New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Ottawa County, Ohio

January 1, 1883

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1883 Ottawa County, Ohio List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
118,764Angus, Fredk. RGenoaheart dis. fr. rheum$18.00-
60,200Applegate, ChasOak Harborwd. l. hand$10.00-
170,761Armstrong, Wm. PGenoachr. rheum & dis of heart$6.00June, 1880
48,950Atwater, Sam'l COak Harborloss arm above elbow$24.00-
90,964Ayles, AdalineElmorewidow$8.00Feb., 1867
117,146Barton, WmGenoawd. r. thigh$5.00-
4,772Bearss, AnnaGypsumwidow 1812$8.00Feb., 1872
113,016Benedict, ChristianOak Harborheart dis$6.00-
176,711Bennett, James FOak Harborwidow$10.00Mar., 1877
46,257Binkley, Sam'lElmorewd. r. ankle joint$10.00-
176,159Bockey, FranklinGraytownch. di., indigestion$4.00Oct., 1880
170,718Boggs, Geo. WElmorewd. of chest$8.50June, 1880
57,497Boggs, JaneElmorewidow$8.00-
149,881Brandon, JohnElmorewd. of forehead$2.00-
68,506Brayton, ChristianaGraytownwidow$8.00-
169,532Bunce, Chas. HGenoachr. diarr & inj to abdomen$8.00June, 1880
53,551Burket, EmelineElmorewidow$8.00-
114,994Burns, John BGenoainjury to abdomen$8.00-
42,399Canfield, Wm. RElmoreconjunctivitus$31.25-
75,662Celio, FlorianiLocust Pointwd. of head$8.00Dec., 1866
2,537Clemens, AlexanderPoint Marbleheadsurv. 1812$8.00Aug., 1871
196,317Cluckey, EdwardRocky Ridgedis. of lungs$4.00Oct., 1881
51,189Coalwell, Wm. HGenoaloss r. foot & wd. l. leg$24.00-
23,174Conchaine, Andrew WPort Clintonwd. r. thigh$6.00-
145,159Concnaine, Felix HPort Clintonwd. l. side of head$2.00-
177,023Cooper, Chas BLakesidedis. of abdominal viscera$8.00Oct., 1880
2,989Crawford, MaryPort Clintonwidow$16.00-
182,274Dubrie, GabrielLocust Pointdis. of heart$4.00Feb., 1881
155,153Elwell, Geo. F.Port Clintondis. of heart$8.00Sept., 1877
133,533Eslebe, Geo.Elmoredis. of abdominal viscera$4.00-
67,800Everrole, LuaniaCurticewidow$8.00Mar., 1864
163,614Fallman, JOhnLocust Pointfrozen feet$4.00Nov., 1879
122,936Farnbach, JohnEllistonwd. l. arm$6.00-
166,866Felder, JacobOak Harborwd. l. thigh$4.00-
45,239Fields, EdwardGraytownloss l. arm$24.00-
162,042Fields, HiramCatawba Islandinjury to abdomen$4.00Aug., 1879
11,292Fink, Jerusha JElmorewidow$8.00-
223,123Flora, JesseLocust Pointdis. of eyes$4.00Dec., 1882
122,879Foster, JohnElmorewd. shoulder$4.00Apr., 1873
22,133Fulkert, MichaelGenoalung dis$6.00-
100,764Gaddis, Leonard WGenoawd. r. leg$3.00Nov., 1869
107,575Gallant, Geo. W.Elmorewd. l. thigh$8.00-
182,854Gamble, John LLa Carnediarr & dis. of abd. viscera$2.00Feb., 1881
91,150Gasser, Mary LElmorewidow$8.00Mar., 1867
222,102Gernhard, MathiasEllistonchr. diarr$4.00Dec., 1882
94,624Goff, Porter AMartinwd. l. hand$2.66 2/3Dec., 1868
141,340Gorsuch, Russel BGenoadis. of heart$18.00-
