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1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Grundy County, Illinois

January 1, 1883

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1883 Grundy County, Illinois List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
70,165Belt, SamuelMorrisimpaired vision$18.00 -
155,724Bingham, SilasMinookawd. r. side$6.00 Oct. 1878
45,212Bogart, Edward DMazonwd. rt. elbow$18.00 Mar. 1878
38,842Buckly, JosephMinookawd. lt. sho. & arm$18.00 -
196,411Buckwalter, NancyGardnerwidow$8.00 June 1882
78,140Burk, JohnCoal Citydis. eyes$18.00 -
45,418Burns, MaryGardnerwidow$8.00 -
78,137Cameron, Angus .Morriswd. r. thigh$8.00 -
120,425Cantwell, EdwardMinookachr. pluritis, & loss of teeth fr. scurvy$2.00 -
72,305Cash, HannahMorriswidow$8.00 -
17,994Cass, BridgetMorriswidow$8.00 Apr. 1864
146,396Cauldwell, RobertGardnerwd. rt. hip$4.00 -
157,700Chappel, CynthiaGardnerwidow$8.00 May 1872
53,411Clow, JohnMorrisvaricose veins r. leg, thigh$10.00 -
60,843Colleps, John GMinookachr. diarr$8.00 -
51,640Dahlem, GerhardMinookadis. lungs$18.00 -
172,240Dand, DavisBracevillewd. rt leg$4.00 Aug. 1880
80,510Day, JohnMorrisloss rt. eye$8.00 -
220,254Dolan, TimothyMinookaloss index finger$3.00 Nov. 1882
27,411Eligth, HansonVeronawidow$8.00 -
130,181English, Curtis WMorriswd. lt. hip & leg$6.00 -
130,898FIanders, Ruth RMorriswidow$8.00 June 1869
71,237Foreman, CyrusVeronag. s. w. l. leg and hip$12.00 June 1874
194,801Frary, PatrickMorrisinjury to abdomen$4.00 Aug. 1881
215,117Frederick, SeckGardnerg. s. w. foreh’d, with dis. brain$6.00 July 1882
61,292Freeman, Harriet ZMorriswidow$8.00 Dec. 1865
196,439Fuller, CorneliaMazonwidow$8.00 June 1882
59,636Garretson, Mary EKinsmanwidow$8.00 -
50,684Gilberry, SpecieMorrisloss lt. arm$24.00 -
166,005Glosson, Edwin CVeronawd. both thighs$4.00 Mar. 1880
96,238Goodson, Geo.Gardnerwidow$4.00 -
29,658Harrington, SarahMorriswidow$8.00 June 1880
141,173Hell, John WGardnerchr. diarr$8.00 -
96,544Henry, Joseph RMazonloss r. eye, inj. to abdomen$8.00 Mar. 1869
86,632Hobby, GeoMorrisamp. Index finger lt. hand$4.00 Oct. 1867
92,073Hoit, Conrad HMorrischr. diarr$6.00 -
200,492Horrigan, DanielVeronag. s. w. of forehead, result partial loss of sight & fits$12.00 Apr. 1882
188,537Hughes, AnthonyVeronawd. rt. arm$12.00 May 1880
87,595Hughes, RichardMorriswd. l. hip$15.00 -
11,291Hulse, Eber WGardnerparal. l. side$18.00 -
93,604Hume, Harold BMorriswd. & rheum.$6.00 -
61,666Hyatt, TheodoraGardnerwd. lt. foot.$8.00 -
32,797Irons, LeanderMorrisshort leg$4.00 -
27,691Johnson, NaomiMinookawidow$8.00 Nov. 1879
35,112Johnson, Ole HMorriswd. both hands$5.00 -
34,299Johnson, Peter AMorriswd. rt. leg$8.00 -
65,712Kelly, MaryKinsmanwd. r. shoulder$8.00 -
84,871Kerns, Wm. WMorriswd. side rt. Shoulder$6.00 -
58,147Kissinger, Aaron LVeronawidow$24.00 -
101,858Le Dioyt, NehemiahMorrisvar. veins both legs, thighs$18.00 -
