. leg, l. knee$10.00Mar., 1871
207,253Stukey, Josephdoscurvy and dis. Of eyes$10.00Apr., 1882
160,525Kimes, Jno. C.dow. r. leg$4.00June, 1879
25,704Padgit, MargaretValley Millswidow 1812$8.00July, 1879
190,911Drake, Alonzo L.dow. l. forearm$8.00June, 1881
58,485Curtis, TheodoreValley Millsepilepsy$18.00-
157,159Gilchrist, Henry A.Volcanow. l. ankle$2.00Jan., 1879
200,973Porter, David R.dow. r. thigh and vari. Veins$8.00Jan., 1882
147,207Williams, Jos. H.dow. l. hand$3.00July, 1877
107,029Stephens, Jno. W.dow. l. arm$4.00Dec., 1870
67,017McConaughey, Mary B.dowidow$8.00Feb., 1868
56,885True, Hanson W.dow. r. arm, ulna.$14.00Jan., 1866
54,084Collins, Loman P.dow. r. leg$6.00Dec., 1865
148,993Conn, Wm. G.dow. r. sholdr.$4.00Oct., 1877
221,526Feldner, Henrydow. of r. hand$4.00Dec., 1882
191,144Duffy, Lawsondow. r. side of neck$4.00June, 1881
139,081Rowley, Thomasdodis. Of eyes$50.00-
118,858Bowen, Warrendodo$18.00-
12,260Robinson, Jno. W. H.dow. l. leg$12.00June, 1863
135,729Runion, Sam'l C.dow. of back$6.00June, 1877
99,314Cokeley, Harriet L.dowidow$8.00July, 1869
116,260Benedict, Jno. M.dow. of jaw$10.00Apr., 1872
188,968Still, Jno.doinjury to abdomen$2.00May, 1881
183,357Camp, Elizabethdowidow$8.00Mar., 1879
176,120McConaughy, Dan'lWalkerinj. Of back$8.00Mar., 1882
138,457Wilt, Barbaradomother$8.00Jan., 1870
170,878Riley, Wm. W.dodep. father$8.00Oct., 1875
15,528Vaught, Geo. W.dow. in sholdr.$14.00Aug., 1863
190,084Cunningham, Jno. W.dodeafness l. ear, inj. To abd.$4.00June, 1881
152,814Riley, Silasdodis. Of eyes$14.00Apr., 1878
207,091Bradley, OliverWilliamstowndis. R. eye, neural. Face and h'd$6.00Apr., 1882
19,601Reynolds, Johndow. l. sholdr.$12.00Nov., 1863
115,487McGraw, Leonarddodo$8.00Feb., 1872
531Hazelbrigg, Abigaildowidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1878
16,204Temple, Ruthdodo$8.00Jan., 1879
54,925Edmonds, Wm.doloss l. arm$24.00July, 1874
164,765Rowell, Thomasdorheum. And dis. Of heart$8.00Feb., 1880
95,279Bailey, Alonzo P.doblindness$72.00-
147,079Prethyman, Lydiadomother$8.00Jan., 1871
158,618Stewart, Daviddorheum.$8.00Apr., 1879
157,442Prettyman, Leven T.dodis. Of stomach$6.00Jan., 1879
63,370Prettyman, Jeremiah J.dow. r. leg$18.00-
129,583Putman, Geo. W.dow. both thighs$10.00Aug., 1874

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