New Horizons Genealogy

1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll
Howard County, Iowa

January 1, 1883

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1883 Howard County, Iowa List of Pensioners on the Roll includes, the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the Post Office address, rate of pension per month, and the date of origional allowance.

Cert. #Name of PensionerPost OfficeAdd. Cause for pensionRateDate of Origional Allowance
141945Alexander, Marvin B.Florencevillechr. myelitis$24.00-
6319Baker, EuniceLime Springwidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1874
196957Barker, Elijah I.Crescoinj. to rt. arm$4.00Oct., 1881
168193Barnes, Jas.Crescoinj. to lft. hip$18.00May, 1880
213714Beadsly, Chas. B.Crescog. s. w. rt. foot$4.00June, 1882
205142Becker, JohnHoward Centerdis. of heart$12.00Mar., 1882
141586Benson, LeonLime Springenlargemnt liver & spleen$15.00-
151185Bernhart, LydiaLime Springmother$8.00June, 1871
205143Bigley, Thom.Crescodis. lungs & liver & par. deaf$18.00Mar., 1882
138055Blackburn, JohnCrescog. s. w. rt. arm$16.00-
203851Carson, Peleg N.Lime Springdis. of abdominal viscera$8.00Mar., 1882
183965Clark, MichaelCeciliag. s. w. both thighs$4.00Mar., 1881
223300Combs, Geo. W.Crescovaricose veins$12.00Dec., 1882
188724Culver, Mary K.Crescomother$8.00June, 1880
178874Cummins, Thos.Florencevilledis. of kidneys$2.00Nov., 1880
60177Durgin, Natt. S.Crescoresection lft. arm$18.00-
165545Everingham, B. D.Crescoinj. of spine$8.00Mar., 1880
221943Ferris, Elias K.Crescoinj. to lft. leg & ankle$4.00Dec., 1882
221943Ferris, Elias K.Crescoinj. to lft. leg & ankle$4.00Dec., 1882
4428Fuller, David M.Lime Springg. s. w. lft. thigh$8.00-
14517Garnsey, ParmeliaCrescowidow$8.00Dec., 1866
184313Garver, DavidLime Springvertigo & debility$18.00Mar., 1881
198471Gragg, HiramSaratogadis of heart$12.00Nov., 1881
212458Haaf, PeterBustichr. diarr. & malar. pois'ning$8.00June, 1882
170881Hall, Jas. A.Lime Springinjury left ankle$16.00June, 1880
174535Hallman, JohnCrescodis. of eyes$8.00Oct., 1880
199738Harper, WilliamChesterrheum. & dis. of liver$6.00Dec., 1881
73152Hathaway, ElizabbethCrescomother$8.00May, 1866
219703Hawkins, Henry C.Crescodis. of abdominal visceta$12.00Oct., 1882
186058Hazan, Seth O.Lime Springdis. of abd. vis., erysipelas$12.00Apr., 1881
203643Hews, Benj. F.Crescodeafness both ears$6.00Feb., 1882
209438Holvorson, JohnCrescochr. diarr. & dis. of abd. vis.$8.00May, 1882
162809Hope, Sarah JaneCrescowidow$8.00Oct., 1873
197156Howard, JohnCrescoshell wd. in head$4.00Oct., 1881
194077Howe, Philip C.Lime Springdis. of abdominal viscera$8.00Aug., 1881
222429Howland, Isaac B.Lime Springinjury to abdomen$6.00Dec., 1882
204108Hughes, Wm.Crescog. s. w. both thighs$4.00Mar., 1882
188543Humphrey, Geo. R.Cresconervous prostration$15.00May, 1881
184599Humphrey, John W.Crescoinj. to lft. leg$12.00Mar., 1881
18821Huntting, BenjaminCrescoloss lft. arm above elbow$24.00-
32608ilerist, Mary AnnCrescowidow 1812$8.00Aug., 1882
73125James, MichaelCrescog. s. w. lft. cheek$12.00-