133,535Green, HenryPort Clintonwd. l. foot$6.00-
64,227Green, Wm. LPort Clintonwd. r. nates & r. chest$6.00May, 1868
149,891Gromes, Sam'l SMartinwd. r. leg$12.00Dec., 1877
49,796Guss, Chas.Ellistondeafness$13.00-
171,269Haines, Sam'lElmoreinjury to abdomen$8.00July, 1889
150,311Hamilton, MirandaCurticedep. mother$8.00May, 1871
147,407Hammond, Henry LEllistonwd. l. arm$6.00July, 1877
160,563Hanser, CatharineElmoredep. mother$8.00Dec., 1872
108,134Harrison, Andrew WElmoreinjury to abdomen$4.00Feb., 1871
10,321Harrison, MarildaElmorewidow$8.00-
42,689Hartzell, Howard FElmorehypertrophy of heart & spinal irritation$8.00May, 1865
129,074Hearley, ThosElmoredis. of eyes$6.00-
167,086Hess, HarrietRocky Ridgewidow$10.00-
196,019Hewit, ErvinRocky Ridgechr. diarr & dis of heart, result bron. & dis of spleen$8.00Sept., 1881
118,214Hilman, LouisaElmorewidow$8.00Sept., 1868
13,470Holbrook, Wm. AGenoawd. l. elbow$6.00-
219,511Hopkins, Chas. WGenoachr. diarr$6.00Oct., 1882
57,727Huffman, Dan'l WMartinwd. r. leg$17.00Feb., 1866
219,941Huss, Noah BGenoachr. diarr & dis of abd vis$2.00Oct., 1882
156,094Huttenbocker, MichaelOak Harborwd 2d & 3d fingers r. hand$2.00Oct., 1878
185,877Johnson, Harriet HLakesidedep. mother$8.00Oct., 1879
193,798Jones, Alice EGenoawidow$12.00Dec., 1881
89,730Karn, JohnOak Harborwd. l. thigh$4.00-
166,043Karr, Franklin HOak Harborwidow$12.00Sept., 1874
161,571Kesler, Chas.Oak Harborchr. rheum$4.00July, 1879
117,656Kimball, Mary AElmorewidow$8.00Aug., 1868
161,858Kiser, JosephRocky Ridgewd. l. shoulder$2.00Aug., 1879
50,560Kleinegger, FrancisPort Clintonloss r. thigh$24.00-
174,704Klostermeyer, RozenaElmorewidow$12.00Aug., 1876
169,749Koons, John TMartinrheum & debil fr. typh fev$8.00June, 1880
142,675Little, Aaron W.Piccolowd. r. leg$6.00-
186,991Lockwood, Sarah RGypsumdep. mother$8.00Feb., 1880
14,038Luckey, MarthaElmorewidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
28,139Lynch, PatrickLakesideloss 1st finger r. hand$3.00-
123,661Maeulen, CarlOak Harborwd. r. arm$2.00-
130,157Merion, Hannah EPort Clintonwidow$8.00Feb., 1878
210,685Miller, Samuel OLakesidedisarr & dis. of abd viscera$8.00June, 1882
37,392Mills, Orlando CGenoawd. l. wrist$18.00-
44,767Minier, ChristopherLa Carnewd. l. hip$2.66 2/3-
164,392Minier, JohnLa Carnedis. r. spermatic cord$4.00Jan., 1880
3,823Momeny, GeoOak Harborloss l. arm$24.00-
209,142Mueller, MartinPut-in-Baywd. r. thigh$4.00May, 1881
153,990Munger, Hiram ALakesideloss 2d finger l. hand$2.00June, 1878
110,465Neehouse, JohnGenoawd. l side & dis of heart$14.00-
148,929Neff, CorneliusElmorewd. r. leg$10.00Oct., 1877
175,862Neidhordt, Fred'kOak Harborinjury to abdomen & rheum$8.00Oct., 1880
221,871Newton, Wm. MPort Clintonwd. l. arm$2.00Dec., 1882
96,037Ortt, MaryPort Clintonwidow$8.00Jan., 1867
