New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Louisa County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Louisa County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
141580Allbough, AlexanderColumbus Junc'nchr. diarr., attended with constipation$6.00-
179884Allen, Joseph LCairog.s.w.rt. thigh & part. deaf$10.00Dec. 1880
59124Allen, Wm. GWapelloloss rt. leg$24.00-
123791Allison, EugeneWapellog.s.w.l. hand$3.00-
106519Alloway, Wm.Columbus Cityg.s.w.l. hip$8.00-
207228Asher, DennisColumbus Junc'npartial loss rt. thumb$2.00Apr. 1882
215140Bailey, Willard FColumbus Cityg.s.w. head$2.00July 1882
170482Baltz, JosephMorning Sung.s.w.l. leg & rt. shoulder$2.00June 1880
73107Barringer, Mary CColumbus Citywidow$8.00June 1869
166699Barringer, Samuel EColumbus Junc'ninj. l. breast$8.00Apr. 1880
198136Bebb, Evan EColumbus Junc'ndis. eyes$6.00Nov. 1881
215279Bell, EbenezerColumbus Cityg.s.w.l. ear and head and resulting deafness l. ear$4.00July 1882
7498Bell, SamuelWapellosurv. 1812$8.00Nov. 1871
210812Bird, JohnWapelloinjury to abdomen$10.00June 1882
94970Black, IsaacCliftong.s.w.rt. hand$6.00-
104637Blake, Lander HColumbus Junc'nrheu. & hydrocele l. side$14.00-
53867Brown, DennisCairow. forefinger & l. hand--
60960Brown, JosephGrand Viewg.s.w.l. forearm$18.00-
1833Brown, NathanMorning Sunsurv. 1812$8.00July 1871
162770Brown, Thomas MLettsslight wd.l. knee$8.00Oct. 1879
16664Brubaker, John AWapellog.s.w. back, rt. side & rt. forearm$14.00-
189280Burlis, LeonardLettschr. diarr.$4.00-
24189Burnett, Sarah AColumbus Citywidow$8.00June 1864
204460Buser, SemoriGrand Viewdis. throat & lungs$4.00Mar. 1882
-Carr, ThomasWapellog.s.w.l. hip & leg$8.00-
46596Chapman, Wm.Wapellog.s.w. rt. thigh$10.00-
60273Cornelius, John WMorning Sunchron. opthalimia$4.00-
112934Crocker, Wm. HColumbus Junc'ndis. of abd. vis., par. par., resulting in chr. diarr$12.00-
33935Crull, JacobFredoniainj. to spine & res. paralysis$50.00-
124243Daniels, EmerColumbus Junc'ndis. eyes$6.00-
20590Darrow, Harriet JColumbus Junc'nwidow$8.00Nov. 1867
219583Darrow, Wm. HColumbus Junc'ng.s.w.l. ear & l. arm$12.75Oct. 1882
165860Davison, Hiram BWapellog.s.w.l. leg$6.00Mar. 1880
212861Denham, Henry LColumbus Cityg.s.w.l. foot$4.00June 1882
70852Dougherty, Wm. JWymang.s.w. rt. shoulder$12.00-
142128Duncan, Andrew LColumbus Junc'ndis. eyes, g.s.w. rt. leg$14.00-
167405Edginton, Francis MFredoniadis. lungs$8.00Apr. 1880
135214Elliott, Wm. PMorning Sung.s.w.l. foot & loss 2d toe$8.00-
202719Ellis, AlbertWapellodiarr. & scurvy, resulting in dis. of gums$10.00Feb. 1882
157177Erwin, George SColumbus Junc'ng.s.w. rt. thigh, dis. eyes$12.00Jan. 1879
38257Fielman, FrederickWapellog.s.w.l. side$6.00-
219046Flack, Robert P.M.Columbus Junc'ninjury to abdomen & meas.$2.00Oct. 1882
116479Frack, Joseph MColumbus Junc'ng.s.w. of back$8.00-
212676Frazel, Joseph WGrand Viewinj. of rt. eye$2.00June 1882
25166Garvin, JohnMorning Sunsurv. 1812$8.00June 1879
140471Gast, HermanGrand Viewg.s.w.l. shoulder & rt. hip$10.00-
172981Gellie, MargaretToolsboroughwidow & 2 children$8.00Apr. 1876
147151Gill, LewisWapelloinj. to l. foot$4.00July 1879
202097Green, Wm. RCairochron. diarr. & bronchitis$4.00Jan. 1882
