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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Worcester County, Maryland

January 1, 1883

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1883 Worcester County, Maryland List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of original Allowance
166, 711 Breward, Nancy Berlin dep. mother $8.00 Dec., 1874
155, 415 Gillis, Grace Berlin widow $8.00 Jan , 1872
20, 936 Sythe, James B Berlin g. s. wd. r. leg $8.00 Dec., 1875
48, 885 Powell, Hudlah Berlin widow $8.00 Sept., 1867
134, 284 Britnam, Henry Berlin g. s. w. r. arm $6.00 June, 1875
124, 158 Jarman, Mary Ann Berlin widow $8.00 Feb., 1869
125, 972 Hudson, Matilda Berlin widow $8.00 Apr., 1869
129, 777 Franklin, Charlotte Berlin widow $8.00 May, 1860
157, 939 Bacon, Ellen Berlin widow $8.00 May, 1872
115, 049 Bruff, John Berlin g. s. w. r. chest $8.00 Jan., 1872
213, 299 Jones, Jacob Bishopville loss r. index finger $3.00 June, 1882
49, 155 Parks, Joseph T Girdletree Hill g. s. w. chest $6.00 Nov., 1868
118, 010 Taylor, Jno Girdletree Hill g. s. w. l. arm $6.00 July, 1872
20, 499 Edwards, Sophia Goodwill widow 1812 $8.00 Mar., 1879
151, 519 Harris, Abby Newark widow $8.00 Mar., 1873
123, 745 Tatham, Wm. H Pocomoke City inj. r. leg $8.00 Sept., 1876
183, 431 Bruttingham, John S Pocomoke City g. s. w. r. thigh $6.00 Feb., 1881
188, 750 Steward. Jno Pocomoke City dis. of abdominal viscera $2.00 May, 1881
192, 981 Dennis, Chs. S Pocomoke City shell wd. l. hip $1.00 July, 1881
195, 301 Pettett, Jas. H Pokomoke City g. s. wd. r. shoulder $2.00 Sept., 1881
75, 579 Schofield, Robt. F Pokomoke City loss r. leg $18.00 Oct., 1868
186, 971 Bowyer, Littleton Pokomoke City g. s. wd. l. hand $8.00 Apr., 1881
162, 960 Williams, Sam’l J Pokomoke City g. s. wd. r. shouldr $8.00 Oct., 1879
168, 192 Bayne, Alice Pokomoke City dep. mother $8.00 Mar., 1875
155, 453 Townsend, Eliza Pokomoke City widow $8.00 Jan., 1872
17, 938 Smaw, Ann W Pokomoke City widow $8.00 Feb., 1879
152, 360 Laws, Hester Pokomoke City widow $8.00 July, 1871
164, 217 Costin, Hewitt Pokomoke City g. s. wd. l. side of neck $2.00 Jan., 1890
181, 421 Jones, Sarah Pokomoke City dept. mother $8.00 June, 1878
177, 969 Coston, Betsey Pokomoke City dept. mother $8.00 June, 1877
168, 636 Savage, Harrriet Pokomoke City widow $8.00 Apr., 1875
26, 678 Gootie, Mary Pokomoke City widow 1812 $8.00 Sept., 187?
84, 825 Jones, Levin Snow Hill w. l. hand $4.00 Sept., 1867
71, 578 Parker, Jas. H Snow Hill w. l. arm $8.00 Sept., 1866
209, 426 Bowling, Wm. H Snow Hill g. s. wd. of neck $2.00 May, 1882
152991 Armstrong, John S Snow Hill g. s. w. l. leg $2.00 May, 1878
129, 501 Selby, Benjamin Snow Hill g. s. wd. l. hand $4.00 Aug., 1874
193, 316 Johnson, Sam’l Snow Hill g. s. wd. l. hand $2.00 July, 1881
114, 412 Dennis, Geo. W Snow Hill wd. l. thigh $6.00 Nov., 1871
157, 674 Purnett, Geo. W., alias Jno. T. Snow Hill g. s. w. r. arm $2.00 Mar., 1879
163, 929 Nelson, Wm. S Snow Hill g. s. wd. r. thigh $6.00 Dec., 1879
166, 539 Powell, Nancy Snow Hill dep. mother $8.00 Nov., 1874
144, 097 Spence, Priscilla Snow Hill dep. mother $8.00 Aug., 1870
65, 207 Bennett, Wm. E Stockton loss l. arm above elbow $24.00 June, 1866
73, 187 Lindsey, James Stockton ampn. r. arm above elbow $24.00 Sept., 1874
121, 625 Selby, John Stockton wd. r. arm $4.00 Feb., 1873
125, 253 Mabbath, Thos Stockton injury to abdomen $4.00 Oct., 1877
86, 498 Paine, Peter Stockton w. r. ankle $6.00 Oct., 1867
210, 670 Jones, Geo. W Stockton g. s. w. r. leg $6.00 June, 1882
27, 042 Purnell, Ann Stockton widow $8.00 Apr., 1867
198, 008 Purnell, Benjamin Stockton dep. father $8.00 Dec., 1882
155, 986 Collick, Elizabeth Stockton widow $8.00 Feb., 1872

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