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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Mason County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Mason County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
-Allen, Wm. S. Mason City g.s.wd. both thighs & r. leg $6.00Mar, 1880
-Anno, Joseph Manito wd. l. shoulder $18.00-
192,845Arnett, Nancy Forest City dep. mother $8.00July, 1882
200,574Banks, James P Bath g.s. wd. of neck $4.00Jan. 1882
-Barns or Burns, Owen Mason City loss ring fing. from w.r. hand $8.00-
-Bavis, Mark A. Mason City injury to abdomen $4.00Oct, 1882
-Beadle, Luvana San Jose dep. mother $8.00Feb, 18??
169,896Beck, John G. Havana var. veins & ulcers l. let $8.00June, 1880?
-Beebe, Albert G. Manito wd. r. thigh $4.00-
-Benham, Aaron N. Mason City loss of l. little toe $2.00June, 1882
-Blizard, Hannah L Manito dep. mother $8.00Jan, 1869
-Blizzard, Wm. D. Manito wd. l arm & leg $6.00-
-Bogge, Joseph A. Mason City wd. head $4.00-
208,158Bowman, Ellis Havana dis. of lungs, sunstroke & resulting nervous pros. $8.00May, 1882
-Brown, Isaac C San Jose dis. of abdominal viscera $17.00-
-Burkhart, Gottleib Mason City dep. father $8.00May, 1873
-Carlock, George O Havana injury to abdomen $8.00June 1882
-Carrington, Arthur A. Manito dis. of eyes $8.00June, 1881
-Castleberry, Wm. H. Mason City scurvy $4.00July, 1881
-Casto, Mary Manito widow $8.00Apr, 1879
-Chambers, Chas. Mason City wd. l. hip $4.00-
-Charlie, Mary E Mason City widow $10.00Aug, 1880
61,678Cleveland, John H. Easton loss r. arm $24.00-
-Conover, Joseph Havana loss l. arm $24.00-
-Cook, Sarah M. Mason City dep. mother $8.00Mar, 1867
180,605Cooper, Mark Easton wd. r. leg, upper third, & fracture of tibia $4.00-
10,454Cordes, John Havana wd. both thighs $14.00-
-Cox, Richard Poplar City wd. l. thigh $8.00-
-Cronwell, David Manito shell wd. of face $4.00Sept, 1878
-Curry, Rolla A. Kilbourn ch. diarrhea $4.00June, 1882
193,913Davis, Elijah M. Topeka g.s. wd. l. leg $6.00Aug. 1881
154,743Davis, Samuel R. Topeka wd. r. thigh $4.00Aug, 1875
201,161Dean, Wm. W. Forest City dis. of heart $6.00Jan 1882
-Deneese, Julia San Jose widow $16.00Dec. 1880
181,040Dengler, Geo. Bath ch. rheum, diarr., and resulting dis. of abd. vis. $12.00Jan 1881
21,430Dew, Mary Havana widow $8.50-
-Dietrich, Sarah A. Mason City widow $8.00Sept, 1867
71,844Dixon, Amos T. Havana inj. to abd & spine $10.00-
82,454Dodds, Elizabeth Havana widow $8.00June 1882
188,936Duncan, Francis M. Forest City dis. of eyes $12.00May 1881
-Durdy, Robt. L. Havana dis. of lungs $8.00Apr., 1879
-Duvall, Eliz'th Mason City widow $8.00-
105,068Duvier, Augusta L. H. Havana widow $8.00-
-Eakin, Ruloff S. Manito g.s. wd. of l. hand $6.00Jan, 1882
-Elmore, Robert Havana rheum $18.00Mar. 1881
-Farris, James Mason City ch. diarr & results   -
-Freeman, Ruth Mason City widow $8.00-
118,073Fruit, Jeremiah Forest City dis. eyes $8.00-
-Fullerton, John Mason City wd. r. thigh $4.00-
65,966Goodman, Daniel Havana wd. l. hand $4.00-
186,779Greathouse, Wm Bath rheumatism $8.00Apr. 1881
-Greer, James W Havana g.s. wd. r. shoulder $4.00Aug, 1881
-Griffin, Jefferson M. Mason City dis. of lungs & debility from measles $12.00Dec, 1882
-Grifin, Wm. H. Mason City loss of left forearm $18.00-
-Havens, Daniel Manito inj. of mid. fing. r. hand from g.s.w. & dis. of abd. vis. $4.00Mar, 1882
8,840Havens, Isabella Havana widow $8.00-
210,004Heinhorst, Conrad Bishop's Station g.s. wd. l. hip $4.00June 1882
171,140Hickey, Ashley Bath chr. diarr. $19.00July, 1880
25,435Hobbs, Berry Easton wd. l. arm & shoulder $10.00-
123,426Houston, Robert Bath wd. r .arm $18.00-
169,229Kee, Henry Bath wd. l. hip & loss of l. 3 finger from g.s.w. $6.00Jun, 1880
156,528Keefer, Jacob Bath partial deafness $2.00Nov. 1878
-Kent, Henry Havana ch. diarr $2.00Sept. 1878
95,298Kesinger, Francis Bath widow $8.00-
-Kisler, Charles T. Havana g.s. wd. of head $6.00May 1882
126,858Knight, Jane Bath widow $8.00-
193,004Lawrance, Priscilla Havana widow $8.00July 1881
203,873Lewis, Jacob L. Havana g.s. wd. of leg & dis. of eyes $6.00Mar, 1882
127,831Lindsley, Uriah B. Bath ch. diarrhea, dis. of abd. vis., & dis. of lungs $12.00-
-Lott, Geo. San Jose ch. diarrhea $8.00Sept. 1880
-Lucas, Joseph Mason City wd. of thigh $8.00Sept., 18??