7296Grewell, Rebecca DColumbus Citymother$8.00Nov. 1863
146686Griswald, Edward OColumbus Junc'ng.s.w.l. thumb & rheu$18.00-
208282Grubb, John LColumbus Junc'nvertigo, result of sunstroke$20.00May 1882
6854Hall, LouisaMorning Sunwidow$8.00May 1867
210865Hall, Walter FColumbus Junc'ndis. of stomach$8.00June 1882
160261Hamilton, Robert MMorning Sung.s.w.l. thigh$4.00May 1879
69129Haniel, Mathew GGrand Vieww.l. lung & rt. breast$25.00-
188037Harding BenjmainColumbus Citychron. diarr. & dis. abd. vis$20.00May 1881
187355Hartman, Wm. PColumbus Citychron. diarr.$6.00Apr. 1881
59842Hauts, SimonGrand Viewg.s.w.l. forearm$8.00-
43093Havenden, Wm. JWapellog.s.w. in rt. leg and result'g partial paralyis$18.00-
19872Heghee, JosephMorning Sung.s.w.l. shoulder style='mso-spacerun:yes'$24.00-
108257Hewitt, Robert BMorning Sung.s.w. rt. hip$12.00-
215233Hiler, DavidGrand Viewg.s.w. rt. chest & rt. arm & chr. diarr., res. enlarg'mt liver$6.00July 1882
183587Honesicker, Mary AnnWapellomother$8.00Mar. 1879
205827Howe, Samuel HColumbus Citysunstroke, resulting in congestion of brain$4.00Mar. 1882
58136Hunt, Harvey HBardg.s.w. throat, chr. rheu$12.00-
166997Jackson, JesseFredoniadis. of eyes$8.00Apr. 1880
47837Jackson, RebeccaWapellowidow$8.00June 1869
68781Jones, Edward ECliftonamp. l. leg$24.00-
136801Jones, LumanWapelloloss index fing. rt. hand$3.00-
143951Jordan, Martin VLettsw. rt. leg$4.00-
214108Kelley, Milo AColumbus Citychron. diarr., dis. liver & resulting dis. of heart$8.00June 1882
49990Kelly, James SGrand Vieww. of l. hip$18.00-
123113Kuder, Jackson AFredoniachr. diarr. & g.s.w.l. hip$10.00-
48598LeBautillier, Sarah AMorning Sunwidow$8.00Feb. 1876
177943Lesner, Ruth TWapellowidow & 1 child$8.00June 1877
90520Marion, General FColumbus Junc'ng.s.w. abdomen$15.00-
155507Marshall, Wm ECairog.s.w. rt. forearm$8.00Sept. 1878
123977Martin, JamesWapelloshell w. rt. leg$12.00-
48670Mathews, Wm. BWymanw. rt. hand$8.00-
116443McConahay, SarahCairowidow$8.00July 1868
182570McCoy, Samuel HColumbus Citychron. diarr.$4.00Feb. 1881
19121McCullough, MargaretColumbus Citywidow 1812$8.00Feb. 1879
19786McCurley, JohnColumbus Junc'namp. rt. Thigh$24.00-
178129McGill, Wm. HGrand Viewchr. diarr. & dis. of spine$24.00Oct. 1880
185839McGrow, ElizabethWapellomother$8.00Oct. 1879
129629McKay, DanielWapellog.s.w. both thighs$10.00-
49861McKay, Norval WWapellog.s.w. rt. shoulder$5.00-
103427McKenry, Thomas MColumbus Cityg.s.w.l. hip$8.00-
222183Meeker, Thomas SLettsinj. to head$4.00Dec. 1882
197176Mickey, SarahFredoniamother$8.00Sept. 1882
122626Minchen, Wm.Wapellog.s.w.rt. side & res. dis. liver$8.00-
108057Minehen, Eliza JWapellomother$8.00Feb. 1868
-Mitchell, Henry HWapelloexsection 4 inches l. humerus$18.00-
142401Moon, IsabellaColumbus Citywidow$20.00Aug. 1874
3605Morris, MarthaWapellowidow$8.00July 1868
68909Murray, JosephCairog.s.w. rt. leg$8.00-
178808Neal, ClaraColumbus Citywidow and 2 minor of$8.00Oct. 1877
17673Neil, IsabellaLettswidow 1812$8.00Feb. 1879
96675Nelson, CatharineWapellowidow$8.00July 1867
21225Nixon, HarrietMorning Sunwidow 1812$8.00Mar. 1879
178568Parr, RichardMorning Sunrheu$18.00Nov. 1880
