New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Sac County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Sac County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
152259Allen, Benjamin EWall Lakeg. s. w. l. foot $2.00 Apr., 1878
118722Allen, Horace BWall Lakeg. s. w. rt. hand $3.00 -
126592Allen, Nathan SWall Lakeg. s. w. left thigh $8.00 -
180272Armstrong, James ESac Citychr. diarr. & res. dis. of kid $24.00 Dec., 1880
94585Bedford, WallaceWall Lakewd. r. side $4.00 -
150359Beltis,Wm. FOdeboltwd. l. side $6.00 -
153582Blass, GeorgeWall Lakewd. left check $2.00 June, 1878
119527Boort, Owen KOdeboltg. s. w. left knee $6.00 -
185232Bowker, SimeonOdeboltvaricose veins both thighs $18.00 -
38848Chirchill, ThurmanSac Cityrheum $6.00 -
138435Clark, Denzil JSac Cityg. s. w. rt. femur $3.00 -
74837Cobb, FarnsworthSac Citywd. l. leg $4.00 -
121775Cooper, William ESac Cityg. s. w. right leg $4.00 -
163508Cory, Hugh MSac Cityinjury to abdomen $12.00 Nov., 1879
-Crandall, Orion CGrant Cityampt. r. foot $18.00 -
14099Dingman, Charles ROdeboltampt. right thumb $6.00 -
177763Draper, George FOdeboltinj. of head $6.00 Oct., 1880
94413Duane, MarshOdeboltchron. diarr $8.00 -
28551Evans, John DOdeboltg. s. w. left leg $8.00 -
92907Grimes, Sarah BSac Citymother $8.00 Apr. 1867
-Gulliford, JohnOdeboltdis. of eyes & par. paralysis r. side, res. fr. sunstroke $50.00 Apr. 1878
150216Hammond, Chas. WSac Cityg. s. w. neck & right lip $4.00 Nov., 1877
26669Haradon, EliSac Cityg. s. w. r. thigh & partial deafness of both ears $10.00 July, 1881
174354Hovenden, AdamWall Lakeg. s. w. left leg $4.00 Oct., 1880
189561Hovey, Byron LSac Citychron. diarr $4.00 June, 1881
178956Johnson, George WOdeboltg. s. w. left hip $6.00 Nov., 1880
-Johnston, WilliamWall Lakeg. s. w. r. groin $12.00 -
96408Jones, Harmon ASac Cityinjury to abdomen $11.33 -
139149King, JohannaSac Citywidow of Andrew $8.00 -
-Level, JamesOdeboltg. s. w. l. arm $4.00 -
86922Long, GeorgeOdeboltresults of rheumatism $6.00 -
125632Mayclin, JamesEarlywd. r. knee & l. great toe $5.00 -
199265McCloskey, James WSac Cityg. s. w. right hand $1.00 Dec., 1881
67134McClure, ClarissaEarlymother $8.00 Mar., 1866
147807McKinney, MarthaOdeboltwidow $8.00 Feb., 1871
209318Meyer, JacobOdeboltchron. diarr $4.00 May, 1882
117963Montgomery, Arthur HOdeboltg. s. w. l. arm, should., & side $8.00 July, 1872
12376Mummey, CatharineOdeboltwidow 1812 $8.00 Nov., 1878
115264O'Shea, CatharineSac Citywidow $8.00 June, 1877
223477Potts, CharlesFletcherg. s. wd. left knee $8.00 Dec., 1882
50220Reed, William LSac Cityg. s. w. r. knee $12.00 Sept., 1865
162761Ross, DavidSac Cityg. s. w. r. hand $7.00 Oct., 1879
207080Rottier, Francis MSac Citychr. dis. liver & res. indigest $8.00 Apr. 1882
94073Savage, John WOdeboltwd. l. shoulder $4.00 Dec., 1868
102096Scott, John HOdeboltg. s. w. rt. leg $10.00 -
76251Shea, CorneliusOdeboltwd. l. leg $2.00 -
46597Sheley, MartinOdeboltloss r. foot from g. s. wd. $14.00 -
137008Shelmerdine, JamesEarlyg. s. w. r. shoulder $6.00 -
105458Shumake, Henry WSac Cityg. s. w. rt. leg $8.00 Dec., 1881
100945Smith, Asa BOdeboltg. s. w. left temple $6.00 -
67016Smith, Hiram BOdeboltwd. left leg $18.00 -
152315Stanton, JamesOdeboltloss left thumb $4.00 Apr., 1878
133589Stearns, Benjamin FOdeboltchron. diarr $6.00 -
195996Stratton, James MOdeboltinj. of back & l. foot & ankle $12.00 Sept., 1881
120489Stratton, Joseph KSac Citychron. diarr $14.00 -
60490Vandemark, Henry WOdeboltamp. thumb & ind. fin. r. hand $5.00 -
12005Wallin, John TSac Cityg. s. w. left arm $12.00 -
212829Waterson, AlexanderSac Citylung dis. $8.00 June, 1882

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