New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Osceola County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Osceola County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
-Alexander, Thomas CSibleyg.s.w. both legs $8.00 -
148888Allen, Henry CSibleyloss rt. index finger $3.00 Oct. 1877
145222Blair, JacksonSibleyg.s.w. l. leg & rt. hand $6.00 -
84856Brooks, JacobSibleydis. of eyes & inj. to breast $10.00 -
155090Buchanan, AmosSibleyinjury to abdomen $4.00 Sept. 1878
132587Bull, Chancy HHolmaninjury to abdomen & neural $6.00 -
132928Caulton, Andrew J, alias Saul MyersHolmang.s.w. l. hand $4.00 -
-Churchill, Bela BSibleyinj. to back $12.00 -
126432Clemans, Horace BOcheyedang.s.w. mouth $4.00 -
36928Cloud, AllenSibleyloss l. arm $24.00 -
169227Doolittle, HezekiahSibleyg.s.w. rt. thigh $1.00 June 1880
52048Downend, George SSibleyg.s.w. rt. tibia $6.00 -
103583Dunning, William HSibleychron. diar $4.00 -
138944Fenton, Joseph HSibleydis. of lungs $18.00 -
40523Furguson, JeremiahSibleychron. diar $6.00 -
150214Grass, UnahRush Lakeinjury to abdomen $8.00 Dec. 1877
136078Gray, JohnAshtong.s.w. left arm $6.00 -
66687Haslip, Amanda MSibleywidow $20.00 Mar. 1874
211098Hoff, EldredSibleyinjury to abdomen $10.00 June 1882
74294Hollands, JamesAshtong.s.w. lft. thigh $18.00 -
173352Howxhurst, John PSibleyg.s.w.l. hand $4.00 Sept. 1880
180030Ireland, Lanson GSibleychr. rheum $15.00 Dec. 1880
11257Irwin, William HSibleyg.s.w. breast $8.00 -
205318Jordan, HughSibleychr. diar. & dis. spine $12.00 Mar. 1882
191183Lawrence, William RSibleyg.s.w. rt. thigh $6.00 June 1881
27113Lindsey, EdwardSibleyinjury to abdomen $8.00 -
174416McCallum, DanielSibleychron. diar $4.00 Oct. 1880
167139McCausland, DavidSibleydis. of lungs $12.00 Apr. 1880
27643Mead, Jerome BAshtong.s.w. lft. shoulder $12.00 -
30300Moore, Wallace MSibleyloss rt. arm $24.00 -
223694Morrison, William HSibleychron. diar $4.00 Dec. 1882
213765Mowthorp, WilliamRush Lakechr. diar., dis. lungs & c $12.00 June 1882
127506Nemeyer, William FSibleyg.s.w. head $4.00 -
210696Peisley, PatrickSibleyg. s. w. l. arm $6.00 June, 1882
67403Pfaff, Jacob FRush Lakeg.s.w. rt. shoulder $6.00 -
210328Proper, PhillipSibleyneuralgia & dis. kid. $6.00 -
-Randall, Andrew VOcheyedang.s.w. rt. hand $4.00 -
125935Rea, WallaceSibleyg.s.w. rt. shoulder $4.00 -
185593Reynolds, Earles PSibleyg.s.w. rt. groin $4.00 Mar. 1881
106583Ripley, William ESibleyblindness $72.00 -
46122Robinson, John LSibleyg.s.w. rt. shoulder $4.00 -
108862Runyon, HarmonSibleychron. diar $4.00 -
94093Schultz, SamuelSibleyg.s.w. rt. knee $8.00 -
172855Shaw, Joseph KSibleyinj. rt. knee $2.00 Aug. 1880
22607Shell, LeviSibleyg.s.w. face $10.00 -
-Spencer, Davis JSibleywd. rt. foot $4.00 -
178098Stamon, John FSibleydis. of lungs $12.00 Oct. 1880
188173Van Campen, John CAshtonpis. shot wd. abdomen $4.00 May 1881
193985Van Horn, Sidney CAshtong.s.w. lft. foot $4.00 Aug. 1881
221719Walters, HarveySibleyinjury to abdomen $4.00 Dec. 1882
51165Wilmarth, Judson CAshtong.s.w. lft. arm $7.00 -
106418Wilson, Rusell KSibleyinj. to foot $6.00 -
68254Wood, David BSibleyg.s.w.l. foot & chr. catar $6.00 -
42616Wooldridge, WalterSibleywd. l. shoulder $8.00 -

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