New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1835 State Census Index

Town of Rome - Book 1

Oneida County, New York

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Head of household	Page
Abbey, Phineas		21
Adams, John		7
Adsit, Sylvanas		17
Agans, Philip		5
Allen, Joseph		3
Allen, Riley		3
Amidon, Jabez		11
Anderson, Levi		13
Anderson, Peter		13
Anderson, widow		13
Armer, Nicholas	`	21
Asborn, Jacob R.	15
Asburn, Jedediah	11
Ashby, Daniel		9
Avery, William B.	15
Ayan, Nikolas		7
Baker, William		5
Baldwin, Samuel		23
Ballard, Nicholas	17
Baron, Friend		11
Barns, Rufus		11
Bartlett, John		11
Barton, Norman		9
Beckwith, Robert	9
Beeman, John		17
Belnap, John		7
Bigalow, Putnam
Bigham, Abraham		17
Bigham, Christopher	1
Blackman, Nathaniel	13
Blair, Henry		17
Blanchard, John R.	11
Brainard, Jonathan	15
Brewer, Stephen		15
Bridenbecer, John	3
Bridenbecker, George	3
Briggs, Joseph		11
Brodock, Submit		3
Brown, Thomas		1
Brush, Elijah		23
Burns, George		21
Burrows, Abell		23
Burrows, Asa		19
Burrows, Caleb		19
Burrows, Calvin		3
Burrows, David		21
Burrows, Elijah		19
Burrows, Herrick	19
Bushnel, Daniel		1
Bushal, William F.	1
Bushnal, Jason		1
Buskirk, William	11
Butler, Ezekiel		9
Butts, Daniel		1
Butts, David K.		1
Butts, Sally		1
Butts, Whitman		1
Carpenter, Harmon	13
Champney, Herry		13
Chapman, Benjamin	1
Christman, Adam		13
Clapland, Ephraim	23
Clark, Andrew		9
Clark, Elijah		5
Clark, Lyman		5
Clark, Robert		23
Cleaveland, Ezekiel	3
Cleaveland, Isaac	13
Colburn, Asa		1
Colburn, Porter		9
Cole, Gideon R.		7
Comstock, Garner	15
Cook, Joseph		23
Coonradt, Henry		7
Coonradt, Philip	7
Coonradt, Philip, Jr.	17
Coonradt, Stephen	7
Cropsey, David		3
Cune, Alexander M.	17
Darrow, Pliny		7
Davis, Edwin		17
Davison, Robert		5
Day, Alfred		13
Damewood, Nickolas	9
Dempsey, Thomas		3
Denio, Israel, Sr.	5
Denio, Israel, Jr.	1
Dodge, Samuel		23
Dopp, Henry		3
Dopp, Henry, Jr.	15
Dority, Charles		21
Doty, Edward		3
Driggs, David		3
Dun, Eleanor		7
Dunbar, Martin		1
Dunham, John		21
Dunham, Joseph		21
Edgerton, Hiram		11
Edgerton, Sims		11
Edwards, Joshua		15
Elden, John		21
Elenwood, Daniel	3
Evans, John		19
Eychaneuar, John	1
Farquaharson, John	23
Fitzgerald, William	19
Ford, Elam		3
Fox, Jedediah		7
Fraser, Solomon		13
Frink, Theophilas	19
Fuller, Asa		5
Fuller, Asa		15
Fuller, Samuel		7
Gibson, Ira		23
Gilbert, Peter B.	15
Gilbert, Thomas		11
Gillet, Ebenizer	3
Gillet, Israel		17
Glass, Alexander	13
Gould, Ebenezer		11
Graves, Ansel		3
Green, Daniel		19
Green, Joshua G.	23
Greenold, Henry		21
Greenwood, Oliver	17
Griswald, John		13
Griswold, John B.	13
Halbert, James		15
Hall, Augustus		19
Hall, Simeon		3
Hammil, Caleb		23
Hart, james		17
Hartwell, Ebenezer	19
Hartwell, Peter		24
Hatch, Burrell		23
hatch, Sylvana		23
Hawly, Crandal		11
Hawly, Elijah		15
Hawly, Ira		13
Hawly, John		13
Hawly, Lonzo		13
Hawley, Roswell		15
Hay, Henry		17
Hayden, Henry		15
Healy, Resolve		15
Henry, John		9
Herrington, William	5
Hersey, Huldah		11
Hersey, Seth		11
Heuson, widow		19
Hibbard, Levi		19
Hibbard, Samuel		21
Hiek, Philip		3
Hilebeth, Benjamin	12
Goag, John		23
Holcomb, Noadiah	9
Hollester, Samuel	23
Holmes, Luke		9
House, George		23
Howke, Frederick	13
Hoyle, Daniel		13
Humiston, S.		5
Huntington, James	9
Huntington, Mathew	21
Huton, James		13
Hutson, William		13
Hyde, George		3
Hyde, Jacob		3
Hyde, James		17
Irving, Henry		7
Jacobs, James		17
Jenne, Ashley S.	9
Jewel, David		13
Jewel, Lemuel		15
Jewel, Nathaniel, Sr.	13
Jewel, Nathaniel, Jr.	11
Jewet, Elijah		1
Jewet, Thomas		1
Johnson, Sylvester	19
Johnson, Thomas		23
Jones, Robert P.	11
Jones, Ambrose		3
Kavans, James		23
Keny, Josiah		23
Kent, Orin		13
Kicklin, John		21
Kilbourn, Holmes	13
Kimble, Abel		15
Kimble, William		7
King, John		15
Kingbury, Flavel	9