35,699Lear, James SMorriswd. lt. shoulder$4.00 -
75,539Longaire, Henry CMorrisbad lungs$6.00 -
40,255Malone, Wm.Morrisloss l. arm$24.00 -
138,649Marsh, John NMorrislacerated wd. of perineum$18.00 -
175,290Martin, Joseph LMinookainjury to abdomen$12.00 Oct. 1880
81,707Maryette, MarwinGardnerdep. mother$8.00 Aug. 1866
50,035McConnell, JamesGardnerwd. neck$8.00 -
1,306McLennen, RobertVeronainjury to abdomen$4.00 -
22,833McMann, Wm. WGardnerwd. lt. hand$4.00 -
90,162McNamee, JamesMorrisdis. eyes$4.00 -
35,698Mecham, JamesMorriswd. lt. shr.$8.00 -
207,490Millard, SimonGardnerchr. diarr$4.00 Apr. 1882
164,574Misner, John H .Coal Citydis. r. eye$4.00 Feb. 1880
35,164Moody, Geo. WMorriswd. rt. Leg$8.00 -
96,925Moore, MargaretMorriswidow$8.00 July 1867
184,610Mulvey, Mary EMorriswidow$12.00 June 1879
29,656Oterens, Mary AMorriswidow$8.00 June 1880
26,721Paxton, SarahVeronawidow$8.00 -
110,560Phillips, Freeman SGardnerwd. rt. leg.$6.00 -
44,564Platt,WmMinookaloss r. forearm$18.00 -
189,157Pope, Sarah ZGardnerwidow$8.00 -
162,444Randall, Henry CMorriswd. of head$2.00 Sept. 1879
67,486Rearden, Wm.Morrischr. diarr$20.00 -
103,202Robinson, EphriamMorrisinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
35,096Rolley, Wm.Morriswd. eyes$8.00 -
80,262Sanders, PatrickMorriswd. lt. arm & shr.$4.00 -
76,780Sarsfield, MichaelGardnerwd. rt shoulder$8.00 -
41,070Schofield, JosephMorriswd. lt, leg$12.00 -
77,123Sharp, WallaceMorriswd. r. thigh$8.00 -
96,961Shibble, MaryMorriswidow$8.00 -
39,129Shidler, HannahMorriswidow$8.00 -
141,524Shubal, LockwoodMorrisinjury to abdomen$4.00 -
24,267Smedley, Geo.Morriswd. r. hand$4.00 -
39,304Spellman, HenryVeronawd. l. elbow$14.00 -
190,150Starr, Mary JMorriswidow$15.00 -
102,849Stemile, John NGardnerg. s. w. r. hand$3.00 -
192,618Stephens, JamesMorrisdis. lungs, chr. diarr.$12.00 July 1881
41,071Stitt, Alexander MVeronawd. rt. Shr. & l. leg$12.00 -
7,504Storrs, Wm.Minooka$8.00 Nov. 1871
97,364Sutton, Wm. AGardnerdis. lungs.$18.00 -
187,130Tabor, Wm. J .Mazonvaricose veins l. leg$4.00 Apr. 1881
51,819Taxis, Gideon RMorrisparalysis r. leg$18.00 -
45,380Thompson, Fred’k GGardnerg. s. w. l. leg$12.00 -
2,170Vaughwont, Susan AMinookadep. mother$8.00 June 1876
73,467Wainwright, Jane AMorriswidow$8.00 -
129,720Walcott, John TMazonsaber wd. rt. wrist$12.00 -
23,765Walker, AnnMazonwidow$8.00 -
20,152Walker, PhebeMinookawidow$8.00 -
30,399Watson, AnnMinookawidow$8.00 -
66,744Weldon, ThomasVeronawd. rt. thigh$24.00 Jan. 1879
130,334West, AndrewMorrisg. s. w. l. leg$2.00 -
10,041White, Wm.Morrissurv. 1812$8.00 Sept. 1872
174,681Wittengton, Rich’dMinookaminor$10.00 -
187,778Wolhford, Thos. JMazondis. eyes & legs$6.00 May 1881
212,822Woodbury, Aaron GMorrisdis. eyes$4.00 June 1882
146,198Woodbury, Artemus OMorrispartl. deafness$6.00 -
51,729Wortenbee, William DGardnerwd. rt. arm$12.00 -
97,473Wynn, AnnMorriswidow$8.00 July 1867

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