170952Johnson, Mary M.Lime Springwidow & 2 children$8.00Nov., 1873
186883Kellogg, HannahCrescowidow$8.00Feb., 1880
204110Knowlton, AlfredLime Springbronchitis, dis of abd. vis. & dis. eyes$14.00Mar., 1882
204773Laidlaw, Wm. E.Crescoch. rheum., diar. & dis. chest$12.00Mar., 1882
192134Llewellyn, HurleyBonairchr. diarr., dis. abd. viscera & scurvy$12.00June, 1881
-London, OrrinLime Springdis. of abdominal viscera$8.00June, 1882
200082McAndrew, AndrewCrescoloss lft. index finger$4.00Dec., 1881
168585McCartney, Geo.Bustig. s. w. both hands$2.00May, 1880
-McCollum, JamesCrescoparalysis$18.00-
32638McMillan, Betsey E.Crescowidow 1812$8.00Sept., 1882
-McMillan, Jas. E.Crescosurv. 1812$8.00-
218126McNamara, JohnCrescorheum. & lumbago$6.00Sept., 1882
188315Meek, Alexander McDLime Springchr. rheum.$18.00May, 1881
168583Miller, Chas. H.CrescoInjury to abdomen$8.00May, 1880
215821Miller, Silas A.Lime Springdis. of abdominal viscera$6.00July, 1882
206966Minter, WilliamCrescochr. diarr., paral. rt. side & deaf. rt. ear$8.00Apr., 1882
191750Monroe, Phillips J.Bonairchr. rheum. & diarr.$10.00June, 1881
193156Moore, Sylvester F.Crescochr. diarr. & dis. of lungs$12.00July, 1881
209149Moses, RichardLime Springinj. to abd. & inj. rt. leg$8.00May, 1882
163202Nicholas, Sam'lCrescochr. diarr. & malar. poisoning$12.00Oct., 1879
26290Ostrander, LucyLime Springwidow 1812$8.00Aug., 1879
25219Parker, Abram W.Lime Springwd. rt. thigh$3.00-
209851Patterson, Wm. H.Crescoparal. lft. leg & rheum.$18.00May, 1882
-Potter, Mary E.Crescowidow$8.00-
200256Powell, William H.Crescochr. bron. & deaf. & l. ears$17.00Jan., 1882
223192Reed, Lewis G.Cresconervous debility$8.00Dec., 1882
212134Rice, Chas. W.Crescodis. of lungs$6.00June., 1882
196308Richards, EuniceCrescomother$8.00June., 1882
57394Richards, JosephCrescowd. lft. foot & ankle$16.00-
200213Rowles, Humphrey W.Crescochr. diarr. & rheum.$6.00Jan., 1882
199554Salisburg, Henry C.Florencevilleg. s. w. rt.side$6.00Dec., 1881
210397Sawyer, Chas. W.Crescodis. urinary organs$8.00June, 1882
97872Schofield, WalterCrescowd. in back$8.00-
82266Shatfield, Geo. A.Crescoophthalmia$24.00-
194701Sheldon, Joseph F.Lime Springdis. of abd. vis. & debility$12.00Aug., 1881
222376Shumway, Herbert R.Lime Springchr. diarr. & dis of abd. vis.$8.00Dec., 1882
103560Sisco, Martha J.Bustiwidow$8.00Nov., 1867
94096Smith, Calvin J.Chesterwd. left arm$2.00-
69342Stockham, Horace G.Chesterg. s. w. rt arm$8.00-
99863Thomson, Sam'l. L.Crescochr. inflam. of kidneys$10.00-
102848Tipton, John, Jr.Lime Springdis. of heart$8.00-
191238Todd. ChristopherCrescochr. diarr. & dis. of lungs$10.00June., 1881
163118Vanleuven, Geo. M.Lime Springchr. diarr.$8.00Oct., 1879
86738Vanleuven, Geo. M., JrLime Springdis. of eyes$15.00-
142,?35Vanleuven, Henry C.Lime Springdis. of lungs$8.00-
196267Warburton, Mary A.Crescowidow$8.00June, 1882
183613Webster, Geo. W.Bonairdis. liver & spleen$20.00Mar., 1881
50445Wells, HarrietLime Springwidow$8.00July, 1865
106417Wentworth, LorenzoCrescog. s. w. of hand$12.00-
104025Wiley, MaryCrescowidow$8.00Dec., 1867

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