Kirkland, Joseph	5
Kirkland, Susannah	11
Kirklandt, Andrew	1
Kittrick, William	1
Kirklandt, Henry	15
Knight, Clark		15
Knight, Daniel W.	1
Nightingale, David	1
LaJou, Nicholas		1
Lampshire, Joshua	23
Lane, Widow		9
Lanfear, David		21
Lanfear, William	21
Lawrence, David		21
Lawrence, Samuel	19
Lee, Luther		17
Letson, David		21
Lince, Jacob		9
Lince, Henry		9
Link, Nicholas		17
Link, William		7
Loness, Godfrey		3
Lorin, David		13
McNany, Michael		17
McThee, Danne		17
Mallary, Henry C.	17
Malory, Elmer		11
Marshall, Asa		21
Martfield, John		3
Mathews, Jared		17
Matteson, Daniel	7
Matteson, Hannah	7
Matteson, Simon		21
McMurton, Alexander	21
Meyrs, Egburt		7
Milks, Samuel		5
Miller, John		5
Miller, Oliver		5
Miller, William J.	3
Millman, John		19
More, Henry		17
Morrison, Peter		7
Morrison, Seth		7
Morton, Reuben		23
Mower, Coonradt		7
Muckey, John 2nd	9
Multes, Hudah		19
Munderbunk, Betsey	3
Murn, John M.		17
Murphy, John		5
Murry, John M.		17
Murry, Thomas		23
Muvihill, Daniel	11
Nelson, Elijah		21
Nelson, Moses		21
Nicholas, Robert	21
Niles, David		19
Niles, Elisha		19
Niles, Jacob		19
Niles, John, Sr.	19
Niles, John, Jr.	19
Niles, Samuel		19
Orcutt, Francis		13
Oringer, Hiram		9
Osborn, Joseph		13
Otis, Amos		9
Otis, Joseph		9
Pease, William		11
Peck, Gates		17
Penfield, Abisha	23
Perkins, Joseph		23
Perry, Eli		5
Perry, Paul		5
Perry, Philip		5
Potter, Green		1
Purdy, William		17
Quigg, Richard		19
Race, Thomas		1
Ramsy, David		11
Rape, William		5
Resnaw, David		9
Reeves, William		9
Richards, Benjamin	15
Richmond, Simeon J.	23
Riley, William		21
Ritter, Hart		7
Rob, John		15
Roberts, Elihu		3
Roberts, William	9
Roe, Ezra G.		15
Rodgers, James		3
Root, Erastus		21
Roy, T.B.		1
Rushaw, Francis		1
Russel, Moulton		5
Russel, Samuel		5
Seaman, Jonas		13
Selden, Philander	9
Selden, Thomas		9
Selden, Philemon F.	7
Shaw, Elisha		9
Sherman, John		19
Shields, Joseph		15
Silyee, Adam		3
Silyee, Robert		3
Skinner, Robert		9
Skinner, Wright		15
Smith, Alexander	1
Smith, Henry		9
Snow, Amos		7
Snow, Freeman		15
Snyder, James		21
Somerville, William	13
Soper, Treelwell	9
Spakeman, William	1
Sprague, Joseph		15
Stanford, Downer	7
Steer, Noah		9
Stephens, John		19
Steves, Philip		21
Steves, Samuel P.	21
Stewart, Stephen	7
Stephens, Henry		7
Surs, John		23
Suter, Peter		3
Suter, Lavin Widow	3
Tenen, Edward		15
Thayon, Aaron		5
Thompson, James		5
Thompson, John		11
Tibbitts, John		21
Tibbitts, Jonathan	19
Tinker, Allen		15
Tolcott, William	23
Tryon, Clarissa		19
Tryon, John		5
Tryon, William		19
Turner, John		17
VanBuren, John		5
VanDreaser, Henry	7
Van Scoik, Peter	5
Vreidenburgh, Andrew	5
vreidenburgh, Isaac	5
Wallace, Joseph		21
Walker, William		15
Walworth, Asa		17
Walworth, George	11
Watson, Ebenezer	1
Watson, Henry		1
Watson, John		1
Watson, William		1
Waterman, Daniel	23
Waterman, Freeman	23
Webb, Silas		17
Welbon, Robert		1
Welsted, James		23
Wescott, John		17
West, Phebe		5
West, Widow		17
Westerman, Samuel	19
Wheat, Benjamin		11
Whafles, John		11
White, Dan		7
Whittle, Benjamin C.	23
Wheat, Grant		5
Wheeler, Chester	21
White, Henry		17
Widrick, James		9
Wiggins, Benjamin	11
Wiggins, David		13
Wiggins, John		7
Wiggins, John		13
Wiggins, John, Jr.	13
Wighman, Joshua		5
Wightman, Silas		11
Wilks, Benona		1
Wiles, Abraham C.	7
William, Jesse		11
William, John		9
William, Solomon	11
Willson, William	15
Win, Eliphalet A.	5
Winters, William	5
Winds, Abigale		11
Woods, William		19
Woodward, John		17
Woodworth, Hiram A.	2
Woodworth, John R.	3
Woolcott, Martin P.	15
Woolsey, Commodore	13
Wright, Allen, Sr.	15
Wright, Allen		15
Wright, Ebenezer	7
Wright, Elisha B.	7
Wright, Joseph		11
Wright, Thomas G.	9
Wright, William B.	5
Yates, John P.		19
Yates, Peter C.		19
Yeomans, William	11
York, Peter		17
Youngs, Isaac		7