26436Paschal, Allen SColumbus Junc'ng.s.w. rt. shoulder$12.00-
108749Patten, ElizabethMorning Sunwidow$8.00Feb. 1866
100179Paxton, James RColumbus Cityrheu. l. leg$18.00-
122900Paxton, Robert JWapellodis. of heart & lungs$18.00-
111446Pennington, JamesMorning Sunchron. diarr$8.00-
174360Pontznis, James WBarddis. eyes$8.00Oct. 1880
133827Presburg, John CWapelloinjury to abdomen$8.00-
212362Rathfon, LeonardWapellodis. eyes & frac. ribs, l. side style='mso-spacerun:yes'>  $8.00June 1882
77760Rathfon, MaryWapellomother$8.00July 1866
113050Raushenberger, HMorning Sunchr. spasms$24.00-
148942Raymond, Thomas LColumbus Junc'ndis. of abd. vis., resulting in dis. rectum$12.00Oct. 1877
186248Reighley, George WLettschr. diarr. & inj. l. leg$12.00Apr. 1881
135763Reynolds, ChalmersColumbus Junc'ng.s.w.l. leg$14.00-
61782Richards, John DLettsw.l. hip$12.00-
189859Robinson, MaryWapellowidow$8.00Sept. 1880
192864Sabin, Mary DGrand Viewwidow$8.00July 1881
189363Schmoker, ElizabethGrand Viewwidow & 1 child$8.00Aug. 1880
123325Shaffer, JacobColumbus Cityg.s.w.l. shoulder$12.00-
29572Shafford, Benjmain FMorning Suninj. to spine$18.00-
122726Shipman, Joseph RMorning Sung.s.w. rt. shoulder$12.00-
169138Smice, JohnToolsboroughdis. of eyes$2.00June 1880
2548Smith, Hannah CGrand Viewwidow$15.00Aug. 1873
74830Smith, James RColumbus Junc'ng.s.w. rt. arm & l. shoulder$18.00-
10462Spofford, OleanColumbus Junc'nwidow 1812$8.00Jan. 1872
119214Sprague, John EWapellog.s.w.l. side$4.00-
119846Sprow, JohnToolsboroughdis. of eyes$12.00-
158583Stertin, James CFredoniarheu. and neuralgia$12.00Mar. 1879
44148Stevens, James FColumbus Cityw. rt. thorax$18.00-
193216Stone, JosephWapellominor of$12.00Aug. 1881
166996Stram, JamesWymandis. eyes$4.00Apr. 1880
124345Tedford, Wm. AColumbus Junc'ng.s.w. rt. thigh$6.00-
219884Tharp, JamesGrand Viewchr. diarr., res. in pyspepsia$4.00Oct. 1882
317729Thompkins, Silas WWapellog.s.w.l. leg$4.00Sept. 1882
53124Thompson, Wm. BGrand Viewinjury to abdomen$18.00-
212609Townsend, MinusColumbus Junc'nchr. diarr., res. in dis. of abd. vis.$8.00June 1882
185429Tucker, Cythia AnnFredoniamother$8.00Sept. 1879
175848VanAuken, George LColumbus Junc'ng.s.w. rt. cheek$6.00Oct. 1880
210784Vanderoost, Francis AToolsboroughchron. rheu$12.00June 1882
68769Vaughn, SamuelWapellog.s.w.l. forearm$18.00-
189037Walker, HiramGrand Viewdis. of eyes$4.00May 1881
114791Watts, James MColumbus Junc'ng.s.w. rt. temple$2.00-
137883Weare, MaryLettsmother$8.00Dec. 1869
177493Weaver, ErastusCairorheu. & resulting dis. heart and paralysis l. leg$18.00Oct. 1880
162053Weaver, JohnLettsinjury to abdomen$6.00Aug. 1879
221492Welch, EdwardWapellog.s.w. of forehead$2.00Nov. 1882
86034Westfall, George WColumbus Junc'ng.s.w.l. hand$8.00-
46735Wheeler, James HColumbus Junc'nfrac. l. leg, knee & thigh$14.00-
192643Whitlack, Wm. NColumbus Junc'nchr. diarr., res. in dis. of abd. vis.$4.00July 1881
21596Williston, UtterColumbus Junc'nloss rt. leg$24.00-
148886Wilson, John WMorning Sundis. of eyes$4.00Oct. 1877
190883Wilson, Margaret JaneMorning Sunwidow and 2 minor of$8.00Jan. 1881
218537Woodruff, Chalmers PColumbus Cityinjury to abdomen$4.00Sept. 1882

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