New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1840 Census of Pensioners
Hampshire County, Massachusetts

June 1, 1840

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The 1840 Hampshire County Massachusetts Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services with their names, ages, and places of residence, as returned by the marshals of the several Judicial Districts, under the act for taking the sixth census.


NameAgeHead of family
with whom residing
Elijah Bartlett82-
Lydia Marble77-
Simeon Clapp80-
Sarah Gardner71-
Elisha Babcock79-
Elizabeth Phelps77-
Reuben Taylor78-
Gersham Randall90-
Samuel Hinckley83-
Asa French83-
Nathan Brooks82-
Shubal Wilder81-
Chloe Wright73-
Esther Clark80-
Thomas Lyman83-
J.C. Flanders47-
Elihu King81-
Levi Strong60-
John Hoxie65-

East Hampton

Payson Williston76-
Stephen Wright81-
Luke Packard80-


Josiah Dunbar76-
Bobert Brown76-
Erastus Kentfield75-
Thomas Squires75-
Ebenezer Hawkes81-
Andrew Howard78-
Eleazer Owen79-
James Walker82-
William Clark88-


Ebenezer Mattoon85-
Silas Johnson75-
Barnabas Seares75-
Mary Cushman83-
Rhoda Graves86-
John Dickinson82-
Judah Clark83-
Jonathan Thayer76-
Willis Coy76-
Nathan Sprout77-
Samuel Thompson80-
Simeon Dickinson83-
Peter King84-


John Smith87-
Levi Dickinson85-
Joseph Smith90-
Thomas Smith78-
Ebenezer Pomeroy81-
Daniel Bartlett86-
Olive Emes84-
Patience Washburn95-
Sybel Montigue88-
Experience Corbin84-

South Hadley

Sarah Bellows77Stephen Pepper


Solomon Whipple88-
Ichabod Woods80-
Aseneth Grout72-
Oliver Smith78-
Silas Cook88-


Nathan Fish77-
John Atkinson75-
Roland Sears77-
Sarah Stacy76-
Stephen Powers75-
Silas Williams76-
Alexander Conkey87-


David Whipple81-


James Lumberton78-
Lemuel Andrews79-
Stephen Andrews81-
John Wheeler79-
Alice Stearns70-
Mille Gould79-
John Osborne84-


Abner Hunt75-
Solomon Snow85-
Anthony Hunt84-
Timothy Kingsley81-
Elias Root78-
Cornelius Tileston83-
Judith Wait86-
Phebe Thayer84-
Ann Hayden82-
Miriam Wires90-
Lucy Skiff77-


Ambrose Stone83-
Zebulon Wilcott80-
Abigail Manning77-
Rachel Gloyd83-


Ebenezer Dickinson87-
Josiah Shaw77-
James Richards83-
Joseph Gloyd76-
Vinson Curtiss78-
John Hamlen78-
Samuel Streeter86-
Philip Packard77-
Jacob Nash79-
Susanna Clark74-
Deborah Gardner75-


Gersham Brown79-
Samuel Fallett86-
John Stone77-
Joseph Holcomb81-
Luther Pomeroy82-
Lot Drake80-
Marsh Zepporah78-
Lear Tower93-
Mary Parsons73-


John Newton82-
Jemima Taylor87-


Asa Todd84-
Patrick Bryant75-
Joseph Torry86-
Abel Cushing76-
Joseph Burnell83-
Asa Shaw92-
Isaac Damon78-
Deborah Whiting80-
Theodoma Phelps84-
Sally Utley77-
Margaret Davis73-
Catharine Wilcutt84-
Mercy Damon75-
Hannah King79-
Deborah Hatch76-


Sandford Holsey74-
Samuel Wicks75-
Stephen Angell75-
Giles Lyman82-
Nathan S. Colkins86-
Solomon Thomas79-
Isaac Coit86-
Sally Whetherby85-

West Hampton

Oliver Atwell85-
Joel Burt81-
Seberry Fisk79-
Samuel Edwards87-
Sybel Bridgman78-
Submit Clark78-
Dorothy Alvard82-
Rachel Bartlett82-


Seth Frary81-
Silas Porter80-
Joseph Guild80-
Sarah Smith85-
Martha Geary80-
Orpha Swift77-


Jacob Pomeroy88-
Mansford Avery85-
Aaron Bates82-
Abraham Losee82-
Timothy Clapp87-
Lemuel Bates85-
Thomas Rowley87-
Anna Hannum82-

[ 1840 Census of Pensioners ]