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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Marion County, West Virginia

January 1, 1883

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1883 Marion County, West Virginia List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
19,356Snoderly, ElizabethBarrackvillewidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
156,019Arnett, Jas. P.doinjury to abdomen$6.00Oct., 1878
183,127Yough, Elizabethdowidow and child$10.00Mar., 1879
148,977Hunter, Mary A.dowidow$8.00Mar., 1871
44,932Palmer, Geo. W.dowd. L. hand$12.00June, 1865
21,326Glass, Margaret M.dowidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
27,421Everly, Rhodadodo$8.00Oct., 1879
106,048Merrifield, Jas. E.dochr. Diar., indig., vertigo$6.00Oct., 1870
140,482Conaway, HenryBasnettasthma$4.00Aug., 1876
13,981Wells, Phoebedowidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
137,517Williams, CatharineBenton's Ferrywidow$8.00Dec., 1869
206,710Constable, Wm. F.dochr. Rheum.$4.00Apr., 1882
115,765Sandy, Newton B.Bingamong. s. w. of face$4.00Feb., 1872
76,134Bumner, Jno. A.Boothsvilleg. s. w. of face and r. sh'r, loss$12.00Jan., 1867
24,771Tucker, Sam'ldosurv. 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
115,769Linn, s. w. r. sh'r$6.00Feb., 1872
49,929Fast, Jonathan s. w. l. sh'r and arm$8.00Sept., 1865
209,027Nuzum, Lewis N.Bunner'sinj. L. side$6.00May, 1882
29,812Derault, MaryCantonwidow 1812$8.00June, 1880
32,724Hawkins, Laviniadowidow$8.00Oct., 1867
26,760Cox, FrancesFairmontwidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1879
212,493Musgrave, Elidodis. Of abdominal viscera$4.00June, 1882
4,341Hayhurst, Benj.dosurv. 1812$8.00Oct., 1873
108,016Jenkins, Levidog. s. w. l. leg, inj. To side, causing dis. Lungs$8.00Feb., 1871
155,460Scott, Felixdog. s. w. l. thigh$2.00Sept., 1878
59,753Shroyer, Andrew s. w. l. forearm$6.00Mar., 1866
100,801Walton, Thos. P.dowd. In r. arm$1.00Nov., 1869
121,298Prickett, Wm. s. w. in face$6.00Jan., 1873
131,945Parker, Eli L.doinj. To r. h'nd$10.00Feb., 1875
150,776King, Catherinedomother$8.00May, 1871
76,106Brumage, Semantha J.dowidow$8.00July, 1867
79,361Cook, Elizabethdodo$8.00July, 1866
2,340Vandervort, Marydowidow 1812$8.00Apr., 1872
26,576Sharer, Josinadodo$8.00Aug., 1879
22,265Smith, Racheldodo$8.00Apr., 1879
19,688Sharer, Josinadodo$8.00Mar., 1879
158,586Flemming, Rufus E.doinj. To abd. And g. s. w. r. thigh$11.25Apr., 1879
12,659Cunningham, Racheldowidow 1812$8.00Dec., 1878
24,535Powell, Wm.dosurv. 1812$8.00Nov., 1878
117,870Lough, Calvin J.Farmingtong. s. w. l. arm$4.00July, 1872
102,225Martin, Benj. F.dosaber wd. L. side of head$4.00June, 1881
143,617Snider, Ellenordomother$8.00Oct., 1880
176,009Martin, Elizabethdodo$8.00Jan., 1877
156,072Pitzer, Jno. s. w. r. wr't and forearm$4.00Oct., 1878
136,062Johnson, Nancydowidow$8.00Nov., 1869
54,388Goodwin, Athelia M.dodo$8.00July, 1867
144,148Loothman, Wm. s. w. l. side of face$8.00Mar., 1877
161,666Cunningham, Martin s. w. l. foot$6.00July, 1879
19,369Mundle, ElizabethGlover's Gapwidow 1812$8.00Mar., 1879
140,101Layman, Jacobdoepilepsy$4.00Aug., 1876
154,614Wells, Francis s. w. r. chest and arm$2.00Aug., 1878
170,006Looman, Eugenius C.Grangevilledis. Lungs and kid$6.00June, 1880
318,979Mason, Peterdomeas., and res'lt'g dis. Throat$2.00Oct., 1882
183,434Brown, Geo. s. w. l. thigh, and chr. Diarr.$6.00Feb., 1881
120,058Boggess, Calebdog. s. w. l. shr.$6.00Nov., 1872