115,377Otto, MargaretElmorewidow$8.00Jan., 1868
107,900Parker, James MRocky Ridgewd. l. foot$4.00-
120,752Patterson, BenjRocky Ridgewd. of chest & r. shoulder$6.00-
173,567Patterson, Wm.Rocky Ridgedep. father$8.00June, 1876
23,379Peet, Chas. CGypsumwd. r. arm$18.00-
15,623Pettit, NancyPut-in-Baywidow 1812$8.00Jan., 1879
91,417Phile, Henry ECurticeparalysis of limbs$31.25-
217,945Phillips, Chas. E.Oak Harborinjury to abdomen$4.00Sept., 1882
173,537Philo, SarahRocky Ridgedep. mother$8.00June, 1876
127,254Plantz, FranklinGenoawd. l shoulder & sunstroke$6.00-
38,124Pope, Wm. HGraytownwd. r. shoulder$8.00-
142,954Pronto, BenjMartinwd. l. chest$4.00Dec., 1876
131,667Reinhart, JacobMartinwd. l. thigh$2.00Sept., 1875
8,572Rice, ElizElmorewidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1878
202,172Rice, Geo. NLocust Pointchr. diarr$2.00Jan., 1882
138,487Rogers, FrankGenoachr. gastritis$12.00-
-Ross, John WLocust Pointloss l. h$24.00-
143,000Rundell, FrankGenoarheum$25.00Dec., 1877
113,188Russell, Thos, NLocust Pointchr. diarr & scurvy$2.00-
220,802Rymere, WmElmoredis of abdominal viscera$5.00Nov., 1882
144,889Saltman, John WGraytownwd. l. thigh$4.00-
99,794Sarns, EliElmorewd. l. leg$8.00-
172,950Schwerzler, MartinEllistonchr. bronchitis & dis spine$6.00Aug., 1880
140,250Shaft, Jacob VLa Carnedep. father$8.00Feb., 1870
79,923Shirley, CharlesPort Clintonw. l. leg$6.00-
18,358Silverwood, ThosPort Clintonsurv. 1812$8.00Aug., 1872
105,446Slean, Hilliard HGenoawd. r. side of face & neck$3.00-
91,243Smith, GeoElmorewd. r. check$8.00-
157,099Spalding, James EPort Clintonchr. diarr$6.00Jan., 1879
149,118Spatch, JacobOak Harbordep. father$8.00-
135,911Stephens, AbednegoOak Harborwd. l. leg$8.00-
139,780Stevens, JohnGenoadis. of abdominal viscera$10.00-
167,628Stolzer, JohnGenoawidow$10.00Feb., 1875
31,973Stout, IsaiahGenoawd. r. hand & r. thigh$10.00-
195,596Strange, JulianaElmorewidow$8.00May, 1882
24,679Susore, John BOak Harborsurv. 1812$8.00Jan. 1879
149,718Toomey, JohnOak Harborinjury to abdomen$8.00Dec., 1877
146,480Tulian, JosephIsle Saint Georgemalarial poisoning$8.00-
30,806Valiquette, TheresaPort Clintonwidow 1812$8.00Nov., 1880
73,903Vandyke, ElizElmorewidow$8.00-
14,025Veon, TammyGraytowndep. mother$8.00May, 1868
94,001Walker, WmOak Harborwd. r. femur$4.00-
89,408Wetmore, DavidEllistonloss sight r. eye & dis of .$8.00-
16,792Wildmann, HermanElmorewd. thro. pelvis$18.00-
176,076Wolfe, ChristianaOak Harborwidow$8.00Jan., 1877
205,131Wonnell, Thos. JGypsumrheum & dis. of heart$4.00Mar., 1882
119,864Wood, De WiltonElmoreinj. back & l. side$12.00-
44,772Wood, Francis VGenoawd. r. arm, resection 3 in humerus$18.00-
148,622Wood, Sam'l TGenoawd. hips$4.00-
15,566Zuricker, ErnestEllistonloss r. arm$18.00-

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