-Lynn, James Mason City wd. of l. thigh & rea. sciatica $8.00-
-Mahan, Sally Kilbourn dep. mother $4.00Nov, 1880
-Maloney, Wm. Manito injury to back $6.00May, 1882
-Mangold, Theodore Mason City wd. l arm. & c $4.00-
-Markley, Wm Havana dis. of lungs & spleen $4.00June, 1882
-McKnight, Josiah Mason City wd. both thighs $8.00-
-McNeely, Geo. S. Mason City minor of $10.00June, 1882
146,370McWhitaker, James Havana wd. r. thigh $6.00-
-Mickle, Eliz'th Mason City widow $8.00Feb, 1871
197,009Monroe, Susan Saidora widow $8.00Aug, 1882
-Moore, Wm. H. Manito wd. r. leg $24.00-
99,523Morlander, James Havana wd. face & resulting dis. brain & part'l deafness $8.00-
107,078Morris, Moses Bath injury to abdomen $4.00-
-Murdock, John S. Poplar City ch. diarr. $6.00-
-Nienkirk, Nathan San Jose injury to abdomen $8.00Jan, 1879
78,424Nuhn, Marg't Topeka dep. mother $8.00July, 18??
-Parr, Daniel Mason City g.w. wd. of abdomem $2.00Dec, 1882
837Patsey, Flora Bath widow ? -
163,486Patterson, Lucinda Havana widow $8.00-
26,121Philbrick, John Havana loss r. arm $24.00-
-Place, Percival San Jose inj. r. eye $8.00-
210,781Pomlir, Edw. M. Teheran g.s.w. side of chest $4.00June, 1882
-Pritchet, Joseph J. Mason City ch. diarrhea $8.00Apr., 1882
-Radley, John A. Manito var. veins. l. leg $6.00-
-Reagan, Hiram D. Mason City ch. rheum $6.00Apr., 1878
158,576Reed, Wm. L. Forest City ch. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis. $10.00Mar. 1879
-Roberts, Chas C. Kilbourn wd. l. index finger, with tender stump $4.00Mar. 1880
-Roberts, Lucy Jane Manito widow $17.00May, 1879
176,040Rochester, James Bath minor of $10.00-
-Rochester, John L. San Jose g.s. wd. l. arm $2.00Aug., 1882
198,275Rochester, Samuel Forest City g.s. wd. l. hand $2.00Nov. 1881
190,579Rochester, Wm. H. Bath minor of $14.00-
140,022Ross, Elizabeth Havana dep. mother $8.00-
14,581Rosure, Isaac Bath wd. l. leg $4.00-
204,561Sargent, James M. Bath injury to abdomen $4.00Mar. 1882
203,198Seebold, Henry Forest City g.s. wd. of l. hand $4.00Apr., 1882
-Shields, Nathan P Havana g.s. wd. of l. forearm $4.00June, 1882
127,742Shroder, John Havana dis. of eyes $4.00-
148,823Shultz, Augustus D. Easton wd. r. leg, chr. diarrhea & resulting dis. of abd. vis. $10.00-
68,690Sigley, David Havana loss r. arm $24.00-
-Silvernall, John T. Mason City injury to abdomen $6.00Jan, 1882
51,078Stevens, Perry W. Easton wound l. arm $4.00-
-Taylor, William San Jose dis. of abd. vis & inj. to back $6.00Nov. 1882
-Tinkham, Isaac Havana ch. diarrhea $6.00June, 1882
-Tomlin, Lucinda Mason City widow $8.00-
-Trollope, Wm San Jose dis. of rectum $4.00Sept., 1880
-Turner, Joseph W.M. Mason City dis. of l. ear & res. deafness $4.00Aug, 1882
-Tyler, Coston M. Mason City rheumatism and indigestion --
214,511Tyrrell, Wm. A. Teheran g.s.w.r. leg $4.00June, 1882
-Van Loon, Elijah C. Mason City g.s. wound of abdomen $2.00Oct, 1882
171,414Vananken, Abraham J. Bath chr. diarrhea $6.00July, 1880
-Vickery, Daniel W. Mason City wound r. shoulder $8.00-
150,449Voster, Lewis Bath wound l. shoulder $6.00-
-Wagoner, Jeremiah Mason City wound head $6.00-
-Watkins, Arthur S. Mason City g.s.w. rt. hip & dis. of heart $6.00June, 1880
-Watkins, Sarah Mason City widow $20.00Aug, 1882
180,731Webb, Samuel Havana minor of $10.00Apr., 1878
187,549Welch, Lydia Bath dep. mother $8.00Mar. 1880
-Welker, Lemuel Havana g.s. wd. of head $4.00Mar. 1882
182,520West, Josephine E. Havana widow $10.00-
28,771Wilkins, James Bath loss r. arm $24.00-
-Wright, Lewis P. Havana dis. of abd. vis. & dis of eyes $8.00Aug, 1882
33,389Wright, Theresa A. Havana widow $8.00Apr., 1882
172,621Zimmerman, Henry Forest City disease of liver $6.00Aug. 1880

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