29,661Clayton, SusannahGray's Flatwidow 1812$8.00June, 1880
86,216Lowe, Wm.Logansportwd. L. hip$4.00Oct., 1867
118,968Hayse, Jonathan P.Manningtong. s. w. l. foot$4.00Sept., 1872
114,325Kelly, Levidog. s. w. l. h'nd$4.00June, 1876
54,415Ice, Henry M.dowd. R. elb. Joint$10.00Dec., 1865
125,768Martin, Jno. s. w. r. leg$4.00Nov., 1873
178,543Moore, Fonton H.dodis. Lungs and part'l deaf$5.00Nov., 1880
125,395Huffman, Asadog. s. w. r. thigh$4.00Oct., 1873
134,559Shrader, Matilda P.dowidow$8.00Sept., 1869
111,820Shup, Janedomother$8.00May, 1868
168,772Starkey, Levi D.dominors of$10.00May, 1875
30,728Wright, Laurindadowidow$8.00Sept., 1864
173,586Wallace, Ezradominors of$10.00June, 1876
136,699Starkey, Levy W.Manningtong. s. w. r. groin$4.00Nov., 1875
147,302Starkey, Jno. T.dodis. R. ear$4.00July, 1877
199,202Wyckoff, Solomondodis. Stom., cat'h, and par. D'fns.$4.00Dec., 1881
113,455Pullin, Addisondoinjury to abdomen$5.00Sept., 1871
30,996Kuhn, Sarahdowidow$8.00July, 1867
144,879Dunn, Jonathandominors of$10.00Sept., 1870
139,634Copenharer, Rebecca A.dowidow$8.00Feb., 1870
156,998Hughes, Robt.dopar. Paral. Of l. arm and h'nd$4.00Dec., 1878
120,347Robinson, Ithamardog. s. w. r. hip$4.00Dec., 1872
97,402Davis, Henry T. F.doscar and ophthalmia$15.00Sept., 1869
143,919Davis, David S.doophthalmia$6.00Mar., 1877
163,570Davis, Benj. J.dochr. Rheum.$6.00Nov., 1879
221,248Floyd, Rob't P.dovar. veins l. leg$4.00Nov., 1882
219,431Austin, s. w. l. arm$2.00Oct., 1882
219,787Hawkins, Wm.Metzdis. Eyes and ears$4.00Oct., 1882
33,635Morgan, Oliver P.Mount Harmonywd. R. h'nd$8.00Oct., 1864
29,547Merrifield, Matilda B.dowidow$8.00July, 1867
114,040Dorsey, Barshebadomother$8.00Nov., 1868
4,921Nuzum, RichardNuzumssurv. 1812$8.00Sept., 1871
177,917Bolton, Jas. W. W.Palatineg. s. w. r. ank.$20.00-
3,974Dodd, Ebzydosurv. 1812$8.00Sept., 1871
11,340Harris, Sarahdowidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1878
158,173Hardin, Thos. s. w. both thighs$2.00Mar., 1879
121,566Heiskell, Robt. s. w. forefing. R. h'nd$3.00Feb., 1873
206,279Hawkins, Jonathandog. s. w. l. arm$2.00Apr., 1882
196,050Hall, Jno. C.dochr. Rheum.$6.00Sept., 1881
16,976Gray, Wm.doloss l. thigh$24.00-
91,658Thomas, Annie M.dowidow$8.00Oct., 1867
111,821Sigler, Mary J.dodo$8.00Apr., 1868
56,658Swearinger, Clemenzadodo$8.00Sept., 1867
113,167Sigler, Asenthdodo$8.00May, 1868
24,453Morgan, Sebina E.dodo$8.00July, 1867
87,604Layman, Drusey A.dodo$8.00Dec., 1874
61,362Hall, Mariadodo$8.00July, 1867
148,745Shaw, Joshuadog. s. w. l. side$2.00Oct., 1877
73,824Swindler, Jno. s. w. r. thigh$2.00Nov., 1866
221,992West, Jonathan J.dodis. Throat, affecting speech$4.00Dec., 1882
121,936Orr, Morgan s. w. l. leg$2.00Mar., 1873
22,471Grubb, Matildadowidow$8.00July, 1867
83,588Prickett, Richard W.dowd. R. forearm$2.00July, 1867
114,195Powell, Lewis F.dodis. Lungs$13.00-
31,531Dodd, Lucy A.dowidow 1812$8.00Apr., 1881
190,237Burns, Zebulon M.dochr. Diar.$2.00June, 1881
151,234Brown, Abnerdoloss r. little fing.$2.00Feb., 1878
146,781Vandergraft, Calvindog. s. w. l. shr.$2.00June, 1877
179,292Barr, Benj.Rivesvilledyspep. And irreg. action heart.$2.00Dec., 1880
150,419Dean, s. w. of wrist$1.00Jan., 1878
184,297Randall, Sarah A.Worthingtonmother$8.00May, 1879
96,476Jacobs, Maria J.dowidow$8.00June, 1867
25,904Thompson, Lucretiadowidow 1812$8.00July, 1879
17,071Conaway, Danieldosurv. 1812$8.00May, 1872

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